Most Audiophiles by State

My wife was asking me this question. I thought it would probably be California.

Anyone know how we can get actual data? Thoughts?
I'm sure the magazines have a really good idea..
Could it be Colorado. Lots of manufactures located here plus the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

I think most travel in to see the show rather than live here.
Got to be the most populated areas ie New York or Kalifornia.
I am sure Audiogon would have a good idea with its members.

Been away for a few days and am just catching up so don't take my lack of a response as having "taken offense." Besides, most of us are used to the teasing by now and have fairly thick skins.

Fire up the gear John - I'm on the next flight out.

I think my guess would be in New York. It would be hard to get an accurate answer to this question though.
10-22-09: Kurt_tank

Since you obviously like them thar Mississipians, and since I just happen to know where you live, I have graciously forwarded your home address to them. All twelve of them should be arriving at your house by the time you read this.

Dammit Kurt, you really screwed me this time....they're here. I just finished emptying the garage and ordering some more beds......krickeys!!!

I even had to send my mom-in-law back out on the street.....killer!! Ahhh, what the hell, she didn't like my gear anyway...


Thanks for the advice, but I had that one figured out, (been there, done that!), which is why I did not respond to the invitation.

But, since you obviously like them thar Mississipians, and since I just happen to know where you live, I have graciously forwarded your home address to them. All twelve of them should be arriving at your house by the time you read this. (They would have taken the bus, but they managed to all fit in one of their pickup trucks - heck, they still had room for hog. (You do like hogs, right?!)


PS Hey Dick, we're just pulling your leg, and no offense intended. Besides, you are better off in Mississippi, and you wouldn't like it here in California, since the tax rates are utterly ridiculous. (Our sales tax is 9.5%, income tax is one of the highest in the nation, and our property tax (due to the high property values), is way up there too. And, even though the idiots in power have more tax money than any other state, they still have managed to spend every last cent, and then some. California is expected to declare bankrupcy within the next year or two, unless they, (and I can't believe I am saying this), raise taxes even more! On the bright side, they make lots of money off the gas tax, since our gas is $2.90 a gallon, versus your $2.40 a gallon. (See, it all works out!) :-(
10-19-09: Djohnson54

Come on over and visit us. We'll have a great time! Then we can go home with you to California and visit for a while. :)

Careful Kurt....yeah it all starts out as friendly, but next thing you know you will have a dozen Mississipians(?) living in your home. God knows I love 'em, but I got 5 in my house right now..... ;D

Seriously, my guess is either California, New York metro area, DC, or New England States in that these areas have high per capita income I believe which is prerequisite to any expensive hobby including audio.
Could it be Colorado. Lots of manufactures located here plus the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest.

Come on over and visit us. We'll have a great time! Then we can go home with you to California and visit for a while. :)

Okay, so far the results seem a little skewed
I'll unskew them a little bit by mentioning my state, Connecticut, which is no. 1 in per capita income, as well as being home to many people who work in NY.

-- Al
My rig always sounds best after i've downed a couple of shots of straight bourbon...
Thats how we get the best sound here in Kentucky!
Okay, so far the results seem a little skewed:

California - 1
Pennsylvania - 1
Alabama - 1 (I am inferring that is where Mapman is from)
Texas - 1
Edmonton, (Alberta, Canada) - 1
Mississippi - 3

So apparently, Mississippi is the hub of all things Audiophile!
(Who'd a thunk that?!) ;-)
Yes, places that have cold weather much of the year may conpensate somewhat for population.

I live in Edmonton, Alberta(Canada) and my American audio freinds are often surprised at the number of dealers in this city. The population is roughly one million and we have at least nine high end shops.

In -30 degrees the Aleph keeps my feet warm:)
I'm going to go by where gear is for sale all of the time. I can tell you by the dealers available that Texas, per capita has to be one of the worst. Houston is the largest city in Texas, the 4th largest in the US, and has about exactly ONE high end audio store. I say California, New York and Florida (which is really an extension of New York) probably have the most audiophiles per capita.

Followed by states where it's very cold for a long time, Utah, Colorado, Illinois, and Minnisota.
Other States may start out with the most audiophiles but they all migrate to Florida eventually.drrsutliff
Since the upcoming census will track everything and everybody, including number of hairs on your head, if you have any, this question must be included. I can't think of another question that can be used to fuel a 'cash for audiophiles' program. Hey, if golf carts can now be had for free from the federal government, why not $5K amps. New amps would reduce the 'carbon foot print'. Enjoy the music.
There are listing agencies that could provide you for the certain price the e-mail list that would probably draw a statistical picture more precisely.
Interesting question. You might also look at the number of 'boutique' audio dealers in each state as a rough proxy measure of audiophile density. They have to be selling to someone to stay in business. You might also make inquiries to the big online retailers like Music Direct and Audio Advisor about where most of their orders go, though they may be hesitant share such information.
I think that first you would have to clearly define 'audiophile'. That said, I would suspect it is a general percentage of the population, maybe higher in states with higher incomes, so I would suspect the top 3 to be California, Texas and New York, though the order may vary. Over the years, it seems to me that California and New York seem to present the highest percentage of ads on AudiogoN. Pennsylvania reporting here.

Well, I certainly know that there are a lot of audiophiles here in California, (including myself). I know there are a lot in New York too, which is understandable. (Both are high population centers.)

And, Colorado has more than its fair share too. Possibly (probably?) because of the large number of audiophile manufacturers located there.

Interesting question, and I am interested in the results of your research.