NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables

CT Graphene Matrix Cables:

I have been using the CT GE cables for almost two years.
I recently traded up for a full loom of CT Graphene Matrix cables, including speaker, interconnect and PCs, and I wanted to share my experience. I started by replacing only the ICs to try and hear the differences.

The new Matrix interconnects sounded better than the GE immediately after install. I found the original Graphene Extreme ICs to be good but not on the same level as the outstanding GE speaker cables. As break-in started to clear things up, I can hear more clarity and detail not heard before. The ICs are incredible on their own and at the 30 hour mark, I can hear a clear superiority over the GE ICs. I recently started using the Teo Game Changer ICs and preferred them over GE but the Teo has now fallen to the new Graphene Matrix ICs. My Teo’s were and are great, and it is stunning to experience Cerious Technologies commitment to making great technology better.

On the third day of listening to the GM ICs. I couldn’t wait anymore, Having too much fun. I then installed the speaker cables and power cords once I had a pretty good feel for the sound of the GM ICs.

With the full loom of GM cables running in they are going through some strange changes and definitely need time to settle down before realizing what they can really do and very important Bob says to not move them. Since I have a home office I can let them run in all day. I’m at around 120 hours now and they are still improving. Here’s what I’m hearing:

Extended highs and tighter lows.
More detail and better low level listening
Drums are tighter, more clearly defined. So real is the snap of the snare drum. The bass has more depth, seemingly goes deeper, lower. This aspect stands out the most.

I am not in the industry, I’m not an engineer, I don’t work for Cerious Technologies, but I am a fan of the cables and am enjoying what my system is capable of.

I’m closer to my own pinnacle of sound reproduction than ever before.


So we were all ready to pull the trigger on our biggest Black Friday sale EVER! My son - my apprentice - went on a well earned trip to China for 10 days. While he was gone someone who knew he was going and for how long totally cleaned out his house and stole EVERYTHING! They stole his furniture, his appliances and all his electronics. Just his clothes in a pile in the middle of his bedroom. Then they stole his car.
Needless to say we are playing catch up. SO...Cyber Monday sale it is! Details coming and ads will be up tomorrow. Happy Thanks giving!
Wow sorry to hear about your sons loses. I've been waiting for this sale, hoping its something jump on
Hello everyone...Happy Cyber Monday! We will be running ads on Audiogon to outline the sale, too. So here we go. What is the DEAL?
It is our first 30/40/50 event. Purchase one Graphene Matrix product and get 30% off. Purchase a second GM product and get 40% off. Purchase a third, fourth or fifth product and get 50% off! If you purchase soon, you will have until the end of the year to add on for the 40/50% off giving some time if you need to sell some other gear to take advantage. your spouse would say "The more you spend, the more you save!". Now it is your turn. At these prices we cannot accept GE trade ins and if you purchase multiple items the most expensive will be the 30% off. Our website will not accommodate the progressive discount so just contact us and I will forward an invoice. Those of you who have purchased from me in the past know I am easy to work with and I always find a way to get you a great deal so just talk to me (and my son needs the extra work hours, too...). Even though I will get asked this question yet again...Yes we still have a 30 day full money back policy if not delighted. Thank you so much for the continued support and I hope this brightens your Holidays.
Thanks Bob!

I'm still enjoying all my Cerious Matrix cables after using/trying so many others brands previously.

Merry Christmas!

Sounds good. I used the "contact us" tab on your site and just gave a list of 4 or 5 cables I wanted. Not sure if there is a phone number, couldn't find it. 

This will be my first venture into premium speaker and power cables.
And interconnects... doing it all at once, I guess. 

Are you ok? I have been unable to contact you.
Has anyone communicated with him lately?

Thanks everyone for the replies. I just heard from him.
Merry Christmas!

On Matrix speaker cables: website says “four piece set” at ordering page. Does it mean the price is for four speaker cables for bi-amp?
Hi Everyone! Bob from Cerious...
The last six months have been great for us, setting a sales record for a six month span. Since launching our Cyber sale we have sold more in this one month than in the previous six! Added on top of this is a shipping network that is collapsing under the weight of on line shopping (Amazon..). It has taken 15 days for customers to get their shipments. Since many have wanted to try the Graphene Matrix and then were planning on adding on to it and taking advantage of the additional discounts this lost timing has "cost" them this opportunity. Anyone who has dealt with me knows I do everything I can to take care of my customers so I want everyone to know that everyone who orders even a single cable will be Grandfathered in to the further discounts of the Cyber sale. So...if you try a GM cable you get 30% off and are locked in for the next three months (!) of the additional -40%/50%. Please be patient as we are literally having trouble keeping up running invoices. So keep the faith we will take care of you and have a Happy New Year and just let us know what you are interested in and we will do everything we can to get you taken care of...
So, fwiw, I'll give my impressions as a newbie listener without the terminology I've read here so often describing equipment. I've certainly didn't go about hooking up the new cables as I probably should have. I just connected everything all at once. No A/B. No comparisons, nothing. Just plugged in 3 Matrix PCs, Speaker wires, Center Channel Speaker wires, interconnects for center and L&R fronts, I think that's it. 

Immediately I could hear a difference. I will say it is definitely a better sound than my stock cords and BJC speaker cables and interconnects. The sound is "cleaner" and less harsh, but it was not really harsh to begin with. It's hard to explain. Of course I have no idea what is making the difference, because I've swapped out so many things. Ha! Honestly, I don't care, it is definitely better and that was my goal. 

I'm not sure if it's placebo effect, but I do hear more details in the music. Not sure if it is "louder" or just "popping" more out of the speakers. It does seem more "effortless" and now I think I know what "refined" means. Ha again! 

Anyway, I guess 100's of hours break in etc etc... But I'm happy so far. 


RGrost is a good guy too. Thank you again

PS I am still acquiring pieces to turn my HT system into a dual set up for streaming. I'm still using an AV receiver with a BS Node 2. Going slow but I'll get there.

I very much agree the RGrost is a great guy!!  

Question for the guys who have had their Matrix cables for a while:
How long does it take for break in on Matrix interconnects and speaker cables, and what have you noticed that changes sonically over the break in period?
Curious if anyone has upgraded To Matrix PC on their subwoofers 

I have a couple of Rel s812 coming and considering if an upgrade makes sense and if I'd hear a difference between a Marix vs Extreme Blue. ( I already have an extreme spare as I'm upgrading to Matrix on my components)
I very much like Bob and the Cerious products, especially the Graphene and Matrix lines. With that said if you are already using a Graphene Blue power cord (if I understand your original question correctly) on your REL subwoofers, I doubt that upgrading to the Matrix power cord is going to make an improvement with the subwoofers. If there is an improvement for me personally it's not going to be worth the upgrade cost. I will admit I have not compared the Graphene Blue to the Matrix power cords on my Subwoofers.

You’ve sort of answered part of the question, you don't expect much of a gain on the sub between the 2 of Bob’s cord.

I had a mix of PCs in the system and currently in the process of selling off what isn’t a Matrix. Now that I have a new pair of subs coming I thought about the Blue which is in the sell pile.

Thinking maybe get another blue for the other sub and it might be a solid cheap solution. Could get yet another pair of Matrix and still sell the blue, or just stay with the Rel supplied cord.

Found the manual interesting where Rel didn’t refer to courtesy cord. Maybe they supply a decent cord to start with. 
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Just call Bob. He’ll tell you. The REL does benefit from  an upgrade power cord   
This thread has gone quiet but here's something to revive it: I purchased a 4 foot Matrix DC cable a few months ago. The noise floor is dead quiet. It's a damn good umbilical. 

I emailed Bob to purchase another one but he hasn't replied. He must still be busy from his holiday sale. 
No reply from Bob just means he’s busy and will get back eventually. I too need to try an umbilical between my Modwright Oppo and PS9 power supply.
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@calloway probably not but that's just my opinion. I've seen similar posts in the past that were made simply as discussion.
What's happening guys?  I'm seeing removed posts and the post by lak which does not seem to make sense without the other posts.  

Is everyone enjoying the Matrix cables from Bob's Holiday special?
love the Matrix and GE too...the issue was listing a for sale item in the fee...
i removed my posts regarding my wanting to sell my Graphene Matrix speaker cables..probably not the right place to see items..will sell on the appropriate classified site..
Curious if anyone else out there is getting zapped from these PCs?

I recently had reason to be handling the area behind my amp and got zapped. Pulled the Matrix from the amp and was getting zapped when touching the outer shielding. Put back an older extream and its not shocking me and the sub goes into standby again.

Told Bob about it and was promised a replacement would be shipped out the next day along with another cord I had ordered. Not even getting responses to my emails now

About giving up on his whole deal. Would be good to know if this is an isolated failure or common. Considering if I shouldn't pull all the cords out of my system before I get a fried component or worse. Wife is way pissed seeing that expensive cord laying out on the table.

I believe it's a somewhat isolated case, but I know it has happened to at least another audiophile.

I had a similar issue with a power cable as mentioned where I’d get shocked when touching the chassis and cable at the same time. I found that the ground cable became disconnected from the IEC plug.

I resolved the problem after reconnecting and securing the ground cable to the plugs.
I had a similar issue with a power cable as mentioned where I’d get shocked when touching the chassis and cable at the same time. I found that the ground cable became disconnected from the IEC plug.

I resolved the problem after reconnecting and securing the ground cable to the plugs.
You actually had two problems: The faulty cable (which you corrected) and a component fault that caused the chassis to be hot. Did you troubleshoot the cause of that?
@cleeds - I didn’t troubleshoot the chassis being hot as the cable faulty cable made other components hot as well. Thus, it appeared to be the common denominator in my system.

In the spirit of fairness, just got a tracking number from Bob and a note the cords are on the way. 
Hi everybody. Sorry for the lack of posting. My daughter had our first Grandchild and she had a troubled pregnancy, which would normally have not been that big of a deal but with all the Covid going on it was a nightmare. No one allowed to visit in the Hospital or see the child that was in ICU as it was a Premature birth. Travel to and from Omaha was a hassle.
Everyone doing fine now and trying to get back to "normal" which is exactly what the powers that be do not want. Steven Jobs dreamed of a world where everyone sat at home and their only connection with the world was through a screen they controlled. Now we have Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter...all creating as much panic as possible to keep us "safe" behind our screens. My wife is a mail carrier and her Amazon deliveries are up 40%! I lived most of my life in Michigan and my heart goes out to my friends still stuck there. As a Physicist I have witnessed the death of Science over the last 25 years as academia willingly traded the tenets of sound science for grant money. We are almost into this for six months and we still are not sure if we should wear masks, much less what particle size the virus actually is so we know what kind of mask will actually work...because we all know that a mask is a mask and they are all the same!
Cerious is back to work and will do everything possible to take great care of you our customers. If you want anything just ask. Best to keep me busy. When I am left alone with time on my hands I start coming up with ideas! Or as my wife would say "Oh no, not again!".
Great to hear from you Bob, I was wonderin' why I haven't heard much for a while. Perhaps the Graphene can attack the Coronavirus?

I'm still enjoying the Cerious Matrix cables.

Good to hear from you Bob. I glad things are getting back to “normal” for you. Please stay safe. You are needed in this industry.
I did receive my Graphene Matrix Speaker Cables early April. 
Thank you Bob! Sorry to read about your challenging times.
Enjoyed the Cables as soon as they were connected to the system. 
I realised ever since how great this decision has been. Thanks to all those who recommended the Graphene Matrix. Makes my day everyday.
The Schroeder Method would be one gigantic cable!  Imagine the size of the speaker cables! Probably not practical.


I understand that it would not be practical to incorporate the Schroeder Method using his current cable designs. I mentioned research and development for that very reason. He might be able to improve his designs with a thinner one. 
I picked up a used set of GE interconnects and they sound great but they seem to pick up radio stations.Bummer
Put the Morrows back and no radio.