Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,




It's the first time I've seen those tubes as well. And they're affordable.

I'm glad they're working out for you. I always like to use a different set of tubes as cathode followers. I'd still like to try the Linlai Globals.

@ram18 ,  yes and I'm still buying them at inflated prices. I needed to stock up on rectifier and power tubes. 


Ya, now I'll have to put those on my list. Like I said; the combo sounds better so I'm going to order a set Shuguang T first because they're going to be scarce soon.

I tried both the Linlai E-6sn7 and their less expensive Global Hi-Fi 6sn7 in my amps. I prefer the sound of the Global Hi-Fi version.
The bass is better on that one and the overall tonal balance seemed to be more neutral. The E-6sn7's seemed to accentuate the hi frequency spectrum at the expense of bass (the difference in sound of these tubes can be used to tune your system).

Can anyone comment on this?  With all the reviews I've seen on the Global Elite E version, this is the first I've read where it may "accentuate the hi frequency spectrum at the expense of bass". 

Also, has anyone tried the HiFi version or heard any other comparisons or comments about them?  I was getting close to ordering a pair of the Global Es, but low-mids and bass are very important to me so this stopped me in my tracks.

Thoughts anyone?

Can anyone comment on this?  With all the reviews I've seen on the Global Elite E version, this is the first I've read where it may "accentuate the hi frequency spectrum at the expense of bass". 

He may have been referring to the Chinese E-6SN7 and not the expensive Globals. I sent him a message asking which tube lacked bass.

Thanks, @lowrider57!  Please let us know if you hear back. 

This may make sense based on the info from @pindac on the last page. The Linlai Global website includes the following phrase describing the Global series:

...without exaggerating the ultra high frequencies (much of Asian music does focus more ultra high’s and Asian audiophiles are accustomed to such a type of sound).

This seems to hint that the Chinese domestic version could have a brighter tonality.

I finally pulled the E-6SN7’s from my amp and installed them into my preamp. What I was hearing before was influenced by tubes in the other stages. Now I hear the sonic signature of the Linlai’s more clearly.

First off, it’s an incredibly quiet tube. No noise or microphonics, I tapped on the PCB and nothing. There’s usually some sound from my NOS tubes. The bass doesn’t dig deep, I’m hearing a more pure sound than when it was in the amp. Highs are extended but not tipped up, no harshness. It’s neutral and there’s a good presentation of tonal colour plus a wide soundstage. The mids are linear and nothing special.  Imaging is focused, but not 3D (and I’m using Melz 1578’s in my amp. I understand why they sound good in the Freya and Sachs preamps when used with a complimentary cathode follower.

The cost of the Global E-6SN7 is prohibitive for experimentation, it’s equal to a good pair of "NOS" tubes. Now I wonder if the Global HIFI (entry-level) tubes are worth a go.

I just checked Linlai's website that I purchased the Global's, & there is no 6SN7 for sale on their site. G/F has them with the black vertical lettering. Everyone else has them with the gold horizontal lettering. FWIW


You must have some hours on your Globals now. Can you comment on their performance and sonic signature? My impression of the E-6SN7 from Ebay is they are rather pedestrian.

I had a good email exchange with Rachel from Grant Fidelity last night regarding Linlai. I said a lot of us were misled and bought the E-6SN7 Chinese version. I then asked about the Global HIFI compared to the Global Elite. She wouldn’t comment on sonic characteristics due to the many different component designs and circuits not to mention individual system setups. She did, however, state that the HIFI series are entry-level and are a good choice to replace stock tubes. The Global Elite are premium tubes which undergo additional testing. I didn’t need to read between the lines to catch her drift.


I spun 8 hrs. today, Jazz & Rock. The combo of the Lin. G & the Shuguang T are a better match then the 4 Global in my system. Now just to bring you up to speed. I have a 1210 GAE w/an SME309 & a Credenza Black on it. My other table is a 1200 MKll w/the GAE tonearm on it, with the AT 150 mlx. Now the Black has 85 hrs. on it & is coming to life, & the AT has 200 hrs. on it. Both decks have their own signature (respectfully) Cartridge wise. I can honestly say they opened up nicely. The base is tight, voices are pronounced w/o any harshness (male & female) & the symbols & bells blended nicely. Played some YES albums, to hear how low the Organ would go & it was spot on. Maybe over the weekend I'll roll my KR & Sylvania JAN & see what I get from there. The Linlai are in the buffer sockets & that's where they'll stay.


I remember you preferred using two different tube types. Did you try the Globals in the gain stage and Shuguang as followers? Are the Shunguang superior?

Here's the thing, if I'm going to order a pair of Globals, I'd like to get as much feedback as possible on their performance. They're too expensive to make a blind purchase. For instance, what were your thoughts on bass, highs, imaging when you had all four in your preamp?


The Global Es are on the left of my Don Sach2.

In regards to all 4, @ 100 hrs. the sound wasn’t as open as my current setup.

 As being superior, it might be fair to say the Shuguang have about 800 hrs. on them. 

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The left side is the gain stage? I thought the front was gain, rear was cathode follower.

I guess I’m a little dense. Or maybe a lot dense. Can someone post a pic of the Global? I am curious if there is any physical difference between those and the Elite’s I am running.  Thanks in advance. 


It's called Global Elite E-6SN7. It has a vertical logo on the glass. Only Linlai in China and Grant Fidelity sell them. Will try and post pic.

I have the Linlai elite 6sl7 and they look identical to the ones pictured on Grant Fidelity's site. Other than the printing on the glass I believe they are the same tube. I purchased mine from China. They sound better than my nos ken rads that I bought from Andy at vintage tube service.

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@lowrider57 ,  I know exactly which ones you have.  Like I said,sometimes I’m a little dense!  No worries about posting pics.  I just wanted to verify the tubes you have. 
@invalid, my findings were the same with China Linlai E 6sn7. My second pair has about 120 hours,and they are just as addictive as the original pair.  That is what’s so interesting about this hobby, we all have different gear,different rooms,different ears,and different tastes.  The only sure thing about this hobby is,there are no sure things. 

But @rocray , I don't have those tubes. I have E-6SN7 from a Chinese vendor on Ebay. Does not have the vertical logo.


Alrighty!  Thanks for clarifying @lowrider57. Now I’m up to speed. What NOS tubes would you compare the Linlai’s to?  I find it very interesting to see others take on things. 


Did you buy your Linlai elite 6sl7 from Linlai website? Only they and Grant Fidelity sell the premium tubes

Thanks for the link Dan. I’m sure buying these from China,vs a well established North American dealer has a certain amount of risk attached to it.   I see the value in buying from a dealer.  Logistics, they are tested and matched. The latter eliminates the main risk of quality issues.  If you were to have issues,you would receive much faster service.  Days vs weeks,  

I bought mine from hifi amplifiers, they came with a measurement sheet, I've been running them 24/7 since the 11th of may.

Alright, I’ve rolled for 2hours this morning.

Linlai with the following: NOS K/R, NOS Sylvania, NOS Tong Sol, Shuguang & Psvane Treasures. To my taste the Ken Rads sounded the best of the combos. I’m not going to keep the Linlai’s. So if anyone is interested, I have 4 for sale. 2 w/ 113hrs. & 2 w/ 100 hrs. PM me, & I get them out on Monday!

Hey @danmar123, thanks for your feedback and the pictures you posted.   What I found interesting from your pictures is that they look different than the picture posted from the "official" dealer Grand Fidelity.   Yours has the vertical letterings but the base of the tube has a very noticeable groove on it.   Here's the link to the Grand Fidelity tube.  The base is all smooth without the groove.

Where as the ones from Vivatubes have the horizontal letterings and the base have similar groove like yours.  We have assumed the ones sold by Vivatubes and many Chinese retailers are designed for Asian markets.   I now wonder if tubes supposedly designed for Western markets and those for Asian markets are actually the same tubes.   They are made to look different for marketing purpose and of course for higher profits.

These are not cheap tubes, and it's interesting to hear your feedback.  Thanks!

@lowrider57 Sorry am now back to my confused state. When you spoke to Grant Fidelity about the Chinese 6sn7 session ( the ones with the horizontal letterings) did they say it wasnt originals or just a matter of distribution in Asian markets as we had discussed prior. Also do you have the Globals too ( the ones with vertical letterings) and if so, how do the Chinese 6sn7 Linlais compare to the Globals.

 "I understand why they sound good in the Freya and Sachs preamps when used with a complimentary cathode follower."  May I know what you mean by this? Err in layman terms please. 

I  have the  Linlai E6sn7 Chinese version similar  @rocray  and I believe your initial purchase . Am still running it in.  Dont even think I have got 30 hours on em. Sounds slightly richer but not the nirvana stage yet. Think I need to run in further. Have been pairing Linlais with Sylvania GTBs and JJs at the buffer stage at the moment. Sylvanias sound more smoother on the highs,  refined, a liitle recessed better separation but less bass with the Linlais at the gains. Linlais   with the JJs, its more forward,  stronger imaging and heavier bass, but not as refined and smooth as well as  soundstage wise is not as good as the Sylvanias. Linlais with the Sylvanias makes for more involving listening.


@danmar123, thanks very much for reporting back. Can you describe any specific characteristics regarding the Linlai Globals in comparison to your other tubes? I realize everyone’s system and ears are different, but it may be helpful to know what about the Linlais weren’t working for you – ie did they have a bit less low mids or didn’t have enough depth vs your Ken Rads, etc.?

Hey @ram18,  if you go back a few pages in this thread,  I posted my email conversation with Global Lanlai about the 2 different looking 6SN7 elite tubes currently available in the US market.   They would not acknowledge the ones with the horizontal letterings are their tubes or counterfeits.  They simply told me to buy at my own risk if I don't buy from their global official retailer, which Grand Fidelity is the only one so far.

Here's the reply I got:

"We do not do forensic investigation of other online sellers. This is stated on our website if you read all contents - it is particularly not possible in China for Chinese sellers. Anyone proceed at their own risk."

Do remember the KR's especially the Black Glass is quite a Tube and will be getting more and more difficult to find a close to Factory Spec' replacement.

Earlier reports made it known the Linlai E 6SN7 was a close match to the KR, hence my interest developed.

It would be nice to know where the Linlai shared a comparative audible quality in relation to the NOS Tubes used in the rolling and comparisons.   

Another thing I forgot to mentioned is that if you read the Lanlai Global website carefully, it mentions the tubes that are designed for the Asian market have different logo written in Chinese on them.   So the authenticity of the tubes sold by Vivatubes and Chinese retailers with horizontal letterings are still a mystery.   I think as a group, our best guess is that they are probably manufactured by Linlai for the Chinese market, although it does not fit the description written on their website, and they would not acknowledge it.


When I rolled, all the combo's where w/Linlai's. I just found that the bottom end was a not a clear as my other tube combo. I did notice that they made a stronger impression in the volume. They just don't do it for me, but neither does McIntosh, which I find warm.


The tubes from Viva also had the ringed base as the ones from Grant Fidelity. The lettering was different & the sound from the Viva’s were not as refined (open) & were base shy.

Hi @danmar123, my point was that the ones you bought from Grant Fidelity has the ringed base, but the one that is pictured on the Grand Fidelity doesn't.   The fact the base of the tubes you got from GF look identical to the ones sold by Viva might suggest that they are both manufactured by Linlai but with different letterings.  But as I mentioned earlier, Linlai would not acknowledge the ones with the horizontal letterings.

It's good to know that you do hear differences between the ones from Viva and Grand Fidelity.  I wonder if the ones sold by Viva and other Chinese retailers are rejects that didn't meet the tight QC requirement, and hence sold at a lower price.  Just another guess.  The mystery continues...

Thanks, @danmar123, I appreciate your response!

It would be interesting to hear any other feedback on the Linlai Global Es - especially comparisons with other tubes - and perhaps including thoughts on the bass region.


The tubes that’s are being sold at Grant Fidelity are very high quality.

@lowrider57 Well if they didnt acknowledge, then its hard to tell.  But the way its packaged, is quite identical to the Globals. My guess its manufactured for different markets.

@xcool  Does the Chinese letterings the Linlai website is referring to is the words on the box. Cause I dont see any Chinese letterings on the tubes of any of the versions brought to attention  so far.

Hi @ram18,  I went back and read the Lanlai Global website again.  Although they didn’t explicitly say where the Chinese logo are printed, but from the context of the writing, I take that it means the logo is on the tube itself. 

You are right about not seeing any Chinese writings on the tube itself, and I guess none of us has either   The fact that those tubes with the horizontal letterings are manufactured for the Asian markets is just a best guess, since Linlai Global would not acknowledge them