Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,



My first bad pair came from China. My second came from Viva and are going back today. My second pair from same China source were acceptable. Tube sellers measure them but don’t have time to listen to them.

You should ask the dealer if noise testing is available. Upscale and VTS include it with every matched pair. Brent Jesse and others charge $10 per pair.

Grant Fidelity say they listen to them with headphones to ensure low noise.


Has anyone tried the globe version?


I bought the regular version, and while only 30 minutes of running, they are fairly noisy and don't have much bass at this time.

Their globe treasure are very expensive but worth the price, I bought one from GF very quiet and it throws huge soundstage , tonal balance is very good, I love it.The globe pavane are ok.

Just pulled the trigger on a set of 4.

Hopefully they’ll be here by Fri., & socket savers.


Set of four....E-6SN7's? Which dealer?

My advice from earlier in the thread, clean the socket saver pins and inside wiring with Deoxit.

@coachpoconnor After reading this entire thread, I’ve decided to order a set Linlai E-6sn7. I recently purchased a SLP-98; ...


Forgot to ask, did you buy two or four of the Linlai 6SN7s?

Tip: if you’ve not discovered this yet, and only bought two tubes, try swapping tubes front/rear positions in your SLP-98. It can yield different results. Early on I focused more on the front tubes mainly. Later on i.e. placed my TJ Full Music 6SN7s up front (transparency), and PSVANE CV181-TIIs (tonal weight) in the rear spots. The blend of two different type tubes in front and rear spots can be nice.

You can try the same with the Linlai 6SN7s too front & rear only w/other tubes in the opposing spots. Its amazing how it can produce different sounds, tones, textures in different combinations with one preamp.




Thank! Will try that recommendation. I’ll be interested in what you think of the Linlai’s. I’m getting close to 100 hrs on them; they’re very good. Will be looking for some complementary tubes.

After reading the feedback here about the Linlai 6SN7 tubes, I ordered a pair for my Aesthetix Io Eclipse phono amp. I have used Tung Sols, EHs, and JJs. It will be interesting to hear how these sound in a phono amp. 

My amp uses 4 tubes in a cascode gain-stage. I have a pair of E-6SN7s in the front slots, 1940's Ken Rad VT-231 black glass behind and a Sylvania '53 GT as the driver. It sounds fantastic. The Linlai is very transparent but the K-R is colouring the sound with its deep forward signature. I'll swap in a neutral Sylvania and hopefully the Linlai's sonics will be easily heard. That's the issue of using a multi-stage amp, the different colours of the tubes influence the sound. If I could fit 4 of these large bottles I'm sure it would sound wonderful.

My 6SN7 preamp is in the shop, so looking forward to rolling in the Linlai. 

Just contacted Viva Tubes & they informed me that, the 4 tubes I ordered will be individually boxed w/its test data. If anyone is curious. 

I should be getting my credit from them for my returned tubes any day now. Good specs, but noisy. That is why I paid a premium for Grant Fidelity tubes as they actually listen to them with headphones to weed out the noisier of the quietist tubes. Based on Jayc's recommendation, I ordered the globes.

Let's hope your system still withstands those noisy tubes - ha! 🎧🎵🔊

Since you had no issue with my China sourced tubes, you should be golden.

“Just contacted Viva Tubes & they informed me that, the 4 tubes I ordered will be individually boxed w/its test data. If anyone is curious.”


Does Viva tubes include test data for all tubes they mail out? I don’t recall if I had test data verified by any previous orders with Viva. The website says they do testing to within 5% of each tube pair. Seems reasonable. 

Which series of the 6SN7 did you order, E-6SN7 globe or regular 6SN7? 

Well,I just pulled a BONE HEAD move and cooked a tube. I just ordered another pair.  I turned the system off to pull a tube for measurements, and like an idiot,instead of just leaving the room for a few minutes, I put said tube back in a little too quickly,and turned everything back on.  I am not very happy with myself.  

Wait a sec. @rocray 

You pulled the tube, fine. What was the problem, installing it again while the amp was hot?


I have been searching since you posted. I don't see any Linlai called the Globes. Do you mean the Global E-6SN7?

I’m assuming that was the issue.  When I turned the pre back on, I heard a pop,and shut it down. Waited a few minutes,turned it back on,an low volume on the right channel. Shut it down,waited a few minutes,switched tubes. Low volume moved to the left channel.   Waited again,pulled the Linlai’s out,swapped in the Psvanes, all is well.  I feel like a knucklehead. 

Not totally I guess, It still produces sound, much lower,with some crackle. I shut it down before possibly harming my preamp.  The pre must have still been charged? I’m just really thankful I only ruined a tube. 


That's why I had to ask. You're probably right, the preamp circuit was still charged. You had me thinking the tube's filament was way too fragile.

I've done that by mistake with NOS and have never blown a tube or heard a bang, a pop, a sizzle....


@rocray that is a shame. Didn't know it was possible to damage a tube this way. Know one has to be careful turning a big amp back on too quickly. Was also told one should never turn a preamp on/off with phono input selected. Thanks for the warning. Does your tube still have a warranty?



@lowrider57, that would be my luck to happen to me.

@aldnorab , I believe there is a warranty against defects, I don’t think stupidity is covered.   


I know you didn't. Can you link me to the 6SN7 Globe?

The name of the Linlai's I and others purchased are the Global E-6SN7. According to the manufacturer, Global is the series for international sales. China has a domestic brand.

I must have a serious comprehension issue. I looked on Vivas website for 5 minutes last night, and couldn’t find a mention of a matched pair!  Singles,triplets,and so on, but no pairs.  Time to start eating some brain food. Any suggestions?? 

@rocray , I just went there and saw a few pairs listed. Globe Balloons and Black plate pairs listed, both. Could be sporadic supply or them playing games making it look like they are low inventory to get people to buy "last few pairs" each day.  Two things to try.  Weird pricing stuff going on with some of the quads of power tubes I use and Viva is now marking up 2x-4x on some quads too.  Clear your cache / clear history on your computer browser in case its showing an old page not refreshed, and/or call them tomorrow on the phone and see what matched pairs they really have in stock.  Let us know what the scoop of the day is now :) 

A Keyboard Short Cut is the to use ' Control + f5 ' to refresh a web page.

Sorry to hear about the incident with the Tube, I had a Russian 6SN7 equivalent start out as the most likeable addition, and after about 45 minutes become the most distorted and worrying tube ever used, worse than fluff on a Stylus.

I was panicking I had not caused a further damage on the circuit.  


Thank you. Seems like the name has been lost in translation. See the Linlai website.

There’s something not quite right about Viva when it comes to Linlai sales. There are reports that some of their tubes are noisy, they’re not using the same nomenclature as Grant Fidelity or Linlai.

And isn't this tube called a Globe?







Yes, you are right. I just compared the Viva tubes with the Linlai website and they appear to be two different tubes. Hmm, something is not quite right for sure. Did you order any from Grant or Viva? The Viva web site says Globe and not Global as well which makes we wonder if I should have ordered from Grant. Any community  feedback from Grant Linlai 6SN7 tubes use, quality, etc. 


I’ve been suspicious of Viva since the start of this thread. And thank you for confirming my thoughts that they are not the same tube.

I posted this earlier, a warning from Linlai: Chinese domestic tube market, unfortunately, is very much unregulated with insufficient trademark protection, a very chaotic supply chain dotted by ‘underground or backdoor deals’, sometimes even mixed with counterfeits and bad qualities.

Everybody, please read:

I don’t believe Viva is an authorised dealer for the above reason. I do believe Grant Fidelity is a Linlai dealer based on their website which uses the same photos and descriptions as the factory site. Also, their prices are high. There are a couple of legit dealers that @rocray knows of. I contacted Don Sachs regarding where to purchase. I’ll let rocray respond since he started this thread and may have the latest and most complete information.

My advise for everyone here is to stop ordering from Viva and get your refunds. We’re a small and tight community, a band of brothers if you will, that love audio and took a chance on obtaining some new premium tubes. I hate seeing our members getting ripped off.



I’ve always stuck with Grant. Running Linlai 6SN7 Globes in my preamp now. They’ve been in for about 2 months.  I have an unusual setup - and all I can say is they provide more of what you’ve got. With open baffles there more air and separation. With 3-ways more bass. With horns - more horn. I like them, but I haven’t done my usual - go back to the previous tubes after break-in test. 

Has anyone ordered from Linlai direct? Their pic. of the tube has a solid base, but the drawing has the ring on the bottom as in the ones from Viva.


The only authorized dealer for the US is grant fidelity, but I see most of the Chinese sellers on the web have the same tube, it just doesn't say Linlai global on the glass. The ones viva has do appear to be of a different internal construction.

I'll let everyone know tomorrow if there's a difference. I think @bugredmachine has ordered from both companies. Lets see what he says.

Treasure Globe 6SN7-SE (pair or single, GF Limited Special Edition) – Premium Vacuum Tubes

Maybe I got the last pair. On their way. Still waiting on my refund from Viva for the noisy E6SN7 pair. My email exchange with Rachel at GF was reassuring that they listen to the tubes with headphones to verify they are low noise, especially for preamp applications.

I've heard from those who have traveled the Psvane path that their globes are not as good as the Linlai globes.

Hi, I've been following this thread and do have an interest in the Linlai E 6SN7.

From what I read do far I see a few options to purchase these tubes:

  • Grand Fidelity
  • Viva Tubes
  • eBay

Looks like Grand Fidelity is the "official" authorized dealer, and their price seems to be the highest.   Viva Tubes seems to be questionable.   I'm a little bit uneasy with buying from eBay, but I guess most sellers are legit.  I believe the last 2 that I listed are Chinese retailers, and they seem to have the best price.   I wonder if they are genuine Linlai dealers.   I'm leaning towards the Chinese dealers because of the price.

Can anyone share their experience with the Chinese dealers?  Are the tubes in good quality in terms of noise and matching etc.?

I'm not in a hurry to buy yet.  I'm still researching and reading up on these tubes, but so far most people seem to be happy with them.


I wonder if Viva got a bad batch all from the same lot (giant box o’ tubes), rattled apart or something maybe from a dropped box in shipping from afar. Who knows, they’ll have to answer to you’all on that. Over the years had good luck with them, however also started purchasing from different individual suppliers who test or test/listen to tubes before shipping them out. Seems like varied quality right now. Like what @lowrider57 said, "band of brothers" giving feedback and forcing their hand a bit will help, a message of seeing to folks getting their refunds taken care of first.

Xcool go for Grant Fidelity it’s worth the price, don’t cut corners on tube.

wonder if Viva got a bad batch all from the same lot (giant box o’ tubes), rattled apart or something maybe from a dropped box in shipping from afar. Who knows, they’ll have to answer to you’all on that. 

More likely they were a backdoor purchase or worse. Not the same build and they are called by a different name. Even Ali Express, which Linlai has declared illegitimate, uses the correct name of the tubes.

@invalid if so. the ones I'll get tomorrow their going rite back.

I called Viva this morning and left a message for them to call me. If I don't hear from the by the end of the day, their going BACK!