Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,



Previous owner sent a Bendix with the DS. Played it a few weeks without any problems. Need to try it with the Linlai, after they break in. With the RCA and Ken-Rad VT 231 it was very, very punchy. The high frequencies were a little aggressive. Reminded me of beginning era Krell amps. 



Tubes came today!

No hiss that bugredmachine experienced. I had to alternate tube sockets for the Linlai to fit. Swapped out my Shangs. 181 ll & kept the Psvane (gold base) in. What I noticed in my system was, the upper midrange opened up but lost a little midbase, so I attenuated my ALK xteem slope croosover to compensate for the change. My TT is a Technics 1210 GAE w/ SME 309 & an Ortho Black cartridge. The combo of the new tubes with the Psvane (gold) base, Changed the performance of Ortho Black. NOW I know why its $3000.00

The Play List; Adele-30 LP side 2, Yes- Close to the edge, full LP. Santana’s Abraxas, Paul Paray’s- The Music of Chabrier full LP & finished with Dave Brubecks Time Changes side1.

So I think I covered it, music wise! All music was about 2 hrs of play time including the warm up of the tubes. So I guess I’ll have to order a set soon.

Compared from memory a few days ago when I rolled my KR & Sylvania JAN they would be Comparable tubes. I’m waiting for the W E 6sn7 to come out in Sept. if there is such a thing. Time will tell! That’s another subject.

I hope I made it clear to everyone, that their better then the Shangs & maybe the Psvane, in my systen. YMMV. Also 4 Linlai could be better the 2. I would have to remember who sells the tube adapter for the 6sn7 & purchase a set.

@danmar123 , so glad these are working out for you. I’m also glad they are quiet. I think you will be greatly rewarded after they get some hours on them. They really do open up.  Enjoy,and keep us posted as the hours burn by. 

rocray, I need permission from bugredmachine to burn in further, after all their his tubes. If & when I go that route, I would have to get a pair of socket savers to alternate a set of 4. ''Said earlier'' Also if anyone should have the website of where they're purchased I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance. Dan  

@danmar123 my socket savers came from tubesandmoredotcom. Sku P-st8-1000. Item id 003356. They are black and 9.95ea. My older dual gain control linestage can't fit 4 Linlai with just two socket savers. The front & back rows are too close. Had to stack 2 savers on two tubes (diagonally situated from each other). Makes for a very tall preamp.



My US-sourced pair hiss as well.


Where are you buying your tubes? I bought the 2nd set from VivaTubes.

@danmar123 . Had to stagger mine. Distance between front & back row is less than side to side. So I have left front and right rear on two socket savers each. That barely clears on my linestage. On another forum a man has offered to make custom adapters. They would be a socket and plug with space in between to "extend" the tube sockets further apart. There is plenty of real estate to spread tubes out on top of the linestage. Won’t pursue that until I decide if the Quad Linlai are my favorite setup.



@bugredmachine what a bummer. I'd consider calling Don Sachs for guidance. The Linlai are so big that even staggered with 1 socket saver on left front and right rear the tubes were touching. Didn't notice this at first. The tubes weren't fitting completely flush in the socket. Have to admit the Don Sachs linestage looks impressive with stacked double socket savers and such big tubes. 🙂

Good luck,


Don told me to let the tubes run for 20 hours. So far in 8 hours, no change. One tube is 10x louder than the other. I can hear it outside the room. Swapped the cables left to right and the higher noise tracks the tube. The lower noise one is still ridiculous. I'm not sure how you guys are putting up with this. I have to get to 8 inches of my tweeters to hear small hiss from the Shunguangs.

Don says the preamp is fine and he does get an occasional bad one but his volume is high and he is okay with that. Only one source for these I understand so are the sellers actually listening to the tubes before shipping out?

@bugredmachine, please excuse my lack of technical knowledge,I concede that most here forgot more than I know. That being said,let me throw something crazy out there. Is it possible that this tube in your room is acting like some sort of antenna? Is it possibly picking up some radio or electronic interference?  

From what I observed,these tubes took at least 50 hours to start to open up. These were kind of impact free on all levels at first. After having well over 200 hours at this point,these are very full frequency tubes in my system,  

@rocray , the reason I'm asking is because of how the tubes make my Orthofon sing. I ordered a SME spacer for my Hana ML. which I will alternate on my TT. I WILL order 2 set's soon, just would have to get the info from @aldnorab for the socket board.


Your tubes are defective, no new tube should produce the noise you're experiencing. Give up on them and return.

This info hasn't been updated but it states who aren't authorised dealers.


@lowrider57 I have a set that I’ve tested for @bugredmachine & there’s no problem with those tubes. It has to be something in his system that’s rejecting them.

I never experienced lack of low-end with these Linlai's. Right out of the box, I was surprised by how deep the bass was. It didn't take long to hear a realistic kick drum and jazz bassline.


I want to add regarding dealers, maybe Don Sachs should be asked if Viva Tubes is a legitimate dealer. Many vendors may be buying in bulk and setting up shop as dealers. I see a lot of Ebay vendors now selling Linlai.

One point about socket savers, who knows what the quality of the wire is inside, unless they are described as coated with a good conductor.  Maybe some of them are adding noise. My experience was the tubes didnt sound very clear, had a lack of transparency. I used Deoxit D5 on all the contacts and it was like a veil was lifted.

Maybe move the preamp to a different location, change all cables in and out of the preamp, try plugging into a different circuit. It's possible a circuit is picking up RFI or EMI.

Don does not buy tubes from Viva.

I am not sure why my preamp does not like these tubes. Don assures me it is not the preamp. He gets the occasional bad tube. Maybe the third set of tubes will be better.🙄

I sent a note to Viva and asked them if they actually listen to them or just test them.

Are there sockets I can buy to put in-between my pre and the tube that may get a better connection, if that is an issue? I don't want to press against the PCB too hard that supports the sockets. I'll probably have to take the unit apart and give it a once over.

Dan, no hiss or noise whatsoever? Is one louder than the other? What is the efficiency of your speakers? My Wilsons are 91 db so fairly sensitive to noise.

I received my pair of Linlai elite 6SL7 tubes on the 10th of may from and they have been in circuit and powered on since I received them. I plan on leaving the system powered up 24/7, so I will be testing their durability. They sounded really good right out of the box, and the detail seems to be improving with time.

I know Don buys his tubes in bulk from an authorised dealer in China.

Re: Viva Tubes, all I'm saying is that they've become a dealer recently. Maybe contact Linlai and ask if there are legit dealers in the US. The only one I know of is Grant Fidelity, Canada I think. 

I finally saw the link above and ordered 4 extenders. Maybe the tubes are tight and not inserting all the way. We'll try that workaround when they arrive.

I bought the 6sn7 tube did not fit well on my preamp, I only get one channel works. But on my other preamp no problem, I bought socket saver to see if will do the trick.

@danmar123 the fellow that makes adapters is in this thread

Scroll down until you see the picture of a similar shaped adapter. Posters name is Devan. It obviously would have only 1 tube socket. He was just presenting this to see if it was kind of what I had in mind. I’ve never met or talked to the man, though others in the thread recommended him highly.



Sorry, man's name above is Deyan. When I try to edit post above tablet goes crazy.



@danmar123 to @bugredmachine "NO hiss what so ever. I have LaScala’s 2 which is 105 db"


Does this not confirm its the preamp or how the tubes are installed, or not fully seating? I am interested to read if the riser/adapters help this situation out or not.

Also wondering how much the adapters will impact the sound.

@decooney I would say it's his pre-amp. I'm using Altec 311-60 w/GP 902T driver & a B&C 250 driver for my tweeter. Very revealing!  

I'm not having issues with any other tubes. Just the Linlais.

Tomorrow I will measure the pin diameters and compare. Then take the preamp apart and check for solder joint cracks.

Then I may force the tubes in without the lid attached and support the PCB from the back side and see if the pins seat all the way.

Then I will await the extenders. Or have a bourbon first.😌

@bugredmachine with your level of determination and persistence, you'll get it figured out. The bourbon idea sounds pretty darn good about now 🍾

I think the 5852 tube messed up that circuit, which happened right before the Linlai's showed up. I had another 6X5 do the same tonight so I think when everything warms up the damaged component is flaking out. Perhaps the Linlai's irritate that component from the jump. Not sure if they draw more power than vintage 6SN7's.

the 30 minutes of beautiful music, with no hiss BTW, using Treasures and Full Music 6SN7's was wonderful. Right up to the rectifier going crazy like the 5852 did. I'm waiting for DOn to make some suggestions and I'll open it up tomorrow and poke around. Maybe I cracked a solder joint pushing the tubes in and out.

@bugredmachine I am not any EE, but do have mostly bespoke built Valve equipment, yours is a good call on a defect possibly to be discovered in the circuit. Whatever might prove to be the cause, as it is seemingly able to cause two Tubes to offer a similar level of interference on either channel, if a fault is found,  it will potentially be a similar condition found on both channels. 

Hopefully the E 6SN7 will present as described by others if a circuit fault is found and corrected.

On a different thought pattern, I have a Valve Phonostage, that has been Tube Rolled and has Vintage Mullard E88CC Tubes in use.

I learnt in the recent past, that a socket adaptor can be used to allow for the use of a 6SN7 Tube. I am now thinking a socket adaptor coupled to a offset adaptor as in use by others with oversized Tubes will be a small outlay to enable a extension of the use of the Tube Trialing beyond the Power Amp' and include the Valve Phon' in the trials. The owned selection of 6SN7's inclusive of the 'to be purchased' Linlai 'E', are perfect as Donors. The method to use adaptors will enable the use of KR VT 231 and the Linlai 'E' to be swapped for their positions in the Power Amp and Phon' to see if a configuration is improved over another, I am not able with owned Items able to have both devices coupled with the same Brand Tubes.

Is there more to extract from the already very much enjoyed Power Amp and   Phon', Hmmmm?

Received my replacement pair from China and FINALLY, they are almost completely hiss-free. Magnitudes better than the other 2 pairs I have tried.

While I was getting 8 inches of hiss on all my other tubes, these are about 20 inches, evenly so left and right, and not heard from my seating position. Yippee.

And pretty friggin' good too. Tremendous body to all instruments. Saxes jump right out at you. Have them paired with the Shunguangs right now but I prefer the Full Music and will try those tomorrow in the second seat.


@bugredmachine, so glad this pair is operating correctly.  I’m sure I can speak for others, looking forward to your impressions after burn in. Enjoy!


My Linlai E-6sn7's came Friday and I've been running them 24/7 since then. They are very much an improvement from the stock tubes that came with my Cary SLP-98. My results are very similar to other accounts. This evening some 3-dimensionality arrived..very nice! I've placed them in the front position of my preamp and am toying with the idea of purchasing another pair for the buffer position. 


@bugredmachine Have them paired with the Shunguangs right now but I prefer the Full Music and will try those tomorrow in the second seat.

bugredmachine, that's what I've been doing too with my TJ Full Music in the rear spots on the 98. Psvane in front spots.  I've been experimenting with also putting lower cost re-issue tubes in the rear slot too, thus saving all the good tubes for the two front spots. Still undecided if the higher cost TJFM or Psvanes in the rear spots are added benefit to the sound or not.  Will be curious to read about your findings on this topic after you have tested some more. Thanks.  

@coachpoconnor do the Linlai 6SN7 fit down in the top cover hole and seat down fully seated in your SLP-98?

I may end up putting my other new spare premium set of PSVANE CV181s / 6SN7 up for sale as i’m now seeing they may not be fully seated down inside in SLP98 my preamp to the base I don’t know if its an issue or not. The first pair sounds great, yet not sure if this could create problems. Curious if the Linlai are as wide at the base too. Prefer not to modify my top plate hole cutouts to make them fit down in further. 

Dan sent back my first pair. They are still noisy. Too noisy for me to play. I'll try replacing my resistor in the preamp this week and try them again to see if that affects them, but it shouldn't.

@bugredmachine Glad you received the tubes today, there has to be something going on with the pre-amp. Just a shame you have to go thru all of bull for them you work. Remember I only put a total of 2 hrs. on them. 

I'm still looking for the correct tube saver for me to pull the trigger on the Linlai.


134 posts

@bugredmachine Glad you received the tubes today, there has to be something going on with the pre-amp. Just a shame you have to go thru all of bull for them you work. Remember I only put a total of 2 hrs. on them.

I’m still looking for the correct tube saver for me to pull the trigger on the Linlai.

We’ll see if that resistor comes into play. Due tomorrow.


What about these tube savers? I ordered 4, due this week:

Socket Saver - 8-Pin, for reducing wear and tear on tube sockets | Antique Electronic Supply (

If others aren't having hiss issues, I can just sell them if my resistor change does not help.

Hi,  I just stumbled upon this interesting thread.   Does anyone here know if either the Linlai E 6sn7 or Psvane CV181-T MKII will fit the Cary Audio SLP-05 preamp without having to use a socket saver?

Thanks very much.

@bugredmachine those are the socket savers I'm using. They fit tight and work fine in my Don Sachs linestage. It does look a little odd to have two tubes plugged in straight and the other tubes towering above them on stacked socket savers. The socket savers don't seem to affect sound quality much, if any. The Linlai with socket savers are competing easily with my best antique tubes. Glad you are having better luck. 



I just went to Viva Tubes website.  I didn’t realize they were a Linlai dealer until it was mentioned in this thread.  I find it interesting how you can buy, a single tube, a trio, a quad, a sextet, or an octet, but you can’t get a pair?  Am I missing something?  

I bought a pair from them. A bad pair, but they have a great return policy with prepaid shipping labels.