finding the weak link

I have been debating whether to post this and decided that the experience and insights of you all would be very helpful.

I am using primarily an Aurender A10 and Dr Feickert turntable as my sources with a Prima Luna Dialogue premium integrated amp (mostly using KT150's)  and Vienna Acoustics Liszt speakers. To upgrade my system further my thought was the the Prima Luna is the weak link. Any thoughts? If you agree, what are your thoughts for a replacement?

Thank you!!



I have the Chinook Special Edition and can say that it definitely punches above its price class.  I have advanced my system over the past year and the Chinook is presently the weak link (nothing derogatory toward it at all) in my system.  I will soon be purchasing a BAT VK-P90 to go along with the rest of my BAT gear.

When you first have the Chinook in your system it will be a bit forward, a little bright.  It needs about 50 to 80 hours of playing time to settle in.  Depending on which cartridge you choose, most typically take about 40 to 60 hours to settle in as well.  Both pieces will settle in at about the same time and you will find yourself with smiles and pleasure, for sure.  The Chinook is very flexible for cartridge loading and the dip switches are easily accessible.  It's a lot of fun and very easy to operate. The folks at Upscale Audio are first rate and will take very good care of you.  Best to you and have a fun time with it.

Great point. I am a big believer in Kevin's opinions. I've contacted Upscale Audio and look forward to listening to it.

Thank you all again!


Very nice. The Manley Chinook is supposedly a great bang for the buck. Kevin Deal really likes them. I have never heard it but I trust the opinions of those who have them. You should be very happy with that upgrade

FWIW  I'd wait a couple weeks to let the Chinook get broken in before putting the sub(s )in the chain. This will help you identify  just how much improvement it did and then enjoy the sub. It should provide another thrill as well

Let us know how you like the upgrades

I can't thank you guys enough, this is great and more than I possibly expected.

1. I will be swapping out the MoFi for a Manley Chinook Labs Chinook special. A new cartridge is in the works as well.

2. I have been pricing out REL's and that trigger will be pulled near term.

3. The question above by curiousjim bring the conversation back to the original intent. I have had questions in the past whether to upgrade from the PL was the right way to go or not. This posting was triggered by reading an exchange in a Vienna Acoustics group re: what amps people were using with their VA Liszts. While there weren't a huge number of responses to the question, the answers were startling in that people were using some serious amps to power their systems (Jeff Rowland, AVM, Devialet, Gryphon, Soulnote, etc). I began to look into a number of integrated amps (Rowland, AVM, Hegel, esp. demos) but was not sure that that was the right path. 

This exchange has been a real eye opener and I'm looking forward to seeing the impact of upgrading the phonostage, cartridge, and subwoofers. After all that, I'll reconsider the integrated amp, although I do not rule out separates. Thank you all very much again.

Sounds like you’re asking three separate questions. Change digital, change analog, of change the PL.  With digital, you could add a dac. I’d look at RTR dacs as they are generally warmer. For analog, an upgrade of you cartridge would bring a Big Bang for your money and then a phono preamp.  As far as the PL amp, depending on your budget, separates might be a good avenue for you to check out. 

BTW, what is you budget for any and all changes?

All the best.


I'm with artemus_5 on all that he describes.  I believe that you have a very nice system, one that provides a great foundation.  For making improvements my personal recommendation is to focus on your phono source first.  The turntable and tonearm are fine, but the phono stage and cartridge have significant room for improvement.  You will be amazed at what a higher-level cartridge can provide, and especially when paired with a better phono stage.  A Gold Note PH 10 or a Manley Labs Chinook are two very good choices.  If you remain in the Hana family then stepping up to the ML would provide very significant sonic rewards.  These are just a few examples, but the bottom line is to focus on the phono stage and cartridge.  From there, the upward journey begins.  Enjoy it!



I rarely disagree with @ghdprentice but will do so somewhat this time. I will agree that the PrimaLuna is not the last word in high end audio and integrateds may have some compromises that aren't made in separates. At some point, you will want to go up the ladder to separates. But I'd also note that the PL is the Dialogue Premium which is their top tier with better parts. This is why I would not switch out the PL just yet.. IIRC, the phono preamp he has now pulls double duty and costs around $500. Price doesn't tell the whole story but it tells a lot of it. This is a starter phono preamp IMO and the reason I put it as second in the list of upgrades just behind the subs. I am partial to Rel because they integrate very well and bring a lot to the mains as well.. But, if you have the means, then certainly upgrading the PL is a worthy consideration. But it is my  preference to only upgrade one thing at a time. That way there is little or no confusion as to what caused any sound difference

Add 2 REL subs. Upgrade you phono cartridge. You mind will be blown when you add 2 subs. I have a similar system to yours but with 2 subs. 

Must agree with the subs as an addition, 2 are better than 1. Your main speakers are extremely unlikely to be placed for maximum bass effectiveness, subs let you do that. I have a Vincent tube hybrid pre / power combination and use DSP to reduce the bass to the main speakers and thus demand from the tube power amp. I have severe bass room nodes and DSP removes this too. 

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I also would say the Prima Luna. I, unlike others, dont like pentodes in power amps. The Hana is a good cartridge but not great. I wish I knew more about your phono preamp. Dont forget about your cables.  

I think your instincts are correct. If you want to make a jump in sound quality… your integrated amp is the place to look.

First question… integrated or separates. If you want to keep moving over time… then you want to go to a separate preamp and amp. Given what you have I would think upgrading to Audio Research would be the obvious next step. Either integrated or separates… Separates would be best. Alternatively Conrad Johnson… for a slightly warmer presentation… or VaC.

Thank you very much for those interesting insights, I look forward to trying these

Your speakers go down to 28hz. You will be surprised at how much more info will be extracted from your main speakers when you ad a subwoofer. Add 2. You won't be disappointed. my speakers are rated to 20hz. yet the subs were probably my biggest improvement.

then your phono preamp is not up to the task. Do NOT underestimate the importance of a GOOD phono preamp. The OL Silver arm is OK and actually hits above its price level as ALL the OL arms do. At some point you might want to upgrade to something like an Illustrious which is supposedly their sweet spot.  I have one that I bought for my Teres TT as a temporary arm. That was 12 yrs ago. I just upgraded to a TriPlanar. Yes it was better. But the OL has absolutely no shame when placed alongside the Tri. keep your eye open. i have it on good authority that there will be one for sale sometime soon. You have a good system in the PL and speakers. i would not consider changing the PL until you take care of the problems I mention.

BTW, like others have said, the KT66 & 6L6 tubes are something to consider. My own favorite is the 7581 tungsol. Fantastic freq response and the prettiest blue glow you have ever seen. They have the same specs as the KT66 as I understand

Thank you all for your responses, they are very appreciated!

For those who asked, the remaining details of the system:

Dr. Feickert Volare Turntable,  Origin Live Mk3A select tonearm,  Hana E Series MC Phono Cartridges - EL

MoFi Electronics UltraPhono MM / MC Phono Stage × 1

Tube upgrade:

Brimar CV4003 / 12AU7 (2)

Tung-Sol KT 150

Cables and Power

              Kimber 12TC speaker cables


Sydney (interconnect)

Niagara 1200 Low-Z power/noise dissipation system

Wind series Monsoon power cable

NRG-Z# power cable (2)

Rocket 88 Speaker Cable

Morrow Audio

SP6 Speaker Cables

MA4 Interconnect Pairs (2)


Ax Angel RCA Interconnect

Frey 2 Interconnects RCA

The biggest change the OP can have would be a different pair of speakers. How about some Ohm Walsh's? I have a pair of the Sound Cylinders and OMG do they fill a room with 3-D SOUND! The performers are RIGHT THERE in the room! Ohm in Brooklyn can build a pair of Sound Cylinders in any finish the OP desires!

@larryi : I agree with you! The 6L6 family is my preference for output tubes. I presently have a pair of Heath W5's and a pair of Stromberg Carlson's in use! Along with my Fender Twin Reverb guitar amp (black plate RCA's).

Do you like the sound you are getting?  Are there certain things you don't like as much and want improvement?  What have you heard out there that you tempt you in that direction?  There is no easy answer to where to go net in a system that appears to be fundamentally sound. 

If it were my choice, I would be looking to replace the Prima Luna--it is not my kind of tube amp, and all my gear, except the music server, are tube-based.  This will require you to go out and listen to alternatives.  Another possibility, if this is one of those Prima Luna amps that allow the use of a WIDE range of tube alternatives, is to try different tube types.  My personal preference in pentode/tetrode tubes is the 6L6 or KT-66; both deliver considerably less power than the KT-150, but I like the sound a lot more (less "glare" or brittle quality to the sound).

What is the perceived deficiency? You do not say. What is it you are trying to improve upon? Seems like you just want to throw money at something...not a good thing.  

It’s impossible to know what to upgrade because that’s totally subjective. You need to listen to other systems and see what impresses your ears and then move your system in that direction. The fact that you use the word upgrade without stating what you want to achieve is sort of a tip off that you’re not sure if what you’re looking for. 

@rhach what tonearm & cartridge are on the Feickert? What cables are you using including ac cords? 

List your entire set up. The Liszt and PL amp might be quite warm. Is that what you want more of? Or do you want more detail and transparency? Etc.

Replacing the Prima Luna would be a sideways move at best! Get a new phono cartridge and maybe a new phono stage. Hana SL ($750) is an easy recommendation. The Aurender streamer is fine! No need to change that! A DAC would be a good addition, though diminishing returns set in quickly above $1K.