Responses from davvie
Mcintosh c31v vs. c35 - pensieri? I'm not familiar with the C31v..or the C35... but if they are anything like the C32 I use in a vintage system I have, you will like the flexibility that the 5 band EQ provides to fine tune the music to your room..and to your liking. These older M... | |
Other High End Audio Forums Audio Afficianado... Be careful.. you'll get hooked by all the bull coming from the owner about "discounts".. all you'll be doing is contributing to the lifestyle of the rich and not so famous. oh.. you'll get banned for telling the truth, too. | |
what are the best sounding Accuphase or Luxman amps/preamps? I have had about five years experience listening with a Accuphase A-75 paired with a C-3850.. before that I was a ASR Emitter II user... Accuphsse is so good paired with the right speakers...I am a loyal customer for however many years I have lef... | |
LessLoss C-Marc Entropic Speaker Cable Entropic... https://www.lessloss.com/cmarc-speaker-cable-p-223.html LessLoss products are fantastic and will elevate your listening experiences to undreamed of levels of enjoyment... this is a fact. and ..yes... I;m a fanboy... and proud of it. | |
Best way to clean glossy finish on speakers? You should always follow the manufacturer’s recommended method. For my Magico S7’s in candy apple red Mcoat I use the softest micro fiber cloth i can find and lightly mist with Maguiar’s Mirror Glaze Final Inspection No.34. and buff gently. Has wo... | |
The best speaker cables you’ve had LessLoss Entropic.. A far more musical reproduction than a 20k pair of Synergistic Research Galileo I was using.. full loom in the near future. | |
... WHAT POWER CORD(S) ARE PLAYING IN YOU SYSTEM TODAY? Full loom of Synergistic Research Galileo SX powering:Accuphase A-75, C-3850,DP-750,T-1100 C-37,P-530feeding Magico S7's | |
Calling all Accuphase owners I'm using Magico S7's with an A-75/C-3850 combo and could not be happier. Magico's take a while to fully run-in but the wait wasan enjoyable and interesting one. Now I get everything out of my music I could want. An superb match,IMO. | |
TECHNICS SL1200 MKII.......THE REAL FACTS With the Cardas re-wire and fluid damper offered by KAB the whole "myth" about the poor performance of the 1200's arm goes right out the door and makes it at least the sonic equal (or better)to any of the Rega arms you mention.Kevin at KAB, says i... | |
TECHNICS SL1200 MKII.......THE REAL FACTS and some audiophiles "feel" threatened that the so called high-end expensive turntables they show off and wear as audiophile jewelry.. could possibly be bested by the lowly 1200... | |
TECHNICS SL1200 MKII.......THE REAL FACTS Audiofeil said.."And believe me, audiophiles with great systems aren't using Technics 1200 tables as their vinyl sources. Read some of the threads here; it's that simple."I'm an audiophile with a fairly decent system and guess what..I use a highly... | |
Who has used a PMR? Rnwong...Liz is pulling your leg...and mocking all who use the PMR or for that matter, any acoustical resonance device.The only thing you need to know about the PMR is that its simulates the very real positive effects that tuned resonances can hav... | |
Resonators pbnaudio said.."Proper acoustical room treatment is money much better spent, IMHO."But...resonators and devices like them..ARE acoustical room treatments"..or am I missing the whole point of putting them..IN the room?BTW..I use the Highend-Novum P... | |
Bal. Cables for Wadia S7i CD player? 2bz..I am using balanced Nordost Tyr with a Wadia 861 w/gnsc mods direct into my ASR Emitter with excellent results.I was using Cardas GR before and found (in comparison) the sound really opened up and became much more natural.(I find,for some rea... | |
Have you heard or own the Shakti Hallograph "Bybee How did they think a small gizmo with parts cost of $35 was worth $4,200 except to born a minute RICH suckers. No poor fool would waste his/her money on it."I guess that makes the U.S. Navy a bunch of suckers and poor fools for getting Jack... |