Great Experience with Feickert Protractor

After years of using other setup tools, I finally broke down and bought the Dr. Feickert Protractor.  I couldn't be happier. 

I highly recommend this unit for great design, construction, ease of use, and precision of setup.  I'm at the point in this hobby where I buy stuff and am not afraid to find that something makes no difference or the difference it makes is not to my liking.  The Feickert did not change the overall sonic character of my table/cart.  What it clearly did do was make imaging and soundstage more apparent (stand out) and it sounds like more information is coming through because I can hear more decay and faint sounds than before. 

If anyone is within driving distance of Chicagoland, I'd be happy to lend it out so others could benefit.  

Before the Feickert I was using Mobile Fidelity's Geo Disc and I had to sight the pivot point with an alignment bar on the Geo Disc.  I got pretty close (assuming the Feickert is more accurate), as I was within 2mm.  I'll rest assured knowing that I'm running things closer to perfect for sound quality and wear. 

I’m also a former Geodisc user and a current Feickert user. The Geodisc sort of worked, Sighting the pivot point along the ridge was always problematic, and with some arms extremely difficult. I used it in conjunction with a DB Systems protractor for the final adjustments. I’ve also used other methods in the past.

The Feickert is simply easier, faster and more accurate than anything else I’ve used before. So far I’ve used it on VPI 10 and 12" arms, a Magnepan Unitrac (which was super difficult to use with the geodisc), and a Rega RB300 on a Denon table.


@jwallis1 , Yes, I still use the Feickert. Like you I have used the Geodisc. It’s great, IF you can get the pivot lined up. I used a piece of string taped to the ridge line and I’d pull it out to ensure I was in alignment. Not scientific but it got me closer. The Geodisc is hard to use.

PM me and we can meet up.

I made a great friend on here back in 2017 by lending out the protractor. Kind of cool.

Hey JB!

Do you still use the Dr. Feickert? I've been using the Geo Disc and found it a bit lacking as well. (Getting that pivot point lined up is tricky business!)  I started looking into Dr. Feickert and came across your post here.

If you still have it, I'd love to take you up on the offer to borrow it! I'm in Highland Park.

Best Regards,


Dr. Feickert from UK without VAT was cheaper for me, used sample is even cheaper. 

Not sure what do you expect from a protractor, but no not overestimate the importance of it. You cartridge can be aligned perfectly even with FREE protractor that comes with Hi-Fi NEWS TEST LP. 

I can't use mirror protractors, for my eyes it's better to see white lines on black surface and alight according to those lines than white lines on mirror, on the mirror you will see the line and reflection of this line, I hate those protractors with mirror, they are useless.  
It looks so good I wonder whether it doesn't come out of the same factory.  It would not be the first time that has happened to a US or European firm outsourcing to China.
The Feickert on flea bay listed for almost half the price from China is a knockoff right?
I've had the Feickert protractor (newer version) and now use the SmarTractor.  The results that I have gotten using the Uni-Din alignment (Acoustical Systems' own alignment) has been exceptional. It has a Vernier scale for measuring P2S, so I would also say that it is more accurate that the Feickert in that respect.  The mirrored surface also does make for easier alignment than the Feickert. I've been using the Uni-DIn with a Kuzma 4P which was designed with the Baerwald geometry.  

Seems that the Smartractor have a mirror which makes cantilever alignment easier?
I find that with magnification and strong lighting

Yes that is a critical aspect so either one Feickert or Smartractor can take advantage of it

I also tend to avoid cartridges that are way out of line in that respect. 

Me too, it is so common though

If you vision is not good it's the only "problem" with Dr. Feickert protractor.

You are getting close buddy, hope God gives you some more years but trust me it is life changing when you get there

Sorry guys I'm in the middle of an existencial crisis

Joking aside $400 difference tells me to go with the Feickert protractor

... the Feickert protractor is very good specifically with P2S distances, not so good with cart alignment, the Smartractor although more expensive allows you to adjust long tonearms and the cartridge with better precision

I have aligned "12 inch tonearm with Dr. Feickert, absolutely no problem with that. 

Some people are referring to an old version of Dr. Feickert, but it was upgraded with the new version many years ago, it's precision protractor. 

If you vision is not good it's the only "problem" with Dr. Feickert protractor.   

I often see people overestimate the importance of alignment when they want to align their cartridge with micron accuracy that your ears can't detect anyway! 

Luis, I don’t know what you mean when you say the Feickert is “not so good“ for cartridge alignment. Can you elaborate? Because unless you are very anal about the process, I find the Feickert to be excellent on all counts. And because I am admittedly lazy, I increasingly use the Feickert instead of the Uni tractor, even though I realize the Uni tractor is capable of even greater accuracy and perfection. In addition to being lazy, I am also an agnostic when it comes to worshiping perfection in the art of cartridge alignment. I find that with magnification and strong lighting, I can very often visualize the cantilever when using the Feickert, and therefore can account for cantilevers that deviate from perfection in alignment. I also tend to avoid cartridges that are way out of line in that respect. Perhaps that is what you meant when you said the Feickert was not so good.
Old thread, I need a tool to align different cartridges on different tonearms. From my searches apparently the Feickert protractor is very good specifically with P2S distances, not so good with cart alignment, the Smartractor although more expensive allows you to adjust long tonearms and the cartridge with better precision, but it lacks Stevenson's alignment which most japanese tonearms (the ones I will be using) "required",  I said required because I understand you could perfectly use Lofgren to align these tonearms with average best outer and inner alignment.I would love to hear your opinions on protractors so I can make a good decision. I know Lew uses Uni (same as Smartractor), chakster uses Feickert, I think Raul is all about Lofgren even for the japanese tonearms, apologies if I'm mistakenThank you
If you want the best, Mint LP is easily the best.

I own the Feikert, Acoustical Systems tractor and the Mint is the best by far. As long as you specify what alignment you want.
  the Feikert is good for pivot to spindle measurements.
Same here 3380.
I've found in tables where you can easily see the lateral pivot point the Geo-Disc works just as well as my Feickert does .
In theory I love the Feickert but in practice it is far more useful and precise when used with tonearms that have a clearly labelled / marked pivot point.  Amongst the arms I’ve used, it was extremely precise with a Reed 3P and its clearly identifiable pivot point however with the Graham Phantom there was more guess-work involved.  If you don’t drop that pin exactly where the pivot point is the whole exercise is futile IMO.

I love this tool, but like every tool it does have its limitations.  Remember...just because you have a hammer doesn’t mean everything you see is a nail ;)

I wish someone had one in Florida I could borrow. I hate to spend the money when I know I may only use it, once or twice.
Got he same protractor. Love it, and in conjunction with my Fozgometer can get pretty decent set up. Just wondering if any of you have used the Dr. Feickert software, in conjunction, and what are your experiences.
Whom are you addressing? Has someone offered to lend out  a Feickert protractor for home trial?

@lewm , cetla416 is addressing the OP in his original post:

If anyone is within driving distance of Chicagoland, I'd be happy to lend it out so others could benefit.  

Dear cetla, Whom are you addressing? Has someone offered to lend out  a Feickert protractor for home trial?  If you live in Wheaton, MD, you are welcome to come and take a look at mine, but I would rather not lend it out.  I could show you how it works on my own turntable.  I own the older version; I don't know exactly how it differs from the latest version, but not by much. I am guessing, however, that you live in Wheaton, IL.  

The first thing you need to do is to locate the exact spot on your arm mounting board where you wish to mount the FR tonearm.  For that, you don't necessarily need a protractor, but the Feickert can in fact be used for the purpose of locating the hole to be drilled.

A shout out to Raul. I hope you and your loved ones survived the earthquake without any injury or loss of property.  Please let us know.
Hi- I live out in Wheaton and I would love to able to try out the Feickert Protractor.  I have a Lenco PTP-4 TT and a Fidelity Research arm that I need to mount.  Please let me know how we can move forward with this.
Yes, I understand what you are saying about the spindle hole on the Dr. Feickert completely. Before I bought the Smartractor, little brother of the Uni tractor, I had to cover the spindle of my Garrard 301 with a piece of thin film food wrap to make it snug for acurate alignment.
Yes Raul, that is what I meant. Thank you for confirming it.
Dear @dangcaonguyen : ""  As my understanding, if two tables have the same spindle size one can use the same Mint tractor for the same tonearm. ""

your statement is correct IF the tonearm is mounted with the same pivot to spindle distance in both TT.
In theory foe tonearm geometry alignment the main subject is to make the tonearm/cartridge/TT set up with all parameters involved with zero tolerances. This is almost imposible to achieve, so what we can do is tomantain at minum those parameters set up with minimum tolerance to stay nearer " perfection " and that distortions be mainteined at minimum.

Regrads and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
cleeds, Perhaps I misunderstand what you are trying to say in response to dang, but he is talking about turntables, not tonearms.  In fact, there are at least 3 different "standards" for spindle diameter.  As you might guess, it is critical for any protractor to fit snugly, with no "play", over the spindle.  Conversely, the spindle diameter cannot exceed that of the hole in the protractor, else the protractor cannot be used.  So, his question was not inappropriate to a discussion of protractors.  In addition to owning an older Feickert, I also own a UNItractor.  UNI was cleverly designed with interchangeable spindle holes; three are supplied.  The one that fits my Lenco spindle perfectly does not fit my Japanese DDs and vice-versa.  As to the Feickert, I can only say to Dang that I have used it with the Lenco and with at least one of the DD turntables I own; can't recall which.  It seems to "fit" both but not so perfectly as does the UNI with a precisely chosen spindle adapter.

Also, although both the Feickert and the UNI are loosely based on the Dennesen, both are a bit better in that both allow for checking the alignment by supplying a second pattern, displaced toward the spindle, where the stylus tip and cantilever alignment is confirmed.  (Maybe not a good verbal description, but if you own a Feickert you know what I mean.)
As my understanding, if two tables have the same spindle size one can use the same Mint tractor for the same tonearm. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Within a certain fine tolerance, pretty much all pickup arms use the same spindle size so, sorry, you're not correct here.

dangcaonguyeni don’t understand your statement regarding Feickert aligning cartridge. As a user, my understanding is it aligns stylus and cantilever like the Mint you mentioned. I am having both.

Feickert: aligns the cartridge.
Mint/WallTracktor: uses a mirror to align cantilever.

They are two different approaches. Feicker’s assumes that the cantilever itself is properly aligned with the cartridge body, which is not an assured thing by a long shot!
As my understanding, if two tables have the same spindle size one can use the same Mint tractor for the same tonearm. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
jmc, is the Mint turntable-specific, or arm-specific?


They are basically turntable/arm specific design.
Tell Yip you have a VPI Prime with a VPI 3D arm, and he probably has one in stock.

If you have an odd combo, you can send Yip several measurements, and he will custom make one for your table/arm.
i don't understand your statement regarding Feickert aligning cartridge. As a user, my understanding is it aligns stylus and cantilever like the Mint you mentioned. I am having both.
The Feikert looks like a good tool - an update of the original Denneson Soundtractor. Its limitation is that it aligns the cartridge. A much better solution is a tool that aligns the actual cantilever and stylus, such as the Mint and WallyTractor gauges.
+1 on the  Feickert Protractor. I know there are others out there (probably cheaper too), but I like the  Dr's Protractor for its ease of use, & the fact that I already have it :-)
jmc, is the Mint turntable-specific, or arm-specific? I haven't checked it out yet, gotta do that. Does it require the exact location of the arm's pivot be known? There is one arm---the Helius Omega---with the vertical and horizontal bearings having different locations in the arm; I can't imagine how any protractor deals with THAT scenario!
Very generous offer jbhiller!!

I also own the Feickert Protractor, and though I do like it, I prefer Yip's Mint LP protractor.

Different horses for different courses.
The Feickert is more flexible, as Yip's design is turntable specific.
Great purchase and a far better setup tool than the Geo Disc. I am not in your area, but thanks for the generous offer.