Looking for a Speaker Recommnedation

Looking to upgrade from my current Rogers LS3/5a + AB1 REL 328 setup .  While I love the smooth mids of these speakers (especially on voices/acoustic instruments), I tend to play harder music more frequently (alt/rock/punk/etc) which these do not excel at. I like to play music loud and have a real world living room my system is in (cathedral ceiling, open on one side, many windows. couch between my speakers) so setup is a challenge. I hate harsh sounding speakers.

My current playback system consists of a Oppo-BDP105 (or primarily Roon/JRiver via Ethernet) into a PS Audio DirectStream Jr DAC > Conrad Johnson Premier 14 Tube Pre > Conrad Johnson MF2500a Amp.  All run by a PS Audio P5 with a combination of Nordost/Shunyata cabling.

Looking to spend around $4,000-$7,000 but could be flexible. Used or new is fine.

Currently considering:

PSB Imagine T3
Vandersteen Trio CT
Spendor D7
Mangepan 3.7i (don't think this will work with high SPL)
Endeavor Audio E-3
Revel F208
Golden Ear Triton 1
Dynaudio Excite X44

Any other speakers I should be considering based on my equipment, volume preference and music? Anything I should eliminate?

Looking forward to hearing everyone's opinions & thank you in advance
Most of those ProAc Studio brightness threads are the 140s, which have a different tweeter. The 148s have the same tweeter as the response line. 
Sent Clayton an e-mail with my system specs.
No response. Not impressed

Reading quite a bit about the ProAc's tending to be on the bright side which would be a problem in my room


You may want to read the reviews

TAS: The zA2.1 is a fussy, listener-position-dependent, at first potentially frustrating loudspeaker

Definitely not what I'm looking for in my situation
Salk SoundScape 8's sound like they would fit your musical needs. Around $8k new in your veneer choice.
How much did you pay for the  XTZ Divine Alpha? Are you in the US?
Looks interesting.
Audio Note AN/e's, fantastic sounding, full range, fairly sensitive, easy to place in a room of almost any size.
Interesting speaker. Very much like a Harbeth. Like the fact you can place in the corners. Many options and difficult to get US pricing though. Never mind hear them
First off you can't ever say that one speaker blows the other out of the water.  Many for YOUR ears, but not for other folks
Very true 

Some folks seem to like speakers that are tipped up on top or brighter. I've seen names of those types mentioned in this thread also.
I suppose you are referring to Zu Audio, Tekton. Definitely want a non-fatiguing system. My room trends towards the bright side to my ears

I'll probably touch base with Johnny Rutan

Lot's of choices and if there is any way you can possibly audition to at least get to know what type of sound you like, it will help you in figuring it all out
True but unless you are doing the demo in your room/with your equipment I'm not sure you can guarantee anything. But I will get out there and hear/see what I can. Might be able to eliminate some for sure

Thanks ctsooner

Salk Bud Fried tribute speakers are Excellent
Not sure I'm willing to go this way. If I was a huge Fried fan maybe. Thanks for the suggestion though

XTZ Divine Alpha 
Did a little research. Very limited info out there on these. Thanks though
I have been modding speakers for year . For he money the Salk Bud Fried tribute
speakers are Excellent  but order them with upgraded Xover 
stock solen caps . The Jantzen Copper  inductors very hood can stay 
resistors Parts connecxion sells the best IMO Path Audio resistors.
very simple series Xover Mundorf Supreme for Bass.
for series capacitors ,tweeter midrange VH audio OIMP capacitors, with a Jupiter Copper wax bypass cap .1uf.  It is a magical combination.
one other Huge Tip the New Synergistic Research -Black fuses after 100 hours +
truly upgrade hatever you put them in Money Back 30 days .
start with digital to make my point  ,go one size up then what is currently in there 
for steel stock fuses can vary 15% or more. Jim Salk will put upgraded Parts in 
you just pay the extra before the build. The dual 6.5 Peerless Nomex drivers 
are very uniform , and the Hiquphon Tweeter is all hand built and tested to within
1/2db  no commercial tweeter is this precise at any where near this cost.
and transmission line rear ported Bass.
XTZ Divine Alpha, just coming out now, just got my pair, will beat any speakers on your list on any point, and many many speakers costing twice and thrice!! no joke. It is not well known in the USA, I dont know why exactly (they sell direct to customer which way better to me!!), the price/quality ratio is very very high, and these must be known because many audio enthusiasts are going passed not less than brilliant speakers without even knowing their existence.
This swedish company makes audio jewels at unbeatable costs. I already had the Master M2 bookself in my secondary system, was so impressed by its near perfection, that i also got the bigger brother for my main. XTZ are neutral, balanced, extremely precise, full resolution, can be tuned, and play very loud!! For me there is just no other way to go in this price range that i know of. If you want a comparison: the XTZ Alpha throws away by miles the best B&W 802D3. Strictly no fight and no doubt.
First off you can't ever say that one speaker blows the other out of the water.  Many for YOUR ears, but not for other folks.  I have tried and tried to like the Legacy's and for ME they are way too hot.  I do like their newest tweeter much better than their older one, but for many of us they aren't what we like.  I"m glad you love yours as that's what it's all about.

The nice thing is that you can find more than a few speakers you will like.  I love Vandersteens (just sold my Treo's this past week) and purchased the Quatro's.  For ME, they blew away anything I heard under 30k and I heard most of the contenders that are real companies with distribution (again, just my humble opinion).  I also love Proac's.  The newest ribbon Stuart is using is smooth to my ears and just an outstanding value too. 
Some folks seem to like speakers that are tipped up on top or brighter.  I've seen names of those types mentioned in this thread also.  

Lot's of choices and if there is any way you can possibly audition to at least get to know what type of sound you like, it will help you in figuring it all out.  Maybe you can call Johnny Rutan to see if he has the Quatro's for sale still.  He's also a Proac dealer as well as B&W's (not sure which lines) and he's an outstanding Maggie dealer too.  Not sure where you live, but if you can speak with a good dealer who is open minded about all their product lines, they can help you greatly.  Just make sure and purchase through them so it's not wasting their time.  JMHO again.  Keep us posted.
Here's a slightly outside the box rec, Audio Note AN/e's, fantastic sounding, full range, fairly sensitive, easy to place in a room of almost any size. Prices range from $5000 to as high as you can imagine prices changing based on internal components. Not the most flashy but a great speaker that just makes music.
Then I listened AB to the triton 1s. Sold. The ribbon tweeters were bright but not harsh
Strong contender

Golden Ear just came out with a Triton Reference speaker for 8500.00 a pair.
Interesting...Budget stretcher but..

Janszen: You may want to read the reviews
Will check it out
Golden Ear just came out with a Triton Reference speaker for 8500.00 a pair.  It has larger and updated drivers, more power for the subwoofers and it is solid wood.  The sock is gone!  I will be talking to my local dealer about auditioning a pair.
Post removed 
I'm a big rock fan also, e g Pantera, Metallica & classic hard rock. When I  listen loud, I want speakers with punch. Started with mac2350 and klipschhorns 6+ years ago. The WAF never extended to the big corner horns. So I started looking/listening. Lucky to have good audition options in Dallas. B&W ok. Mac speakers better, good look. Vandys look great & sounded very refined by comparison. Love them w jazz fusion etc but they didn't blow me back w big rock sound. Then I listened AB to the triton 1s. Sold. The powered subs handled the low end power needs. The ribbon tweeters were bright but not harsh compared to my horns. The mid was lush but powerful. Over time, these speakers have really satisfied my needs. WAF, great performer over a broad range of music (admittedly some genres better than others). Oh yeah-the price point speaks for itself. Good luck. Your list has many good alternatives 
Might check out some Zu Audio speakers. It seems a lot of rockers love them.

Doing some work on these now. Seems like all you hear about is the Soul Supreme. Anybody know the differences between that and the Omen Def MKII?

They are very efficient though so it is possible some hum would come through certain components.
Thanks for the info. Helpful

I was looking over PSB's offerings and ran into Monitor Audio Golds.
Have some work to do on these

I demoed the new Revel Concerta F36 and almost needed a Tylenol after one song
I have read some similar comments on forums.  Luckily I can hear these locally and drop if need be

I left some images under my profile so everyone can see what kind of room I am dealing with. A couple of notes: I can close the curtains on the front wall when listening. Back wall curtains can be closed but leaves approx 1 window exposed. Couch can be moved a bit back & front/back but not much. The Rogers are currently 3' from the front wall and approx 1.5' from the side walls. With the couch back against the rack I can get the speakers to 5' and in front of it which is what I would/plan to do for critical listening.

Thank you
Post removed 
I have had the Spatial M4s since the end of May 2016 and there is no accumulation of dust that I can detect in the open woofers as of now.  This time period included a total remodel of the kitchen so that doesn't seem to be a problem.  They are actually somewhat protected by the slanted baffle so a little careful dusting (vacuum) from time to time should be fine. 
As far as picking up hum, I have only tried these with some classic amps, a New York Audio Labs moscode 300, a Marantz 140 amp, a PSE Studio 2, some modded low output tube amps, and the Anthem i225 integrated which has a beautiful dark background.  No hum that I could notice unless standing with my ear next to the compression driver and the NYAL moscode 300.  They are very efficient though so it is possible some hum would come through certain components. 
I was looking over PSB's offerings and ran into Monitor Audio Golds.  I a/b the two with a Mystere' amp and now live with the Monitor Audio.  There are so many great speakers out there all you can do is listen...
and enjoy!

you left out the very best speaker...Legacy Audio
It is on my latest list. Very big though. Still in the running. Spent more time looking at the used until now. Not much avail. Will check out the new models

The PSB T3 and Revel F208 have the most neutral on- and off-axis measurements
That would be helpful in my room. I don't like speakers that require you to sit within a millimeter of the sweet spot to get good sound. Hearing mixed opinions on the T3 though.  Kinda finicky to setup. I don't have the most flexible room.

Why not Coincident Technology?
I have a pair of Opera Secondas with a REL S2 sub, absolutely love the sound and with the combination you will get very accurate reproduction at any frequency and plenty of bass for your hard rock!
If I were you I'd be adding JBL studio monitors to my audition list.
The brand new Dynaudio Contours are worth a listen
Will check them all out. Never been a big JBL fan though

Have you considered any of the Sonus Faber gear?
Have kinda avoided. Feels like there are 250 models

I will second that you look into the Spatial Hologram line, probably the M3 in your case.
Sent Clayton an e-mail with my system specs. Concerned a bit about some feedback regarding them amplifying noise from equipment not dead quiet (CJ MF2500 notorious for a low hum). 60 day/reasonable price helps. How dusty do those speakers get over time? Can't be great with the backs exposed. 

Re ZU/Tekton They have a dynamic in-your-face live sound, which is great for loud alt/rock/punk.

Not sure that is what I'm looking for but the Tekton's are still in the running. Really appreciate a speaker with smooth mid/highs, non harsh with a deep powerful bass that has a wide/deep soundstage and separation of instruments. Non fatiguing to listen to at any vol. But rocks when played loud. Not sure I can get there with my room, equipment and next speaker but...

My recent upgrade to Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S has been revealing 
Very intrigued by the M3 Turbo S's. Like what I've read/seen. Under $3k with a 60d trial. Flexible placement. Maggie like/lite with more bass. How is that open back going to handle years of dust though? 

Used Legacy's are tempting but they are beasts and might block my 2 windows. WAF would be low.

I will also reiterate my recommendation for Zu as a low cost alternative.

Have to do more work on the Zu

Where are you located?

This list is getting very large (rough ranking):

1 Magnepan 1.7i
2 Golden Ear Triton One
3 Endeavor Audio E-3
4 Spatial M 3 Turbo S
5 Tekton Pendragon
6 PSB Imagine T3
  Dynaudio Excite X44
  Focal Aria 936
  Legacy Audio Classic HD
  Legacy Audio Focus
  Legacy Audio Signature III
  ProAc Studio 148
  Revel F206
  Revel F208
  Tekton Double Impact
  Vandersteen Model 3A Signature
  Vandersteen Trio
  Von Schweikert VR-33

I do have a dealer nearby that carries Magnepan, PSB, Focal & Revel which should help narrow it down

Thanks all
Exciting process, happy for you. I am still a few years out. The brand new Dynaudio Contours are well worth a listen IMHO. Both the 20's and the 30's are made to rock. Best of luck.
The PSB T3 and Revel F208 have the most neutral on- and off-axis measurements in that list.
Have you considered any of the Sonus Faber gear? I have a pair of the Venere 3.0 and a pair of the Venere S. Currently driving them through Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP power amps and I absolutely love the sound. Incredibly full, especially with the 3.0's... The Venere S are the more expensive pair but I like the sound of the 3.0 more (richer and not so harsh). BUT Ive heard the SF Olympicas and wow. Just wow. They deliver such a solid full sound and aesthetically, are real stunners. You may be able to find pair used for 8-10k. Worth a listen.

If I were you I'd be adding JBL studio monitors to my audition list. In my opinion, they are perfect for your listening preferences.
There is always lots of good advice out there and if you can listen to them all you are likely to be better prepared, but unless the dealer will let you listen in your environment with you equipment it may or not be a good way to select. 
I will second that you look into the Spatial Hologram line, probably the M3 in your case.  Clayton will give you 60 days in your house to audition, tweak and play with them and it will cost you return shipping for that privilege.  My guess is you wouldn't send them back.  They are dynamic, room friendly (make sure you give them the proper 24-100 hr break in period), easily driven, open as are open baffle speakers and throw a beautiful image with great accuracy and most of all very melodic.  You will not suffer any fatigue after hours of listening and I find that I play them much louder than I used to as they immerse you so well.  GIve Clayton a call.
You may not hear much about these speakers as Clayton eliminates the middle man to keep costs down ... yet that may be a negative factor because the cost is so reasonable that many mid-high end listeners would consider them probably unsatisfactory.  With your budget you can't lose on giving them a try. 
I started long ago by building my own LS3/5a speakers and loved their near field sweetness and gave them to my son and built another British plan 3 way monitor.  I have tried many other speakers since those early days and never found anything I like better than these until after loving the sound of Maggies but not willing to put up with their negatives and reading about open baffle speakers, played a bit with that and then Clayton made Emerald Physics which had a complexity problem and then started Spatial Audio and I figured his return policy was too good to pass up.  I purchased the M4's because I tend to listen near field and never thought about returning them even before the break in.
You have listed some pretty fair speakers, but IMHO you left out the very best speaker...Legacy Audio. The fit and finish are in a class by them self, and the darn things sound way better than they look. The Focus SE's are a speaker that is at home playing classical music and still come up and punch you in the "kisser" with hard rock. 

You have a wide range of finishes to pick from so they can fit right in with any decor to keep the little wife happy. 

The Legacy system is a system that I promise you, you will utterly have to force yourself to turn off at night so that you can go to bed. 

Check out the Legacy web site and look at what your choices might be.
I have a pair of Opera Secondas with a REL S2 sub, absolutely love the sound and with the combination you will get very accurate reproduction at any frequency and plenty of bass for your hard rock!!!
"In my respectful opinion, the Tekton Pendragons and Double Impacts absolutely trounce anything in what most serious music listeners would consider a very modest price bracket."


Don’t spend a ton of money on speakers until you get to hear Tekton. I have the Lores are they’re incredible. They’re very similar to Zu speakers (I’ve compared them side by side), only without the expense. They have a dynamic in-your-face live sound, which is great for loud alt/rock/punk.
Try the Tekton Pendragon's (I own a pair) for $2,000 or the new Tekton Double Impact for $3,000. I agree with mthowe comments.
with your preference of music and wanting to play loud, definitely look into the Revel F208. I have similar taste in music and listening volume. I have Revel F32s with MF6i, Ayre QB9 DAC DSD and VPI MK III table with updates. For me best speakers for the music style and listening volume you like.
Ascend Acoustic speakers have excellent bass and a very smooth treble that never gets harsh (considering electronics of course). They don't advertise in mags or at shows. I found a used pair of Sierra 2 bookshelf speakers and love them! I've never felt the need to add a sub. They're that good!

The Tritons are very good, some of the others on your list are too polite for what you are looking for. Look at the Tekton range - the dynamics and slam from my Lore Reference speakers with just 50 tube watts is stunning. Mahler 5 Chicago Symphony, realistic levels, no compression on the huge peaks and the brass had a ton of bite. Stunning.
i have a pair of Thiel 2.7's and they are wonderful.  a friend just got Revel F206 and is blown away and he is an ardent audio nut.   good luck
My recent upgrade to Spatial Audio M3 Turbo S has been revealing . Now I don't want to hear music or movies on anything else . And they are dynamic and easy to place . They will play deeper and louder than I care to listen . Available factory-direct under 3K . Spend the remaining 4K on recordings .
There are a pair of Vandy Quatro's on Audioconnection's website preowned for $5K. If I knew, I would have bought them instead of the Treo, oh well.
Where are you located? Johnny Rutan is the best and can give you the best advice on Vandy's. PM him, he is audioconnection on Agon.
I will also reiterate my recommendation for Zu as a low cost alternative.
For a speaker without crossovers, it gives comparable sound to many higher priced speakers. Plus, you can trial them for 30 days and only lose shipping costs.
Find a mint pair of used Legacy Signature III's or a nice used pair of
Legacy Focus speakers.
I don't know much about the Legacy's. Will have to do some digging. Checked out your speakers. Nice system.

Thanks for the suggestion
fdemello  ...

Another Legacy fan here.  How would you like to keep a ton of cash in your pocket and improve your sound with a speaker that will blow the smaller Vandersteen's down the tubes?  Here's the suggestion:  Find a mint pair of used Legacy Signature III's or a nice used pair of Legacy Focus speakers.   The Signature III's are a bit of a rarity these days on the used market, but the Focus's are more common. Good pair of Signature III's go for around $1500. The Focus's go fro around $2000-$2500.  

Click on my avatar to see the Signature III's.  And yes, I've heard the smaller Vandesteen's and made the comparison. No contest. 

The PSB , Proac and Revel are much better than the Focals I heard them once nice speakers but not enough interesting to listen for long term.
I would let you listen to my system if you ever made it to the Seattle area. Did you check out my system page? My 148s are about 12" away from the front wall, wish I could go farther out but it does not work for my room layout.
I did. 148's look nice there. Thanks for the offer on the listen. Most of us have a room trade-off to deal with it seems

PSB, Revel does interest me as well. Hearing the Dynaudio may be a tad bright

Any opinions on the Focal 936/948's?
I currently own the Proac 140 MK2 , I heard the 148 and was impressed by their excellent dynamics and bass. The PSB ,Dynaudio and especially the Revel you mentioned are good options too ,However if you can stretch your budget for really thrilling hi end speakers try the Proac Response D48R or the PMC Twenty 26.
I would let you listen to my system if you ever made it to the Seattle area. Did you check out my system page? My 148s are about 12" away from the front wall, wish I could go farther out but it does not work for my room layout. 
Thank you. I just found that. Studio 148 not in their price sheet though. Would have to call
ProAcs are distributed through Sound Organization in Texas (Rega distributor also). My Seattle dealer sells ProAc (only the response line), Rega, Naim, PMC and others plus has a great used section.

Maybe call Sound Organization and see what can be worked out?