Listening to music I don’t particularly like

Do you find yourself listing to music you don't particularly like because it sounds so good on your system? If I'm honest with myself I am an old dude who grew up with classic rock and really enjoy it but a lot of it was not well recorded. So I find myself listening more and more to other genres of music that I normally wouldn't  just because they sound so good on my system. I don't know what this says about me, maybe I am more of an "equipmentphile" than a music lover? I keep listening to music ranging from classical to vocal jazz to country and I love the sound of it  but it doesn't get my toes tapping like a good old rock song from my youth. I was even listening to Chinese drums today. Is there hope for me? Will I ever ever enjoy this music as much as I enjoy the "sound"?


I occasionally (infrequently) listen to recordings that I either don't like or didn't like the last time I listened to them, just as a reality check that what I heard the last time is still true.  Personal tastes change over time, not to mention our hearing.  Sometimes I am surprised; the artist (or recording) sounds better than they did the last time.  When you make significant changes to your gear, all bets are off and it's usually worth a re-listen.

So OP, a tune like "Havans" by Camilla Cabello, you don't tap your foot?

Mercy when I put on Salsa me and the mail lady will dance for 15 minutes on her lunch break. We don't mess around amigo, and I'm American Irish/Welch kid. I'm a dancin' Baptist.. I'm 67. I'm worn out. :-)

Some of the new POP music I throw the hat on the floor, me and dog do the Elvis Shuffel Dance untill I run out of battery power on the Tesla Super scooter, THEN I switch to nuclear power.. If it's a really good FRIDAY..

My old stuff is in really good shape and I recomend you get youself a Puffin and learn how to use it for your older medium. You can take a pretty bad record if it tracks and is clean, and make it sound a whole lot better. 

I have a couple of good mono carts for broadcast so easy to service. Again my FIL had GREAT taste..

These 78 are in hard back books, they were made that way. He was super proud of his collection. A lot of big band, jazz, and some county western. 10-20 LP per album. at least 20 albums.. He had some Indian (India) music and Hindu Stuff, I'm not a good Hindu. I'll eat anything. :-)  I like Hindustani music.. But I like a washboard and spoons, too. 


bikeske -- Try the Third Movement, the Adagio, of Bruckner's Symphony #8, in a performance by Eugen Jochum and the Berlin Philharmonic on Deutsche Grammaphon. The rest of the symphony can get, as Bruckner tends to be, more than a little long in the tooth. But the Third Movement is as beautiful and moving as anything I've ever come across. I love it dearly.

a few thoughts

- just like food, wine, movies, etc, sometimes it is nice to veer out of one's comfort zone to experience something new (especially if recommended by those whose taste you like, respect, trust) - sometimes it can open a door to new pleasures

- that been said, i think an important aspect of putting together a hifi system is to be honest and realistic about the source and music types you will listen to most of the time, and optimize for those

- i remember back in the vinyl days, we all waited each month for the newest releases by mofi and other such audiophile record labels remastering.recutting beloved gems... so the notion to of seeking best versions of music we enjoy is hardly new

- end of the day, even with music genres. listening to comfort-food music of medium recording quality vs audiophile tracks of mediocre musical content, one also needs to find a healthy, enjoyable balance

I may not listen to something because it is poorly recorded, but I never listen to something just because it is recorded well. There is more than enough out there that satisfies both requirements.

I have found that when I listen to music that I like it makes me happy. Tonight I am not happy and some of my of my collection is headed to St Vincent de Paul. Live is too short to listen to music that doesn't make you happy.

I don't generally listen to music that I don't like. I'm also a classic rock aficionado, going back to R&B and doo-wop. I find myself enjoying more recent and well-recorded covers of the oldies.

As a person who listens to a lot of ’classical’ music, yes I do. Why? Because I find myself listening to some composers today I wouldn’t have in the past. Understanding perhaps? Evolution of that understanding? Not sure.

The one composer who ’sticks out to me’ is Bruckner. I don’t quite get the attraction to his work, but I continue to buy various performances of Bruckner’s work, and listen to them from time to time regardless. I don’t detest his work, it just doesn’t do much for me as others do. But, I keep my mind and ears open and listen nonetheless.

If I don't like the music, I won't listen to it no matter how great the sound is.  There are a number of audiophile releases that sound excellent but the music sucks in my opinion.

I don't go out of my way to listen to genres I don't care for, but I must admit that when they do come on when I'm in Qobuz or something, they really DO sound a lot better to me! 

I only listen to music that I like or love. If it happens to be well recorded, (Chris Isaak, Tracy Chapman, Joni Mitchell etc.) it's a plus, but I can listen through an average not-so-good recording and enjoy it anyway.

I think there's a difference between music you don't listen to and music you dislike. If your system is encouraging you to listen to stuff you don't ordinarily check out it could be a good thing and open your musical horizons. If you're enjoying listening to these new things I wouldn't worry about it.

Actually "My Daily Discovery" on Tidal is what got me started down this road and I love it. 


I think it is fine to be a "equipmentphile". Don't be ashamed of it. Most audiophiles want equipment that make their music shine. I don't have a single non-audiophile friend who cares for their equipment or how the music sounds.

The good news is that if your equipment is making you listen to music you might have liked otherwise, then  you have invested in a great system. Maybe it is time to NOT stereotype "other non classic rock" music as something that you "might not like". A few years ago I used to tell my friends - I don't like "synthesized" music. And man I was wrong. The worst thing you are doing here is by calling yourself "old dude". Don't discrimate music. Keep your mind open and you will surprise yourself. If you listen to Tidal, then it has the "My Daily Discovery". Not all the songs that you listen in ths playlist might appeal to you. But as you listen to more music, it will be tailored to your liking. All I say is - keep an open mind and don't be ashamed of being an "equipmentphile". If we were not that, then we all would have a $100 receivers, with $30 bluetooth adapters and lamp cords connected to some junk $50 speakers for listening to our music.

I regularly listen to music that I don't think I will like. Perhaps the artist's work didn't appeal to me or I didn't get enough exposure to the artist's oeuvre. I think to myself: There must be a reason this artist is so highly regarded.

Happily surprised once I gave a good listen. Lucinda Williams, Elbow, Wolf Alice, Nathaniel Rateliff and many others. This past week, the songs of Taylor Swift landed on my playlist. Wowsa. How did I miss that?

Thank you for letting me use the word 'oeuvre' in a sentence for the first time. 

We are never too old.



One advantage of having a nice system is listening to it and I think trying new music is an ancillary effect.

I often have Linn Jazz on my system - I have my system on a large portion of the time including when I'm away so my dog doesn't feel alone.

There's some vocal jazz tracks with some amazing vocalists.  There was one song I heard - I stopped what I was doing to find out who it was.  (It was Nikki Yanofsky)  I thought that was really cool! 

I will sometimes gravitate to music that is recorded so well that although it might not be my first choice it is very enjoyable anyway. I still listen to all of my old music though including those atrocious 80s CDs not replaced and my old LPs as well.

I suspect it depends on how I feel, but with a very enjoyable system it's a pain to listen to some mediocre recordings. My LPs do not pop so they still sound great!

It is a pretty common trap for audiophiles. I was in that mode, and only after I broke away from the audiophile approved recordings did I really get to enjoy and learn. Good sonics can be found on LPs that are musically enjoyable, entertaining or challenging listens-- my ears opened up figuratively to all kinds of stuff I never explored. I now have a palate for things I would have never listened to before and written off as cacophony-- although I do find some "free jazz" remains a challenge.

I used to do these threads on other audiophile boards that were labelled "non-audiophile records" as a sort of counterpoint to the warhorses-- sometimes common stuff that was fun (lots of the Warner Green label and beyond was really well produced). Other stuff has gotten more recherche as my taste has evolved. Snob factor- not really- listen to what you like, the problem I confront is that a lot of this stuff is now in collector territory, but if you are patient and perhaps live with a CD or lesser copy until you find the OG copy, you don’t always have to pay a fortune. I just got a copy of Steve Reid’s Rhythmatism, which, while not exactly rare, isn’t so easy to find in top condition. Not cheap, but not crazy money, from an honest seller online.

I guess people use streaming services to discover stuff. I had this complementary trial of Qubuz, and looked up Cecil McBee- a very prolific jazz bass player in the ’70s who, as of this writing, is still with us. There was very little of his material on Q. So, for that, unless Tidal or one of the other streaming services has a deep catalog of what you are interested in, that may not be the best route to exposure.

Classic rock- still have a ton of it, most of the stuff I care about i went to the trouble to buy multiple pressings. I do have a thing for early heavy rock-- what would now be labelled proto-metal, but it was at the time, just hard rock. Like biker bar stuff. Juxtapose that with some cello solo recordings or soul jazz-- The Visitors- a/k/a The Grubbs brothers- cool stuff, well recorded, again not easy to find a mint copy unless you live near some good used record stores, but the hunt is also part of the fun.


I also prefer excellent sounding content.

Happily I like Jazz, and both early Mono and most Stereo (not reprocessed) Jazz includes great engineers that knew what they were doing. I do put in the 'sell' shelf, albums from artists I like with crap engineering. So many new to me artists to discover, and additional content of favorites.

I play fun memory type LP's, 60's, 70's  like you describe, great songs and beat but nothing special accoustically, using a separate MM replaceable ML stylus, avoiding wear on non-replaceable MC SAS stylus. My MONO is also replaceable stylus. CDs of course are and stay however good/bad they sounded.

Great sounding stuff, i.e. Eurythmics, Melissa Etheridge, .... I buy new LP's to replace my beat up ones. Not serious audiophile 45 rpm versions, just decent condition, near mint or new. 

"For 6 weeks every year I crank up the Victrola and listen to 78s .. I don't care what it sounds like, it reminds me of my Father In Law, one of the greatest men I ever new.. I can see his wonderful smile.. Foxtrotted untill he was 92 then he slowed down. Ton of fun.."


Sounds like a wonderful man and a real music lover. 

I still listen to the music I love. I just find myself listening to more music than I would have in the past. I just can't shake the feeling that no matter how good it sounds it doesn't have the same reaction if I haven't heard the song a hundred times before. Possible exception is a jazz vocal cover of one of my favorites. 

There is a lot of the old stuff that I quit listening to because of the crap recordings..Janis is one of a few. 

BTW I have collection of over 400 78s in VG condition..It was my FIL pre WWII and until he went to heaven. 

For 6 weeks every year I crank up the Victrola and listen to 78s .. I don't care what it sounds like, it reminds me of my Father In Law, one of the greatest men I ever new.. I can see his wonderful smile.. Foxtrotted untill he was 92 then he slowed down. Ton of fun..



maybe I am more of an "equipmentphile" than a music lover?

You are a prime example of Listening to the equipment rather than the music. And you know it. maybe its a phase. I have learned to like some music that I formerly never listened to either. I even listened to "Kind of Blue". I never learned to like it though. I haven’t mustered up enough courage to try female vocals. Yuck. to each, their own. A seat for every butt and a song (genre) for every person. I guess if you enjoy listenin g to the equipment, then who am I to say differently? But I suspect that will be short lived. You’ll get tired of that . I’ve seen a lot come & go. They had gone through equipment til they got tired of the merry go round.


One note is that I found that as you climb the ladder and get a really good system established, that classic rock doesn’t sound bad. No, it doesn’t have the separation & air, etc that acoustic music has. But I like it. it sounds really good to me. But I do understand your dilemma. I now play albums which I could not play 15-20 yrs ago because they were too shrill, thin and awful. But I found that it was the system, NOT the music.

If I don't like something I tend not to listen to it at all. Now what I will do that I don't like is not listen to some music I really enjoy simply because it doesn't sound great on my system, or will only listen to in my car. We can be a strange breed.