Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Many years ago, I was taking a medicine law class. The professor, a bombastic lawyer, would spring unanticipated questions on the unprepared class. One morning he directed this question to me: "What is your impression of the legal term res ipsa loquitur"? Being one of the unprepared but wiseass students and hoping to avoid further embarrassment, I replied, "Well, I think it speaks for itself." Boy, was I nonplussed!
And translated literally from Latin, sir, it means "the thing speaks for itself"
Quite so. If that is what you meant, then that is what you could have said. But you didn’t, you wrote:
Res ipsa loquitur
... which has a very defined meaning in addition to its literal translation. Such is the nature of language. Please don’t complain to us about your careless use of a foreign language that you seem to not grasp well.
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Please don’t complain to us about your careless use of a foreign language that you seem to not grasp well
Please don't complain to me about your lazy interpretation
Oh god, here we go with oldhvymec’s verbal vomitus and rhetorical mania again. He loves to entertain himself with prose only decipherable to himself. Regards

Yep, aside from real science and the principals of physics, cable burn in is a thing just like saturation is a thing. Auditory hallucinations can be obtained for the price of a coat hanger.

First post on this thread. Then has the nerve to whine about others using poor manners towards him. Wow! Seriously obtuse.
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I was wondering if this was gonna happen. I'm saddened to say, I'll be proceeding, with a slightly different approach.

Your name will not be spoken, you will be publicly shunned, you will apologize to all openly and publicly. You and your views and writing will be stricken from the record of the publics mind, they will view it with distain.

You will always be seen for what you are, there will be NO quarter given.

What you produce, is what you will consume.

You will live and be seen by your works.
" basic physics or true science" - do not solely dictate the sound of a component. Sure they are required for a desired function, however it is their ability to be pared with other components to produce ones' preferred sound. For example, let's compare 2 amps with the same specs or very close. Logic says they will sound the same, but do they? Maybe one has better quality parts, uses a different grounding system, better damped enclosure, better wire, better tubes, etc. Now, to some they might sound the same, to others, not so much.
Why are the ones that hear the differences dissed for that?
Is it because they are not part of the "good enough for me crowd"?
There is a difference between the same "specs" and measuring the same under a range of test conditions. If they measure the same under a variety of test conditions then it will be hard to tell them apart  (just like what happens in blind testing, where people have a hard time telling differences if they are able to at all).  Tubes rarely measure the same so there goes that out the window. Wire inside the amp ... you will never be able to detect that change unless we are talking shielded/no shielded for a low level signal cable or an undersized higher current carrying conductor. Good grounding actually shows up in detailed measurements.
... you will never be able to detect that change unless we are talking shielded/no shielded for a low level signal cable ...
In the words of attdavid, robertcan, roberttdid and probably other of your usernames  who have since been blocked from A'gon, and in words you've posted under your current user name:
Facts submitted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
I love this BS...
Just take that "recommended" power cable, and use it with your castle.
By the time your tea will taste better, it will also sound better.
The only thing that needs BI are mechanical or electromechanical components.
Copper conductors? Need no BI. it's a dull statement of a saler to make you keep a product that made no difference at all and he really wants to keep the sale rather than reofun you.
One of the best froud inventions of the Audio market. 

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In a nutshell, it's really resentment about the money that was spent and it irks them that they can't spend what they don't have.
Remember  b4icu from a couple of years ago, he claimed he could determine the "correct" speaker cable for your system by using the amps damping factor and the speaker model. He was a champion for using 0 gauge cable. Practical, attractive and easy to install. He could be the kenjit of cables, isn't that wonderful!
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Oh, here it is:
They stumbled in after a Trump rally, feeling a little feverish and itching for a fight. They know they're lowbrow and proud of it. Defensive over anything that reveals their lack of refinement seems to trigger, "Whaddya think- You bedda den ME?
   Anyone who has a trained ear can hear the difference between a serviceable power cord versus a superior one. Audio engineers spend years improving their products while word gets around about what's worth knowing about.
   In a nutshell, it's really resentment about the money that was spent and it irks them that they can't spend what they don't have.
Can I get an Amen? I relish arrogant animosity, especially when it masquerades as something else. The motto here: “display bad manners in response to my reprehensible manners and your post may be removed”. Try it. Let’s see how long these posts last. For shame...

and yes, if only I were more sophisticated and had better hearing and a better system I would hear the difference
If someone did actually threaten you in a private EMAIL, you should bring that to the attention of the moderators. Call it "tattling", but odds are you are not the first.
How does one go about doing that? 
Here’s the actual text of the private e-mail.   I’ll take bets on who it is (no real mystery here). This followed merciless attacks on me (because of my different opinion) in prior posts in a separate thread by this dude that were apparently removed:

“Shut up and learn some manners. I'm gonna ask you once politely in private.. I know who you are....

Just log back on under your real name, and act like a human, we'll get along just fine...


I have no idea what he’s talking about.  I have one account and post as myself. You can read the thread itself for further psychotic babble in this same vein that follows another post of mine he apparently also found a way to have deleted. 

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looks like this goofy thread is getting the 'attention and participation' it deserves... out...
Your name will not be spoken, you will be publicly shunned, you will apologize to all openly and publicly. You and your views and writing will be stricken from the record of the publics mind, they will view it with distain.

You will always be seen for what you are, there will be NO quarter given.

What you produce, is what you will consume.  
You will live and be seen by your works.  
And this sick, twisted crap is allowed to stand?  Moderator, moderator...?
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Sounds like an admonishment from a priest. This guy is off the deep end, for sure. His is the type of personality that gets profiled on cold case t.v. shows. 

what is the current Power Cord in comparison to the WW Electra 7?
Yes, a new cord requires 200 hours of break/burn-in, unless done so at the factory.

Happy Listening!
Jafant, it's an Acrolink Mexcel 8N-PC8100 Performante. Thanks for all responses though I didn't expect the animosity displayed on this thread. Anyway for closure just to update that I'll be keeping the cord after all as the sound has improved approaching 50 hours and it's now sounding a lot better. It really sounded quite horrible out of the box (below 5 hours).

*duck and cover

So it’s over...I’m satisfied, ‘Trumped’ up a little voting humour threw in a little opinion, snake oil based...voilà. Posts were Pulled mine included, tempers flared we had fun.
People still hear what they want, spend what they can nothings changed. 

Thank You for the update. The Acrolink will become better with more hours. I am familiar with the WW Silver Electra 7. A very fine Power Cord indeed. 
I would think that the Acrolink is better than a standard WW Electra7 ?

Happy Listening!
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For being Mr YourBUTTholeyness to everyone on this site, still admitting you can’t hear and you have bad manners, what else is new. SHUT UP, your a bad person, you can’t hear. You keep takin’ smack. YUP !!

The archive is here, for the chosen few, your not part of that group.
Your just a person with a big mouth and nothing nice to say.. Just a..... fill in the blank... Everything I was gonna say qualifies as part of a human, but I can always feed the pigs from the fence. I may have to wade a little.

BUT all in all, I can KB war with the best of them... really, no balls required RIGHT?? LOL Gettin’ my dog riled up. She really want’s to hump your leg...

You see I never said I was perfect.. But I ran out of cheeks with you...

Plane and simple... you’re a big ol BUTT, you eat boogers too, neener, neener, neener, booger eatin’ spaz, so there. top that one...
I don’t want to hear how your nose is so close to your mouth, I’ve hear that one (though not bad).

Regards, NO NO REGARDS,, you got some apologizing to do...

Are you color blind, did you mix up the green one with the blue one again, you know the PILL!!

Geezzz, have to go over and over this with you....Pay attention!!
tbakin63, no, you are incorrect. I removed my own thread because I realized that I would spend more time than I wished curating it. I sought productive input from those associated cable cookers, and it resulted in being swamped with unwanted discussion. Solution? Kill it. 

My experiment in a more public initiation of a review was met with a decisive result, and I learned very quickly that it's a waste of time to seek well-balanced discussion on a forum to initiate a review. I spend a lot of time unpaid to write; I'm not going to add to that investment of time on articles with unproductive activities.  

... a certain attack dog (trying to wear a bunny suit) attacked me in such an unrestrained and wanton manner, that the whole thread was removed ...

That's not why threads are removed here, so please don't blame the moderators or someone you imagine wearing a bunny suit.

Good to know and I stand corrected.  If you have the transcript, I will pay you to re-post oldwhatsyhoosit’s response to me.  Otherwise my original post in this thread is out of context and certain of us can continue to pretend priestliness and purity when true nastiness is at the core of who we really are.  
‘Can’t wait for the next mind dump attacking me for being what he is - or for this post to be removed “for other reasons”

It's taken me years to develop my "Cooling" techniques, not everything works on everybody..:-)

NEVER met a person I didn't like, but sometimes, you got WAIT to make them whole again, someone that hurt.  Sometimes they are broke, by choice some by bad circumstance, still BROKEN non the less.

People forget quick unless it's just malicious, I haven't seen that here, sure it was gone pretty quick. I have seen a nutter or two, me I just like having a little fun without being called "vomitus", YUK, something yukie.. YUK... double yuk....Triple yuk...

Have to keep things in their proper order, ay

The cable cookin' thread, Yea, I complained when it left. I thought "CRAP", but I tried NOT to be TOO big of, "I did it, I own one guy", but I am, and I did.  If you got one you get to spew, got your own opinion, you don't and start telling EVERYBODY they are, you know EVERYTHING.. LOL Uncouth unhinged, uneducated, unfair, unNICE, UnUN-NICE, that is a real bad one...

I always like information with that many differences, entertaining if nothing else... BUT no name callin' and no Yoko Ono.

I'm gonna have a nice opportunity to use one HELP break in a couple of NEW, one end to the other, Tonearms, carts, preamp, SUT, integrate an RtR and SEE if it helps AGAIN.. lot of new goodies...THUS new cables...

Regards to all..
"It could also be, that the very air in the room, requires a burn in period. "
Now that is funny!
OP, had a similar experience when I tried to replace Cardas Quadlink interconnects with the "new and improved" Parsec. The Parsec was clearly inferior straight out of the box...burned it in for a month straight, no change. I did not send it back. Don’t be me...send it back for your refund.