Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?

This is a set of adhesive-backed thin plastic pieces that one attaches to one’s transport or player disc tray. The disk rests on them during non-spin mode, but presumably don’t touch the applied thin pieces during playback mode. The company says the new Dark Matter pieces reduces background scattered light from reaching the photodetector, thereby improving performance. 

Anyone tried this product? Please specify transport or player if you have and your impressions. 
Installed second batch in my C.E.C transport.

Listening to some piano and acoustic guitar music right now.

Nice rise and fall to the edges of notes that I had not noticed previously.

Dynamics are very alive and strong.

For the cost of this it is a very worthwhile tweak for sure.
Installed Machina Dynamica's New Dark Matter recently. I found that on CD 's I've listened to countless times, there was a noticeable improvement in detail and clarity. A bell's tinkle that was previously lost in the background, the extension of trailing off notes.... 
I would recommend it for anyone who desires additional clarity to their music. An inexpensive tweak that adds value beyond its very reasonable price.

One thing I have to admit here.

Have NEVER EVER been accused of making dignified understatements......
Yeah, that’s done a lot of good for them. Stiff upper lip!  😬 When a thing is not promoted something terrible happens. Nothing.
In a country where hyperbolic speech is the new norm, as when something mildly amusing is dubbed 'Hilarious!' Or a trivial annoyance elicits 'That's the worst!' I prefer the British approach of dignified understatement.

OK here is a bit more enthusiasm for you.

I was suitably impressed with the kit I installed in the discman and the Pioneer that I need some more for the C.E.C in the main system so will contact you to buy a kit.

Put the NDM in my player last night. I'll be darned if it didn't sound a bit more detailed and clean. And I shan't be darned....
What’s interesting is even with an EVS modded Oppo 205 (which is not chopped liver) there’s still a long way to go.

There’s no substitute for signal to noise ratio.

geoff kait
machina dynamica
we do artificial atoms right!
I wanted to add that the sound just seems cleaner like some layer of hash was taken out...or at least a major part of it. Very definite positive difference. Seems like vocals and instruments stand out more and at a higher level of resolution! It was very quick and easy to install in my player. I will definitely be trying some other Machina Dynamica products  in the very near future. I would appreciate it if others reading this thread could also highly recommend some other Machina Dynamica tweaks.
I finally put in the Dark Matter CD and Blue Ray treatment in my EVS modded (with EVS upgraded power supply) Oppo 205 last night. I had received it over a month ago and made a lot of power cord changes so held off putting it in. Upon playing my system today there was a definite change for the better in sound quality. I was quite surprised at the i.improvement for the money spent. 

"glubson, we all have our little paranoid obsessions. I hate to judge too harshly but it appears I’m one of yours."
Do not flatter yourself, it is not your lucky day.

The picture with some Geoff, for all I know it could have been you, was right in front of me during my stay at that restaurant. I could not avoid it even if I wanted to. It is true that right now you are truly unique. You are the only Geoff I know, or at least am aware of.
C'mon Geoff
Wakee wakee now.
That was DAYS ago...
Old news now, the world has turned since then.
celander OP1,335 posts04-13-2019 1:18pmWow...another stellar review.

>>>>I’m sensing either pseudo skepticism or jealousy here. Does he think it’s a fake review? Wow! The depths some people will go....
uberwaltz5,457 posts04-13-2019 2:12pmTypical Katie.

So quick to criticize others but cannot handle it in return ... lol

Old saying...

If you can’t stand the heat keep out of the kitchen ..✌🏻✌🏻

>>>>Nope. You’re describing yourself. You’re mistaking comic timing for criticism. Besides, in your particular case it’s not heat so much as feathers.
glubson, we all have our little paranoid obsessions. I hate to judge too harshly but it appears I’m one of yours. 😳
What’s outside of Pleasantville?”

“There are some places that the road doesn’t go in a circle. There are some places where the road keeps going.”

 “Keeps going?”

“Yeah, yeah. It just keeps going. It all keeps going.”

Post removed 
Happy Birthday Geoff

(a note under the Polaroid picture of a guy holding a Japanese umbrella, stuck on the wall of Yuraku Japanese restaurant this evening)
On a serious note, the new Marigo Audio CD mat called the "Aida" is the real deal. It will make your Cds sound much more analog with no loss of frequency extension or dynamics. It comes with a 30 day money guarantee.

Coming from you that surely ranks as being on par with a knighthood!

Uber, I give you full credit, if not for being a wit, at least being half of one.
Thx Carpathian.

I think they were just sick of sight of me at end of their road with a poorly constructed sign, scruffy dog and a bowl.

Et tu, Brute? Looks like it’s just me going nuclear combat toe to toe with my Droogies.
Do you mean wonderment, amazement, astonishment, admiration, reverence and veneration?

Or do you mean terror, dread, and fear?

Words can have more than one meaning, dude......
Wow! What a bunch of clever fellows we have today. I’m in awe. 😬
I think it's terrific you landed a job so quickly after Subway instead of going on the dole. Cheers to you, mate...
Btw do you even know the meaning of trolling someone?

Just curiosity, there is no real need to reply although I am sure you will.

and I got booted from subway.

its always interesting being the wallyworld door greeter though.....
Typical Katie.

So quick to criticize others but cannot handle it in return ... lol

Old saying...

If you can’t stand the heat keep out of the kitchen ..✌🏻✌🏻
Nothing haunts Geoff. He always resets upon waking up. Besides, NDM also sucks up those spiritual entities that would otherwise haunt him.

Gooff, you should wait longer than a minute before responding to one’s post. 🙄

And anyone here ever wonder how Geoff accomplished the feat of over 14,000 posts? One word: Recycle.
Cmon now
Horrendous was a poor choice of descriptive speak.
Now you know why you should never criticize others for grammar, it will always come back to haunt you.

Words can have more than one meaning, dude. Most people learn that in sixth grade. At least I got your attention.
You mean like dreadful, awful, terrible, appalling, grim, grisly, vile and ghastly?
Sure, if you'd like....
HORRENDOUS: spine-chilling, shocking, frightening, hair-raising. Shall I use shorter words?
You can send a Midwesterner to Harvard. But he’s still a Midwesterner. 🤠
This just in! Customer X just called to say he flew out and installed NDM in “the Big System” of his Customer Z, in Oregon. Boy, are his arms tired. 🤗

Report from Oregon: Much more of everything, a lot more details, no distortion, frequency extension top and bottom. Horrendous bass slam and articulation.

Better get busy, guys.

Note: Customer Z has the BWS Consulting high power tube amps that come in at 600 lb shipping weight and will set you back 30 grand.