NPS-1260 Connection fluid

Interesting item.  May try.

any others use it?
It’s supposedly a contact enhancer. These are used when cables (or 6.3mm adapters - or any mental surface with contacts) oxidizes and therfore loses some conductivity. When this happens you may not hear sound in one channel or the other.

This product solves the problem:

The actual performance of your system is dependant on things you can actually measure: speakers, headphones, amps, DACs, CD players etc. - in other words "machines." And cables have no souls. Gingers do.
I just bought a few gallons.  Got a quntity discount.

Even crappy speakers sound better.  So i buy this stuff and unpack all my old gear and it all sounds amazing.  Just saved thousands.  No need to buy better gear.  Sooooo happy.

so will it also improve car performance?  Spark plugs?  Battery?
  Thanks nps 1260
Total Contact ....

@millercarbon  I read what you wrote about this product. 

OP, check it out it. Overtime some conductivity issues can arise. it is not unreasonable to assume there is merit to this product.
There is merit to so much.  This aint one to seriously consider.  Has a 98% markup.  Spend money on accoustical panels.
A product sounds the same regardless of the markup. And if you havent tried it you are in no position to comment.
Stabilant 22, 5ml Kit Makes 30ml of 22A

$55.00 at Amazon.

Used in Avionics. 
What is Stabilant 22? Stabilant 22 is an electrically active material which stays resident within a contact-pair, there enhancing conductivity without causing electrical leakage between adjacent contacts. Although Stabilant 22 does have a detergent action it is not sold as a cleaner, just as it has a good lubricant action but is not sold as a lubricant. Stabilant 22 is used to increase the reliability of contacts. Tenfold to one hundred-fold increases are not unusual. At the present time it is used in many different types of contacts, including card-edge connectors, D-type connectors, MIL-spec connectors, signal switches, etc.Stabilant 22 is an initially non-conductive amorphous-semiconductive polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropyline block polymer with a molecular weight of about 2800 that, when used in thin films between contacts, acts under the influence of the electrical field and switches to a conductive state. The electric field gradient at which this occurs is established during manufacture so that the material will remain normally non-conductive. Its switching speed is too slow to allow it to be used in the more traditional semiconductor applications; however, this means that signals at frequencies substantially above five cycles per hour will not be modulated by the switching characteristics of Stabilant 22.Thus, when applied to electromechanical contacts, Stabilant 22 provides the wide-bandpass connection reliability of a soldered joint without bonding the contacting surfaces together! In its undiluted form at room temperature, Stabilant 22 has the viscosity of medium-weight motor oil, although it thins out with increasing temperature, starting to decompose into the two polymers it is formed from at about 240° Celsius. It has a very low vapor pressure and therefore there is no appreciable loss of material from evaporation. It has been in some applications for more than fifteen years without renewal.
Betting if we did mass spectrometry and atomic absorption we will find that Stabilant and this $599.00 venom are very similar.
Just saying but I am not spending $599 to find out. I do have an OA kit if any one wants to send a sample.
This is nothing. Wait until you try Mapman’s Meta Contact Goop + (MMCG+). Coming soon. Right after my funky fuse. It will be way better than this and TC combined with no health hazards and a much better bargain. You will have to try it to see.
Not sure why it wouldn't, but you can do much better with your interconnects/cables than radioshack. 

Probably not so good as a nail polish remover. If that is what you are looking for, I suspect there are a lot of cosmetology forums out there for you to visit.  
How is it that this particular product is allowed  to get panned by people who have not tried it?   Is the hired shill on coffee break or something?

I took a chance on this product. After I applied it sparingly to my RCA interconnects, my system went “dark” (higher frequency slightly attenuated, midrange flattened a bit) but something positive was happening with the spatial presentation, the clarity and the reduction of harshness...after a couple days that darkness lifted and the sound was still improved in areas of clarity, dimensionality and overall ease of presentation. I call it like I hear it and though I don’t understand how it’s doing what it’s doing in my system, it’s results are as advertised/promoted.

Wow.  Praise be. Immortality is possible. 
Could also be do to reduced earwax congestion.
I don't know about immortal. But I have been around by latest estimate 15 billion years. Or maybe 20. Hard to know. Anything past the last 63 or so gets a little hazy.
+1 davkobza
I all so applied it in small amounts and got great results. Did not coat the whole power prongs  just the tips. About a half inch from the tip, thin coat got great results. Now that i see how good this product s i may go back and add more to each spot where i applied a small thin coat.
People want to dismiss this product but I could care less. They’ve never used it and have no subjective experience to go on. I know it works, and that’s good enough for this end user. I bought the smaller bottle and still have enough material for applying to a few more systems...
@davkobza The smaller 1.5 ml how many cable ends did you do before empty ? Do you have any Mc .05 in your system ? What was the first thing you heard different after applying ? Time period you heard it ? 
Thxs for you help. 
I still have quite a bit left IME after treating four interconnects and two sets of loudspeaker cables (one set with bi-wiring terminations)...

When I first applied it to just one pair of ICs, the sound went a bit “dark”...this is apparently a common effect during break-in period. The high frequencies seemed softened, as did the dynamics to some degree. As such the overall volume lessened.
By the end of day one the dynamics had come back to a good degree as did some/most of the highs. It took two/three days for everything to come back fully, though the sound had changed and for the better.
Continuing to apply to the other ICs and speaker cabling, there was again a bit of the dark sound signature for a couple of days, each time with increased results.
What was apparent from day one application was a difference in the soundstage coherency. It sounded more solid and dimensional even with the transitory darkness playing out.

The end result was a fuller, more dimensional and coherent soundstage with a sweeter top-end. The dimensionality aspect was also apparent at lower listening volumes.
I do not have any Mc.05 in my system.
I don’t doubt that contact enhancers like NPS-1260 can and do work, but I do wish they’d tone down the marketing baloney.

There is no "nanotechnology" at work here. They developed (or more than likely, "borrowed" what somebody else developed) a medium that suspends graphite, which greatly increases the contact area of electrical connections it is applied to.

More than likely NPS-1260 is used in some other area of electronics under another brand name and available for a fraction of the cost.

There seems to be 2 competing threads on this subject.
I have posted my reply on the other.


Or Rick has taken a similar product and added some special sauce. In any case I too think it probably does work, but it does seem a bit pricey and I am not ready to try at this time. 
Or Rick has taken a similar product and added some special sauce.

I’m suspecting it’s something used in the aero space industry or perhaps the military. You can just imagine the extreme environment of space where temperatures swing by hundreds, if not thousands of degrees. A number of people must have been working hard and for many years at not letting the electrical connections fail. 

Audio is just not nearly important to warrant research of this kind. One of the venders probably has a friend in at JPL or where tax money is spent hand over fist on research.
I’ve tried it on three systems. My home theater system had great results as other people have replied. Clarity improved greatly. It was around 200 hours before I noticed the full impact but there was immediate results when applied. When I first turned on my system after applying it to my speakers I had it on the news program and for the first time I realized I was hearing the inside of the room that the anchor was speaking in. I applied it to a friend system and a local installer and both agreed results were spectacular. I just wish people would keep an open mind because whatever High Fidelity’s created here Are was given them is a breakthrough for audio. 
Betting if we did mass spectrometry and atomic absorption we will find that Stabilant and this $599.00 venom are very similar.

Both are probably (or possibly) a graphite powder suspended in some glycerol based solution. If somebody is willing to give it a taste test, I suspect it would taste sweet and like a pencil.

Just saying but I am not spending $599 to find out. I do have an OA kit if any one wants to send a sample.

I'm not planning to spend the money either. If either works better than my home brewed contact enhancer I won't be too sad - I only spend $15 and 10 minutes of my time.

After treating only the ground terminals on my RCA connectors (analog cables only) I already feel there is a slight improvement. 

I use light grain sandpaper and this really exposes contact surface.  Also, glass countertop cleaners are very effective.  
I take my connection care very seriously.

This miracle product is beyond my reach so i take alternative measures.

I have used Perfect Path Technology Graphite and the 1260 and both products produce great results in soundstage and clarity.  
I just completed painting all contacts in my system except for the fuses.  Afterwards I immediately played some music on my Modwright 5400 Signature Truth CD player.  I wasn't expecting a great improvement right away, but the SQ was way better than I thought it would start out at.  The bass had texture I've never heard prior and the details and soundstage width just made me laugh at times it was so great.  I've already got many black boxes in the system that each have made very significant improvements, but this was big.  I 'm going to enjoy the next 2 months of it getting even better as it goes.  Prior to this, I've experienced the improved sound from pasteing the contacts with PPTC and knew what to expect--the 1260 may be even better sounding than the TC by the end.  It goes on easier and takes less to do the system.  I have about 235 individual contacts if you count each pin on a tube plus the rest.  I did all the contacts coming from the black boxes too.  Before today, I had painted at least half of the contacts 3-5 days ago--followed by several listening sessions.  It sounded better after doing then, too. Not nearly as much jump in SQ as today was, however.  Today's painting involved all the RCA male pins, and 90% of the AC prongs and IEC prongs, along with all contacts used by my TT/ arm and cartridge.  

This stuff is absolutely a great tweak that all should use.  The sound becomes even more real, detailed, dynamic, and 3D big time.  My SP Tech Revelation Mk-V speakers Had sounds coming from door to door on each side of the room.  It's hard to believe so many new sounds were now heard or were much easier to hear since doing this.

If there are still unbelievers, too bad for you.  It is quite a bit of effort to do all the contacts in an involved system, but that is the only drawback.  At most, it took about 2/3 of the small bottle to do both my small home theater system and my big rig.  Someone could still easily do their entire system with what's left.  You use less material than the TC--maybe 55-65% as much.

You preferred the sound quality of Stabilant 22 over NPS-1260 in your system? What did you like better about it, other than price? 

Please advise 

NPS-1260 is the first and only contact enhancer I have tried. I heard a noticeable improvement in detail and soundstage.  I couldn't tell you how it compares to others,however I am a believer in the 1260. 
I have used Stabilant 22 until now it was not bad. The NPS1260 is much much better. Much more detail and much larger sound stage.
rocray & 68pete,
I agree with you on the SQ improvements IRT 1260. Just wondering why danmar liked Stabilant better than 1260. Don't think I've heard that opinion before.  
Hi all,
I just tried that "Nail Polish" NPS-1260 on about 80% of all metal connections in my system and the result was outstanding. I found the improvement was instant, and it quickly transformed my system to another level. It quickly switched me from a doubter to a believer.... worth every pennies, IMO.
In a short few words, 8Pete said it all, "much more detail and much larger sound stage". Sorry viewer Dorkwad, I didn’t finish reading your full review because it is long but I’m sure yours and mine will have many similarities.
As I said it in my other post (in cable category), I strongly believe every audiophiles should at least try this liquid 1260, rich or poor, newbies or veterans, entry level or mega system, this is the best $350 you’d probably ever spend. You can hold up on that IC or power cord or even the amplify that you are planing to buy. Get this audio enhancement. It will surprise you and will please you immensely.

Rick has been a proponent of Stabilant 22 for years. In a previous era this product was rebranded by Sumiko and called 'Tweak'.

In regards to NPS-1260, I have not tried it yet, but I can guarantee you that Rick would not have rebranded some off the shelf product. He is an intuitive inventor and would have come up with a special formulation that he got a chemical company to produce just for him. 

Yes there is a lot of hype and fluff in the marketing, but it will be a unique product no one else does in the industry.
This is the ingredient’s in the NPS-1260

This product is a mixture of conductive polymers and conductive nanoparticles.

1. Palladium Nanopowder (Pd, 99.95%, 15 nm)
Palladium (Pd) 7440-05-3
2. Rhodium Nanopowder (Rh, 99.95%, 15 nm) Rhodium (Rh) 7440-16-6
3. Platinum Nanopowder (Pt, 99.95%, 15 nm) Platinum (Pt) 7440-06-4
4. Ruthenium Nanopowder (Ru, 99.95%, 15 nm) Ruthenium (Ru) 7440-18-8
5. Iridium Nanopowder (Ir, 99.95%, 15 nm) Iridium (Ir) 7439-88-5
6. Gold Nanopowder (Au, 99.95%, 15 nm) Gold (Au) 7440-57-5
7. Silver Nanoparticles Silver (Ag) 7440-22-4
8. Graphene Nanoplatelets (95+%, thickness 2-8 nm, 3-6 layers) Graphene 7782-42-5

1. Palladium Nanopowder (Pd, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-05-3
2. Rhodium Nanopowder (Rh, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-16-6
3. Platinum Nanopowder (Pt, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-06-4
4. Ruthenium Nanopowder (Ru, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-18-8
5. Iridium Nanopowder (Ir, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7439-88-5
6. Gold Nanopowder (Au, 99.95%, 15 nm) 10% 7440-57-5
7. Silver Nanoparticles 10% 7440-22-4
8. Graphene Nanoplatelets (95+%, thickness 2-8 nm, 3-6 layers) 10% 308068-56-6
9. Conductive Polymer 10% Not Applicable
10. Shungite 10% Not Applicable

After using it for a few weeks now I say it is good stuff.  I have treated starting from my circuit breakers to my speaker cables, interconnects and phono.  The background is blacker than ever.  Listening to CDs: I hear background noise in some CD tracks now.  At first, I thought I was hearing the S/N of the DAC but it is only on some CDs.  I hear studio echo in CD tracks- something that I used to only hear with vinyl.  My new DAC/Transport is a whole level higher in detail than my last CD player but now the detail is further enhanced with the GPS-1260.  Streaming is dead quiet as well but I can't see how to treat a USB cable.  I'm worried about shorting the pins with the stuff.  I still need to treat all of my tube pins but I just can't stop listening for now.
You know, the rheostats for automotive fuel level senders are made from a conductive ink silk screened onto a ceramic card.  This conductive ink is a paste made of Gold, Paladium and Platinum.  A tube of this paste 20 years ago cost about $5000 but it made several thousand sender cards.  Used to use a Silver paste but OBDII requirements killed that.  The ingredients in GPS-1260 are not cheap.
So only 10% of the formulation is graphene. The rest are rare earth mineral nanopowders.

Also 10% conductive polymer, which you would presume is Stabilant 22 or something similar, and interestingly 10% shungite.
Boxer, to tell you the truth, I haven’t tried NPS. I’ve been using Stabilant 22 for many years now. Do I hear a difference? Maybe, maybe not. Years ago I tried Mapleshades silver contact enhancer, I definitely heard a improvement, but I found every 6-months or so, Pierre suggested to clean & retreat all connections. I found that to be a lil more work, for what it was worth. Stabilant 22 is in my eyes is a one time application, unless I would have to break a connection & retreat my cables. I feel any contact cleaner/enhancer is worth a try, it just makes sense. Many Electricians I know, use Stabilant 22 on their panel installations. I use it from my Sub panel rite up to my tube pins!
To all,
I’ve never met Rick just spoke with him on Mc 05s, he came across to me as straight forward answers on them. He told me about this before it went public I shyed away from it only because of painting cable ends. I thought I dont want to sit there every so often to paint connectors all the time. That’s it, if you only have to do it once then great I’d try it. But until I know that then forget it, so if one can say that.
Enjoy 🎶