Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?

I recently bought a new power cord but there isn’t much difference in sound quality between this new cord and the previous Wireworld Elektra 7 which it replaces. The cords are used on the DAC.

Any ideas if the cord needs to burn in to open up and sound better? It currently has about 5 hours on it and I think I prefer the sound quality of the previous cord which costs 10 times cheaper.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Showing 4 responses by cleeds

And translated literally from Latin, sir, it means "the thing speaks for itself"
Quite so. If that is what you meant, then that is what you could have said. But you didn’t, you wrote:
Res ipsa loquitur
... which has a very defined meaning in addition to its literal translation. Such is the nature of language. Please don’t complain to us about your careless use of a foreign language that you seem to not grasp well.
(regarding "Res ipsa loquitur") Translated from the Latin: "the thing speaks for itself."  ...try a different search engine
You might want to acquire some knowledge outside of a quick Google search, sir.

Res ipsa loquitur is an accepted legal doctrine exactly as quoted by @oldhvymec. Please feel free to look it up.
... you will never be able to detect that change unless we are talking shielded/no shielded for a low level signal cable ...
In the words of attdavid, robertcan, roberttdid and probably other of your usernames  who have since been blocked from A'gon, and in words you've posted under your current user name:
Facts submitted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

... a certain attack dog (trying to wear a bunny suit) attacked me in such an unrestrained and wanton manner, that the whole thread was removed ...

That's not why threads are removed here, so please don't blame the moderators or someone you imagine wearing a bunny suit.