Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




Did you use your eyes to search for the patent or his full name or his home state to narrow the search? Hint look on E Bay 4 more clues. Knot your brother.  Tom

Not positive this is the same guy and don't see what this invention has to do with a contact enhancer either. 


Arnold, Christopher J. (Lombard, IL)

Well good one down and one to find.

The badger guy only badgered but didnt take the time to search on his own time. Thanks Soarnatti for your time. Tom

The other is this one, I thought everyone knew this one. 

Composition comprising nucleated nanodiamond particles




I recognize that I have been hard on the NanoFlo dude, mainly because of his power cord medicine show, but could it be that the contact enhancer that many of you believe improves your systems…could it be that rather than the hyposthesis that it is filling in micro pits in the surface it may instead be the abrasive is actually “roughing up” the surfaces. I could almost believe that the two imperfect conductor surfaces roughed up microscopically might randomly aid in certain connections.


Since no one, especially the manufacturer, has an explanation…its all guesswork. The power cord is still highly suspect. Has anyone “bought one”?

Wow, @soarnatti , I wish I did look that up. That my be the worst patent I have ever read. There is a reason why you hire a patent lawyer if you don't know how to write one yourself. All kinds of ramblings about lubrication, but then nothing in the claims about lubrication. Then you look at the claims below. 0.1nm and 2nm are encompassed by  0.01 and 10nm. 

There could be something in this patent, but any lawyer or other scientist could not just drive a truck through it, but a whole convoy.


3. The process of claim 1, wherein the spherical nanodiamond particles have diameters between about 0.01 and about 10 nm.

4. The process of claim 1, wherein the spherical nanodiamond particles have diameters between about 0.1 nm and about 2 nm.


Then you look at the claims below. 0.1nm and 2nm are encompassed by 0.01 and 10nm.

Sorry deluded, you just don’t understand scientific jargon, otherwise you would realize that 0.1 nm equates to .01 of a nano meter. It’s a whole new form of measurement.



Ha, definitely joking.  But this thread definitely is crazy.  From earlier posts I thought this Chris person screwed Krissy over, but later posts seem to be implying that he is actually helping her out in some way or another.

I have respect for Krissy, can someone clear this up?

I missed the part where he was helping her...Chris made comments about her late husband that were beyond comprehension. The public messaging seems to indicate she is not involved in any way, Chris's decision. That's like no longer being allowed to rep Enron.

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 I could talk for an hour about all of this but it would also take me hours to type this all out and then days of the same type of questions from badger boy keeping me from my nap time. The power cord eye think was coated in the nano flo then the surface was compressed to provide penetration of the nano flow thru the skin insulators which would then make contact with the actual conductors  A protective wrap was then placed over the treated surfaces below.. The thing that looks like a ferrite magnet at 1 end he says is not..If all eye just wrote is possible then that may suggest quantum tunneling of the nano materials thru the outer shield and surrounding the conductors. He said to me he did not remove the insulator on the initial power cord. Thats watt eye know. Now start with your battering rams.. Tom




I missed the part where he was helping her...

I thought as you did, that Chris was, putting it mildly, not treating Krissy fairly.  Then somewhere along the line I thought @theaudiotweak, or maybe it was Chris, implied that Chris was really helping her.

I am hoping that Tom will just spell it out clearly, in simple words, is Chris helping Krissy in any way or is he the protagonist as far as she is concerned?



Did tubebuffer just make a reappearance?  The fractured syntax might suggest that that was the case.

As an outsider who does not get all the insider soap opera stuff, I must say, there are some vivid imaginations in this thread. Is anyone's stereo powered by a perpetual motion machine?

None of this matters because the product is being removed from the market. I may buy another stash and store away before he pulls the plug. To bad..

Did tubebuffer just make a reappearance?  The fractured syntax might suggest that that was the case.

Yes. He started a thread about starting a new life (Turn New Leaf Over).

All the best,


Well, at least Tubebuffer is not trying to hide the fact that he reappeared with a new handle. Not at all, completely open. Unlike the deluded dude posting here who is now on the 12th handle in disguise



You have tried very hard throughout the thread to be civil. Much respect. I have admittedly not. I have believed since the start that you were a user of the product and happy with the results. I have on accasion believed you were closer to the center of this cluster and in the event I crossed a line regarding you, I apologze.


Your explanation of a potential theory regarding the power cord is appreciated. Someone would have to explain the permeability of the stock Home Depot cord but it really wouldn’t matter without an explanation of what was attempted and to what intended effect. When you say he is pulling “it” from the market, are you referring to the gel, the cord or everything? I’m guessing its not a hard decision for him? It seems the money back guarantee duration exceeded the duration of the product’s offering.

He told me a few days ago he was going to pull all of it.

Today he said he was going to leave it awhile.




Tom, I’m kindof laughing right now and even though we don’t know one another, I can imagine you are too. This guy Chris is something else. He must have received an order and, looking at the other 1,999 bottles on the shelf, why not.

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Update on adding Nano-flo to my dual BNC cables a couple of days ago.

Music continues to flow really easily. I’ve had listening sessions with Paul Simon’s greatest hits, the Who’s greatest hits and 10CC greatest hits. Paul Simons was to let the system warm up. Both the Who and 10CC sounded superb, the bass has a lovely weight to it that underpins everything. The clarity on both the Who and 10CC was amazing, both these bands music are well recorded. Eeverything was crystal clear and so easy to follow, whether taking individual instruments of the sound as a whole. The Who’s I can see for miles, magic bus and pinball wizard are especially well recorded and sounded razor sharp.

An overall observation on Nano-flo, it doesn't change the sound of your system, it just gives you more.

Hard to see how my system can sound better?

I am confused by which sample product I have (it came from High Fidelity Cables in TX). The one thing I know for sure is that my enjoyment has gotten better over just one week (and I only applied to one Coax cable and a pair of XLRs), it's BIG TIME improvement. Typical digital edge is mostly gone, tonal tilt lowered to where everything sounds tactile/real, noise floor greatly improved, blacker blacks, more holographic, better bass, and imaging.


@tweak1 you have a different product than Nano-Flo but based on your feedback, these contact enhancers seem to achieve similar results from other posters.

deludedaudiophile  ......   they'll be digital BNC cables.

Digital info stored on cd, transferred via the BNC cables to the dac, which converts digital to analogue sound.

A room with a view of the music. Supplied by the camera and commentary from OCD Mikey now on YouTube. STAR SOUND ENERGY ROOM ! - YouTube

The room surfaces are mechanically grounded to the floor and the hard surfaces are left to vibrate. All components are hard mounted to Sound Stage Audio Platforms and again left to vibrate on their own accord. The vibrations move down and out in a continuous fashion. Even the main breaker panel for this room is mounted to a Sound Stage Platform and direct-coupled to the wall.

No soft materials and no springy platforms to slow down the transfer of resonance energy. The corners are filled with steel shots. The size of the evenly rounded bearings was auditioned and chosen after being installed and played inside special cello endpins. The largest of the 3 sizes was chosen for optimum performance.

The greatest threat was overdamping the corners which we discovered those ill effects on sound during various applications in smaller room models.

For the new Caravelle speaker model, I chose two extremely linear drivers which allowed for a very simple and novel crossover build. The same speaker system is used in my own room but the crossovers are built outboard the enclosures for testing. Everything is direct-coupled and mechanically grounded through the speaker stands. All my components are placed using the same type of platforms and racks. I will need to remove the 2 speaker drivers clean off the old contact enhancer and apply the new Nano to the drivers and crossovers.

My room construction predates the Energy Room though I do use angles on the ceiling wall junctions in 2 places. The owner of this system has purchased NanoFlo but has not yet applied the product.

I hope the posted video will allow members to view and share construction methods some of which could be applied or adapted to their own audio rooms. We are currently reverse-engineering the Energy Room and hope to have retro-fitted surface mounted and portable products that mechanically function in anybody’s room. Let the Energy Flo. I am a member of Sound Stage Audio.

Like all Sound Stage products, these innovations were designed and tested by many people over the years of research and development. Tom 


I will regret even suggesting it, but after looking at turntable porn today, I expect there is a better market for a nano-diamond lubricant for turntable bearings than may provide a real and measurable benefit, compared to a contact enhancer of dubious value.

To anyone considering it, this constitutes public disclosure and hence anyone trying to patent such a thing for this application after this date will be out of luck. I took a screen capture.

I have some of this lube in my LP 12 for over 2 years. Its nano diamond  lube in mineral oil works great. Tom

I have some of this lube in my LP 12 for over 2 years. Its nano diamond  lube in mineral oil works great. Tom

So you put in a slurry of diamond paste into a groove, and then plowed a diamond through that?

I suppose it should polish out the sound over time.


I emptied the bearing well of its black oil and replaced with a clear lubricant containing nano diamond lube. I stated this weeks ago in this thread. Tom

I may have some left I will look for it. I won't send it out to be analysed to be replicated.  Tom 



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Two weeks ago it was conductive Nano Diamonds using boron diffusion. Then it was Nano diamonds wrapped in gold. Now its pure metallic composite.

Two weeks ago it was food grade oil. Now it is petrolatum. While that is edible, most of us would not consider it food.

A composite is two or more things, so what exactly is pure?

What possible value is there in blending a nano diamond lube into a contact cleaner?  This whole story sounds completely made up, just like all the impossible claims you made for your lubrication product, totally made up.

I don't know who Krissy is, but I hope she has the resources to sue you.

Hey, how is your buddy Chris St. Claire doing these days? I see his product all over the place.

I emptied the bearing well of its black oil and replaced with a clear lubricant containing nano diamond lube. I stated this weeks ago in this thread. Tom

A lube,
A conductive paste.
Particles that debraid the source to make it free from corrosion and oxidation.
An insulator.

Is there nothing that this cannot do depending on the audience you are spruicking the stuff to?
It is like a chameleon product.


You forgot to mention that it’s edible, maybe a nice spread or a dip. It might just slide off though.

Couldn’t resist.