It happened again tonight

Playing Pink Floyd The Wall Side 4, nice and loud. Kind of loud live would be if they would keep it just short of harmful. Kind of loud you feel it. Run Like Hell comes and the lead guitar riffs are just exhilarating and have me going and then the beat picks up and I catch myself hyperventilating again. Its just so crazy clear and present and you are there, all I can say is Thank you, Krissy. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so very much.


Showing 4 responses by mapman

The original vinyl release of “The Wall” is a very good recording, one of the best rock recordings of its time. 

I sold a lot of hifi gear with that recording. “Aja” by Steely Dan another. Jeff Wayne’s “War of the Worlds” recording another personal favorite of mine that caught a lot of people’s ears and sold a lot of gear.
I’ve learned to not accept freebies here from strangers for the most part because it usually turns into a rat trap if you are not smitten and talk about it.
It’s also usually the most nebulous tweak products looking to gain a following and you end up getting what you paid for.
Drawing rational conclusions is an acquired skill.  Ideology is a much easier way.