Looking for a tube preamp that has xlr outputs.

As the topic says looking for a new or used tube preamp that has xlr outputs to go to my vtv amplifier.  Will be looking for dac next for streaming music.  But back the preamp.  Price is under 2500.  Used is ok since you can often get more bang for the buck.  

What suggestions do people have?  I like to listen to everything from blues to assic


A number of preamps have XLR outputs but are not truly balanced, if that’s important to you. Easy answer for one that is both is a Schiit Freya + (and it’s rarer cousin, the Freya N). Sells new for $899 plus tubes and available used for reasonable prices. There are others that cost much more, and some of them will sound better…

I’m listening to my Freya N right now through a Music Reference RM200Mk2, which has balanced inputs only. But it also sound good with my diy Pass B1,which is single-ended only, using an XLR to RCA adaptor. YMMV

You might take a look into what Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) has to offer - their tube preamps and amps are designed with 'true' balanced inputs and outputs, and a used VK32SE would be in your price range.

Vincent makes nice ear. 
that guy from Minnesota? 💩💩 I forget…..AVA, audio by van alstine  good stuff  

try odyssey audio, they have a tube with xlr 

also great stuff made in USA!


@dlowman There is a standard used in balanced line applications which is AES48. If the balanced line equipment supports AES48 you'll find that the interconnect cables make little or no difference in your system and you'll also have immunity to ground loops.

Do you need a phono section? Phono cartridges are balanced sources so you have have the same cable immunity at the input of the system where it matters the most. There are tube preamps with balanced phono sections that support AES48.

I think a preowned Atma-sphere MP-3 would be just the ticket. And it's truly balanced and adheres to the AES48 standard. No opamps are used to convert between single ended and balanced.

Friend just bought a BAT VK-31SE, under your price, and it is terrific...Freya+ is a great bargain...

Thanks everyone for the comments so far.  I'm researching everything people have mentioned so far.

@jl35 Wrote:

Freya+ is a great bargain...

I agree, It is also AES48 compliant.


Rogue RP7 fits the bill.  May be doable near your limit if you look for a used one.  They are very quiet. 

@fthompson251 I'm looking at that now.   Mainly becauae the company that makes them is about an hour away.  But it is quite an older unit.  So would want it gone thru just in case.  Have never heard od them but the reviews seem pretty good. 

@dlowman No need to have it looked at, it was mine. It’s been updated within the past 2 years to Mk III and recently I had them go through it again to change out some parts. I dropped it off in Sarasota while wintering in Florida. It’s in real good shape. I was the original owner. I would love to see it go to a nice home. My VAC Amp already sold. I moved away from tubes after 30 years!

@fthompson251 thats awesome to hear.  Do you know what tubes you had in it or that you likes the best? (Im case someone swapped out the tubes simce you sold it)


The tubes in it are good, esp the Telefunken 12AX7’s. Those were my favorite 12AX7’s in that preamp. All the tubes were tested and strong. I sent it to The Music Room with them in it.

If you’re worried about truly balanced that’s one thing. If you just want to hook it up get a single ended to xlr plug. I have some nice Cardas ones if interested. 

@dlowman sorry about that, I own this one, (not my ad) and assumed the previous model had balanced as well.

Read this just for knowledge even if it is out of your price range. Hell of a pre amp- weighs 53 lbs.

Honestly I need to read up ok xrl.  I'm old school and always just used rca lol.  I just know the amp have has no rca only xrl so that's why I got to looking for xrl preamps

Post removed 

I agree, It is also AES48 compliant.

@ditusa To the best of my knowledge, it isn't. There are only 3 ways to comply with AES48; output transformer, a solid state circuit specifically designed to allow a floating output and the system we patented. I don't see any of them used in this preamp.



I talked to Keith at vac and he said the serial number foe the power supply and the preamp dont match.  Maybe you got them mixed up with the amp you sold.  If so maybe I can talk to the owner and switch it back.  Also Keith said when they go to mark 3 they normally put a sticker on it but it could of fell off.  Do you have a name I could give Keith just so I could verify the Info.  Not that I don't trust you.  Lol just trying to retain the value if I ever sell.



I messaged you. I have a copy of the invoice for the Mk III upgrade I can send you. You spoke to Kevin Hayes I expect? 

Yes that is correct.  If I can have the invoice or a name I can give him to look it up on his end.  It could help. It's a great reference piece but definitely old.

FYI guys I picked up the vac cla1 mk3 that @fthompson251 had.  after talkong to the original make and them vouching for the previous owner and the unit.  

Wish me luck.

Post removed 

@atmasphere Wrote:

@ditusa To the best of my knowledge, it isn't. There are only 3 ways to comply with AES48; output transformer, a solid state circuit specifically designed to allow a floating output and the system we patented. I don't see any of them used in this preamp.

I sent an email to Schiit audio and asked if the Freya+ was AES48 compliant, they replied yes. See Freya review Sidebar 3: Measurements here.😎


Coincident 's new Pre has RCAs and XLRs/  Outstanding sound...but limited audio outputs.

I sent an email to Schiit audio and asked if the Freya+ was AES48 compliant, they replied yes. See Freya review Sidebar 3: Measurements here.😎


@ditusa I read the article you linked but it only mentions that the pin out of the XLR complies with the AES convention of pin 2 being non-inverting.

That's very different from supporting AES48. To do that, the balanced output has to float. That requires one of the three methods I mentioned earlier.

atmasphere Wrote:

That's very different from supporting AES48. To do that, the balanced output has to float. That requires one of the three methods I mentioned earlier.

I sent an email to Schiit audio and asked if the Freya+ was AES48 compliant, see answer from Schiit:

Hello Mike,

Yes it is. 

All the Best,

Tom E.

Schiit Tech


check on eBay! someone has a Balanced Audio Technology VK-3ix which sounds beautiful. Tube design and fully balanced (I owned that model for many years before upgrading to the VK-33SE)


OOPS just saw that you got a VAC. congratulations I'm sure it sounds good too