NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables

CT Graphene Matrix Cables:

I have been using the CT GE cables for almost two years.
I recently traded up for a full loom of CT Graphene Matrix cables, including speaker, interconnect and PCs, and I wanted to share my experience. I started by replacing only the ICs to try and hear the differences.

The new Matrix interconnects sounded better than the GE immediately after install. I found the original Graphene Extreme ICs to be good but not on the same level as the outstanding GE speaker cables. As break-in started to clear things up, I can hear more clarity and detail not heard before. The ICs are incredible on their own and at the 30 hour mark, I can hear a clear superiority over the GE ICs. I recently started using the Teo Game Changer ICs and preferred them over GE but the Teo has now fallen to the new Graphene Matrix ICs. My Teo’s were and are great, and it is stunning to experience Cerious Technologies commitment to making great technology better.

On the third day of listening to the GM ICs. I couldn’t wait anymore, Having too much fun. I then installed the speaker cables and power cords once I had a pretty good feel for the sound of the GM ICs.

With the full loom of GM cables running in they are going through some strange changes and definitely need time to settle down before realizing what they can really do and very important Bob says to not move them. Since I have a home office I can let them run in all day. I’m at around 120 hours now and they are still improving. Here’s what I’m hearing:

Extended highs and tighter lows.
More detail and better low level listening
Drums are tighter, more clearly defined. So real is the snap of the snare drum. The bass has more depth, seemingly goes deeper, lower. This aspect stands out the most.

I am not in the industry, I’m not an engineer, I don’t work for Cerious Technologies, but I am a fan of the cables and am enjoying what my system is capable of.

I’m closer to my own pinnacle of sound reproduction than ever before.


I went from Morrows to the GE and then the Matrix. No going back. It just sounds too good. 
Hi everyone...Bob here from Cerious. Well the world has flat out gone crazy. I am experiencing things I never have before. The breakdown of common courtesy. I have had two orders of full looms. One the customer said they just did not feel comfortable going ahead as times were "precarious" and they changed their mind (after the whole order was ready to ship...). The second was a local customer (Scottsdale) who said they could come and pick it up in person. I should never start an order before getting paid but since we were shooting for the weekend I went gung ho and completed it ( I am in the doghouse with the wife over this one...). The customer never paid, never returned an email. Just disappeared. Maybe they got a great deal on some cables from the trunk of someone's car who just looted...oh excuse me...liberated a high end store. Hopefully they were thoughtful enough to pick up a Coach purse for their wife as over 400 were cleaned out of the Scottsdale Coach store. So...I am offering a list of the cables I have available and I will give a very good deal. My faith in humanity is already on life support so no 90% off offers please! Here goes:
[3 pair] 1.5M RCA Matrix Damping Squared IC
[3 pair] 1.5M XLR Matrix Damping Squared IC
[1 pair] 2M XLR Matrix Damping Squared IC
[1 pair] 3M XLR Matrix Damping Squared IC These are the first and only set ever made at 3M. They took a month to make...
[2 pair] 1M XLR Matrix Damping Squared IC
[1 Set] 10 foot Matrix Damping Squared Speaker Cables all spades
[1 Set] 8 foot Matrix Damping Squared Speaker Cables   
[1 Set] 6 foot Matrix Damping Squared Speaker Cables all spades
[1 Set] 2 foot Matrix Damping Squared Speaker Cables spades/Bananas
[2] 6 foot Matrix Damping Squared Power Cables Rhodium  
[2] 8 foot Matrix Damping Squared Power Cables Rhodium
[6] 5 foot Matrix Damping Squared Power Cables Rhodium
Since I used to have a sense of humor I would normally end on some witty remark but these are not allowed anymore. Thank God for music!
Peace to all and thank you so much for being such a great group of customers. Stay safe and speak truth to power (that is something that has flipped 180 degrees in the last three weeks!).
Sorry to hear about all your troubles with those customers Bob. As you said the world has gone mad... BTW your cables were recommended as the best option for my modest budget by a common friend: Ken Golden. I will buy the Graphene Matrix Speaker cables from you as soon as I finish saving for them...
@lancelock I really like the sound of the GE and I’m local and the price is good. Just that when I put them in between my line stage and power amp I hear faint radio voices. I sent off an email via the Cerious site and haven’t heard anything. As I was gunning to start adding interconnects and speaker cables later this year I’m now not sure what to do.
I'm curious, do the Graphene Extreme or Matrix cables still use pure silver wire like the older Liquid Ceramic cables?
Post removed 
Hey guys

Am really enjoying the damping squared xlr interconnects. am looking for a power cord now for a new amp arriving soon.

anyone have experience between the graphene matrix pc and triode wire labs obsession pc? both are in the similar price range. 
Has anyone heard from Robert recently? Have been trying to get in touch for a power cord but no email replies. 
Bob can be elusive. Good luck reaching him. The last time that I tried to contact him was last year to inquire about obtaining another Matrix DC cable. I only heard crickets after a couple of attempts. 
I never got a reply. 
Ended up ordering a power cord from someone else as I needed it pretty soon for incoming gear. 
Oh well.. 
Sadly, you failed to realize that there are some out there newly used for a significant discount...Like my 6 footer...
I had the same problem. I'm a three-time customer and needed an umbilical cord from pre to power supply. He asked for pix which I supplied, but then it went dead. That was months ago. 
@mooncrikit ah I needed mine custom made with UK style plugs..

@roxy54 pity isn't it? I like his products and have purchased twice from him before, all with good communication. 
My apologies for not being a mind reader as to what style of terminations you are in need of...might explain why Bob has been less than communicative..regardless, good luck fulfilling your needs...
update; he just replied. Busy guy! For the folks who are still waiting to communicate with him, give him an email bump. 
Hi everyone!
First of all I apologize for the lack of communication this year. It has been difficult to maintain any sort of optimism with the never ending assault of fear and lock downs. Sales have continued to be strong and I took the time to design and build our personal dream speakers so the wife is happy! Living without the ability to listen to live music has been the worst mentally. It, however, is time to change the attitude and get back to living in a world with some Joy.
It is time for the Cerious Technologies annual Cyber sale! Yes the 30%/40%/50% off sale is back. How does it work you ask? Well...the first piece of Matrix you buy is -30% off, the second is -40% off and the third is -50% off. Each additional purchase is ALSO -50% off through the end of the year. Now keep in mind that the most expensive is first -30%, and so on...Ads will be up soon with initial -30% costs and you can contact me for other prices and I will return an invoice as a .pdf. We also will pay for domestic shipping. Overseas customers please contact me for exact pricing on shipping.
Well, there you go! Something positive going on in 2020. You could even say that this is my 2020 vision!
Please have a Happy and safe Thanksgiving. Family is everything so treasure your time together. There is no truth to the rumor that Seal Team 6 will be out looking for any Thanksgiving celebrations over 10 people.
I must say Bob's Cerious Matrix cables are awesome! I have been trying to find a better cable and the Matrix always are the best!

Thinking to get Matrix for wall receptacle to conditioners. I got the lower AudioQuest z3 or something, but since I have the full loom of Matrix for speakers, interconnects, PCs... I better just keep it going for the final 2 pieces. This BF deal makes it tempting. 

Someone push me over the edge please. It's for 2 Niagara 1200's.  Are those pieces worth the Matrix? They are also the lower end of the Niagara line. 
First of all I apologize for the lack of communication this year. It has been difficult to maintain any sort of optimism with the never ending assault of fear and lock downs.
So this stopped you replying emails? Blaming COVID?

My inquiry was never replied years ago before COVID so what's the excuse?  Talk about lack of Common courtesy.   LOL!!!

Hey, Casey at the bat,

I wouldn’t answer your mail either with an attitude like you have.

Never rebuke a one man cable builder not knowing what his work load is.

Youowe the man an apology

joecasey may have made a snarky, incoherent post, but you don't know the underlying facts.  And we can't tell what they are from the post.

Bob can speak for and defend (if necessary) himself.
@maxima95  I emailed Bob WHILE ago on umbilical cord and never received a response. No big deal, just don't want my business.

Then he has the audacity complaining lack of common courtesy and use COVID for an excuse, I couldn't resist and had to respond  Said my peace, Carry On!
@cissado I am also using 2x niagara 1200 (just got my second one). For the first niagara, I used NRG Z3 and then TWL 7 Plus cord. Have just changed to AQ Tornado for first niagara and am using an AQ Thunder for second one. Super clean sound and amazing black background. I think it would be worth it to pair the niagara with recommended AQ cords (also for some peace of mind, since they are supposedly synergistic).

I would have liked AQ5000 but just no space for 2x of those.. 
Heavy dark cables. Good for weight and bass but rolled off top.end. Some like,some don't. Try for yourself. Wasn't what i was looking for.

@joecasey I have the Matrix umbilical cord and it's a damn good cable. I attempted to contact Bob to order another one but he didn't reply. 

Instead, I ordered a VH Audio V-Quad Cu21 and it's a damn good cable too. This cable needs time to burn in but it'll be worth the short wait. Chris also sells Oyaide DC plugs if you need them. 
@c_avila1 Thanks for the info.  I had 2 Modwright players at the time and ended up getting an Audio Magic and ZenWave umbilical cord.  Both were excellent and huge upgrade over stock.  I HIGHLY recommend any MW owner to replace the stock umbilical cord.  It's junk!
Also with Zenwave, you can choose the conductor and connectors depending on sound preferences.  
Docroasty, I ended up ordering the Cerious Matrix power cords for both Niagaras. I might as well finish up the full loom like I was thinking. I'm sure they'll work out great.  I've been happy with everything else Matrix.
For those using the Graphene Matrix Damping Squared XLR interconnects, are you still on them or have you moved on to something else? 

I'm happy with the cerious cables, but just out of curiosity. was considering the tellurium Q black diamond, cardas golden reflection, and atlas mavros xlrs.

Would appreciate any info/recommendations. 
I’m very happy with my Matrix cables. I can find no reason to keep this experiment going. I would have to spend a ridiculous amount of money to even attempt to better my current setup.
If you Can please  describe what you feel are the  the Attributes  of the CT Graphene Matrix. IC
I am using a pair of Von Gaylord Chinchilla interconnects on my Turntable
Victor-QL-A7 (Japan 100V) with a 100V stepdown transformer.
Right now I am very happy with the sound. It is very organic, detailed ,but not bright, It is a little Laid Back sounding. I can crank it pretty damn loud It just seems to get better ,as in more detail , more immediacy, with Deep textured bass ..I am going into the Phono Stage,(  with the Chinchilla )of the McIntosh MX151, which is pretty damn good , 
Maybe you have heard the Chinchillas ?

I have not heard the Chinchillas so no way for me to compare. I have compared many different cables to the Matrix. The most expensive cables I tried was the Morrow Elite Reference IC’s and upon insertion, I immediately thought the Matrix cables were better without any breakin. Also the difference between Graphene Extreme to Matrix is quite a jump in performance. After purchasing a full I loom of cables and going from Extreme to Matrix I determined that the biggest gain was in the Matrix IC’s. I pretty much summed up my thoughts on this in my opening comments when I started this thread. 

Hi Everybody...Bob from Cerious. I wanted to update you all and personally thank everyone for the support over the years. On May 2nd my wife left for work and shortly after I collapsed with tremendous chest pains. I called 911 and was transported to the hospital. All very surprising in that I am in really good shape and continue to teach spin as an instructor and work out every day. My heart was not the problem...I had 75% blockage of the main arteries of the heart and my heart had been compensating for years. I hiked Thunderbird mountain the day before in 95 degree heat with no problems. I was prepped and rushed into a Quadruple bypass surgery. 

My level of health has lead to record recoveries and after six weeks I was cleared to drive and begin full workouts at my club. NO WORK, though. 

I am finally cleared to start work again and having your own business it is a mess being away so I wish to apologize for any and all problems I may have caused. What is most frustrating is we were readying to release a large number of new products, including what I believe to be the most radical loudspeaker ever produced. It employs the first "prefect crossover" ever devised and here is the kicker - they operate OUTSIDETHE SIGNAL PATH! The only thing you listen to is a piece of Graphene cable. We are working on a video series, too to actually teach acoustic theory and how loudspeakers (actually) work and Yes we do prove how the crossovers work outside the signal path. 

More news to come with regard to new products. It looks like I am going to live a long time cannot wait to get going. It is amazing what something like this does to your view of life. Bless you all and please let the daily crap flow off of you in to the oblivion. Life is a blessing. Live each day to its fullest!




Bob, I'm surprised to hear about your health issue but am very glad to hear you made a full recovery. Keep on rocking ;-)


I’m glad you’ve recovered from this. I understand since I’m of that age where I seem to be going to the doctor constantly. I’m still listening to my system through your brilliant cables. I can’t wait to hear these new speakers you speak of. Keep up the good work.



Good luck in your recovery, and I look forward to your new products!

BTW, I have also had some serious health issues of late. Makes you appreciate what is important.


Glad to hear you are on the mend, Bob. You might consider looking in  the work of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic who has had remarkable success in clearing major arteries through plant-based nutrition. He has a book that's worth reading. He was also the cardiologist that worked with Bill Clinton.

BTW, I'm still very much enjoying your cables!

Does anyone know if there is a trial period? I don't see anything about returns on the webpage. 


you should contact Bob. Email is the best way to get him. There was a trial period a few years back when I got my cables. He has some new products coming.

After 5 days and two emails still no reply from Bob. Makes me very glad I did not place an order with him, I'd probably never receive anything. I guess I've lost interest, maybe Mad Scientist Audio will respond to emails.


Patience will pay off if you want great sounding cables. Bob runs a very small business, he doesn’t have a receptionist, sales team or 9 - 5 employees to answer phones and emails. He could be on vacation or off watching his daughter get married or simply living life on his terms.  Bob is a standup guy and if you send him money for cables you will get them so you’re a little off base there. If you really can’t wait, there are big distributors like music direct where you can buy Audioquest or other big name products. I like buying direct for half the price you would pay through regular distribution. I love these small companies which offer American made gear. I have also owned Mad Scientist cables, and they don’t compete with Cerious Tech. All you need is a little patience. 


Wow!   I haven't been here for a while.  Glad you pulled through Bob!  I definitely agree that life is a blessing.

Looking forward to hearing more about the speakers!



A friend and I just bought the new version of Bob's interconnects and power cords.

Last time I heard from him was on August 4, please be considerate before jumping to conclusions on his reaction time, Bob is great to work with and to my ears his products represent best value today

Both the new interconnects and power cords are the best sounding I've heard so far.

Most striking is how effortlessly they deliver dynamics and energy, they're making my Wilson speakers sound great at low and high volume levels

