External DAC connection for Bluesound Node 2i (after "Another streaming newbie" thread)

Guys, just following recent topic raised by chuckccs, I found myself in similar situation because I was comparing Bluesound Node 2i sound via its analogue RCA output with its sound via external DAC (M2Tech Young DSD with external power supply). Difference was really marginal, especially taking into account additional cost of external gear (DAC, cable, PS). I connected Node to DAC via coaxial output, however not tried the optical connection. 
From those who got substantially better sound from Node 2i via external DAC I would like to ask which connection they used (coaxial or optical) and which cable they recommend, maybe also which DAC they used too. Thank you!
I'm using the Node 2i with a Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC, Yamaha AS100 and Totem Hawks and it sounds great. I'm highly impressed with the stock DAC in the Node 2i. In my system it sounds beautiful on it's own. 
Yes, I the Orchid is smoother, more of an analog sound compared to the built in DAC. That is not to say the highs are rolled off, they are not. I have not heard the Topping or Schiit DACs, but there are several mentions earlier in this thread. 
Good suggestions, Eric. Would you say the MDHT Orchid is a significant upgrade in SQ over the DAC built into the Node 2i? How does it sound better/different?

Same question for the Topping and Schitt DACs in my budget? Will they sound significantly better (ie bigger soundstage, more layered, more transparent, etc.), or will they just sound different?
I use a MDHT Orchid with my Node 2i. If you can save a little more, they can be found used for about $900. Also, many here like the Topping and Schiit DACs which are within your budget.

I just bought the Node 2i to replace my Audioengine B1 Bluetooth receiver and am blown away by the increase in sound quality. I am streaming Tidal Hifi into my Rogue Cronus Magnum and Totem Hawk Speakers and am currently using the Node 2i’s built in DAC. Now I am wondering if I can make another incremental increase in SQ by purchasing an external DAC in the the $500 range. I’d be willing to buy used. Any recommendations?
Been reading a bit about the Auralic Aries Mini - seems to be similar to the
Node/Node 2 with no internal DAC. Anyone have experience with this piece? 
Audio Advisor is advertising a new version of the Node, you may want to check that out, same price.
So I’m finally going to give the Node 2i a shot. I’ve been using a Line Magnetic 502CA DAC in both Tube and SS mode & like both presentations a great deal depending on the track and type of music it’s being fed. Going to try it with an Audience Coax cable and an Audioquest Toslink and see which I prefer. Wondering what people have found to be an alternative streamer to the 2i (<$1K) knowing that I will 100% be using the LM DAC and don’t need want the unit to have an internal processor,...
I was contemplating purchase of a streamer. A new friend who wanted to audtion my speakers brought his Cambridge streamer and Denafrips DAC over for a listening session.  I was sdo impressed that I bought a used Node 2i here on AG and love it, but....  the DAC does not quite cut it for me. Just puchased and recevied today a Denafrips Ares II. Chinese built and sold from their global distributor in Singapore. It is an R-2-R "ladder" style. This design has a different sound than a DAC that is based totally on a single chip.  The sound through his Ares II was spectacular. The sound at present from my Node 2i is "pretty good."  The Ares II gets rave reviews. Some call it a "giant killer" and compare it to DACs costing $5,000 and more. A more realistic review I read says it is by far the best DAC on the market for $1200 or less.  This DAC is selling on the used market for $700 to $800.  I paid 1028 Singapore dolars - which is $778 in US dollars - for a brand new unit with warranty, free shipping, and arrive from Singapore in about ten days.
Wondering if anyone using the Node 2i on a mesh network? I was going to use a wired connection from an access point since I’m not close to the base but it would seem the access point is using the wifi so it wouldn’t make a difference wiring in the Node 2i or not. Anyone use a Khadas Tone Board as the external DAC? I currently have a Modi 3 as the external DAC which sounds marginally better but I’ve read good things about the Khadas since it uses the ES9038Q2M chip.
@jxo Check out RME forums: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.php?id=30979
I ripped CD’s to FLAC, storing on an external disk connected to Node 2i. I believe that these files are then passed intact by Node via the optical link to the RME DAC. Hoping the same would happen with DSD. Please check Node/RME forums and Reddit.
Good info here, thanks much.  Can the Node 2i transport DSD files to an external DAC?  One of the reviews suggested problems.

I have ripped 100s of SACDs and only need a streamer that can best transport those DSD files to my DAC.   I am comparing this Node 2i to other solutions such as the Allo USBridge/DigiOne with their LPS.
Node 2i to RME ADI-2 DAC via either Mogami coax (1.5 m) or a good quality but inexpensive optical cable. They both sound the same -- excellent. From the RME: balanced cables to the amp, or direct to phones.
Using a Dac Magic 100 via coax.  A lot more open and better soundstage than the bluesound node 2i alone.  The node 2i on its own might sound good if you are listening to some wireless speakers but in a halfway decent system it leaves something to be desired on its own.  Fortunately, had Dac Magic which I used with a CCA which didn't sound a whole lot worse than the node 2i when run via optical into DAC.  FWIW.  The aptx and other conveniences of the bluesound means I will probably keep it until I hit the number and can replace with something significantly better but ... it isn't the be all and end all of audio devices IMHO.
I use my Node 2 directly into Peachtree A220 power amp. This combo drives a pair of Magnepan 3.6 speakers extremely well. I found that upgrading to aftermarket Ethernet cables by Silver Sonic made a huge difference. 

I’ll concede that I haven’t yet tried using a separate DAC or a preamp for that matter, but since upgrading the cables I don’t have a strong desire to make more changes. I’ll probably look at an UpTone Audio Ether Regen given the magnitude of the changes made by better Ethernet cables.
I first used a Peachtree Novapre as a DAC and preamp. Improvement over the built in Bluesound DAC. .Smoother. More dynamic.I since upgarded to a RME ADI-2 DAC FS. More air and definition. 

I use a Wireworld Supernova 7 Toslink cable.

Trust your gut.  Listen to a Bluesound Node 2I with and without an external DAC.  Do a blind test and pick what your ears hear.  I purchased a Bluesound Node 2i and the dealer sold me an external DAC.  However, we did a blind test and after switching back and forth 10 times I listened to the dealer who said it sounded a lot better with the DAC.  I should have listed and trusted what my ears were hearing.

I thought the bass sounded thinner.  I stream Tidal and I can hear the difference when playing MQA.  When you connect an external DAC using COAX cable it breaks up the MQA unfold where you only get about 10% of the sound.  I thought and still think the Bluesound Node 2I sounds better by itself.  Bluesound customer support is also incredible.  I also met them at the RMAF in Denver and their people were the most knowledgeable.  I have suggested to them they add video so you can view concerts on your TV in higher res.

Just because you spend more doesn't it will sound significantly better.  I might think DAC's costing $3,000 might sound better, but how much better?  Are you better off upgrading speakers or an amplifier?
Guys, thank you all very much! You gave me a lot of good and practical recommendations. My view of Node 2i is that it is a very versatile and capable streamer. I'll use it alone and will change power cord, this made a difference. As for external DAC for streamer only, budget-wise I would choose to go to a next level integrated streamer. When the time comes.
Stay safe and happy listening!

Toslink from Node 2i to the DAC. Coax from Adcom CD player to the DAC.

Balanced XLR cables from the DAC to  MF M6si integrated.

No need to spend big bucks on digital cables or XLR.
I tried the digital out from the node 2i into my arcam 32bit dac on board the CDS50 and whilst not a standalone DAC I could hear no improvement and frankly one less loop of wires is better in my book.
I have ordered the power supply and board  modification from fidelity audio UK as experiment... Not sure if there is US company doing the same.
Wifi connected Node 2 with Shunyata power cord for the Node2, Audioquest “Carbon” coax then to Mytek Brooklyn+ DAC which runs off an external “SBooster” power supply with “Signalcable” power chord.
I did one-by-one over the course of 1.5 years and each part made very noticeable improvements in sound. The biggest improvement was the DAC.

All that money in upgrades may have bought an nicer overall streamer combo DAC, but after I learned all the Bluesound software, I like it so much-  I’m not wanting to change to anything else. Bluesound software is great for my needs.
The Mytek DAC was my final upgrade. The Bluesound DAC is very nice when you consider the price for the Node2, but if you are looking to improve the sound by about 20%, the external DAC may be up your alley.

I have the N100 and it is toslink only.  I imagine it has a crappier internal DAC. Even a $70 S.M.S.L. DAC sounds much better than internal. The optical is limited to 24-96 and is a match for the $15 level of Qobuz.
It really shines through a better DAC.
Cat, I'm using the Cullen C7. You will notice a difference. Allow a couple of days for breakin.

Musical Paradise looks very cool. And swapping components is an interesting concept.

Running the Node 2i through my Oppo BDP-105 sounds marginally better than with the internal DAC. I’m not sure I could 100% pick them blind, but A/B/A it’s pretty clear. I never heard much difference between coax and optical using budget BJC coax and Amazon toslink. Someone tried to sell me a $360 coax and a $600 power cord for the Node, but that didn’t seem price appropriate for a $550 component. Using a basic DH Labs toslink now but never bothered comparing It to anything, and I still use the Node DAC sometimes. Waiting for a Cullen coax and power cord to see if better cables make much difference (to me), but I’ve still been looking for DAC alternatives. I want to hear something different than a standard DAC chip implementation to see what I might be missing. Chord Qutest (FPGA) is at the edge of what I might spend right now, but I’m hesitant to cheap out and then not have the sound improvement be obvious. More wallet friendly options would be Schiit Bifrost2 (Multibit) or Denafrips Ares II (R2R) but I’m not sure if it’ll be a clear sonic upgrade over the Oppo instead of just more convenient. (Because I really need yet another remote.)
I just received my Musical Paradise MP D2 MK iii. Using right now with my node 2i. 
First impression is really good so far. I like the deep layered texture it provided. It sounded so smooth and not harsh. It so smooth that it lifted the edgy treble from the Node 2i without losing the details. 
I am using just the stock tubes. It is a Tube DAC btw. You can roll your tube even your DAC chip of choice! And it is also easy to roll out capacitors to your liking. I am using akm 4997. And would probably upgrade my caps to jupiter copper.
Node 2i running to a Benchmark DAC 2 HGC via coaxial cable and I am very happy. Substantial improvement over just the Node 2i in my set up. Also tried a friends Teac UD-501 DAC snd again was impressed by the improvement. 
I have a node 2i via DH Labs coax going to a chord Qutest with Teddy Pardo LPS.

sounds great. Much, much, much better than from the 2i.
I have a node 2i via DH Labs coax going to a chord Qutest with Teddy Pardo LPS.

sounds great. Much, much, much better than from the 2i.
I'm using an optical cable (paid around $100, but don't recall the brand). It's connected to my Audio Aero Capitol Reference DAC/CPD and sounds wonderful... much, much better than the Bluesound internal DAC in my Vault 2.
I should say upfront that I highly respect the Node 2 I started out with. I think it’s a terrific unit. That said, as others have mentioned, it can be upgraded upon but whether it makes sense to do so really depends on system context and how far you are trying to go.

My evolution (all into an Arcam A32 at the time) went as follows
1. Node 2 via RCA outputs
2. Node 2 via coax into Chord 2Qute – this brought a noticeable improvement out of the gate, but given the price differential and engineering in the Chord DAC, it better.
3. Auralic Aries into Chord 2Qute via USB – this surprised me, and I was hoping that "digital streaming is digital streaming and 1s and 0s are all the same" would be true, but it was actually another really significant step up (and shattered a lot of my previous flat-earth conceptions :) )

So basically: it’s a terrific unit, especially given its value. But if you are down the path to more resolving gear downstream, both it’s streaming as well as its DAC function have room to evolve.

That being said, it’s still one of the best values out there, especially as a Roon endpoint for a 2nd system.
If you like the sound of the Bluesound without an external Dac then stick with it. I have a 2nd system running that way. I think it sounds fantastic.
Cables I've owned:
Acoustic Zen Absolute 75, 
Oyaide DB-510 Digital BNC were both very good. Many folks here like Black Cat. I've found you have to spend some money to get major improvement with digital cables.
OTOH, you don't have to spend a lot on a Dac these days. I have an Audio Note and can also recommend Metrum. Haven't personally heard the MHDT or Border Patrol, but they are highly recommended and owned by some members and are very affordable. These are all R2R NOS Dacs which I like for their organic sonics and realism.
I owned a Chord a few years back which I liked. It uses a buffer to control jitter before outputting the signal (called a FGPA).

If you want a neutral DAC that measures very well Topping D90 or Benchmark DAC3.  I've had both and I can't say which is better they both are very good the Topping has a MQA version of the D90 if that's  important to you.
@lowrider57  Come on, give us a recommendation. I have a Node2i and looking for an external DAC. 
There are ways to upgrade the performance of the Node 2i. Swapping out the stock PC for a good aftermarket cable and using ethernet over wifi are significant upgrades. I also upgraded from CAT6 to a Supra CAT8 and discovered an audible increase in SQ.

The Node with it's internal Dac sounds better with these upgrades, but I prefer using using an external Dac. There are so many good Dacs available today that I won't make a recommendation, but the sound thru my Dac is a night and day improvement over the stock Node 2i. I've found that a good S/PDIF coax cable can further increase SQ and enjoyment. I did a lot of cable rolling to find a digital coax that took streaming to a higher level. I'm using a High Fidelity CT-2 coax; it's expensive but I also use it with my CD transport.

You will get a lot of chatter about the 2i being a gateway streamer, which it is, but I have noticed that some of those espousing this have this streamer with its build problems.
We agree that it's a gateway streamer.  I think it's a great value and a good way to start if you're not sure that streaming is going to be for you.  It has good sound quality for what it is, but like many other things in our hobby, if you stop there, you may be missing a lot.

I'm not sure what your point is with the rest of your sentence, other than it seems to be a red herring.  I'm one of those that have that streamer.  My problems were due to trying to connect to it using a wireless connection, which seemed to work fine at first.  I made some changes to my network (including "better" CAT 8 cable, which was a complete waste of money) and upgraded the firmware on my streamer and started having issues.  I have run an ethernet connection to the unit and it's been rock solid ever since.  The folks that did have actual problems got good customer service and prompt replacement of their units.

I've had my share of issues with Bluesound - getting them to connect to my network, taking forever to index the shared files on my network, dropping out, etc.  I had some issues with my Node 2 about the same time I did with my NT-505, which is part of what led me to believe it was a network issue, and not a device issue.

When you're streaming there are a lot of moving pieces - your network, whatever device you're using to control it, and the device itself, not to mention the service you're connecting to.  They don't always all play nice together and not everyone on this forum is a network expert.
I used the Node 2i DAC with my all analog McIntosh C45 pre-amp and Audioquest Wind interconnects and thoroughly enjoyed the results. I've read the Node 2i DAC is a Burr-Brown, but not verified.

When I replaced the C45 with a C49 I used the pre-amps coaxial connection (with one of the Wind interconnects) and I hear better sound from the 2i.  There was enough of a quality difference that I have not gone back.   I used the other Wind cable to connect my MCD 201 SACD/CD player to the other coaxial input.  Again, there was better sound quality.  Another benefit of using the C49 is seeing the digital playback numbers on the C49.  I still have Wind XLR cables to play SACD on the 201.  I use Qobuz for high-rez streaming on the 2i.  Another question this setup has answered (for me) is, "yes, you can use a short (.5 meter) RCA as a digital interconnect and not hear EMI/RFI". 
What made a big difference for me was using the Supra CAT 8+ ethernet cable bought on Ebay from seller zendada. Very nice and reasonably price. If you go this route be sure to buy from zendada and not the seller from England or you will have a relatively high shipping cost and three week shipping wait.

Incidentally the CAT 8+ designation is just a bit of marketing ploy, they are really just CAT 8.
Have had Node 2i hooked up to both Bryston BDA-1 and to a Chord Qutest by both Toslink and Coax cables.   Toslink cable was an Audioquest Vodka.   Coax digital cables employed have been Tributaries 75 Ohm  Delta Digital and a Transparent  75 Ohm digital A/V cable.  In all cases much preferred the outboard DAC to the Node 2i internal DAC.  Only marginal differences between the different cables employed.  The Transparent was the better of the 2 Coax cables, but nothing wrong with the Tributaries cable.  With BDA-1 slight preference for Coax.   With Qutest, Vodka Toslink beat out Tributaries Coax by slightest of margins, but Transparent Coax bested AQ Vodka Toslink again by a very small margin. 
“I think the difference(s) you hear using an external DAC will ultimately depend on the quality/resolution of the rest of your "system" and in some cases the quality of the cabling, both digital and analog, used through the system.”

+1, kalali.

Some folks here heard nice uptick in SQ using a Ayre Codex DAC with Node 2. I have tried few mega-dollars DAC’s just for the kicks with my Vault2 and found Coax connection always sounded better over Toslink.

I only use my Vault 2 for CD ripping.
There’s always better, but don’t let others get you down for liking the 2i and its built in DAC. Yes, its a budget unit, but if you can’t enjoy listening through it, it’s on you. You will get a lot of chatter about the 2i being a gateway streamer, which it is, but I have noticed that some of those espousing this have this streamer with its build problems. https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/teac-nt-505-impossible-connecting-to-wifi-router-o-such-lan-h...
Enjoy what you have, its just a plain fun unit that owes its owners nothing.

I used a DH Labs coaxial digital cable into an MHDT Pagoda. Although the DAC in the Node is not bad on its own and is highly listenable, the Pagoda was much richer in tone and more dynamic. Even MQA files from Tidal sounded better with the Pagoda which doesn't do the complete unfold like the Node does.


I've tried running my Node2 through a handful of different external DACs using both coax and optical digital outputs using comparably priced cables. The difference in sound quality between coax and optical is marginal at best but different DACs do make a difference. In a couple of cases, I even found the analog RCA output from the Node2 sounding better than the digital output(s) through the DACs. I think the difference(s) you hear using an external DAC will ultimately depend on the quality/resolution of the rest of your "system" and in some cases the quality of the cabling, both digital and analog, used through the system.
Hope this helped.