New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

@tony-t1 - Welcome to the thread and thanks for your post! I've placed E-Cards a long my speaker cables and the improvement was significant. I'm getting the impression you are literally wrapping the cables with E-Mats which seems like a great idea. I'm going to try it out this weekend!
  1. Like going from 1080i to 4K or something.
Same thing by using the E-Cards on my desktop PC. 
Never loop, or cross, or tangle wires. All these cause induction, the signal in one gets inducted into the other. Spacing reduces this. If they must cross, right angles will minimize this.

E-mats and E-cards are so much more powerful they completely obliterated the induction downside and improve the sound anyway. 

Both work best around power, and speaker cables are the most power, after power cords, power strips, etc.

One of the more amazing things I've seen is the way one E-card on my laptop improves video when I use it for movies. Like going from 1080i to 4K or something. 
Ecards may work well. More stiff and very thin to penetrate a portional depth of some carpets. Could be a balancing act but worth trying for a positive benefit. As Tuffy and Tony suggest could be a start of a new product.Tom
 Thanks for the new possibilities of the emats+ .Or possibly the practicality of a new PPT product. Very interesting. Doesn't surprise me  much. Maybe different mats should be made thinner and wider to better work with the dimensions of speaker and other cables.

Greetings all. Long term lurker on this this thread, and owner of regular and plus E-mats for a couple of months. I have already seen great results with the usual placement of mats in line with what everyone else reports. I currently have mats in the breaker box, behind the speaker drivers, under the amp, under the digital power supply for dac and streamer, and under an Isotek power strip which supplies them all.

I had a bit of a revelation today through an accidental re-arrangement of my cables, and wanted to report it, for the benefit of others. I get the impression from this thread that a number of key uses of the mats has come from experimentation, so here’s another one to try. (As always your results will vary with your particular system and circumstances.)

For a while I have been thinking about trialling cable lifters. My speakers are only about 1m either side of my amp, so my 1.5m speaker cables have a lot of slack in them, and cables had been lying on the ground (carpeted floor over concrete). Today I decided to tidy up the rear of the equipment rack. The Isotek power strip sits on the floor along the back of the rack, on top of two regular E-mats (the strip is only about half the depth of the mats). I tidied up the power cables, then in order to better separate the power cables from the speaker cables I coiled the slack part of the speaker cables into two loops per cable, secured with a cable tie. I then set these up so they sit vertically on the unused half of the E-mats. That way not only do I get most of the cable lifted up off the floor without having to use cable lifters, but the only (small) part of the cable which does touch the floor is resting on the front part of the E-mat.

The result is extraordinary. I would say a greater impact on noise floor, 3D image, separation and micro-detail than when putting the E-mats into the system in the first place on the breaker box and under the key components. This could be due to getting the speakers cables mostly off the floor (I might have had the same result with just cable lifters), but I suspect its more to do with getting the coiled part of the cable over and touching the E-mat. This may be something that other people have already reported, but if not, I suggest if you have some slack in your cables you try looping them and putting the loop on an E-mat and see if you also get a significant impact on sound. (if the cable wont stay on the mat, use a little blu-tack to hold it in place). I hope this helps people with another potential step up due to these amazing mats.

Ozzy ...

Just for fun, take the two mats from under the Niagara 77000 and the Ayre and tape them to the backs of each speaker in line with the mid-range drivers and see what happens. 


Oh yeah I now have lots of mats. 
But, I only have 4 of the Omega + mats. I have 2 of them in my breaker box. One under my Niagara 7000 and the other under my Ayre preamp.
They are mighty impressive in these positions. 
Right now, I have to spend $$$ on a tooth implant. So more mats will need to wait. Lol!

With the E+ mats, yes, I noticed an improvement right away that became more of an improvement over days. At first, the sound was a bit much in the low end. Over time, the sound refined to a very satisfying performance. Hard to say what you should do. Maybe put them somewhere else and add your next order of mats to your amps? May I ask, where are you in overall mat usage--not so much in numbers, but in distribution?
I now have some E+ mats around components and quite a few regular mats spread around, eg, under each Maggie speaker, over breaker switches, under CD player, under and on top of a transformer. The E+ mats under amps were the last placed--did have regular mats there, though. Those four regulars were able to go elsewhere. So, wondering if my amps responded so well to E+ mats because other areas had been treated first?
I am looking forward to your results either way.  
You have a great system!  I have a feeling there are more mats in there now than I am seeing in your pics.  

Thanks for the reply. I tried the mats under my Bob Carver mono blocks and I did not like the results, too forward sounding. But perhaps I didn't give it enough time. Did you notice an improvement right away?

Ozzy, they are tubed amps, eleven in each, and they are way over their traditional life of 2500 hours.  I have new sets of KT150 tubes to put in, but I just can't stop listening.  
Most people think that upgrading consist in buying better electronic components... And simple tweaking of the multiple embeddings (acoustical, vibrations-resonances, electrical ) of an audio system seems to them too beautiful to be true... But the reality is that, upgrading by exchanging an already good component to a so called better one is an illusion and an elusive course...

Any real upgrade consist first in the revelation of the true potential of what we already owns, without knowing yet what is able to do in the first place the audio system we listen to for years...

Omega Path technology seems to simply gives a real upgrade to what we already enjoy and after that making us able to forget about buying anything else...

It is my experience with my own tweaking... No need of LSD to awake to a better sound...Simply: takes care of the multiple embeddings, the acoustical and electrical one being the most important...

Without these embeddings cares the most costly system will sound bad, or at least not at his peak level at all and sometimes atrocious... At this moment yes to forget this fact, LSD or Scotch is a good idea :)
Sounds like to many of those magic-mushrooms made there way into your morning tea...8)
Day 10 of having added two E+ mats, making two under each ARC REF 210 mono block.  Each track is popping out into the room in a hyper-pure tapestry of rich dimension--the presentation is psychedelic!  
I just read an audiogon blog on the Akiko Audio Triple A/C Enhancer.   Wow, the negative of the Triple A/C Enhancer sounds like the Synergistic Research Black Box. The Black Box cut off highs over 8K wherever placed in a room using 32 HFTs.  The poster found that the negative was rounded off highs.  I'm hoping for PP to make a better unit with no negative effects, like the Omega Mats.

Both the Perfect Path stuff and stuff like Akiko a similar thing as the Shungite, except much more and better (more focus).
My point is precisely that, you must use copper tape on one side to polarize the effect of the shungite, and you must also use most of the times with it the tourmaline or Herkimer diamond to balance the effect of the powerful shungite… If not, the effect of the shungite will be less focused, less strong, and erratic in the frequencies... I had called that kind of plate "golden" plate for this reason... My best...

By the way I had near between 25 or 30 golden plates in my audio system... And upgrading electronic components indeed seems a past thing for me...
Both the Perfect Path stuff and stuff like Akiko Audio (I have the Triple AC Enhancer plugged into my Torus Power Conditioner as well as of late Friday an eMat+ beneath it - and I understand that Perfect Path may also eventually be making a plug in device like the Akiko) do a similar thing as the Shungite, except much more and better (more focus).  I recently used some Shungite paint on some things too - make a home version of Stop-Its.  The paint doesn't stick great to the plastic child proof receptacle covers and also it's too much of a pain to get copper shielding tape on (and one ends up stripping off the paint in many cases).  I kept a bunch and plugged them it.  I gave a bunch to a friend (who will be away for several days) and he will bring them over to another friend's house, along with the Shungite tiles to give him a taste of it.  I told him if the home made Stop-Its work to any degree, I'd take back what was left in the box (of 50) unpainted and paint them for anyone who wants to try them.  When I paint my rooms, I'll use the Shungite paint on the inside of the receptacle covers (since I'm going to be taking them off anyway). Of course as a bang for the buck, the Shungite is one of the best cheap tweaks that anyone can do (so if someone hasn't jumped in you're missing out).
Thanks cascadesphil for your answer, I understand your situation...And I dont doubt that Omega path products are better anyway than the golden plate... I am just curious about the exact difference... :)
No - don't believe he has tried the Herkimer.  As noted, for now my stuff is on hold until I get some stuff done (have new power recliners on order and will move the power recliners I have in the main room now to a secondary room and need to get stuff done with other things on the schedule).  When I get around to getting some more Shungite tiles (probably not for a few months) for the secondary systems (and while they are good I don't use them tons), I'll see if I can get to it.  It's not a big priority for me as I use mainly the Perfect Path stuff in the main system, as well as have Perfect Path mat in the breaker box.  One of the secondary systems (while very good for audio) is used for for UHD TV and movies (and its my priority when the new sets with ATSC 3.0 tuners come out to get a bigger set than I have not and then rotate what I have - then I'll be playing with that system) more than anything else.
These orgonite tiles are shungite tiles renamed orgonite tile; without copper tape nor tourmaline then I doubt that they will be better than my golden plate ( which are also of lower cost)...

You friend has used the copper tape with the shungite? And even Herkimer diamond or tourmaline to balance it, especially near speakers ?

The effect is very more improved with these...
Asking question cannot makes a fool of me, and my questions are not from your mouth, then cannot makes a fool of you indeed... For Uma Thurman I dont know... And they are only that, questions from an ignorant fool...But questions they are...

Thank you for your interesting remarks ...But why non crystals minerals worked anyway?
While I do think it’s true that there are many sources of noise and distortion I actually don’t think we are able to distinguish one source from another. In short, the audible effects of RF are similar - or may be indistinguishable from - the effects of vibration and “other sources” of noise and distortion. When you ASSUME something you make a fool out of me and Uma Thurman. 💃
I haven't tried the quartz as I'm primarily using the Perfect Path stuff (have some of the Shungite tiles).  My friend who I originally lent the first Shungite tile has ordered more and will probably get more.  He also did a demo for a couple of other audiophiles.  I just got (late Friday) a couple of more double mats, a couple of single ones and more cards (and I'm also about to take apart the furniture and take out the components from a couple of secondary systems in small bedrooms to paint (so  I probably won't do much over the next month or so - I did listen to one secondary system last night after putting it a couple of cards and having the emat inside the breaker box for 24 hours and liked what I heard.

From what I've been reading (thanks to many here for their great contributions), Orgonite might be a good candidate to try too -   There are tiles one can get (although a bit more expensive) - e.g.  Besides the painting, I've got a couple of things to get to over the next couple of months and if no one has tried them, I might give it a shot.
I know... You say that to me before...And I apologize for my stubbornness.... I am no scientist, but I cannot understand my experiments with only this piezo effect, there is none with the shungite or lava beads, because they are not a crystal, then the piezo effect cannot by itself explain all this phenomenon ( the change in sound quality corresponding to each kind of minerals with his own qualities) with not only crystals but other minerals non crystalline... However shungite not being a crystal, like lava beads also for example, work nevertheless in the same manner like a crystal modifying the sound on all my stones grid, on the S. G. and even on the amplifier , but with less desirable sound effect on the amp tough, because too much powerful, like lava beads...If it is piezo effect only, when I place these quartz stick on top of the amplifier, the vibrations being the same than near the tone controls,why dont we hears no audible effect like when they are located near the tone controls aperture? 

For me it is some filtering effect, not only a piezo effect....But this is only a metaphor to convey my impressions about my experiments....

Thanks Geoffkait for your patience with some bad poet.... :)
If I were RF I would just do an “end run” around your quartz crystal. Have you considered that the (strong) piezoelectric effect of quartz is acting as a resonance controller as opposed to an RF absorber or blocker? RF has no charge and no mass so how can a crystal absorb it or block it. RF would flow around 🔄 the quartz crystal. An end run. Quartz is not a Bounty Towel for RF.
It is perhaps why quartz on the aperture of the tone controls of my amplifier works clearly and audibly to block these RF... I dont see anything else...Shungite (my golden plate) is not a crystal but may degrade the sound touching the amplifier because too much powerful...

Or else, they seem to work for maybe everything but RF. But, if I’m having RF problems, then I haven’t identified them with my ears yet.

>>>>>>How can you know you’re having RF problems by the sound? What does RF interference sound like?

But, the home environment is not a vacuum. RF can be reflected or blocked, can it not??

>>>>>The home environment is not a vacuum but it’s almost a vacuum. RF travels at almost the speed of light in air and at a very high percentage of the speed of light in solid materials like glass, wire, insulator. The reason I mentioned that RF travels at the speed of light in a vacuum was part of my teaser, what is RF? What is the only particle that always travels at lightspeed in a vacuum? 
RF can enter unused wall outlets, openings in electronics like unused RCA plugs. RF can be reflected and is ultimately absorbed by room surfaces, but we are under a continuous barrage of RF, even from microchips and house AC. RF constantly illuminates the entire room like a Christmas tree🎄
Hi Steve: Welcome to the Perfect Path Tech experience! In the beginning , I was skeptical of these products having been a tweaker for many years. All of these accessories are the real deal, with the Gate being by far the most dramatic (as well as the most expensive). Like you said "as funds allow" has been my approach, and it's really been fun! There really is no downside to these products. I know that I'm coming off as a shill for Perfect  Path, but the proof is in the listening. Good listening. Jeff
Hi all! Long time lurker here. I have been watching these posts for quite a while on the mats and finally decided to try a couple. Ordered a couple before Christmas and then my wife made me put it under the tree. Bummer!  
But Christmas Day two Plus mats went in. I have a small dedicated breaker panel for my music room so decided to just put one there and then put the other with my Uberbuss power conditioner. All I can say the sound keeps getting better every day. For me I think three weeks may have been more of a “pop” than at two weeks. 
Many thanks to all of you for posting about this product and of course thanks to PPT for creating this product. I called Krissy to order the product and she was awesome to deal with. And just like others have said the the product came very quickly with a surprise. A couple of surprise cards are helping out my phono pre. 
I can tell you that as funds allow more products will be coming my way. 
With all that said can anyone tell me if The Gate should be a sooner than later purchase or is there more bang for the buck sticking with the mats?

But, the home environment is not a vacuum. RF can be reflected or blocked, can it not??
Or else, they seem to work for maybe everything but RF. But, if I'm having RF problems, then I haven't identified them with my ears yet.
Teaser. RF is massless and charge-less. It always travels at the speed of light in a vacuum. Sound familiar? 😳
I think some stones like shungite does the work....ivan_nosnibor

Very interesting post of yours thanks...

I wish I can answer you interesting questions Geoffkait…. I cannot... but I think when I read you at least... :)
I don't really know the answer to that question either, although I've been told that when you have the 'soup of noise' in the home environment all the different 'alphabets' (EMR, EMI, RFI, microwaves, etc, etc) are not just 'passing through' each other' unaffected as it were, they are blending, interacting and influencing each other in the process. Don't ask me to defend exactly how this process works, I'm only, for now, accepting that maybe it does, but I'm plainly not enough of a physicist to fathom the hows. 

But, what you get in this noise mish mash is not the various noise types independent of each other, and not really so much clusters of them separately, but it has been described as a weird sort of "elephant man" distortion of the original a blob of standing waves that changes shape according to environment influences, the dynamic power-related ones of how many circuits in the room (or home) are active, off, in sleep mode or are changing with the power demands of the music, the wifi, other usage patterns or what have you. It may also shift its size or location when you like open a door or move around in the room. IOW, RF **may**, I only say may, be piggybacking, to some extent, onto other energies in the room that Do have a charge.

The whole elephant-man blob, though, is looking for a path to ground. So it is attracted to anything in the room with lower resistance...your components, the in-wall wiring, anything metal and of course us - we are electrical. Perfect Path, Alan Maher Designs or whatever other quantum-based solutions going forward, will work on the same principle: to 'wick' away the 'blob' by providing a resistance that is lower than anything else in the room. This doesn't **completely** get rid of it, but it does plainly reduced that energy...the idea in general to reduce it inside the component, at the breaker box, the in-wall wiring, system wiring or wherever else it may be deemed advantageous, but note that where that idea points to in the end, is to effectively treat the whole home...even though for many people's particular performance goals, that would not be strictly necessary. 

Technically, as I understand it, this is done by attracting the positive charge of the blob into the noise reduction filter or device, in which it exits the other side as negative ions. IOW, these are environmental scrubbers...just scaled down from the industrial smoke stack applications.

Graphene then, is not really the only material to be looking at for such a design. Highly conductive ceramics, high purity silver, gold or copper, nano-carbon fiber and anything else of very low resistance might be fair game.
Geoff I will say that any part of any signal can be reflected back into the signal path. RF if can enter anywhere and it will ..will become part of the signal influence. There are multiple open input paths on most audio devices. Tom
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An innocent question. How can a sheet of Graphene UNDER a component shield, absorb or otherwise prevent RF from entering the component through the top or through the sides? RF has no charge so it cannot be attracted like a magnetic thing. Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “The steel or aluminum chassis acts as an RF shield.” Well, if that’s the case, then the chassis bottom should do the same, no?
@noromance someone has to do it, do it so just buy it, buy it and report back.
You have to ask yourself what am I buying on the internet or eBay? There are lots of folks selling Graphene. Graphene powder, Graphene flakes, graphene oxide powder, Graphene in solution, Graphene oxide sheets. Multi-layer Graphene. There is one 5x5 inch Graphene oxide sheet for $159. Who knows what you’re really getting? Everybody’s doin it, doin it, everybody’s chewin it, chewin it. 🤗
I apologise for implying the distributor (never mentioned any specific party) may be acting in an unsavory manner. The distributor's skill in their assembly is most likely reflected in the results obtained and it is their right to charge what the market will bear. Nevertheless, I do believe that the actual products are made from off the shelf components. My point was intended to enquire if anyone knew what could be used. I have seen graphene sheets available for use in sheilding.
It is a patented effect. Very easy to figure it out. Just check the patent.

Can somebody cut one of the inexpensive mats open and see what they actually are ? For the sake of science 
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