Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
The toughest decisions I will have to make today: a hike or a round of golf; tacos or dim sum afterward; Aaron Copland or Houston Person with an adult beverage.

To those who believe its all fake, lost a dear friend from high school last month (unvaccinated, hospitalized for a few weeks, unfortunately couldnt recover) and my mother fall 2020. Everyone is going to die at some point but its how you choose to live that matters.

I will repeat that I am unemotional if you get vaccinated or don’t but what other activities do you pursue that bring you joy? I spend a great deal of time around highly successful, high net worth types and I have yet to come across one who is a) unvaccinated or b) wound too tightly or frothing at the mouth over Covid, vaccinations, masks or purported death camps.

Any chance some are mildly over reacting? Tacos anyone?
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Believe me, being told what is going on in your own country by someone who is viewing it through the prism of the internet is a thought provoking experience.
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@pesky_wabbit  I was referring to the lockdown protocol and police beating the hell out of the citizens.
So, in the meantime, what are you guys doing for fun? Any great meals, activities or events? Fighting world oppression is hard work. What do you do in your down time and how do you stay energized?
Kary Mullis inventor of PCR test said they weren’t to be used for diagnosis. Hence, the tests were flawed and showed mostly false positives. This was done on purposely.

Didn’t quite achieve a false but made misleading
PCR is not flawed in my opinion, it is just too sensitive. In theory, it can detect and amplify a single molecule which means that everything about the test is sensitive to possible environmental contamination. In addition, a person can have a few viruses in their nasal swab, have absolutely no symptoms and potentially never will, yet be positive by PCR. This person may also be unlikely to spread the virus for the same reason. Furthermore, an inexact match with a target molecule from a related virus under certain conditions could potentially be amplified. It only takes one false positive priming event to generate a template that can then be amplified and become a false positive signal. The only way to know if this happens is by running a secondary test to determine the authenticity of the amplicon such as DNA sequencing. It would have been interesting to know what percentage of unvaccinated people have covid-19 antibodies. However, it is unlikely to ever be done. Why?
I Currently pay $81AUD per week for platinum health insurance, which covers me fully for just about any circumstance, including private hospital admissions and any specialist treatment required therein. Then an additional $5.60 for any pharmaceutical my doctor may prescribe, whether it cost $15 or $2,000 (because my wonderful government subsidises it)

Somehow I don’t think what you see in Australia is coming to the US of A anytime soon.
Members of Congress, House and Senate, White House employees, many employees of: the 3 pharma companies, CDC, FDA, and many more, NOT required to be vaccinated ... 🤔
Kary Mullis inventor of PCR test said they weren't to be used for diagnosis. Hence, the tests were flawed and showed mostly false positives. This was done on purposely. 
What you see in Australia is coming here.
Currently all inoculation and testing is free. Quick tests have been developed that will cost under $2AUD.
@devilboy  as God is my  witness....I have been saying since the start of this  whole thing, the real pandemic will start "AFTER" the vaccinations. "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" ADE,  will the buzz word of 2022. 
Stay strong, you are not alone. Quite a many people see through this, and more are  waking up everyday. 
If I’d have told you 5 years ago that the police will shut your businesses down, for 2 years straight, arrest people that go more than 5 kms from their place of residence, brutally arrest people less than a block outside of their homes because they are not wearing the proper face attire, cops would put people in a coma because they are having a conversation with their friends in public, stop people from crossing state lines to meet their family, outlaw travel completely, arrest people for organizing protests, arrest people for posting on social media.
If I was to tell you that countries would have heads of state that would be telling people that they would not be allowed to have any job, period....unless they took forced vaccinations.
You wouldn’t be able to enter stores, get on trains, planes, go to a grocery store, browsing in grocery stores would be made illegal, cops would arrest kids for being outside their homes, they would shoot peaceful protestors with rubber bullets to the face for just being outside.
You would have called me a raving lunatic, and would have told me to get myself checked into an insane asylum.

how far we have come.
The authoritarians must go full steam ahead and continue with their boot on the face of the global population. They can never remove it. If they do, then the next crisis that comes along, people will not comply. That's why they are doubling down and tripling down all around the world. If they back out now then there will never be compliance going forward with anything.

Big Tech made so much money from the lockdowns. They WANT them to continue.
Big Pharma made so much money off of the vaccines and now boosters.They WANT them to continue.
Politicians realized the benefit of the virus on election day. They WANT it to continue.

Yesterday I was having dinner with a friend. She commented on how the previous guy was a dictator and I almost spit my food out. 

Today it's companies over 100 employees must have them vaccinated. 6 months from now  it's going to be companies over 50. Then it will be EVERYONE.

In my company, you can still be unvaccinated and keep your job. However, it will be an additional $200 a month in health insurance and $540 a month in weekly testing. So, at $740 a month just to stay on at your job, they are basically forcing you to get it. 

Make no mistake, it's coming. What you see in Australia is coming here. My fear is that America is gone. The America that people fled their oppressive countries for is not the same country today. We are witnessing her die in real time.

World domination and enslavement of the masses…….obvious isn’t it?……….
So it is coming out to more people slowly realizing it was only a flue all along. The BIG push is STILL for vaccinations!! What is so important about vaccinations (poisonations) for a flu that has past??? 🤔 You don’t understand their Agenda yet???
jond has less than not a clue. Can’t be this ignorant. He is on ignore for eternity. A disgusting game-player. This is a joke to him?????
SIL got it and was down for 3 weeks. Taste and smell gone for 6 weeks. Fine now. Guy in our town died. I don't know anyone who's had a cold or flu since 4/20. Masking up works.
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yiviaror you are totally insane dude you have paranoid fantasies I would suggest taking a break from conspiracy sites.
The Leftist mind is such an enigma...
After protesting Police violence for an entire year, burning cities down for an entire summer.....these same leftists want to move to a country that is brutalizing people to a degree not seen since the South African apartheid regime.
Violence and brutality that would put some communist countries to shame.

If you saw the things that are happening in Australia, you would not be laughing

Just the sensational things that are being reported in a slanted manner on the internet or the full picture? Check out the stats over time compared to the US. The logarithmic growth charts are most edifying. Pull some other countries up and you will see it’s real opposite ends of the spectrum stuff.

Three states (Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania) out of six and one Territory currently with total eradication in the community. I know where I would rather be living.

with respect to avsjerry above this post was deleted, edited and reposted during his posting
Only the sensational hits the news...the 'full picture' ends up having to be lived through...

But...there seems to be a lot of it going around....Virus....Viral....Vehemence....Vendetta.....

How thin does tolerance stretch, anyway?
"....Somethings' happening here, but you don't know what it is...

Do you, Mr. Jones..?"

We are living in 'interesting times'....  Levels Up... ;)
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If you saw the things that are happening in Australia, you would not be laughing. It is all coming here, sooner rather than later.
The CDC is building covid internment camps, so is Australia, and Canada is also on board.

If you still think this stuff is funny, you are probably quite demented.
Right now, the only thing I am concerned   with is protecting my civil rights against this Authoritarian technocracy, that is the only thing I am focused on. 
Looking to move to a free state soon as well. 
This is not the time to be entertained, or to be distracted.  
I like jalapeños....they just don't like me as a means of dissolution....

6~12 hrs. later.....Revenge!  FA!

(a.k.a., Flaming *ssh0le. Charming....) 
No one is controlling the weather no one. And I just ate and you guys are making me hungry. And the places with the most draconian responses have NOT had the worst effects.
“I believe the taco, a good enchilada, a finely crafted pork dumpling, a nice corn dog or a heaping serving of a fine shepherd’s pie all carry the ability to unify rather than divide. “
Amen brother!
But playing with different possibles conspiracies in an audio forum is useless...

Well done mahgister. I applaud you.
Now I will make my most controversial statement. (my opinion) If we didn’t wear masks, didn’t take vaccinations, didn’t social distance or didn’t shutdown our businesses, this virus would have died out - just like any cold or flu season. That’s about all it was. The "Delta variant is just vaccine injuries and deaths. How do you like that?

Sounds about right to me. Sweden by the way being a great example. Florida, South Dakota. Back to normal. The places with the most draconian responses have all the worst effects.

Viruses mutate. It is just what they do. It is a thing. I know. Hard to believe. We are supposed to all pretend this is something new. Like we don’t have a new flu strain every year. Which kills by the way far more than this thing. But there you go with the facts again MC.

Look, I’m not trying to steal anyone’s spot light…..I only reference from experience.

Is this forum going to provide me with a gateway to HEAVEN??? Infinite…

Likely not
@ghasley I would guess fish if I had to.  And as we should know climate and weather are related but not the same thing. So yes it was record low temperatures at the South Pole, that in and of itself an extreme weather event one of the hallmarks of climate change. This past July was the hottest month on earth ever, August was the 6th hottest August on record, it was just the hottest September on record. You may see a pattern here. The earth is warming and playing havoc with the weather you would have to be blind not to see it and catastrophic and extreme weather events will keep getting worse as the climate becomes warmer.

You may be on to something…

I think mexican are nearer to God than us with this fruit

Depending on the ferocity of the pepper, one can frequently hear loud references to a higher being.

I believe the taco, a good enchilada, a finely crafted pork dumpling, a nice corn dog or a heaping serving of a fine shepherd’s pie all carry the ability to unify rather than divide.

Last sentence. Hmmm

I’ll edit for those, Learn the South of the Border…… 

The closer you are the MORE you understand 
The jalapeno pepper the forbidden fruit? Certainly not! Surely a loving, rational and merciful deity would never make something so essential off limits.
God put mercifully it with man out of the garden of eden...This forbiddeen fruit like whiskey after the prohibition is now no more forbidden....

Is it not the basis for your proof of the action of God the presence of this fruit from Eden on earth now?

I think mexican are nearer to God than us with this fruit...

...Is it possible that jalapeno was the forbidden fruit of life?

The jalapeno pepper the forbidden fruit? Certainly not! Surely a loving, rational and merciful deity would never make something so essential off limits.
real El Pastor from Senor Grubby in Carlsbad w Mexcal Rita, both have a mule kick.

Dead people don’t get a taco….ponder that…