New $24,000 inter-connect

I just saw a new Audiogon listing for a $24,000 inter-connect by Matthew Bond (Tara Labs). How many ya gonna order?

At least most of the other high dollar cables are really really pretty. Of course one has to ask oneself why are they pretty? They are cords after all. They mostly hang out the back of otherwise pretty ugly gear.

So one the one hand if I'm spending huge bucks on cables I guess I want them to look expensive.

On the other hand, butt ugly cables for $100,000+ like the ones you linked too actually lends them some credibility. They don't have to look good to be worth it!

And that brings up two other observations:

1) If I'm going to buy ultra high end audio gear that requires, no, demands, $24,000 interconnects then by god I want those gorgeous uber techno things hanging out the FRONT of my equipment where I can admire them and point them out to my friends. Of course, on the practical side of things I kind of wish the cables were attached on the front of all components. Getting to those things in the back can be a real pain. And what a boon that would be to the cable market! If all cables stuck out into the room we'd want even average cables to look nice.

2) Second, I've been watching some videos on how to make your own cables. As best I can tell the prime motivation seems to be to make something that looks cool since in most of them they are using good quality but otherwise fairly pedestrian copper wire. All they do is pull some pretty tech-flex over it and add banana plugs or RCAs. It is certainly possible that the tech-flex does more than I'm aware of.
Name one person who bought them. Betcha can’t. The Swedish Super Car Keonnegsig is worth 10 million bucks. Are you going to boycott them?

I have no doubt there are some with deep pockets, who are gullible enough to fall for such a splendid creation - truly believing it's just got to give them better sound. Or maybe just need something to stoke their ego....Jim

Another old saying " if you can't fool the ones who know, then fool the ones who don't"

Best of luck.......Jim
"....the easiest way to appear foolish is to talk about things you know little or nothing about."

Agree with this sentiment. But as with so many things there is a corollary. In other words, there will always be things that defy common sense and belief (and please, I'm not saying this about any specific interconnects necessarily, mine were pretty high dollar). But if someone tells me they connect their components with live rattlesnakes then it is pretty fair to have an opinion regarding the sound quality and safety in regard to that phenomenon whether I've listened to live rattlesnake interconnects or not and whether or not I understand the electrical properties of live rattlesnakes.

And I'm about as ready to believe in the redeeming quality of $24,000 interconnects as I am live rattlesnake interconnects.
the easiest way to appear foolish is to talk about things you know little or nothing about.

Don't be so sure, I know way more about it than you might think.
Building a 3' PC cable to connect component A to component B is and has been for some time - pretty simple science.
In case you didn't notice - the industry, everything from the the performance to the recording studio, is going wireless. As long as you can sell a 1 meter set of PC cords for $24K, to some fool who believes there is some great magic to it  - go for it.......Jim
I own a pair and am very pleased with the sound. I even hooked them up to a large satellite dish in my back yard and was able to hear the Big Bang. 
"....the easiest way to appear foolish is to talk about things you know little or nothing about."
He was a wise man.

@taras22Wow! you’d think that someone who was smart enough to know a bit about history would be smart enough to build a legitimate set of cables that didn’t pilfer some poor, or should I say rich fool out of $22K for a bogus set of cables. Maybe the word isn’t smart, just crafty.....Jim

Wow that is some fine posting in there Jim. Not one for taking prisoners are you....calling us thieves and our customers fools and never having met either, or for that matter most likely never even having listened to any of our products. Gotta admit that in some circles stacks up as a pretty well considered, beautifully articulated open and shut case. So maybe you should feel very proud of yourself because you done real good. Unfortunately this has to be played against an old saw that my late father would occasionally bring up....the easiest way to appear foolish is to talk about things you know little or nothing about.

Actually we do make a cable that retails for $379 (USD ) and if you check around this forum you will find a great many satisfied customers. So does that make us smart enough in your eyes? Or do you still consider that tantamount to stealing and the posters fools. Here is a thought, maybe look those folks up, engage them, and point out the errors of their foolish ways....I’m sure they will in very short order become eternally grateful.

And btw we make more expensive cables that also have satisfied our customers, including cables from our Reference line.

Actually, it’s not really much of a racket when you do the math. The dudes selling relatively inexpensive cables most likely make much more money than those selling $24,000 cables. Plus he’s got to compete with the other dudes who also sell super expensive cables. Have you seen what these super expensive cables look like? They don’t make these things in their basement. 
Audio cables are the biggest racket in the industry. 
yes, different cable sound differently from one another but they do sobecause they all add their own Sonic signature to the system. Even still, $24,000 for cables is a joke. It's sad actually. People who get $24,000 cables are the ones who think  their system sounds better BECAUSE they have $24,000 cables.
Wow! you'd think that someone who was smart enough to know a bit about history would be smart enough to build a legitimate  set of cables that didn't pilfer some poor, or should I say rich fool out of $22K for a bogus set of cables.
Maybe the word isn't smart, just crafty.....Jim
Its all relative. I have friends who think spending $100 on cables is stupid and they are rich enough to afford much more expensive cables.  
Hence my attempt at a dumb late 70’s style response........that being said, putting the passage in quotation marks would have helped those not aware of the reference ( 'cause strictly speaking the way the post is constructed that passage is in the voice of the poster...and given the format limitations we can't see a tongue firmly embedded in a cheek).

So all now back to our regularly scheduled programming, trashing cables.

Full disclosure, we currently make a cable that retails for $22,000(USD), so blast away.
Peter, the "Germans bombed Pearl Harbor" thing taras22 posted was a quote by John Belushi's character Bluto from the movie Animal House.  Dumb late 1970's humor from  National Lampoon.  I strongly suspect no disrespect was intended.
N80 and taras22 

I may not get your point - however if you study history the Germans did not bomb Pearl Harbor - the Japanese did.  And please everyone do not make light of the greatest conflict which affected your grandparents, your parents, yours,and your children’s life.

I like the garden hose cables Michael Fremer has from Tara Labs. Lucky guy he didn’t even have to pay for them. Don’t for get either, he OWNS his datzeel mono amps (technically the bank owned them!) 

Come on guys. Everybody knows this is just marketing.

These are probably only worth $23,500.

Air tube cables have been around for a very long time.  Auto FM stereo is what brought that on since the antenna is far enough away from the radio that a super low capacitance cable was needed.   I'm not sure if they are still using it or have something in place of it now.   It was a number of years ago when I read about the FM cable thing.  <1 pFd per foot rings a bell for that cable.

Has it already gone up to 400 million? I remember when they were talking about 300, maybe 15 years ago. Talking about population boom.
Does anyone know what "air-tubes" are? What kind of technology is that? It is mentioned in the description of this cable that Tara Labs owns the rights to it but I cannot find what it is on the Tara Labs website.
Are these cables advertised anywhere else? It seems like an interesting marketing move to put them between (mostly) used stuff browsed by (frequently, if not mostly) bargain-hunters. Almost like wanting to raise the dust and become well-known while not expecting to sell. Do these cables already exist, or they will be "invented" once someone decides to buy them?
They bettered my Kimber Kable PJB ic's. That is saying a lot since my PJB's were 145.00 a pair.
Don't forget that company that made a $22K CD player and all it had was a basic Marantz drive and innards, with nothing proprietary added. They didn't last long, thankfully.
I disagree with the idea that if you have lots of money you should be prone to, obligated to or dumb enough to buy things that are idiotic. Granted, being ultra-rich does seem to make some people very stupid. But to pay $24,000 for an interconnect would require, in my opinion, both lots of wealth and a healthy dose of stupid too. Of course, if I felt the same way about interconnects that cost 1/10th of that it would probably offend any number of people on this forum.

whatever dude..  I used "1 billion" just like you used  "son"..  now we all know I('m not your son just like we all know there's not 1 billion in the U.S.  

in my defense... 400 million citizens plus illegal aliens = 1 billion

"Clearthink... you need to think more clearly.. Or change your name to cloudythink.. 1 billion people only meant to mean there’s a whole bunch of people that live here"

I am not actually obligated, compelled or required to make any change, accomodation or alteration to satisfy you and your confused, disoriented, convoluted reasoning, thinking and proclamations especially because first you categorically state, claim, and assert that what I assume is your country has 1 billion people and now you say that is not what you meant at all you meant that it has "a bunch" of people which is fine but then you state it is me that needs to think more clearly when it is you that is wrong, mistaken, and in error on a matter of simple, basic, rudimentary arithmetic and then you say "you so dumb" to me because what I wrote in truth is an embarassment to you well next time check you facts and figures, son.
Clearthink... you need to think more clearly.. Or change your name to cloudythink..  

1 billion people only meant to mean there's a whole bunch of people that live here.. And more around the world..  And don't give me that cost of overhead stuff.. I own a business.. 

He's made that cable as a "side project"  If he was only making that cable he'd go BK.. Or has a teeny tiny warehouse. you so dumb
I had 3 years of period that I had done home auditions of many expensive cables including Audio Note, Purist Audio Design, Crystal Audio, MIT, Synergistic and Transparent about 18 years ago.

At that time I had more budget on audio since I had been working actively.

Also I had three audio dealers around me who were willing to let me do home audition of their cables.

They knew if I like it, I would buy it.

My conclusion is that cable is dependent on system and personal taste so there is no best cable for everyone.

Thus it would be nice if you have dealers who let you do home audition of cables within your budget.

The other way is to find cable makers who offer unconditional return.

I usually spend 10-20% of the value of the equipment to connect on the cables.

So if I have 200,000$ amplifiers then I may buy this interconnect cable only when I like the synergy with amp.
oem-wheels "The price is just stupid.. And he just needs to trick 4 people into buying them and he made $100k.. With 1 billion people in the U.S. I'm sure he'll exceed his goal"
First there are not 1 billion people in the USA so you might want to check your references but more important is that you do not comprehend that for some people $24,000 USD is not a substantial sum of money it would only be a small, miner, essentially inconsequential amount in their overall complete monthly budget so it might be a "stupid" price for you who may still be living in you're parents home which is common in the US but for many that is not the issue.
The price is just stupid..  And he just needs to trick 4 people into buying them and he made $100k.. With 1 billion people in the U.S. I'm sure he'll exceed his goal.. And it comes to show what kind of person this guy is.. To take advantage of someone's wishful thinking.. Equivalent to person selling a "magic" marble for $500 to a mentally challenged person.. 
+1 d2girls

Yep! It would be a sad time if the audio greats all decide that the science, art and engineering of making fine audio components at fair market value, isn't where it's at.....Jim
It isn't a mater of comparison or reason that a $25K cable is going to sound amazingly better than a $100.00 cable - the science of what it takes to transfer an audio or digital signal through 1 meter of cable has been around for some time and beyond what it takes to perform the task, everything else is smoke and mirrors or an outright con.
Everyone has the right to spend as they choose, but for a fact, if I had an extra $25K to spend on audio - it wouldn't be for expensive, bogus cables or cords.....Jim

Matthew Bond is a failure of an engineer. Instead of making a name for himself with amplifiers and electronics or speakers he chose to go the lazy route and market cables...
I’m wondering if the price is a reflection of manufacturing costs, or Matthew Bond's perception of how much the market will bear.
See when you make a statement  or have a idea
Look at all the nonsense 
You have to deal with  
  Someone is buying them
  Let's get that right.  
Personally, I could care less one way or the other how someone else spends their $$. If they got the means, and want to spend it on this IC, more power to ya. Doesn't affect me in the slightest. 

Gentlemen all..

    Keep this tread in perspective. Example: Out here in California a Lotto winner of

$108,040,000 net after TAXES.  $24K cables chump change guy's.

That's the thing, it's all relative  I originally went from a Radio Shack interconnect to a $100 Duelund. That's a multiplier of about 50x. Who's to say the average shnook views my spending $100 on cable the same way we scoff at a $24 K one?