Fuses are there for a reason! I've never bypassed a fuse, even briefly for testing, nor do I intend to. I know some can't wrap their brain around the idea, but I think it’s possible to treat a fuse in some way, and have it actually sound better than no fuse. I’ve never tested this myself, so I have no way of knowing for sure. Feel free to call me crazy (I'm sure some will, regardless😉)
... hence my suggestion for Graphene Contact Enhancer from madscientistaudio.com. 
antigrunge - The copper replacement for the fuse has one MAJOR flaw, you still have the contact resistance of the fuse holder...
I ordered the small batch of this today to treat the magnets first that I use and then move ahead with the rest of my contacts.
SR fuses (black, blue, orange) are the only other ones I have experience with. The light blue QSAs in my transport and DAC pretty much blew away the SR blues they replaced. I suspect it will easily better the SR orange, as well, but I haven’t done that direct comparison yet. I have an SR orange in my amp currently, so I will know when I get in the next light blue to replace it.
Just got in a second light blue fuse for my DAC. So far, more of the same improvements I got in my CD transport. Very nice!😃 One thing I appreciate is the break in seems to be pretty quick, without any of the nasties you get with some other stuff. Pop it in, and you’ll hear improvements in short order, at least that’s been my experience.

The next one for my amp will be on its way as soon as Tweek Geek gets their next shipment. Can’t wait!
OP, I would have no trouble spending your money on these and recommend them highly. When can I expect the funds?
Well, I admit... I hate it when someone comes up with a new tweak that maters. Let’s say you have a well constructed synergistic $100K system...  $2K power cords definitely can highly improve the system sound... a easy choice since $2K added to a a component upgrade does nothing. Sounds like you can try the “cheap” $71 fuses and see if they are worth it in your system. If they are try the next step... If it improves the sound more than my last power cord swap $2K it would be a cheap tweak. I’ll be pretty happy every time I sit down and listen. 
The Exicons I use in my mono paired amps have no internal protection diodes either..without them you have lower capacitance which makes for greater speed and high frequency extension. Not koo koo just more and better music. Tom
Fuses are in line for setup and tests and then replaced with N45 cryod magnets
Absolutley https://youtu.be/YTY26k0CA0I?t=4
Fuses are in line for setup and tests and then replaced with N45 cryod magnets because they make the most of the music and can be oriented to follow the signal path.

No, you obviously can’t name a good amp today that uses fuses on the dc side.
Like I said a fuse anywhere on the dc side of an amp is useless and even detrimental even on the speakers, no matter how much they cost.
So you added your own context to my original post..and then you made nearly the same statement again at the end of your post. Redundant devious dilbert dude you are. Tom
Any component change in the signal path is easily heard and to say a fuse will not change or benefit the sound of circuit shows that one thinks or says so suffers from the Constipation Blues in the area of the brain
Please name even one of todays quality amps that use CD rail fuses?

I said DC rail fuses in an amplifier, are totally useless and are even detrimental, no matter how much they cost, no hi end amp these days of any note use them, only the some old junkers from yesteryear did, and you can even put speakers into that as well as they are fed from the dc side of an amp🤦‍♂️

BTW lets name any of todays noted quality amps that use fuses in their DC rails?
Some have said that a fuse swap won’t make a difference on the ac side of things and now we see an ugly face or 2 implying there is no use for a fuse upgrade in the direct signal path. Any component change in the signal path is easily heard and to say a fuse will not change or benefit the sound of circuit shows that one thinks or says so suffers from the Constipation Blues in the area of the brain...above or below the belt line.
Song by Screamin' Jay Hawkins.
“Tommy were these fuses placed on the ac side of things or on the dc side”

Tommy were these fuses placed on the ac side of things or on the dc side. Tom

DC rail fuses🤢🤮
2nd Note;
for those who are trying/using these Fuse(s), which brand did you leave?
Anyone leave Hi Fi Tuning (for example) ?

Happy Listening!
“Is there a 30-day return policy on the yellow one?”

At least from Tweek Geek, yes.
Nice Frank!  I ended up ordering a blue QSA fuse from Tweek Geek to try in my dac where there is an SR Orange. I've spent $240 on the AM's latest fuse and I really like it in my integrated amp so a yellow one would be a good comparison there for me.

should a new or alternative reality strike in your experiment kindly inform us all; until such time I shan’t spend more than $50 on a fuse.

Just in case I find myself in a position where I’ll have to manoeuvre myself some leniency while trying to get out of a serious offence, I’m thinking of trying one of the Yellow ones in my line-stage at $212.00 to compare with the current issue SR Orange fuse at $159.00.

I promise a fair and complete review.

Is there a 30-day return policy on the yellow one?

If any one of us ever finds themselves in court charged with some serious offence possibly demanding some time inside, then it might be worth showing this thread to your legal team as one possible means of defence.

You may even be able to manoeuvre yourself some leniency, just as long as the judge and jury don't get the word audiophile confused with something a little more Joe Bidenesque.
Ordered two more light blue fuses for my DAC and amp. The next step up, yellow, is $212, so, I don’t see myself trying those anytime soon. Someone else will have to try one, and report back ;) I am very happy with the light blue, though. If it does similar things to what it does in my transport, in my DAC & amp, I will be a happy camper.

What I am hearing is; voices & instruments are more solid and lifelike, with increased natural detail and sense of space, better dynamics, and a more relaxed overall sound.

One last note: For those of you who have PPT products in your system, these seem to play very nicely with them ;)
Woke up this AM to another email full of many links..much to read.
Steven made mention of a fuse under development  that may be priced at $6000 euro. Also an active acoustic room enhancement something I have been working on myself. I would like to understand his approach. Tom
@tommylion  Thanks for the heads up on Tweek Geek carrying these fuses. I had emailed the guy at QSA a few months ago and was going to order a yellow fuse for my dac but a few exchanges he got busy and never heard from him again.  Nice to hear good things about the blue!
I wrote the head of the fuse company asking if he could improve the sound of my N45 magnets in place of any fuse. 
I received a email back the next day saying he could treat any of my magnets physical size with his 6 level process..I want to know more but words are lost in translation.
As tommylion has I will buy a few of the Asian fuses and compare to my cryogenically treated magnets which are inherently directional.  Of course all of this is for a momentary comparison. If these fuses are better than the N45s (installed only under test) then these new arrivals could be a new reality.

Here is a task for a youtube reviewer: stick the fuse in and compare it to a solid piece of 5mmx20mm copper rod. That should settle the issue in no time. The only conceivable benefit can be the reduction of resistance, inductance or capacitance compared to a standard fuse, a solid connection being the reference. Warning: a solid piece of copper is only a few cents but not a fuse. Don‘t do this other than for a temporary comparison!
I have no idea if the $2844 red/black fuse is worth it. Who cares, though, the $71 light blue one is insane! I just got one in, and put it in my CD transport. It blows the SR blue, treated with Total Contact, that it replaced completely out of the water! I actually ordered the $28.50 black, but Michael at Tweek Geek got shorted some blacks in his first order, so he did the classy thing and upgraded me to the light blue at no charge.

If your mind can entertain even the slightest possibility that there could be something to these fuses, then you owe it to yourself to try one. That’s all I have to say about that.
My equipment never blows fuses. Also my amps are less than $2k each, I have four not including subs... Isn't it about sound? For me, yes.
It just seem strange hoping that your amp blows up in order to spare the fuse.
For me YES, to much $$. I'm turning into a solid wire/circuit breaker guy with a big fire extinguisher.
I'm trying to enjoy the $30 ones, but there seems to be a problem with tweek geek getting product to ship.
I think this thread answers the question of the "Where Are The Young Audiophiles" thread.
The Millenials suffered through the Great Recession and a huge increase in college tuition; disposable income for many of them is illusionary.

Gen Z's are content with instant access to libraries of playlists on devices costing three figures at most.

The idea of a $2500 fuse is simply out-of-bounds.
Most of the fuses in audio equipment is there as a safety measure not to protect the equipment, but to prevent fire. A fuse might blow before damage to the equipment but that's not what the primary purpose is.
I remember as a Electronics Engineer designing and building Electronics for the Navy, we had a saying that a five thousand dollar part will protect a five cents fuse by blowing first.  I can't tell you the number of times that the expensive part fried before the correctly spec'd fuse was suppose to blow.

just a side note on the path to enlightenment.

Lest we forget, it has been stated many times that Synergistic will replace blown fuses.
Yes it’s much better for "snake oil manufacturers" to hang on to your $150 and give you another 10c fuse instead, they could keep doing that many times and still be in front
for a fuse?
snake oil and major profit!

  People will pay anything if their told 

   Sounds like ...
crazy people.