Linlai E 6sn7 tubes

I just placed an order for a pair of these for my Aric Audio Motherlode II.  I’ve been chatting with a fellow that runs the E 6sn7 in his Don Sachs pre. He loves them, He says they make his NOS tubes sound thin and lifeless.  
    It will be a couple weeks until I receive them,and I was curious if anyone out in Agon land has tried these,and what are your impressions?   
Thanks in advance,



You're getting lots of views so the less intrepid tube geeks(me) wait to see how they work for you all over time before pulling the trigger:-) I need to try them now after following this thread.Right now the SS amp is in service for the summer, but will be ordering two come September. This thread has been great, very informative.

@rodman99999  The dealer stated test scores for the KRs are103/100  and 104/100. I guess these scores are allright from the little that I know. Am not too familiar with these readings.

@ram18 -

     Those figures would indicate tube strength/life and the balance between triode sections.      Nothing, regarding noise.

      There are various ways to test for microphonics/noise*.     My (personal) favorite procedure simply involves a high-gain circuit and earphones.




“I’m back to my reference uncolored Russian military tubes.”


Same here. After using the Linlai for a few weeks with about 100 plus hours, I am back to using the Russian tubes that were OEM in my phono stage when bought new. The Linlai sounded very detailed, but I felt as if I had a solid state sound versus a tube sound to me when using the Linlai 6SN7. I just could not get past this attribute with the Linlai when used in my system. Perhaps good for someone’s system lacking details. These were sourced from Viva. This has been an experiment for me. After all, this hobby is pretty much about experimenting until you get the right combination of ingredients which sounds right to you. 

After all, this hobby is pretty much about experimenting until you get the right combination of ingredients which sounds right to you. 

     I've always viewed the hobby as an amalgam of science, art and cooking.

     The first always depends on an individual's favorite theories, education and understanding, regarding electricity.

                                  The other two, of course: one's palate.

I am visiting this page as a result of the selection of comparisons that are referring to the E 6SN7 being a comparable match to the KR 6SN7.

I have tube rolled the 6SN7 as a input tube on a 845 Mono Block  Power Amp, out of three vintage tubes, four modern tubes and a 68HC the Black Glass KR was very attractive and the preferred tube.

The E6SN7 is on my radar as a result of favourable comparisons being reported on to the KR Tube.   

The earlier reference to 845 Tubes has been well received.  

@audioquest4life  May I check if the Linlais you were referring to as detailed are Linlai Globals with vertical letterings or Linlai E6sn7  with horizontal letterings as @lowrider57  has outlined. As you may have read in this chat, there are different impressions between these two tubes. 

@ram18 -

"I have much to learn."

     Don’t let anyone snow you.

 We’re all (still) on the same curve!

                   Have fun!

I'll keep visiting the thread and gathering others assessments on the Tube comparisons and options to consider when the system is re-established and in use.

I also like the idea of using these Tube Types with adaptor sockets in place of

ECC 88's on other owned devices.


Post removed 


“May I check if the Linlais you were referring to as detailed are Linlai Globals with vertical letterings or Linlai E6sn7  with horizontal letterings as @lowrider57  has outlined. As you may have read in this chat, there are different impressions between these two tubes”

These are Linlai E-6SN7 Globe with horizontal lettering. These are the ones I purchased. Is there a difference in sound between these and the GF ones? 



@audioquest4life Apparently Yes. If you go up the thread, there has been a lot of discussions about this. @danmar123  feels there is a difference. Some have found the non global Linlais pleasing. Others like @lowrider57 do not feel its up to mark.  You can check out the posts. I have purchased similar tubes as yours  and am still burning it in. 

Viva says they are an authorised dealer, but these tubes are not the Global Elite from Linlai. I bought the same tube on Ebay, horizontal lettering and ridge in the bass. Compare these to the Elite on Linlai’s site; large vertical logo and a smooth base with no ridge.

And Viva is not referring to them by their proper name. They list them as

Linlai E-6SN7 Globe-Balloon Black Plates.

I would love to hear the Global Elite, but they’re as expensive as a good pair of NOS tubes. If I sell my E-6SN7’s from the dealer in China, maybe I’ll order from Grant Fidelity.


Everyone here is free to do as they choose. I'm simply trying to prevent members from being taken advantage of by unscrupulous vendors.

Not pre-amps by any stretch but I have a pair of Counterpoint power amps UG'd by Alta Vista into NP-100s and currently being used as monoblocks. Will these tubes (they'll reqire a pair each) be as beneficial as in a preamp (my SA-1000 uses a solo 6DJ8)?

I just got my Ken Rad Vt231 black glass. Am  pairing it with my Linlais. I have the KRs on the buffer stage. Seems pretty ordinary to listen to right now. Havent felt the bass depth or  slam that is often associated with the KRs. Sounds  a bit warm.  Is it a case of burning it in? How long do these KR tubes take to burn in? Or should I put the KRs on the gain stage?  Or is it a case of poor matching as in the Linlais dont match well with KRs? My Linlais have also not been burnt in fully yet. Perhaps I should match the KRs with my Sylvania GTBs.  Any one mixed and matched Linlai E6sn7s  with KRs or KRs with Sylvanias. Appreciate your views.


Chill out, you’ve got 4 new tubes installed which require break-in. True NOS Ken Rads need 50-60 hours and you know about the Linlai’s. You’ve got the tubes in the best positions for now. You'll soon hear the extended bass from the KRs.

"Chill out, you’ve got 4 new tubes installed which require break-in. True NOS Ken Rads need 50-60 hours... ’


     This is a verbatim quote, from a letter Brent Jessee sends, whenever one buys valves from him:

     New tubes need a break-in period before they can fully exhibit their true sonic character when used in audio circuits.

     Preamp tubes especially benefit from a good break-in. This period may vary widely, but NOS vintage tubes usually need at least 48 hours of use, sometimes up to 100 hours.

     New current production tubes need 24-48 hours typically.

     Good break-in can be accomplished by either leaving your tube unit turned on in a no-signal condition for 2 days, or you can just enjoy the tubes for several hours each evening and they will be broken in after several weeks.

     New tubes, especially NOS vintage tubes, may sound a bit edgy at first, but after the break-in period will mellow out and sound wonderful."

@ram18 -

"Havent felt the bass depth or slam that is often associated with the KRs."

     Has your system, as it now is configured (talking about components, speakers and room) ever produced the kind of Bass depth and slam, that you are attempting to achieve (or: recapture), with your tube changes?

     If you've already discussed that, elsewhere in the thread: my apologies.

@lowrider57  and @rodman99999  tks for the reassurance. Yes I need to be patient to see through the break in.  Just that when I got the KRs I was expecting at least some change from the onset. Well I will run  the tubes further and see how it goes.

@rodman99999 No worries. Yes I have had pretty good bass depth and slam before  in my system especially in solid state.  Even with prior  tubes,  bass wise (not as good as solid state) but the tightness and depth was somewhat there; not as good as I wanted having been used to my solid state bass production, but pretty decent. Slam was allright too. So naturally, I can feel the difference.


Thursday evening, I put my original pair of Elite 6SN7 back in my preamp. The back up pair has well over 100 hours on them, and I wanted to see if they stack up to the pair that grabbed my attention.  The answer is yes. Both pair add magic to my system.  I’m not saying I will never purchase NOS tubes in the future, but I will probably be a little hesitant.  The Linlai’s just work well in my system.   Highs are detailed but not in my face, mids are addictive, and bass is full and tight. Everything I could ask for. 

For what it’s worth, in my Don Sachs preamp I have found the ultimate combo to be a pair of the Linlai e-6SN7s on the left (main input) and a pair of the Linlai Hifi 6SN7s on the right (buffer). The full quad of e-6SN7s was great, but slightly closed in on the top frequencies, even after 200 hrs. But they have a great impactful fullness of sound otherwise. The Hifi e-6SN7s aren’t quite as impactful and powerful, but have a more neutral sound, with great clarity. The two mixed together hit the sweet spot for me.

These are the Hifi 6SN7s I ordered:

I have twice now ordered from Mable Audio and had great experiences both times. Their site is a little glitchy - you have to register an account to order, but once you sign out you will not be able to login again. It will keep telling you you have the wrong login credentials and you can’t remedy it. They don’t seem particularly concerned about that. But just go ahead and make a new account when you are ready to order. Shipping from China isn’t cheap but you can play around the different quantities you are ordering and see the shipping costs. You may find that adding an additional pair of tubes doesn’t actually bump you up to the higher tier of shipping cost, which cuts down the per-item shipping cost overall. However, overall costs are significantly cheaper than any of the domestic resellers for Linlai.

I knew it was taking a risk ordering from them initially last year, however payment is via PayPal so I knew if anything wasn’t as it should be, I would be protected and could get my money back. By email they told me they would warranty the tubes for one year. And in my first order one of the tubes arrived with an issue, and they promptly refunded me. So despite the otherwise questionable website scaffolding, I feel comfortable ordering with them again. Shipping is pretty fast too, I received my recent order a mere eight days after placing it. Hopefully this information is helpful for others here.

Also note: I've spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how to post a picture of the tubes in my Don Sachs preamp, but have hit a wall. Can't for the life of me get a picture uploaded to this post. If anyone wants to see a picture, and can tell me how to post one, I will happily upload one.

Same with me Sid. I feel like the slow kid in the remedial math class. I can't figure out how to post pictures.

@sid-hoff-frenchman, thanks for your impressions,and what works for you.👍

Postimage works well for me,and I am technical simpleton.   I have faith that if I can figure out how to post pics, you can too @roxy54. 😁

So I finally ordered and received today one Linlia high (shouldered) for the input of my Aric Audio Transcend PP.Very impressive! Delicate and refined was my first impression. The separation of instruments is a little better and the soundstage a little deeper,maybe because it's just quieter than the NOS GE.This is only after a couple of hours. I think the bass is deeper but that may just be the better refinement. If the mids become a tiny bit warmer over time I would be even happier.

Post removed 

The following is my latest update in the quest for the correct Linlai to buy. I sold a pair of the E-6SN7's in the gift box on US Audiomart. The buyer bought them no questions asked and said they were a bargain at my asking price. In just a matter of days I received great feedback and an email from the buyer. He said the tubes sounded great in his Don Sachs preamp and they matched the stock pair he was using. 

This confirms that Don's components use the Chinese market Linlai. Initially I had purchased the E-6SN7's directly from Don's supplier who in one of our email conversations said "say hello to Mr. Don."

Even though the "non Global" pair didn't work out for me, these are obviously what Don is using to great effect in his preamps. With that said,  I would still like to hear the Global Elite E-6SN7 only available through Linlai and Grant Fidelity.



@lowrider57  In discussions with a vendor for Linlai tubes, I asked about the difference between the "Elite Tube" and the "Global Elite".  He told me Linlai only makes one tube in the Elite series.  Claims the "Global" is nothing more than branding added to the tube by the distributor for the North American market.  Has anyone seen any actual proof that is is not the case?  I find it had to believe Linlai has created two completly separate product lines.  The "marketing" ploy would seem more logical.  I'm thinking of buying some Linlai tubes and would love to have this issue cleared up before I do.  

I doubt that there is any difference, the global branded tubes might be screened a little better is all the difference would probably be if any.

I find it had to believe Linlai has created two completly separate product lines.  The "marketing" ploy would seem more logical. 

@bigtwin  It is great marketing to make the Westerners think they are getting a tube made specifically for their preferences. And the higher price can also be a marketing ploy for Americans.

If you've read through the thread, many members believe the two tube types are the same. Adding the vertical logo to establish a different brand is easily done. But, earlier in this thread, photos show the two tube types have different bases. Why bother with this modification when a different logo satisfactorily separates the two brands?

I'm done speculating as to what Linlai is selling. The fact that Don Sachs uses the E-6SN7 from a Chinese vender is very telling.


Just to refresh my evaluations. The bottom line is: I had the 2 different tubes at the same time. There is a difference between the Global & the non Global in my system. Why don't members just try for themselves @ the cost of return shipping. This would stop all the inane posturing that's being discussed about these tubes. This weekend I changed Carts on my GAE from Hana ml (240) hrs. to my Cadenza Black (83) hrs. on an SME 309.

With the Globe's, my system has NEVER sounded so good. I have K/R, Sylvania JAN & Tong Sols, tried every combo & with the 4 Global in my Don Sach's their staying.

Hi @danmar123,  thanks for the info.  Very helpful.

Just curious, did you get the 'Global' tubes from Linlai directly or Grand Fidelity?  If they're from Grand Fidelity, did you get their "Top 10% Ultra Low Noise" ones for $40 extra?


@xcool , I ordered from LinLai in China & they sent my order to G/F.

Yes I purchased the top of the line, "ULN" so there was no 2nd guessing.

Just to refresh my evaluations. The bottom line is: I had the 2 different tubes at the same time. There is a difference between the Global & the non Global in my system. Why don't members just try for themselves @ the cost of return shipping. This would stop all the inane posturing that's being discussed about these tubes. This weekend I changed Carts on my GAE from Hana ml (240) hrs. to my Cadenza Black (83) hrs. on an SME 309.

With the Globe's, my system has NEVER sounded so good. I have K/R, Sylvania JAN & Tong Sols, tried every combo & with the 4 Global in my Don Sach's their staying.

@danmar123  Maybe I missed an earlier post, but this is the first definitive proof I've read about the difference between Linlai tube types. I don't think there was any posturing going on, only speculation.

Thanks for weighing in.



And after buying so many NOS and "almost NOS" during the tube panic, I couldn't afford an expensive pair of Linlai Globals.

I recently purchased 4 of the horizontal lettering tubes for my Atmasphere MP-1 preamp.  Unfortunately, I did not test them before I burned them in for 100 hours in my preamp.  The good:   They definitely sounded amazing (bigger 3D soundstage, and  smoother highs compared to my stock Chinese 6SN7s at the 100 hour mark. However; I tested the four of them afterwards and three of them tested on the lower end of the acceptable range (Using a B&K 747B tube tester) and one was questionable.  The questionable tube resulted in a solidly  lit DC offset light on my preamp; it obviously is out of spec and had to be removed.  So, not sure what is going on so buyer beware.  Would be interested to hear others feedback if they have tested their tubes and/or if they experienced similar issues with these similar pedigree tubes or the global elite vertical lettering versions