It happened again tonight

Playing Pink Floyd The Wall Side 4, nice and loud. Kind of loud live would be if they would keep it just short of harmful. Kind of loud you feel it. Run Like Hell comes and the lead guitar riffs are just exhilarating and have me going and then the beat picks up and I catch myself hyperventilating again. Its just so crazy clear and present and you are there, all I can say is Thank you, Krissy. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so very much.


Showing 13 responses by millercarbon

Welcome to the Machine is a real experience. The throbbing of the machine, to describe even that part alone is a challenge because lots of systems can do the throb but it wasn't until the DBA the character of the vibrations is felt as this immense, uh, machine. The door at the end, the airlock, you really feel it. Like those of a certain age will remember the VW Beetle, the way you had to almost slam the door because it was so well sealed, and the pressure wave when you did that. Kind of pressure made some people crack the window to avoid. Years later carmakers figured out how to vent that to have the seal without the pressure slam but for a while there we had the pressure slam.

Well it feels exactly like that only instead of being in a tiny little VW it feels like you're in this much bigger space. Which then you feel the door slide open and as the door opens wider so does the space in front of you and its oh my freaking God this thing is HUGE! And there's all these people and you can hear every individual one of them spread out there in 3D and its like how the hell did they even do this??!

Who knows. But there may have been purple micro dot involved.
There is no, "dark side of the album."    Matter of fact; it’s all dark!

Good one.
Oh. Well. Thought it went without saying, but maybe should have mentioned it.  All the magic? Its on vinyl. Only. Sorry.

Millercarbon. Its my tag. And my table.
Geezuz. When I read what millercarbon shared - I could esily understood what he was saying, to imagine the moment. It helps when you are familiar with the music. I am. I know I don’t have the system he has, but mine isn’t too bad. I can imagine it and will try to replicate it. No need to knock an aesthetic moment. Who does that?

These guys. Just look how awful they are. One even admits he has no freaking clue who or what, yet proceeds to slam insults left and right. Its like some kind of sick twisted compulsion.

What’s craziest of all is this is a site supposedly here for the express purpose of people with a keen interest in high quality audio to share their experience and knowledge. And yet there’s a certain group who every single time anyone does this they jump in with nothing but insults and criticism.

Pink Floyd The Wall is one of those records I had and enjoyed in college, always highly regarded, but over the years not played much. Recently having gone through many, many upgrades the last year or so I have been rediscovering certain records like this. The Wall was a real surprise! The lyrics carry far more meaning and weight now at 62 than they ever did at 22. The music is of course awesome. But what really gets me now is the insane depth of quality in the recording. Its not even any sort of special pressing. No White Hot Stamper. Just a record I bought back in the day. But the soundscape is so wide and deep and varied it just sets you back.

Run Like Hell is a scorcher, a rare suitable for radio play rocker on a double album with few traditional format songs. Mother is another one. Traditional format I mean, not rock scorcher. But Mother has a very untraditional time signature- and lyrics! Momma’s gonna keep you right here under her wing, she won’t let you fly but she might let you sing. What?!?! Of course Momma’s gonna help build the wall. Which we all know is the wall that separates us from others. The wall we crash through only at the moment of death.

Talk about deep.

Shame we had to wade through such shallow minds to get there. Worth the trip though, eh?

But I would like you to know of my experience with Krissy. All I did was send a short PM expressing I was sorry to hear about the passing of her significant other. I had never emailed or had any contact with her before and have never spoken to her ever. She asked me if I have ever used a PPT product and I said I had not (didn’t believe the hype). For no reason but to be nice without me asking or expecting she sent me six Emats and three or four of the Ecards. She would accept no payment when I saw what she had done. No one else other than a relative has just flat out given me about $4,000 worth of something. II have never mentioned this to anyone or promoted a PPT product. In my way of looking at things she is really a good person.

Yes. Whole bunch of people have ordered stuff and found more in the box than they ordered. Freebies to try. No obligation, no solicitation. A genuinely kind soul. Only here you find such absolute lowlifes with nothing better to do than throw the lowest insults at the most vulnerable. They are beyond pathetic. Lower than despicable. And then they have the nerve to say this place is out of control. Well, it is. Or they wouldn’t be here.

Just look how far out on a limb they go in their obsession. I enjoyed some music one night. I decided to share it. For enjoying music, the sound of music played on my system, which I thought was the whole point of being an audiophile in the first place, for that one simple thing these guys can do nothing but trash talk.

They are not audiophiles. They are the furthest thing from audiophiles. Oh, they love something all right. But it sure isn’t audio.
the prisoner who now stands before you was caught red handed showing feelings. Showing feelings of an almost human nature. This will not do!

And when they've given you their all some stagger and fall after all its not easy, banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.

Pink Void
Momma loves her baby, and daddy loves you too. And the sea may look warm to you babe, and the sky may look blue, but ooooh babe....
If you should go skating on the thin ice of modern life, dragging behind you the silent reproach and a million tear stained eyes, don't be surprised when a crack in the ice appears under your feet. You slip out of your depth and out of your mind with your fear flowing out behind you, as you claw the thin ice.

roxy54 is just the sort to say the band is just fantastic that is really what I think. Oh and by the way, which one's Pink? 
One more time for the reading challenged:
Run Like Hell comes and the lead guitar riffs are just exhilarating and have me going and then the beat picks up and I catch myself hyperventilating again.

Here I was thinking that being on an audiophile oriented site people might be familiar with The Wall and know Run Like Hell  features a guy actually running and you hear his breathing and maybe even might get that your music could be so good you could get so caught up in it you catch yourself breathing along with guy in the song. But no. Not here. Don't know audio. Don't know music. Don't know nothing just love to knock em all.

Oh well. They have no idea, do they, Frank? No idea at all. 
Technicolor baby, every night. Roxy Music, like watching a Walt Disney fireworks show inside Carlsbad Caverns.
Yeah, yeah, Ted, Keith, DJ and Chris, its a team effort. Would love to recruit Peter, Dave, Eric- and if I could get Frank it would be a frikkin Dream Team. But the back office says not this season.