How loud are you typically listening?

Typically 75 to 80dB.  Really loud is 90dB and I'm never over, and I mean never, 95dB.  I'm using a professional SPL meter, C weighted, slow response.  Just curious.
Quieter for me would be 64-69 dB. Louder would be 69-75 dB.

One factor that I've just experienced in the last several years is that a acoustically "quieter" room allows for lower actual listening volumes for the same perceived sound level.
Just checked. At the higher end right now. Meter app reads about 74 to 80dB with a few 87dB peaks.
I like listening at low levels most of the time. I reach realistic levels but to be honest i never bothered to measure it with my android.

I listen at a very satisfyingly loud level most of the time. Sometimes a little to the low side of that. With the way the system is now I find when it is cranked up real loud instead of sounding real loud it sounds thrilling exhilarating loud. I mean like tingles your berries loud. Like the first time you go to a rock concert and it is not just loud but dynamically crystal clear Supertramp loud. Like that.

I have the Radio Shack SPL meter, the old school analog one you can set to read fast or slow average, and different weightings. Had it since like the 1990's. I got it out just now to check and sure enough I was right- satisfying, exhilarating, Supertramp- none of those are on there. Stupid meter.
If you’re using a headphone amplifier + headphones  or an amp with speakers, there will be some variations in loudness between songs from different Artists.

Ideally, 60 db to 70 db is safe for several hours of listening. If you get listening fatigue and/or a headache in the first 5-10 minutes, you’re doing something wrong.

The only time you should listen a bit louder is when you are mixing/mastering something. Even then, for a short time - to ensure you can detect errors in the sound and fix them.
I suggest turning the volume down not up. Set the volume listen carefully then turn it down a notch and see if it still sounds good. Use the least volume that is musically satisfying. Your ears will thank you. 
Around 75-80, but most music I have found does sound better at 90-95. Sadly I can’t handle loud for longer then a couple of songs, too many blasting concerts in my younger days and just normal aging.
80db C weighted is pretty loud for me, I have the headroom to play much louder, depending on the recording, but rarely do so; in fact, much of my listening is done at even lower levels. But it takes some gain to energize the room, which is large. I worked pretty hard to get the "noise floor" low so that there is very little ambient noise from the system or room itself. Ambient noise of room averages a little over 30db- I could get it quieter by blocking the windows with heavier sound proofing material but don't usually bother with that. 
Right now and usually, I listen at an average of 60dB.  Louder if no one is home, 60dB works for most of the acoustic works I listen too.
Loud enough for the wife to have to raise her voice and yell “turn it dowwwwwwn!””

“ If it’s too loud , your too old”
I’m in that same 75 to 80dB range, testing with dB meter on my iPhone.

I've noticed that as I've grown older, I don't appreciate loud music any longer.