Going to Rocky Mountain Audio Fest - any advice

So I’ve always wanted to try an event like this. The only other person I know who’s into audio like I am is my best friend from high school back in 1989. In fact I got him into audio, and it just so happens he’s looking for a new pair of speakers in the $10k range. 

Like most of us we are limited by the brick and motar stores that are near us. In my case that’s amounts to zero stores near me.  So I suggested we go to the RMAF and we agreed and so we are off in a few weeks!

Not sure what to expect, but I’m hoping to hear systems I’ve only read about for years and it will be interesting to see how my mail order system will stack up. 

Any my suggestions from festival old hats?  Did I pick a good one to go to?

Going to Rocky Mountain Audio Fest - any advice

Wear a mask.
We heard in Australia on the news yesterday, there were 10,000 infections a day in Canada!! What are they in the USA??

We had 12 yesterday only in Sydney and everyone Australia and NZ wide is on edge.

Cheers George
hardest part for me is some rooms are so crowded it is hard to get a seat and just as hard to get answers to questions if they are carrying a conversation with another patron.

No doubt the speaker room I am interested will be packed to the max and getting Q's answered may be a  issue. I will  send the dealer there in N Carolina a  note if he could  present a  short intro on each speaker, less than 1 minute each design, then open for Q's, and keep answers short N sweet, maybe take groups of 30, the entire session  taking 25 minutes maybe another 5 minute Q session at the end.  . . Sign up for a  group/specific time. , this way no one has to wait outside the room in a  long line.
If you need a  2nd listen, sign up for AM and PM listening session. 

Canceled last year 2020, now   back on schedule
I plan to be there, will tag along with Richard Gray.
Looking  very forward to hearing some speakers i had plans to order, now will present the opportunity to acutally hear several models.
Should be a  blast.
See you guys there. 
The Hifi Guy
new orleans

So far the stand outs for me:

Elac Adante loudspeakers
Muraudio SP1 loudspeakers - probably my favorite. Best dynamics. 
Eggleston Viginti loudspeaker.

Disapointed with Focal.
And Devore wasn’t as great as I thought they would be.

There were some Ryan 2 ways that were very impressive.

Elac powered small 2 ways had incredible sound and bass that defied physics.
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after attending RMAF, post a few impressions and thoughts on the gear auditioned.  Enjoy the Show!
If for once they actually played REAL music at these shows I would consider going again, but typically, as J. Gordon Holt said years ago, there is an inverse relationship between the best sounding music and the most popular music, or something like that.

Why is it I typically hear some sort of solo cello or some minimalist jazz or something very few people even care about listening too? The best systems and reps should not be afraid to play the most popular or familiar music to show attendees. The question keeps coming up as to why people are turning away from the "high end" and IMO THAT is exactly the reason. It’s been like this for YEARS. No wonder it’s such a turn off. I mean even if they at least played, for example, some Dead Can Dance, Pat Metheny or Steely Dan once in awhile, well, hooray.
Very disappointed that Magnepan are not attending, unless i've missed them on the xcel spreadsheet. No SOtM either showing off the new sMS-200 NEO. Still lots of good things to hear. Hopefully. Last year went into the Avantgarde room and the head honcho was chatting continually to a fellow audiophile (debatable) about her holidays,Germany blah blah blah. Felt like asking her to turn the music off and we can all join in to her natter.  Jeez.
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I went to RMAF several years ago. When I think back on it, the thing I recall most vividly was the headphone room in the main ballroom. I heard the Blue Hawaii headphone amp with some truly amazing phones; Stax (of course), Fostex, Audeze and Sennheiser (among others). Had I known how difficult some of the equipment is to find outside the audio shows, I would have spent more time listening to the various models. Enjoy your time there!

All the rooms will have a somewhat tight constricted sound on Friday as all the connections are still settling in. The rooms will sound much better late Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.

It is lots of fun to see and hear equipment and audio people we have read about.

You have a nice system. If you have not upgraded you wall outlet, You might want to give your system a present and buy a Synergistic Research Blue outlet while at the show. They come with a 30 day return policy if you do not like it. Think of it as the vacation Tee Shirt you are bringing back to your system.

Synergistic Research is on the fifth floor . Also on that floor will be High Water Sound. Jeff Catalano always has one of the best sounding vinyl set ups at any show. He is an audio legend and the nicest guy to meet.
 Bring your favorite album and he will play a track-no matter what it is. 

You will only be able to see about 20 % of what is available so don't worry about what you miss.

David Pritchard
You'll have a great time!  As has been alluded to...check out the exhibitor list/map and plan whom you'd like to see/hear starting at the upper floor and working toward the ground floor.  Take the stairs if you can.  :-)
I have gone every year since it’s inception and most years have been really good. My advice is get there early and start on the top floor of the north tower. The elevators are the Achilles heel of the show. Use the stairs to work your way down between floors. This save at least an hour of waiting on the elevators.

Make your plans for each floor floor and visit the rooms you want to. Be careful not to get sucked into some sales pitch in a room where you really have no interest. The hardest part for me is some rooms are so crowded it is hard to get a seat and just as hard to get answers to questions if they are carrying a conversation with another patron. You hate to be rude but you find that some people are naturals.

But the show can be fun and informative. Some rooms will sound exceptional and others may have great equipment but not sound good if they are limited in set up options based on the room. I live in Colo and we have had the hottest summer I can recall in 60 plus years. The problem this creates is they may keep keep the AC off to keep the noise down. Hotel rooms are small and 10-15 people plus equipment can heat a room up beyond comfort. Drink plenty of water, but know where the restrooms are. Most rooms won’t let you use the restrooms in the rooms as they stuffed with equipment boxes.

But you will enjoy the show especially if you have never been before.
i know I plan to go, oh one more note, if the Broncos are playing Sunday it can reduce attendance but some vendors break down early.

Have fun and safe travels
Take a pocket notebook.  Log the rooms you like with the room number and exhibitor.  Make a list of components on demonstration.  
Then write notes as to what aspects you liked or things that didn’t sound quite right.
If you are contemplating speakers, make a note as to placements.  This may provide some idea 
My wife and I went last year for the day.. There weren’t really any long lines when we went (Opening day), and we got to see everything I wanted to. If you are going to audition speakers, you may be in for a little disappointment. Many of the rooms were playing some sort of God awful music that was unfamiliar to my wife and I. No one offered to play something different and when I asked at a few of the manufacturers suites, I was told this is the music we picked out to demonstrate our equipment. Perhaps on the second or third day, the manufacturers weren’t so anal and relented.

I was disappointed in the marketplace, no really good deals, everything was being sold at full retail and there weren’t that many vendors.

What I loved was talking with some of the audio greats. Bob Carver was the most gracious host and I can’t stress that enough. He went out of his way to chat with my wife and I for over a half hour! I talked to so many audio people that I can’t remember all the details. All in all, you will have a fun time and don’t forget to grab all the freebies!  One more thing, it is best to start at the top floor and work your way down.  The elevators can get very crouded so we mostly used the stairs.  It is easier walking down than 
I wish one of the magazines, large audio retailers or even the festival itself, would offer a package to the show. I'm just too lazy to make all arrangements and have never gone (although I lived close by in 'Vegas).
Some of us want to be catered to.