It happened again tonight

Playing Pink Floyd The Wall Side 4, nice and loud. Kind of loud live would be if they would keep it just short of harmful. Kind of loud you feel it. Run Like Hell comes and the lead guitar riffs are just exhilarating and have me going and then the beat picks up and I catch myself hyperventilating again. Its just so crazy clear and present and you are there, all I can say is Thank you, Krissy. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so very much.

Incidentally, I made changes to my system concurrent with installing the Emats.  Everything sounds better but I won't know how much improvement was from what unless I took out the Emats, but its not that important to me.  Plenty of promoters here. 
millercarbon, you did a lot more than just say you enjoyed the music, you did the "my system is the best" for the 1,000th time, and made a huge plug for PPT products even though to my knowledge they are not for sale anymore.

And your ignoring three_easy_payments post where he says he believes he was contacted by Krissy with what may or may not be a solicitation, we cannot know if it was her, whether she was going to give or offer to sell him something, or whether it was one of the persons who have taken the company over in a hostile way using a fake email address with her name in it.  I have read a lot of three's post and respect him and understand why he could get royally ticked.
Geezuz. When I read what millercarbon shared - I could esily understood what he was saying, to imagine the moment. It helps when you are familiar with the music. I am. I know I don’t have the system he has, but mine isn’t too bad. I can imagine it and will try to replicate it. No need to knock an aesthetic moment. Who does that?

These guys. Just look how awful they are. One even admits he has no freaking clue who or what, yet proceeds to slam insults left and right. Its like some kind of sick twisted compulsion.

What’s craziest of all is this is a site supposedly here for the express purpose of people with a keen interest in high quality audio to share their experience and knowledge. And yet there’s a certain group who every single time anyone does this they jump in with nothing but insults and criticism.

Pink Floyd The Wall is one of those records I had and enjoyed in college, always highly regarded, but over the years not played much. Recently having gone through many, many upgrades the last year or so I have been rediscovering certain records like this. The Wall was a real surprise! The lyrics carry far more meaning and weight now at 62 than they ever did at 22. The music is of course awesome. But what really gets me now is the insane depth of quality in the recording. Its not even any sort of special pressing. No White Hot Stamper. Just a record I bought back in the day. But the soundscape is so wide and deep and varied it just sets you back.

Run Like Hell is a scorcher, a rare suitable for radio play rocker on a double album with few traditional format songs. Mother is another one. Traditional format I mean, not rock scorcher. But Mother has a very untraditional time signature- and lyrics! Momma’s gonna keep you right here under her wing, she won’t let you fly but she might let you sing. What?!?! Of course Momma’s gonna help build the wall. Which we all know is the wall that separates us from others. The wall we crash through only at the moment of death.

Talk about deep.

Shame we had to wade through such shallow minds to get there. Worth the trip though, eh?

@barts-    ".....with that performance "pulling out all the stops" as it were."          AHHH; the way Bach meant it, to be played/heard (FORTISSIMO).       It’s great, when performers and listeners, "get it" (the power of a piece), whether Bach or Pink Floyd.                            Hopefully: the marriage is as powerful.
In these trying times I'm glad Millercarbon audio system got him to hyperventilate to the music he was listening to. Last night I was listening to Diana Krall's new album Turn Up the Quite and although it didn't make me hyperventillate I was 
Godsmacked on how good it sounded. I had my own personnel concert, and didn't think about the Corona virus once! Went to the Dark side of the moon kick off tour back 72 I  and it was mind blowing even without taking purple micro dot 
I’ve learned to not accept freebies here from strangers for the most part because it usually turns into a rat trap if you are not smitten and talk about it.
It’s also usually the most nebulous tweak products looking to gain a following and you end up getting what you paid for.
Can anyone tell me, what is the best red book reissue of DSOTM at this time in history?  
Oh. Well. Thought it went without saying, but maybe should have mentioned it.  All the magic? Its on vinyl. Only. Sorry.

Millercarbon. Its my tag. And my table.
I heard the Doug Sax remaster of DSOTM on Mobile Fidelity - is that the Ultra Disc II? - on a great big system recently and I walked away with no Sox.
 "All the magic? Its on vinyl. Only. Sorry."  MC
Like they say about types of house siding: "Vinyl is final." 
And with vinyl, you can play the dark side of the album.  
The reply I got: Digital, huh? Sorry for your loss.....
Perfect sound forever, it was said. Until it wasn't..... 
Guess I'll have to live with it.
@jafreeman-    There is no, "dark side of the album."     Matter of fact; it’s all dark!
There is no, "dark side of the album."    Matter of fact; it’s all dark!

Good one.
"I simply was attacked for not being knowledgeable enough about Floyd. lol"
You don’t need no education, you do need some thought control. At least around here.

What do people usually do when they have a bunch of stuff they have no use for and Goodwill does not accept donations?
" could get so caught up in it you catch yourself breathing along with guy in the song."
"Its like some kind of sick twisted compulsion."

@Roxy54  I thought godsmacked might get some kind of reaction. Strange the purple mirco dot didn't??
Turn up the quiet.......there that's better
@Glupson Huh? Sick twisted compulsion?
Haven’t you ever gotten really into a piece of music or a book where the heart beat goes up, the breathing quickens, the picture in mind’s eye focuses clearly?
Where have you been?
I’ve been where MC has been through many types of music, books and just beautiful nature. I can see it and I am not sick or twisted.
Get a life buddy...

In fact, I really never have heart or breathing pattern changes while reading books or listening to music. Many people are just like that. Not being better or worse than you because of that.

"Sick twisted compulsion" was actually nothing else but a copy/paste of the end of millercarbon's awful insult aimed at another member/s here. I am surprised you did not catch that. In case you miss it this time again, "awful" was taken from the same paragraph and that paragraph was nothing but insult.

Thanks for recommendation, I will see if I can get it. Hope yours is going well.
+1 for amg56 ...

You've reminded me of a trip I took up the coast to Santa Barbara one day with a friend to hunt down a Peerless transformer that was advertised for sale. My friend built his own amps and he wanted the transformer for an amp project.

The return trip was in the late afternoon at that time of year when we get spectacular sunsets along that stretch of the coast highway. Both my friend Dave and I were totally taken by the stunning beauty of the sinking sun. 

At one point, I turned to Dave and pointed out that everyone on the highway was looking straight ahead, completely oblivious to the beauty unfolding over their right shoulders. 

Two music lovers driving south on the 101, one an accomplished artist, giving praise to The Author of that sunset, and the rest of those in traffic missing the whole thing. 

Clods will be clods ... and the chances are that they will never wake up and smell the roses.


The original vinyl release of “The Wall” is a very good recording, one of the best rock recordings of its time. 

I sold a lot of hifi gear with that recording. “Aja” by Steely Dan another. Jeff Wayne’s “War of the Worlds” recording another personal favorite of mine that caught a lot of people’s ears and sold a lot of gear.
No insult intended. Of course we are
all different and react to things differently. Absolutely no issue with that. Honestly, I flick through most posts to read the interesting stuff and ignore the insults and bagging. Makes me a bit of a hypocrite hey?
All going well here. Finished my 2nd chemo 5 weeks ago and get tested in a week to see if it worked. 😬
Nearly finished my main system. 1 component to go 💸 and one obstacle also. My darling wife of 40 years🥰

"At one point, I turned to Dave and pointed out that everyone on the highway was looking straight ahead, completely oblivious to the beauty unfolding over their right shoulders."
Who was driving while two of you were looking over your right shoulders?
The original vinyl release of “The Wall” is a very good recording, one of the best rock recordings of its time.

>>>>Gee, no kidding? Or any time.
glupson ... 

  • Who was driving while two of you were looking over your right shoulders?

I was, but all was okay because we were listening to my illegally burned copy of The Wall. 

Call the police.

Up against The Wall, mother.....OOPS....never mind!     Just a flashback, to an encounter w/CHP, on I-5.
  • Up against The Wall, mother.....OOPS....never mind!    Just a flashback, to an encounter w/CHP, on I-5.

Yes, being raised as a teenager in the 1950s Orwellian police state of Venice, California, I can truly relate. 

That was 1969, in a Ron Jon's parking lot, near San Clemente.      Meanwhile, back to our regularly scheduled programming........

"I was, but all was okay because we were listening to my illegally burned copy of The Wall.

Call the police."
Looking over your right shoulder while driving on some highway, or anywhere else really, does not make me think of calling the police. There are other institutions that come to mind.
glupson ...

How about the CD burning police? Did you forget about them?

And then about looking over my shoulder while driving ... I was always a very coordinated and athletic type of person who could chew gum and drive at the same time.

Hey man, believe it or not, I can even drive and steer with my knee while playing the harmonica with both hands. Incredible, I know.

I got pulled over by the Highway Patrol one day, and the officer asked me why I was playing my  harmonica while driving. I told him it was because my trombone wouldn't fit.


No, I did not forget that you bragged about stealing other people's property and have a bit hypocritical ways of approaching what is honest.

The question would not be why you are playing a harmonica while driving, the question would be why are you driving at all.

Take a walk, go to a grocery store, beach, do not let them stop you with their stupid rules and recommendations. You still have time today to show them.

In any case, driving while looking over your shoulder is not a good idea. You are not that good.
glubson ...

Have you ever considered psychotherapy? Or perhaps electroshock treatments??


"glubson ...

Have you ever considered psychotherapy? Or perhaps electroshock treatments??"
I have, but did not want to suggest it. I am less and less sure it would work for you.
Driving while looking over his right shoulder was never a problem for Marty Feldman. Actually he could drive looking over his left and right shoulders at the same time. 🤪
Dunno who "Krissy" is from the OP, but I have regularly had transcendent experiences, both in terms of music and in terms of sound quality, from many of my systems over the years.

Most of us are here because we get this from our systems.

Never been a fan of PF The Wall, but I’ve always loved the track Welcome To The Machine. Very transporting!
(I was a Rush fan growing up and have been re-spinning my Rush records, loving ’em ta death!).
I love this hobby / way of life . Listening to the Wall brings me back to the time in my life when I was in the Nassau coliseum for the live Wall show in 1980 . Audio is a time machine that can bring you back to your found memories . Where did the forty years go ? . They are here in my room touching my emotions . 
Welcome to the Machine is a real experience. The throbbing of the machine, to describe even that part alone is a challenge because lots of systems can do the throb but it wasn't until the DBA the character of the vibrations is felt as this immense, uh, machine. The door at the end, the airlock, you really feel it. Like those of a certain age will remember the VW Beetle, the way you had to almost slam the door because it was so well sealed, and the pressure wave when you did that. Kind of pressure made some people crack the window to avoid. Years later carmakers figured out how to vent that to have the seal without the pressure slam but for a while there we had the pressure slam.

Well it feels exactly like that only instead of being in a tiny little VW it feels like you're in this much bigger space. Which then you feel the door slide open and as the door opens wider so does the space in front of you and its oh my freaking God this thing is HUGE! And there's all these people and you can hear every individual one of them spread out there in 3D and its like how the hell did they even do this??!

Who knows. But there may have been purple micro dot involved.
glubson ...

My suggestion was made in good faith. I once had a relative who, for some reason, completely lost his sense of humor. His wife committed him to the old Camarillo State Mental Hospital, where the doctors said that his only chance of recovering his sense of humor was electroshock treatments. Low and behold, after an extensive stay, and over twenty shock treatments, he became a real Henny Youngman. The problem was, he could no longer remember his name. No matter, the guy remained funny as hell for the rest of his life. The best part though was that he recognized the humor in other people as well. 

enginedr1960 ...
There have been so many times that I have suggested to audiophile friends that an audio system is a time machine. We can be transported back to our teen years in an instant, and have those artists we loved so much, perform right there in front of us.  


I can recognize the humor when there is one.

Completely innocent and unrelated question, have you ever observed electroshocks? Medical ones, not someone accidentally touching the wrong wire.
My daughter went through a course of electro shock therapy for BPS. No its
 not pleasant to see the result of each treatment.
We thank GOD that she is “relatively”ok now. (She is 33).
Lovely expression “an audio system is a time machine”. ‘60s/‘70s were my
seminal music years and I can go back by putting on an LP bought back then 😀🇦🇺 many 'obsession' items, the 1st one is always free....

The 2nd? Not so much....chalking it up to simple cynicism..🤔.

I have witnessed a number of those procedures. That is why I found it a bit strange that someone would mention it in the above context.
glupson ...

  • "Completely innocent and unrelated question, have you ever observed electroshocks?"

Actually, yes I have, but only in films. But on a personal note, my step-father was treated for severe depression at the old Camarillo State Hospital with the use of electroshock treatments. When he was released, he didn’t recall the names or even recognize long term friends. Evidently, electroshock therapy has the effect of a prefrontal lobotomy, erasing the memory area of the brain. The effect was temporary, as he eventually regained his memory over time. It took years before he fully recovered and became a full person again. He was still an ass though, so other than a spiritual awakening, I guess there’s no cure for that malady.

Frank Go easy, on your stepdad.      It’s hard work, maintaining a steady level of assholery, all you’re life.      I’ve got the trophies (and- the T-shirt)!