I really wanted to dislike D'Agostino

I do a lot of trash talking here so I wanted to say something positive.  I find it especially hard to find things to like in gear that seems priced too high for the actual performance, and am happy to steer listeners to more affordable and often better sounding gear. For many reasons,I really wanted to dislike D'Agostino. This included previous listening to Dan era Krell, espeically with B&W speakers, was just never that good.  Perfectly, clinically sounding electronics.  The Audio Research (again vintage not modern) of Solid State.

When I first saw D'Agostino, I thought to myself that gear that looks that good can't sound very good.  Large bare copper, and big nods to watch making aesthetics were just too calculated to hook and reel me in.   Evoking both horology and espresso making at it's finest.

I have to say that my listening experience with modern Wilson speakers was a totally and completely different experience from what I expected.  Sweet, clean, musical, deep, extended.  I'd happily sit and listen to that for a very very long time.

Honestly to my ears the sound of the modern D'Agostino was so far and distant from the Krells I had heard so long ago it was a huge relief and surprise.  Nicely done.  I'm sorry I doubted the brand at all. 

1: Let's see 🙄? Nah never asked you for it, couldn't give a 
2: That's just what you do, "maybe" without knowing it. (nah, nobody's that   )

Thanks for using your main account this time????????
Your just dreaming up dirt, (once again) if you believe I have more than one account, just your slyness at work. 
This is Audiogon, and that means 2 things as far as you are concerned: 

  1. I do not give a damn about your approval
  2. I do not have to be sly about a damn thing
I can be just as big a fan boy or anti fanboy as I want to.  A privilege you have abused more than anyone.   Thanks for  using your main account this time though, shows profound personal growth.

You know what your slyly doing Eric, as others have also said, just give it a rest.
People here start threads on equipment for good reasons, you single out certain brands and do the opposite, trying your best to start controversy about particular brands, as you’ve done in the past with Pass Labs.
Like I said give it a rest.

I hope you are getting all the help and support you need in these difficult times.


I have to admit I have only heard full Krell stacks, and that this could very well be possible.
This statement is what should have been put in the title post, and possibly the thread never been even started as a thread topic in the first place, just Krell poweramp bashing.

How could anyone draw a conclusion about Krell amps v Agostino amps. If they only heard the full Krell stack: Poweramp/s, preamp, Dac, and Transport!!! Agostino in the same setup. 

Cheers George
I currently have two of the Krell amps in the iBias XD series and having had two FPB cx models beginning in 2001 I can state these new amps are every bit as good if not better then the “muscle cars” of the early 2000’s. And most people don’t know this, but Dan had nothing to do with the design and development of the coveted FPB cx series. It was David Goodman who is still with Krell and responsible for this incredible new technology deployed in the XD series. 
I have to admit I have only heard full Krell stacks, and that this could very well be possible.
Really!!! now you think it's time to bring that up!!
Great!! so why start this Krell damaging thread, you put **** on the Krell poweramps when you have no idea if it was them, or the Krell Preamp!! or the Krell Dac!! or the Krell Transport!! Just like you did with Pass Labs gear.
You good at picking a brand and trying to bring it down, too many times now you done just that, give up, and just keep promoting your Lux, Ayre products. 
Earlier this year I gotta great deal on a pair of Progression mono blocks after owning several AR amps over the years latest being the 150 se and all I have to say is WOW.Not going back to tube amps after installing these!
You didn't like the sound of krell because you never heard it with the right preamp. I couldn't even listen to my krell amp with solid state preamps, at least the ones in my price range, but with a tube preamp it sounds great.

I have to admit I have only heard full Krell stacks, and that this could very well be possible.

I have heard other tube pre/ss amp combos which were stellar, especially with ESL speakers. 
Yep. I first heard D'Agostino Momentum electronics with large Wilsons at a major metro dealer. It made me go back to the drawing board in terms of my own system (Pass/KEF Blades).  I've now got Dan's Momentum HD preamp and S250 stereo amp along with the Momentum Phono amp and couldn't be happier. Didn't go with the Wilson speakers though. Instead Sonus Faber Aidas sound lovely paired with the D'Agostino electronics. I couldn't be more pleased -- I'm done with the equipment merry-go-round.
You didn't like the sound of krell because you never heard it with the right preamp. I couldn't even listen to my krell amp with solid state preamps, at least the ones in my price range, but with a tube preamp it sounds great.
eric squires

Your mastery of sarcasm is beggared as your ability to tell the truth,  you come here with a cavalier attitude seeking attention only.
George. I totally agree with you
I can’t help but wonder if your picking the stone out of the wrong shoe?
Who here promotes Ayre and Luxman every chance he gets and takes a jab at Pass
Can read him like a book, this is yet again his "subtle" but round about way of "Krell Bashing" this time, just like he did with Pass Labs amps a couple of months back, and got "new one ripped" for his efforts.

Cheers George
Just curious, has anyone had experience with the Krell K300I integrated amp? I was reading Dan's exwife Rondi owns Krell now and production is located in the US. I'm interested in purchasing one, curious if anyone has one or test drove one and your opinions, thanks, cheers. 
@erik_squires , I really liked most krell seperate power amps, Not so much B&w’s. I can’t help but wonder if your picking the stone out of the wrong shoe?
Hi @Shannere

Thanks for bringing up false equivalences.

I did not ask Coda fans to stop promoting coda.

I do however consider it polite and good behavior to keep a thread on topic. I also consider it polite and good behavior to take a significantly disruptive non sequitur to a new thread, a practice I have modeled several times. I also generally refrain from promoting products I like unless a thread calls for it, such as "Help me pick... "

I hope those who promote Coda products are made of the same mettle.

Your fake apology is rejected.



Who here promotes Ayre and Luxman every chance he gets and takes a jab at Pass,... sorry the thread does not belong to you
May I ask all the Coda fanboys to take that discussion to a Coda thread?
Thank you.

Post removed 
Coda cheerleader here as well. Back in the day I had the Model 11(should never have sold it), and now the Model 16 has dutifully replaced my Pass mono blocks. A must audition!
BTW:  I never said Krell was poor.  I didn't like the sound.  Not the same thing.
Strange there are opinions here that Dan era Krell was poor and D’Agostino Dan is great.
It’s the same man!

I was talking about the sound of the electronics, not his cologne. It is not unreasonable to expect an electronics designer’s tastes, objectives, methods and materials change over decades.

In case it was not clear enough, I have no idea what post Dan Krell sounds like.



I like what I heard from the D'Agostino amp/Wilson speaker combination.  I've heard that setup at several shows, so it seems to be recognized as a good match in the same way Wilson's were often matched with Spectral a while ago.

I have not given Audio Research a serious listen to in a while, but, I never liked the lean, harmonically bleached sound of both their tube linestages and amplifiers; I would take solid state over their stuff and I am a tube person.  It is all a matter of taste, and they just don't fit me.  
Strange there are opinions here that Dan era Krell was poor and D'Agostino Dan is great.
It's the same man!

After more than a century, I don't think there's much more to learn about audio amps.  With green issues now in the forefront, the golden era has probably passed.

My 80s Krell KRS200s still sound great after full refurbishment and re-capping 10 years ago.  My big system amps for 30 years now.  No substitute for pure Class A and 2kW a side going in from the wall.  But I agree they sound better with a valve pre.  Mine is Audio Research Ref 6, so I shall no doubt hear from some myopics that my ears are funny.

I do understand Bob ! I’ve heard d’Agostino several times and it’s not my stuff. First on S.Faber speakers : so clinical without any “feelings” for the music. On B&W it was even worse : no clarity, never to the point : I couldn’t empathize with the music.  For me : Ear, Wavac, Jadis,... en than you world opens up. This is my personal opinion.
I love vintage krell. Not analytical at all to my ears. It sounds best with tube preamps.

Maybe that's exactly the part I was missing.
I'm sure my impression of CODA amps is now quite dated. If I'm ever in the market I will.
I love vintage krell. Not analytical at all to my ears. It sounds best with tube preamps. Glad you enjoyed the new gear. It’s beyond beautiful. Steam punk at its finest. 
Ditto on the CODA, great value for made in the USA heavyweight gear with a 10 year warranty. 
Interesting post. I have had Krell amps in the past and they did some things very well but once I got into good tube gear there was no turning back . With D’Agostino I just surmised that you were purchasing the same old Krell sound but in a fancier package. 
Hi Erik, I like to suggest that you auditing some current CODA amplifiers too, it may change your impression as well...
I always like your posts.
This one is nice, as it shows an open mind. 
It can be easy to fall into a negative rut, so I say 'Bravo'.