
Responses from residualdissonance

Detailed sound? Real?
Very well formulated conclusion. I undertand your sentiments exactly. Though many live events sound like crap. Sure its great to see the artists perform, but seldom do you have an engineer who knows how to dial in the perfect live event. So, with ... 
Most Audiophiles by State
I'm not EVEN going there...I live in Mississippi. Ok, 1. 
Urgent - Totem speakers for Krell
I concur, any totem (floor or monitor model) works well with Krell amps. They deliver the Krell's wonderful bass authority with clean, tight resolution. In other words...the boom boom is nice. 
Need amp recommendation
A Pre-amp boost the signal from the source (CD, LP, etc) and relays this to the Amp which amplifies to 50, 100, 250, 500 watts depending on your power level. An integrated means that the Pre-amp and Amp is combined in one chassis. So, one piece of... 
RIP - Richard Brown, BEL
Sorry to hear, my best to his family. 
Leben integrated amps and Merlin VSM
I just want to buy them because of how colorful they look. Who cares what they sound like right? Actually, they really are a sight to see in person. As far as sound goes, I have no clue. I heard the integrated, but not in my system. I refuse to pa... 
Changing tweeters ... How to know if it will work
Yea, that sounds better than "super dooper el-cheapo spectacular dollar store" tweeter. 
Enclosed chassis tube amp kits?
You could get rid of the infant ya' know.? Actually, my 2 boys, who at the time were toddlers, hardly touched my gear. It was a miracle actually. But I allowed them to inspect while present to channel their goofy curiosity into carefull inspection... 
Record Cleaning Backlash
static has no "sound". Whoever invented that notion was either ignorant...or high. The only thing static does is attract dust. Period. What you may be experiencing is the typical dirt impregnated record. My THE WALL LP has this illness. sigh... 
Are Dipole Surrounds Suitable To Be Used As Fronts
I have dipoles (wharfedale)and they work extremely well as surround speakers. I have used them as fronts for a short while...but they are not suited for that purpose as javachip explained. 
Download 24 Songs & Pay $1.9 Million
You dont get "in trouble" for downloading...they bust you for uploading. The music/video Co. cant afford to sue like they did 10 years ago when they were trying to make a "point". Their lawyers were the only ones getting rich. Now they hire indepe... 
Improve my system
Your setup seems satisfactory for home theater listening. What about dedicated 2 channel? You could purchase an integrated and a new set of speakers. It also would depend on what your musical preferences are. 
Changing tweeters ... How to know if it will work
A silly as this may sound, as long as your X-over is configured correclty, any "cheap" tweeter can sound good. DEPENDING on how the speakers sounds as a whole. Its all about taste. Silk, titanium, aluminum etc have very obvious sound characteristi... 
Will grounding plugs improve the sound of my NAD ?
nope. Its a simple as that. Now, if you have components (primo dollars) that can pick up signals from Planet AP (audiophilicus preposteri)...then you would here a difference. 
Record Cleaning Backlash
I buy a gallon of LAST fluid. Dilute it with highest grade alcohol I can find around here approx 70%LAST/30%alcohol, add a few drops of dish soap detergent (mix all this in a smaller container about 8 OZ before you add a few drops of soap),and voi...