Responses from jazzman7
network switches and cables. @marco1 I have no personal experience with ethernet filters, so will not comment on them. I have had very positive experiences with audiophile grade network switches; first with an English 8 switch purchased in 2021 which provided an easily hear... | |
HALO DAC I2S question @ssand1 I do not own a Holo May DAC, but a very good friend of mine does. As I understand it, is that the PLL on the Holo May can conflict with I2S. I suggest turning PLL off when attempting to work with I2S. My friend decided this was too much ... | |
HALO DAC I2S question @ssand1 The Holo May has multiple I2S settings. You need to use the correct one. My guess is that you will get the best results with ALT2 which is the pinout setting compatible with PS Audio. Suggest trying that. | |
LAIV uDDC Arrived With USB, which is asynchronous, the clock in the DAC is the controlling clock. With Coax, generally, the connection is synchronous, and the upstream clock is the boss clock. Whether asynchronous or synchronous, both the clock in the DAC and any... | |
LAIV uDDC Arrived Femto Clock is not necessarily less than an OCXO. It all depends upon the implementation. | |
Thiel CS7: Does a manual even exist? Suggest reaching out to Rob Gillum at Coherent Source Service. Rob was a long time employee of Thiel and continues to provide support for Thiel speakers. rob@coherentsourceservice.com Also suggest posting on the Thiel Owners thread here on Aud... | |
Thiel Owners Just in case anyone is interested, updated my Virtual System in Audiogon to reflect the changes that I have made over the last few years. These include some significant upgrades to my digital signal chain. https://www.audiogon.com/systems/11920 | |
Chord M Scaler with HiFi Rose 130 streamer? moose89, I have to very much agree with @carlsbad2 that at the moment Spotify is your most limiting factor. I think you owe it to yourself to check out a streaming service that streams at CD quality and above. I had a Chord Qutest in my main rig ... | |
Digital Advice In your shoes with your budget I think you would be best off with a stand alone streamer with it's own built in DAC. Something like a Bluesound Node would fit right into your budget. Its user interface is both robust and intuitive, and supports a ... | |
Melco Audio N100 Won't Pair with App Support for Melco in North America is provided by Luxman. I’ve had good support in the past from Jeff Sigmund who is the President of Luxman America as well as from his colleague, Matthew Doyle. https://luxmanamerica.com/ | |
CD player recommendation with good built in dac under 1k new or used? please and thanks Used Bryston BCD-1. Bought one in 2012. Still use it as a digital transport. But the built in DAC is very good in it's own right. | |
Holographic DAC With Air And Decay Might I suggest the Rockna Wavelight for consideration. I've had one in my main rig for a year and a half now and am very happy with it. Replaced a Chord Qutest and was a definite upgrade. TMR has one on hand in silver at the moment. | |
Streamer between Roon Nucleus Plus and DAC @tcutter Yes. Most definitely, do consider getting a better Roon-ready streamer. | |
Streamer between Roon Nucleus Plus and DAC @tcutter I too am a Roonaholic. When I first started with Roon, I had my Roon Nucleus with Sbooster LPS streaming to itself feeding a Chord Qutest via Curious USB cable. It made for an enjoyable combination. A few years later I acquired a Brica... | |
Suggestions on improvement +1 for venturing into streaming. A Bluesound Node and Qobuz subscription is well within your budget and opens the door to a ton of music discovery and enjoyment. |