NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables

CT Graphene Matrix Cables:

I have been using the CT GE cables for almost two years.
I recently traded up for a full loom of CT Graphene Matrix cables, including speaker, interconnect and PCs, and I wanted to share my experience. I started by replacing only the ICs to try and hear the differences.

The new Matrix interconnects sounded better than the GE immediately after install. I found the original Graphene Extreme ICs to be good but not on the same level as the outstanding GE speaker cables. As break-in started to clear things up, I can hear more clarity and detail not heard before. The ICs are incredible on their own and at the 30 hour mark, I can hear a clear superiority over the GE ICs. I recently started using the Teo Game Changer ICs and preferred them over GE but the Teo has now fallen to the new Graphene Matrix ICs. My Teo’s were and are great, and it is stunning to experience Cerious Technologies commitment to making great technology better.

On the third day of listening to the GM ICs. I couldn’t wait anymore, Having too much fun. I then installed the speaker cables and power cords once I had a pretty good feel for the sound of the GM ICs.

With the full loom of GM cables running in they are going through some strange changes and definitely need time to settle down before realizing what they can really do and very important Bob says to not move them. Since I have a home office I can let them run in all day. I’m at around 120 hours now and they are still improving. Here’s what I’m hearing:

Extended highs and tighter lows.
More detail and better low level listening
Drums are tighter, more clearly defined. So real is the snap of the snare drum. The bass has more depth, seemingly goes deeper, lower. This aspect stands out the most.

I am not in the industry, I’m not an engineer, I don’t work for Cerious Technologies, but I am a fan of the cables and am enjoying what my system is capable of.

I’m closer to my own pinnacle of sound reproduction than ever before.


Post removed 

I used to have HF Reveal PC feeding to my DAC. It made very big improvement after switching to Matrix.

If your budget is tight. I suggest you to get a Nitro PC from Mad Scientist Audio feeding your P15. It is incredible in noise filtering (Yes, I know what P15 is doing but just try yourself).

Crazy as it sounds, hope they're still in business.  Website has been down for a week now...
I love my GM speaker cables.
Has anyone tried to phone Bob in Arizona?
I have to believe he is still in business!

I received an email from Bob yesterday. He’s sending me some power cords this week. Must just be having site issues that will hopefully be resolved soon. 
I have heard of problems with the website but it has come right up when I checked it. I sure hope we are not out of business! It would be hard to explain why we have so many orders...

Bob contacted me last Tuesday after I left him a voicemail a few days before. He took extra time to talk with me about a sibilance problem I am having since I moved and reset up my system. I sent him some texts with pictures attached and am waiting  for him to get back with some more advisement. He was very helpful and concerned with helping me set my system up better. I am sure you will here from him soon.
Bob, i just now tried to access your web site and cannot load the page, getting a "Site cannot be reached" error.

I was just contacted by my web master and there is a problem. We are working on it and will keep you posted...thanks!
Glad to hear all is well.  It's probably a DNS error.  Something like that can affect some areas of the country but not others.
Need to check out the ICs as soon as Bob gets this resolved. 
I guess I am changing Internet service providers. Three help tickets and no communication and no website. Will keep you posted. Please email me to my personal
Apparently our ISP (Internet service provider) has gone out of business. We are working non-stop to get up and running again but have needed to re-build the site and move everything to another provider. Please have patience and we will be up and running best guess by the weekend. Sometimes life is a trial...
Good news! We are back up and running. Still getting the email straightened out but we have progress. I wish I could take a nap...
Well I think we finally have a working website that actually forwards our contact submissions to us. We have not been getting any so our valued customers have requested information and they have been being sent to (my guess) the Green zone in Afghanistan (this would explain all the submissions asking if we ship to Minnesota...). No we are not uncaring or indifferent...we are just incompetent (hey this works for politicians!). PLEASE contact us again or write me directly at Honest I really do love you guys....
I sent something yesterday via the contact submission on the website, which can serve as a test.  If you didn't get it, then I'll send to your  Let me know...
By the way, for everyone looking here, Bob did respond from the website contact submission, so it seems to be working well.  And, it's worth it for those of you thinking about contacting Bob - he's absolutely terrific!
Does anyone have experience with the Matrix digital IC? What cables other cables have you experienced?
I have the Matrix digital in both XLR and RCA. Best I have tried/owned. Compared to Synergistic, Purist, Illuminati, Virtual Dynamics, Hi Fidelity Reveal and some of there higher versions, etc.
Too bad Bob doesn't make a USB version.

Not seeing these Cerious Tech cables cords on used market. It must be that good or not selling many at all?
However, I’m interested in starting with their entry levels but curious if they offer “in-home trial” 
@nasaman  I ordered an interconnect a couple of months ago and stupidly asked about the return policy after I received it.Never heard back from Bob so I'm assuming he doesn't have the thirty day trial as he did in the past.
I got the Extreme not the new Matrix.It is an excellent cable indeed.It sounded a little thin and wirey for a couple of days and then it began to open up and it basically has no 'character ' at all.Just clean,clear,open,fantastic separation of vocalists and instruments.I removed it carefully and swapped in my old cable(Siltech) but took it right back out after a couple of tunes.The other cable made everything seem congested.Like muddy water as opposed to clear.
So anyway,I hope that helps.I'm sure you could resell it quickly if you decide it's not for you.
The thirty days has passed for me anyway.I don't want to send it back,I think it's outstanding:)
Bob from Cerious...Yes we offer a full 30 day trial and longer if you request it. Speaker cables can take a while to break in. Sorry for communication faults...we are still dealing with email and forwarding problems from our original ISP going out of business. You do not see many used Cerious cables because either customers keep them (Matrix return rate is 2%!) or they trade them in for full 100% of original purchase price on other Cerious products.
P.S. You will see a Matrix USB cable within a month!
Hate to do it as I love these cables but I will be putting up a pair of 8ft Matrix sc’s for sale. Pm me if interested. 
Month has passed,whats the situation with usb cable?  I would like to get one :)

I'm not replacing the Matrix, I just reconfigured the system and now have a few cables left over.

Does anyone have any Matrix balanced interconnects they want to sell?  I need a 2m pair.  I basically want to try them and compare them.  I should probably just contact Bob to try a pair  :-)
Hi Bob!
Actually, I think I might want to try speaker cables first.    The Matrix power cords are keepers, by the way.
I have a 4ft Matrix pc with furutech ncf connectors available if anybody is interested.
Hello from the Hot Desert of Phoenix, AZ. Good news! Our USB cable is done. VERY happy with the results. I first, however, have to address that it is not a powered version of a USB. This proved to be fraught with interface problems as many equipment manufacturers have their own specialized way of addressing the +5V in the USB and bypassing this causes problems. That and cost. If it is a TRUE Matrix, then it requires a Matrix power cable and a power supply worthy of being called Matrix. Add an enclosure robust enough to handle a Matrix power cord and you are looking at a $2700 USB cable (!). While there are USB cables out there at this price point, Cerious is not "geared" for something like this. Call me crazy...
So our production USB is a full Graphene Matrix Damping Squared digital cable + a Graphene Matrix DC cable all in one jacket (yes it has the reactive jacket found in all Damping Squared Matrix products). As a thank you for all the interest we are offering our GM USB for the introductory price of $849 for a 1M. We would have to sell a separate GM DC cable for at least $399 (yes we are working on this!) so you can see the value this cable brings, not to mention attaching 4 effectively 9 gauge conductors into a USB connector (I go through a lot of eye drops...). Of course everything we sell comes with our 30 day money back policy (we still get emails asking if we have a money back policy...strange...). If you would like to try one then email me directly or go to our website and hit the submission request button and let me know you want one. I will return an invoice so we can get you taken care of.
Thank everyone so much for all the kind words and I hope you all are having a great summer.
Bob Grost
Cerious Technologies 
Now that we're into October, the end of the year is coming fast.  I'm wondering if Bob will be having any sort of Black Friday sales this year on Graphene Extreme cables?

Post removed 
Are you planning to list them in the "Buy/Sell" portion of this site? 
boxer12,Yes, after I get pics taken in the next week or so I will list the Cords..
I see my post was removed... scroll up 4 posts and you can see the same type of offer but some members can do this in many of the forums? oh well.
I agree that it's strange (and seemingly unfair and inconsistent) that your post is removed, while the post from t_ramey remains. 

I have the Matrix PC's already, and I'm probably going to try the Matrix speaker cables next.
I'm interested in the standard interconnects (non matrix) and would be coming from Morrow MA3's.

Anyone have any insight? Most of what I read is for the Matrix versions which is outside of my budget.
@gochurchgo, I owned several different levels of Morrow cables including the flag ship Elite Reference Interconnects and speaker cables. The Graphene Extreme Cables are better and the Matrix even more so. I sold all of my Morrow cables.


I agree. 
I am now using the Morrow cables on my Hometheater equipment.

@lancelock   thanks! I have a new preamp coming so I might spread and go for a set for the pre-power connection.