Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?
Anyone tried this product? Please specify transport or player if you have and your impressions.
Geoff wrote “>>>You worry too much. NDM is not magnetic. Why would you think it was? Fear of the unknown?” Did I say that your adhesive plastic thingies were magnetic? Seriously? (smh) My fear is having my CD’s torn up by contacting cheap adhesive plastic pieces in a top loader platform due to a magnetic clamp being on top of the CD. Fear of the unknown is not a fear. Fear of the realistically possible is however. |
CD diode lasers are about 780 nm which is in the infrared and is not visible. Our vision falls off greater than about 633 nm or so. Cheaper, more recently developed 405 nm diode lasers in the violet allowed development of blueray. DVD is 650 nm or visible red. The shorter the wavelength, the more data you can fit onto a disc because the features can be made smaller. |
Peter Belt passed away almost two years to the day at the age of 87. Both Peter and May are the nicest most generous people you ever want to meet. There is one thing though, they are quite confident and not at all shy when arguing sound and audio. Peter Belt was more like Michael Green than one would imagine since before he got involved with things that go bump in the hight he was a designer in the high end audio industry in UK, in particular ortho something speakers. They were both most generous in allowing me to use their ideas many times. I am probably their biggest fan, in fact I’m quite sure of that. There’s a whole other world, waiting out there. A world perhaps best suited to the more adventurous audiophile. 😛 The last time I looked Peter Belt’s Cream Electret and Silver Rainbow Foils were on Stereophile’s Recommended Components. Yeah ten thousand dollars, go have some fun Put it all on at a hundred to one Hang fire, hang fire, hang fire, put it on the wire, baby Doo doo Doo doo, hang fire, hang fire put it on the wire Hang fire, hang fire, hang fire, hang fire Put it on the wire, baby Put it on the wire |
Hi Geoff I think it was a big waste of time for May cause like I said on that forum I didn’t know who she, you and Peter were. I got to know you guys through those posts and then the research I did by looking you guys up, and then all the emails I started getting. It was after that folks started telling me that I had listened to your products in their systems. That wasn’t unusual for me, cause I kind of live in my own world and have never really paid attention to who I was going to be working with on any given day. It’s not me being rude just very intense when I’m doing something, and I don’t get outside of that bubble. I probably don’t know 95% of the people I have ever worked with. That’s just how I’m wired. Like now when you and I are talking by PM, that’s how I am. When you give me a task to do I’m all over it. I haven’t even gone to bed for two days cause I’m working on testing things here and making testing templates to do stuff. If I have a question I’m going to ask cause when I’m working on NDM for example, I’m not the boss you are. There are so many variables in testing something that I’m not down with is the quick change because I have learned that all of us see change and our first reaction is that we focus on an instant glance of the immediate. Something new is sticking out and that’s what we see until the rest starts to fill in the blanks. I work the other way around. I make that stage as big as it can get and then I look into the change within the context of that space. That’s probably where my testing is different from most. Most are doing their testing with built in limitations, like chassis, dampening, shielding and mass. I’m starting with a huge soundstage in an environment that is casting a stage that goes way behind me as well as in front, to the sides and up and down. In fact I don’t do my testing till the stage is equal distance in all directions. It’s super extreme nearfield. I’m almost dead even with the speakers plane. When I then install whatever it is that I am testing I can hear the stage grow or squeeze, get phazy or glow, fill out or collapse in, full range or tonally imbalanced. Basically a bunch of different cues that are similar to headphones only much bigger and with more feeling and more layering or fill. Plus I can hear if the image gets stuck in my head or if I can spin around and get the image from any direction. I can also check Pressure Zone inflation or deflation, all kinds of stuff. So whereas most folks are doing their listening test from their regular listening position, way before I get to that there’s other tests to do first. I should also include that I do settling tests. I came to Stereophile the same way as I’m coming here with one difference. On Stereophile I didn’t know I wasn’t going to be able to be myself, I was trolled relentlessly. On here I jumped in with a thread that took on the trolling right up front. I also said I was here to talk based on my walk. Something I always do in this industry with the exception of what happened on Stereophile. I should have just backed out and moved on, instead of trying to find common ground with folks who didn’t want it. I think it was JAs fault more than anyone else. But it was my inexperience in a forum style I had never done before and frankly am not equipped to take on. It was like throwing a piece of meat to the wolves. I had no business being a part of it. "come out of it in one piece"? I certainly came out of it changed, and sadly not for the better. Some of the innocence and respect I had for the hobby was taken from me. anyway now I’m rambling mg |
michaelgreenaudio This isn’t the end of the story because what I was missing several years ago is something I have always made a part of my life’s work but somehow wasn’t able to read between the lines because I was trying to understand two people in particular through my eyes instead of theirs. My moto is "everything affects everything else" and as much as I understood this with Tuning in the case of Geoff and May I wasn’t grasping this humanly. On one side I was faithful to both of them and on my own did the experiments they suggested. When I was asked about the results I gave a faithful account. When not asked I didn’t volunteer but still did the testing. I did the listening tests because it’s important to me to be in the know. I don’t necessarily care about someone else’s physics... >>>>>>It may may amuse you to know, I don’t know, maybe it will surprise you or even shock you, but back in those halcyon days over on Stereophile whenever May sat at her computer composing her posts Peter Belt was sitting right next to her. May is like an animal when she gets going. You were lucky to come out of it in one piece. 🐥 |
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celander OP890 posts02-11-2019 2:57pmYeah, I worry about using these thingies in a magnetically-clamped top-loader set up. Seems like doom and gloom would arise. This sort of post should cause Geoff to arise and speak about the perils. >>>You worry too much. NDM is not magnetic. Why would you think it was? Fear of the unknown? Besides, don’t you think a magnetically clamping device is inherently a very bad idea. Hel-loo! NDM is suitable for all CD, DVD, SACD, BLU RAY players with trays or top loaders. I’m not trying to set the world on fire, just start a flame in a few hearts. |
mapman15,663 posts02-09-2019 11:40amBad behavior is bad behavior. Most will and should give benefit of the doubt and accept apologies for bad behavior if offered. Otherwise if it walks like a duck....... Being funny in the process does not transform dishonesty and contempt into something acceptable. It is just a further form of dishonesty and contempt. Sorry not buying it. >>>>What on Earth are you ranting about now? |
ieales284 posts02-11-2019 11:57am@millercarbon: Since no one mentioned the science, the LED light is focused and polarized. By design, it takes care of all this "green sharpie" style nonsense on its own. >>>>>Huh? Nobody said the CD laser (it’s not an LED) is not focused or polarized. Specifically the laser is a “Quantum well.” The reason the CD laser beam is focused is because it’s coherent light. Polarized light would not be immune to the Green Pen, anyway. It’s the wavelength of the light that’s the issue. |
aolmrd1241756 posts02-14-2019 11:27amI made the decision that ndm is not going to make the grade in my system.Just to dark sounding for my tastes. If you own a cd player that is a bit aggressive in the treble region,this may be just the ticket for you. >>>>That’s weird, everyone else hears more air, more shimmering sparkling high frequencies, much more information and much better bass performance. Oh, well, I take the sweet and sour. 😝 Every system is different. 😬 Let’s not forget, there are many reasons some people don’t get the results they were expecting with tweaks, generally speaking. |
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I took the plunge and purchased the Machina Dynamica ndm tweak last week..I figured, why won't bust the bank..and if it does..I am in the wrong hobby for sure 8). Truthfully,I wasn't expecting to much from it and made the decision to go ahead and give it a whirl anyway. For whats its worth..I do like tweaking my system if the money involved is not to cost prohibitive. After following Geoff's installation instructions,I sat down and hit play on my PS Audio DMP transport. Well..I must say.. I did hear an immediate sound change.Whether or not you do is dependent on your system I would guess. What struck me straight up was a more cohesiveness to the musical fabric across the frequency range,maybe a bit less low level distortion coming through? The whole of the presentation seemed a little darker in character overall [like swapping driver tubes in my preamp]..not a bad thing,but of course, it will be a system dependent and personal like or dislike condition I would think. Is it a cd media digital playback game changer? No,not for me at least.. But I decided to leave ndm in for the time being as to get a better handle on it with some more listening time down the road.. but.. I can recommend trying it if the tweaker in you needs to know if it would,or could, make an improvement in your system. |
uberw, et al, I remember way back in 2004ish at the Chicago Shw seeing the Disc Cutter. My biz partner at the time bought 2 identical discs, one was edge cut.He brought a cheapo portable radio/ cd player. seem impossible tht we would hear anything. And yet,: the improvement wasn't night and day, but it was obvious, pointing out the limitations of the equipment used for evaluation Had I heard the NDMs in my system prior to making ONE cable change (from a quality toslink to a prototype coax) I probably wouldn't be as over-the-top as I am for the HUGE improvements I am hearing with NDM YMMV |
I have 3 more product to do my listening tests on (sorry Geoff another one came in that I have to do) and then I’m going to do Geoff’s NDM. I’ll do a thread on TuneLand once I get rolling. There’s two clear sides to this hobby that I started a thread on a while ago. "talk but not walk?" I started that thread on the request of Agon members emailing me privately about the state of audio forums and how far off the hobby track they are. This was not my first experience with audio forum weirdness. On the Stereophile forum I went through something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I was sucked into the most ugly audio experience of my life. I didn’t know what internet trolling even was till I went through it first hand. IMO the Stereophile forum is permanently damaged goods now. As well it has become a graveyard of activity since (haven’t looked at it in quite a while, maybe it has changed, don’t know don’t care). JA has lost my respect as a forum mod, so be it. To me it shows his lack of caring for the hobby he has profited from so majorly or maybe I just don’t appreciate his sense of humor. I’ve told him this directly so I’ve done my duty. At the same time I respect his right to run his promotions his own way. It’s a little on the funny side to be honest now that HEA is on it’s last leg in many regards. If HEA is in his care at the moment, JA has one ill child to look after and maybe he himself has been slipping in spoonfuls of rat poison from time to time just for the grins of it. A little British humor of my own. Posting "talk not walk" I knew exactly what was going to happen or at least thought I did. I’m sure I received well over a hundred emails telling me to give it to those who belittled our lifestyle and dumbed down the hobby so badly. My response though to alot of those folks was does it really matter. HEA now is a tiny representation of what it once was and have could have been, so me adding my hammer might be too little too late anyway. The speeding decline is gaining volume daily as it is. However it did flush out the active trolls here and makes it easy to spot them. Now you can look at a thread and within the first page choose who you are going to talk to and who to ignore. But This isn’t the end of the story because what I was missing several years ago is something I have always made a part of my life’s work but somehow wasn’t able to read between the lines because I was trying to understand two people in particular through my eyes instead of theirs. My moto is "everything affects everything else" and as much as I understood this with Tuning in the case of Geoff and May I wasn’t grasping this humanly. On one side I was faithful to both of them and on my own did the experiments they suggested. When I was asked about the results I gave a faithful account. When not asked I didn’t volunteer but still did the testing. I did the listening tests because it’s important to me to be in the know. I don’t necessarily care about someone else’s physics, in this hobby they’re a dime a dozen and everyone wants to be the audio golden ear guru for all time lol. Big deal :) At the same time everything really does affect everything else, that’s the way our planet and life itself works and always has. Personalities are just the icing on the cake. We can choose to scrape off that icing anytime we want and get down to the business of listening and that’s my cup of tea. The guy who doesn’t take the time to "do" this life experiment and still talks about it as if they know what they are talking about is the guy short changing his or her own life, I’m not that guy. I have no rights if I don’t explore the possibilities regardless who I might, or what I might think, the person presenting the idea is about. Geoff Kait is as legitimate as I choose to make him, but only if I take the time to respect his ideas, products and relevance. Over the last 3 years I would guess I’ve had 30 or so audio toys sent to me to explore the possible contribution to the sound. In every case they have indeed affected the audio. To the positive or negative completely depends on the application and desired results. A few days ago I received my sample from Geoff and my responsibility is to find where I think the product might work the best and for who, looking for what. Geoff at this point is as high on my list as the company who sent us their $25,000.00 mono block amps. Wouldn’t it be totally cool if Geoff created the perfect CD tune? I think it would be anyway. Wouldn't it be great if Geoff really was the smartest guy on campus? Wouldn't it also be great if all Geoff has been trying to do is get us to relax a little, and we simply didn't understand his sense of humor? Wouldn't it be great if at the end of the day we realized we were all family? If so, I think some of us should still hold Geoff down and give him a serious torture tickling from time to time. Michael Green |
So my ten cents. Geoff gave me one of his modded Sony Discman players for postage money. It works VERY well indeed. Last week Geoff sent me a packet of the NDM to try in it. Honestly I swear there is a bit more detail to a well known CD I played through it. Now let this sink in, I am not having to justify any purchase here....... I could just as easy say it's all crap. But I honestly think it works, at least in my Discman in my system. And you can say what you like about the guy, with actions like that he cannot be all that he is somewhat painted to be. Sure an abrasive nature but you have not caught me on a bad day yet.... Lol. |
Bad behavior is bad behavior. Most will and should give benefit of the doubt and accept apologies for bad behavior if offered. Otherwise if it walks like a duck....... Being funny in the process does not transform dishonesty and contempt into something acceptable. It is just a further form of dishonesty and contempt. Sorry not buying it. |
LOL, it seems several of my posts about my personal experience using NDM were summarily removed by the mods It is the most fantastic CD tweak i have tried. Far superior to Code Name Turquoise, green/black edges and even using the german ~ $1000 edge cutting device, which I had access to and cut a lot of discs Anyone suggesting NDM a $5-600 item has no clue regarding either it's price ($39 for 10) or its amazing benefit |