Grant Fidelity parts ways with Psvane

Not sure if anyone knows this but Grant Fidelity is ceasing all Psvane line sales as of 2/7/21, this Sunday.

I’ve ordered lot and lots of tubes from Grant Fidelity. Always impeccable service and quality of product. Always treated like family. Rachel is wonderful.

Not sure what to think of Psvane as a company after reading the article? Love their tubes, but...

Ouch. Thankfully, the wonderful Treasure black 12AX7 and Shuguang 6SN7-SE globes I use are not impacted by this.
Grant Fidelity is a first class operation and I would do the same thing that they have done. Unfortunately ,I think this type of behavior isn’t  just practiced by Psvane. I imagine other hifi dealers have experienced this with other companies.
Why do we (the consumer) need to see their dirty laundry? They should have just quit selling products, no need to make a big deal about it.
These are “Old School Tactics” being executed by both parties.

The shame is they’re dragging their customer base into the fray and they will disenfranchise their end user customers.

When I was working in the very lucrative motorcycle parts industry ( European and Asian race components/parts) we would see these types of actions quite often at the distribution level.

It is best to keep your dirty laundry in house. 
I’ve had several purchases from Grant Fidelity over the years and the customer service and support is top tier. I wish them success with Lanlai tubes and glad Rachel stood up to the intimidation and bully tactics from Psvane.

Why do we (the consumer) need to see their dirty laundry? They should have just quit selling products, no need to make a big deal about it.
Transparency removes speculation. 

FWIW, I have bought a fair share of Psvane tubes from Grant Fidelity but have in the last few years been doing business with Viva tubes for Psvane with great results and much lower prices with no returns. Enjoy the music
I wish them success with Lanlai tubes and glad Rachel stood up to the intimidation and bully tactics from Psvane.

I just purchased six 12ax7-Art Psvane tubes from Viva, my first purchase from them. They are first rate to deal with. Will be doing further business with Viva for new production tubes.

For older tubes Brent Jessee.
I will say I can't blame Psvane for being upset at Grant Fidelity distributing Lanlai. However their actions were underhanded and uncalled for I am on Grant's side here.
Grant's behavior appears above reproach.  

And if you want to continue to buy Psvane [for example, from Viva],
you can still do so.

Thanks for the information.

MY BHK Pre came with PSVane 12au7 from the factory. Not bad sounding. However, Gold Lions sound much more full imo
@aberyclark, try the Psvane Treasure or the new S series tube that replaced them, in every instance I have compared them to the Gold Lions they have come out on top. Just sayin. Enjoy the music
try the Psvane Treasure or the new S series tube that replaced them, in every instance I have compared them to the Gold Lions they have come out on top.

+1  Excellent tubes!
My BHK Pre had Psvane S12au7's.  While they sound pretty good, I much prefer Tungsram 7DJ8s.  I get a warmer, fuller sound with no loss in detail or dynamics.  I should note, I'm also using Tungsram 7DJ8's in my BHK 250 power amp. 
bidness is bidness

dog eat dog

dolla is king

good guys are hardly immune to reality
"...Why do we (the consumer) need to see their dirty laundry? They should have just quit selling products, no need to make a big deal about it. Transparency removes speculation..." 

A simple; We don't carry that brand anymore is sufficient. 
Russ69, pay back is the reason.  Psvane got in to Grant Fidelity's pocket and squeezed, therefore GF is informing their customers and product user's of Psvane's aggressive  business practices.  Fair is fair.
Is this the Grant Fidelity that was located in Canada? if so I will NEVER do business with them.!!!!!!