“I think the difference(s) you hear using an external DAC will ultimately depend on the quality/resolution of the rest of your "system" and in some cases the quality of the cabling, both digital and analog, used through the system.”
+1, kalali.
Some folks here heard nice uptick in SQ using a Ayre Codex DAC with Node 2. I have tried few mega-dollars DAC’s just for the kicks with my Vault2 and found Coax connection always sounded better over Toslink.
I only use my Vault 2 for CD ripping.
+1, kalali.
Some folks here heard nice uptick in SQ using a Ayre Codex DAC with Node 2. I have tried few mega-dollars DAC’s just for the kicks with my Vault2 and found Coax connection always sounded better over Toslink.
I only use my Vault 2 for CD ripping.