It happened again tonight

Playing Pink Floyd The Wall Side 4, nice and loud. Kind of loud live would be if they would keep it just short of harmful. Kind of loud you feel it. Run Like Hell comes and the lead guitar riffs are just exhilarating and have me going and then the beat picks up and I catch myself hyperventilating again. Its just so crazy clear and present and you are there, all I can say is Thank you, Krissy. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so very much.


Showing 5 responses by jetter


Correction, Millercarbon did not say he had an exhilarating moment, he had a "hyperventilating" moment. I think what he needs to know is that most of us here, but not all, are men. What possibly would make him think we personally give a sh*t if he is hyperventilating?  Maybe things are different in the Northeast?

Please bear with me for a minute. After reading about three of millercarbon’s posts I realized he is one man who I have nothing in common with and would never want to have anything in common with.

After 20 years on this site I have just realized after this thread that I am an "unemotional" person compared to a lot of the people here, as are my friends. Maybe the fact that I enjoy hunting out of a deer camp with like minded people has something to do with it, I don’t know or care. I’ve been very successful taking animals.

But I would like you to know of my experience with Krissy. All I did was send a short PM expressing I was sorry to hear about the passing of her significant other. I had never emailed or had any contact with her before and have never spoken to her ever. She asked me if I have ever used a PPT product and I said I had not (didn’t believe the hype). For no reason but to be nice without me asking or expecting she sent me six Emats and three or four of the Ecards. She would accept no payment when I saw what she had done. No one else other than a relative has just flat out given me about $4,000 worth of something. I have never mentioned this to anyone or promoted a PPT product. In my way of looking at things she is really a good person.
Incidentally, I made changes to my system concurrent with installing the Emats.  Everything sounds better but I won't know how much improvement was from what unless I took out the Emats, but its not that important to me.  Plenty of promoters here. 
millercarbon, you did a lot more than just say you enjoyed the music, you did the "my system is the best" for the 1,000th time, and made a huge plug for PPT products even though to my knowledge they are not for sale anymore.

And your ignoring three_easy_payments post where he says he believes he was contacted by Krissy with what may or may not be a solicitation, we cannot know if it was her, whether she was going to give or offer to sell him something, or whether it was one of the persons who have taken the company over in a hostile way using a fake email address with her name in it.  I have read a lot of three's post and respect him and understand why he could get royally ticked.