Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter CD and Blu Ray tray treatment?

This is a set of adhesive-backed thin plastic pieces that one attaches to one’s transport or player disc tray. The disk rests on them during non-spin mode, but presumably don’t touch the applied thin pieces during playback mode. The company says the new Dark Matter pieces reduces background scattered light from reaching the photodetector, thereby improving performance. 

Anyone tried this product? Please specify transport or player if you have and your impressions. 

Showing 37 responses by uberwaltz

Installed second batch in my C.E.C transport.

Listening to some piano and acoustic guitar music right now.

Nice rise and fall to the edges of notes that I had not noticed previously.

Dynamics are very alive and strong.

For the cost of this it is a very worthwhile tweak for sure.

One thing I have to admit here.

Have NEVER EVER been accused of making dignified understatements......

OK here is a bit more enthusiasm for you.

I was suitably impressed with the kit I installed in the discman and the Pioneer that I need some more for the C.E.C in the main system so will contact you to buy a kit.

C'mon Geoff
Wakee wakee now.
That was DAYS ago...
Old news now, the world has turned since then.

Coming from you that surely ranks as being on par with a knighthood!

Thx Carpathian.

I think they were just sick of sight of me at end of their road with a poorly constructed sign, scruffy dog and a bowl.

Btw do you even know the meaning of trolling someone?

Just curiosity, there is no real need to reply although I am sure you will.

and I got booted from subway.

its always interesting being the wallyworld door greeter though.....
Typical Katie.

So quick to criticize others but cannot handle it in return ... lol

Old saying...

If you can’t stand the heat keep out of the kitchen ..✌🏻✌🏻
Cmon now
Horrendous was a poor choice of descriptive speak.
Now you know why you should never criticize others for grammar, it will always come back to haunt you.


Hands up and jonesing up as being one of "those reporters".

I honestly do think it made a difference on both players I installed NDM into.

But what do I know, I am listening to Mamas and Papas so go figure......

Heck yes is the answer imho.

I used to use dbpoweramp and even windows media Center.

Now I use jrivermedia and I feel it is superior for rip quality compared to either of the aforementioned programs.

And as for ease of use it is not even a contest......

I believe you have a created a self driving monster here that is destined to feed on itself continuously  until the end of time.

Or when a black hole swallows us all up, whichever comes first...…..
Although I usually try not to feed the beast ,but black hole sensing is at least relevant to me for now.

Only because while in vacation in Reno we watched a show in Reno State University planetarium on Black Holes which touched on the huge black hole that was now "viewable" in our own galaxy.

Pretty darn interesting in all honesty not that I can remember much of the technical side of it.
My bad ...lmfao

Yes this thread is guaranteed to make anybodies head spin!

I guess I meant Geoffs product forgetting it was not actual Geoff who created this thread.

I blame lack of sleep on that oopsie!


Say what?

I guess as the OP you are allowed to troll your own thread of course......
You have to agree that a lot of what Geoff says , on this subject at least, does make sense.

My NDM treated Pioneer DVD/SACD player does sound fuller and more musical all round.

Now tbh my acquisition of a C.E.C belt drive CD transport sounds even better on Redbook CD and I wish I had some of the NDM left to try in this but alas it all went into the Pioneer and the Sony Discman.

But I was suitably impressed enough to say that I will buy a pack from Geoff when I get round to it.
What are they?
Are they like having fun?
I had fun once......
It was awful......

From the land of prime April Fools pranks I hail and you only have to midday to prank your "fool". Seriously.

Geoff, I knew you knew. Just wanted to make sure @celander knew you knew and that you knew that I knew and that I knew that @celander knew.

Hey if we can bend the time space continuum in here, surely changing a rectangle to a square is child’s play.

George can get that way at times
Not much love lost between George and Geoff here.
But GK is a big boy and can stand up for himself quite readily.
I would agree that you may find better effect inside a traditional front loader, that large cutout is exactly where I stuck a load of the NDM.
Please keep us informed

For sure GK can be a challenge to deal with at times and he does rub a lot of people the wrong way but that's his nature here.

Now George will say it's the same old group of gullible snake oilers trying this as those who peddle fuses, mats etc.

I would agree that some are the same members but for a total different reason.
More its the same group of people because they are open and receptive to the possibility that tweaks can work and are willing to try them.

Not every tweak works for every person, I have had some I have returned.

Imho the NDM did seem to have an effect in my little battery powered Sony Discman. This had GK previous Turquoise inside which I removed to replace with the NDM.

Sometimes you just have to work around GK foibles!
Bit of advice George.

Try not being so darn testy in your posts and they might last longer.

I truly miss reading them, hate to see just a bunch of removed posts.
I may have to get a kit for my OPPO now too.
Nice review David.

And a great movie! 
Great analogy Elizabeth.
Never even really stopped to think about it that way.

Maybe that's why bees are disappearing?
Somebody told them they can't fly and they listened.....
Four days without a post anywhere by Geoff, what's up with that?
Not sure I would waste time commenting on a thread about myself or my products unless specifically requested to.
GK likely has more sense than that and knows the vultures are gathering overhead......
So my ten cents.

Geoff gave me one of his modded Sony Discman players for postage money.
It works VERY well indeed.
Last week Geoff sent me a packet of the NDM to try in it.
Honestly I swear there is a bit more detail to a well known CD I played through it.
Now let this sink in, I am not having to justify any purchase here.......

I could just as easy say it's all crap.

But I honestly think it works, at least in my Discman in my system.

And you can say what you like about the guy, with actions like that he cannot be all that he is somewhat painted to be.
Sure an abrasive nature but you have not caught me on a bad day yet.... Lol.