Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
According to a supreme court decision 2013. DNA altered via an MRNA injection (cDNA) is patentable.
So technically whatever brand of MRNA vaccine you took, that Brand legally owns the rights to whatever DNA alterations are happening inside your body.
Technically, you are their property.

You are now considered TransHuman, according to the US Supreme court. Congratulations!!! woooohoooo
Check this out

cDNA does not present the same obstacles to patentability as naturally occurring, isolated DNA segments. As already explained, creation of a cDNA sequence from mRNA results in an exons-only molecule that is not naturally occurring.8 Petitioners concede that cDNA differs from natural DNA in that “the non-coding regions have

been removed.” Brief for Petitioners 49. They nevertheless argue that cDNA is not patent eligible because “[t]he nucleotide sequence of cDNA is dictated by nature, not by the lab technician.” Id., at 51. That may be so, but the lab technician unquestionably creates something new when cDNA is made. cDNA retains the naturally occurring exons of DNA, but it is distinct from the DNA from which it was derived. As a result, cDNA is not a “product of nature” and is patent eligible under §101, except insofar as very short series of DNA may have no intervening introns to remove when creating cDNA. In that situation, a short strand of cDNA may be indistinguishable from natural DNA.
millercarbon was recently corrected (by a doctor in this thread?) in regards to mRNA not entering the nucleus of the human cells affecting the human genome.

I am watching a video by a research doctor who’s explaining that mRNA goes through a process called Retro Integration, whereby the mRNA is coverted into DNA (reverse transcriptor) which then the genome coalesse with each other. According to this video, millcarbon was correct though perhaps not directly, the mRNA does in fact combine with the nucleus, after retro integration through reverse transcription. As far as I understand it.

If you are able to refute this information, I’d love to hear it.
Fascinating stuff.

The VH Audio ODAM are reportedly up amongst best, not extremely expensive, on top of that relatively small size. I will be trying soon in my phono pre, none of the copper foils fit here.

I'm presently using Audyn True Copper max, Jupiter VT, Miflex copper foils, Duelund VSF, Duelund silver bypass in various equipment. All have their place, each picked for particular flavor.

Speaker crossovers really benefit from the boutique caps, unfortunately, the Duelund Cast so large, hard to fit even with the totally modded outboard crossover of my Klipschorns. Presently using combo of Jupiter VT/Duelund Silver bypass and Audyn True Copper max here. If I were to change out these, would go to ODAMs.
 Audiogon member Grannyring knows his caps, reason I'm going with Odam for next mod.
@rixthetrick I need 10uf on each side.
Now that I have to move from the state that I am in, I will be looking for a house with a dedicated Listening room..... somewhere away from major cities, in nature. So I am probably going to invest into a set of Magnepan 20.7s. Rebuild the crossover with Duelund Inductors and capacitors.
I talked to Duelund, and they are seeing a major crunch on supply, and quoted a year lead time for any new orders. So when I build it I have to go about sourcing these parts efficiently, going to have to do a bit of a mix and match with values that are in stock, ready to be shipped.

And yeah, Zombies have taken over 100%.... when will they hit the streets though? probably sooner than we all think.
@yuviarora - getting what for your tweeters from Duelund?
Specific with values you need?

I have a mixture of Duelund and other capacitors, I really like the silver foil bypass caps in conjunction with other high end. The Cast VSF copper in my speakers on my system page are shown.

I’d like to upgrade my amplifier also, but I cannot get a circuit diagram for it, unfortunately.

Hopefully I can get it all done, that is before the zombies take over :)
Well, perhaps the zombies are already running the show?
The amplifiers only use (2) .1uf signal path capacitors per monoblock. They also (3).1uf capacitors in the power section, they are not that big.. they fit in the chassis pretty easily.
I am using Tinned Copper cast for the signal, and Duelund JDM Copper cast for the power sections.
Also they use 2 main power filter capacitors each, both are Mundorf (Self Healing) Supremes.

I Got to the Tinned Copper after a lot of experimentation, and they are worth the price, and are as good as advertised. Tonality of instruments is very interesting. They sound very live.

I have made cables out of Silver and SilverGold foils, both USB and XLR... and in my system copper was the best. SilverGold USB has a very nice timbre, but the audio image is flatter in comparison, and the treble can become annoying in extended listening sessions.

SilverGold Foil XLR somehow has the deepest stage, but bass is a bit bleached out, it might be a good match in a different setup with sub woofers installed probably. The tonality is cooler compared to pure copper, but just doesn’t have the body. Very easy to spot on the Sax. (Copper has that sex appeal oozing out of it sound here) Girls fainting kind of deal :) 

Pure Silver is not a good match for my system, I have Mundorf Silver in Oil capacitors on my tweeters, and have Silver alloy fuses everywhere, so any other addition of pure silver in the chain goes south pretty quickly.
@yuviarora very cool. Ever try silver foil? Just curious given the copper vs silver debates. Regarding your Brystons, photos Ive seen of Duelands, they seem big. Do they make small ones that fit inside the Bryston chassis or am I only thinking of the massive Duelands ala Jeff Day?
I cannot DIY also Dueland cast copper caps are freaking expensive! @onhwy61 thank you for the test I scored human but being a droid sounds kinda cool. @arch2 I prefer Coupling and by that I mean the hilarious BBC show NOT the horrific American version.
last toughts of an epidemiologist:

2 minute read.... 😊 is it a conspirationist?  I dont think so....

Keep asking the wrong questions and we’ll never tame this pandemic

Experts, Public Health authorities and politicians are all the time asking the wrong questions.

Questions like: “Who shed more, the vaccinated or unvaccinated?” or “Who is better protected, the vaccinated or the unvaccinated?” are simply completely irrelevant when it comes to understanding the real challenge posed by this pandemic. Everyone should know by now that ALL of us could shed ‘more’ or ‘less’ virus than anyone else or could be ‘more’ or ‘less’ susceptible than anyone else, regardless of our vaccination status.

So, what are then the right questions to ask?

The right questions ‘they’ should be asking themselves is: “How can we impact viral infection/ transmission in ways that dramatically and durably reduce overall viral spread of more infectious Sars-CoV-2 variants in the population (i.e., in all of us)?” and “How can we impact host immunity in ways that dramatically and durably increase overall protection against disease in the population (i.e., in all of us)?”

The answer to both questions is actually rather straightforward and simply based on common sense:

Population-level viral spread in highly vaccinated populations could dramatically and durably be reduced by massive antiviral chemoprophylaxis of all healthy individuals, subsequently followed by enrichment of these populations with healthy, unvaccinated individuals (hence why we will need a baby boom and encourage the influx of young & healthy unvaccinated immigrants).

Population-level immune pressure in highly vaccinated populations could dramatically and durably be reduced by massive early treatment of all individuals contracting Covid-19 disease, which would (automatically) be followed by long-lived acquired immune protection.

Both of the above proposals will effectively contribute to building herd immunity, which is the one and only solution to tame a pandemic. Or are the stakeholders of the current mass vaccination program still convinced that – contrary to all scientific evidence – it is mass vaccination that will ultimately end up generating herd immunity and that the virus will spontaneously tone down its virulence, regardless of all immune and infectious pressure currently exerted by the increasingly vaccinated and virus-exposed population, respectively?

As the original pandemic is now more and more evolving towards a pandemic of more infectious Sars-CoV-2 variants, we have no choice but to immediately implement a pancontinental intervention with broadly effective antivirals and early multi-drug treatment. Given the enhanced evolutionary context of this pandemic, there is no longer any place for non-sterilizing vaccines, let alone for using such vaccines in mass vaccination campaigns.

Next project I have is to build diffusers. Block diffusers for all  walls, 
and get a nice rug to dampen reelections off the floor. 

Hopefully I can get it all done, that is before the zombies take over :)
I have them in my Bryston 7B3 Monoblocks. I rebuilt them from the ground up, swapped out every resistor and capacitor for matched boutique ones. They have an absolutely stunning timbre... zero distortion. (Also make my own fuses, silicon dioxide with a mineral oil mix as a dampner).
I am a classical music snob, plus jazz of course, and instruments on this system are very realistic, and have an extended 3D stage, pronounced front to back layering.

I asked Duelund about getting some for my tweeters on my modified Maggies, but they can’t do anything at the moment because of supply chain issues.
I’ll probably save that upgrade for when I get a pair of 20.7 Magnepans. That speaker would justify the cost of the crossover.

I make all cables as well, out of Copper foils, USB, XLR, Power. Copper sounds the most natural to my ears, not a big fan of alloys and plated metals :)
I think I leaned more in a a Kenjit post.
@emailists - despite the many things he's said that I disagree with, Kenjit actually had a lot of understanding on loudspeaker structure and design.
Congratulations on learning here in the forum, good for you.
It seems that the people who dont have arguments save strawman arguments, or conspirationist accusation and propaganda mantra like "this vaxx is safe" are mute...

Not one argument has been answered to and demolish... For sure...

All the vaxx massive campaign is based on lies ....

All audio marketting is based most of the times on half truths also...

Audiophile experience cost nothing, if we can embed righfully any relatively good audio gear...


Because no gear system sound the same in different electrical grid, on different mechanical condition, and in diversely acoustically controlled room...

Any disease could be beaten with the right vaxx yes but not without the necessary EARLY treatment....

Why ?

Because any population is divided in different age groups and different immune status groups , then we need also Vaxx and treatment to adress this varieties after a risk/benefit calculus ....

is it chinese?
“Duelund Tinned Copper cast Capacitor” I would love to have the ability to DIY with upgrades like this. Electrical engineering is just way over my head. 
@yuviarora Thats more like it! Thank you. Where might one utilize the duelands? Speaker crossovers? Will they work with a taco driven household? LOL.
And Copper is always the best. Unless they are a Duelund Tinned Copper cast Capacitor.
They are glorious.
when the news tells you that the vaccines are failing, and people are getting sick because of  a new variant...Delta++++EXTREME variant
Lambda, Zeta, Theta EXTREME!!!!! with an extra serving of EXTREME!! ++++

Please remember these posts on an audio forum you saw on a windy October evening.
@mahgister, I appreciate the positive vibes. Likewise my friend 

Very interesting the similarities.

Play some music y’all, for we still are some of the luckiest BOTS on the face of planet earth.

Cleveland and Charger game has been a heavy weight bout!
@arch2 my sincere apologies. My research indicates that sour cream should NEVER be present on a taco, if you disagree then Marxism is at play.
To all the non-humans participating in this thread (and you may not know who you are), I triple double dog dare you to take the test.  You do not have to post your test results, but if what I suspect is true, then only the non-humans (including bots) will continue to post.  instead of calling people sheep, just dream of electric sheep.
Lets assume for a moment that everyone on each side of this thread has said everything they have to say. Wouldnt everyone agree at this stage of the game that posters likely arent going to change anyone’s position. Therefore, from here on, if someone repeats something theyve already said they must have a different need to fill. They either have a desperate need to say something or they have a desperate need to be heard.
One side ask the other to be vaxx...Or to shut his mouth....

The other side ask to think BEFORE being vaxx...Dont want to shut his mouth contemplating undemocratic action of corporations...

I dont know but i prefer those who think before acting...

In my case the "different need to fill" is discussing with friends...I am retired ...

Ending the thread which is an interesting one, with tacos, so good they are is not an option... Perhaps some other people will have something to say....i Will listen...

Anyway with all there is on the world scene , discussing digital or tubes is less interesting for me... And my audio system is satisfying.... I am here for the people not for learning audio anymore... Job done...

Anyway acoustic is less complex than the Covid crisis and take less time to figure it out generally , then i dont expect most people here will take the time needed to understand the covid crisis, and very few poster in audio thread understand acoustic powerful action anyway .... They prefer to upgrade.... i prefer to listen.... 😊😁😎😊

Money only dont buy Hi-Fi, acoustic knowledge do it....

Vaxx only dont solve coronavirus crisis Vaxx + early treatment could do...
With all due respect ghasley it’s ground beef crunchy shell tacos. I just don’t know who you are anymore. But in the name of unity let’s move past this ugly taco debate, it’s the kids that suffer the most. Everyone knows my stance on copper cables. I guess on to global warming. 
 The problem is they called a "vaccine" something that is completely new therapy... But promoted and sold like old vaccination  working to ERASE COVID  but without any long term studies and anyway with no idea about the number of adverse events and their extension...

 It cannot erase covid by itself like a flu vaccine cannot eradicate flu...

Worst than a flu vaxx the new vaxx work with a new way and transform the body into being a manufacture of an unnatural protein then toxic... 

There is worst than that, if we study the history of vaccination in the century  but it will be too much for the moment....

Simple mind  call research, conspiracy, obeying their corporate master anyway....

Lets assume for a moment that everyone on each side of this thread has said everything they have to say. Wouldnt everyone agree at this stage of the game that posters likely arent going to change anyone’s position. Therefore, from here on, if someone repeats something theyve already said they must have a different need to fill. They either have a desperate need to say something or they have a desperate need to be heard.

I’ll go first…COPPER cables and crispy ground beef tacos!

McCullough explained how these gene transfer technologies work. He also voiced his concern that, although “normally a messenger RNA is used once and disposed of,” with these mRNA injections by Pfizer and Moderna, messenger RNA is “used over and over … again and stays in the cells for a [very] long time.”

“We are working with scientists all over the world, and there is a belief now that the messenger RNA can survive cell division, [and] so a parent cell can give it to daughter cells,” he explained.

“For the first time in human history, we have a biologic product that’s telling our body to produce an abnormal protein,” he said.

The mRNA enters cells and causes them to create spike proteins, a “kind of a ‘loaded weapon,’ if you will. … It’s now known that the spike protein itself is independently pathogenic: it causes damage itself” to the cells in which it is produced, and then circulates in the body for about two weeks.

“As this protein circulates, it damages organs, it damages endothelial cells, blood cells, causes blood clotting,” McCullough said.  

“There is nothing about the spike protein that’s good. They’re lethal.”

I’ve gotta tell ya’ decoupling has been much more effective for me than coupling. Sort of abandoned spikes and cones a while back. All isoacoustics now but had success with stillpoints as well. 
Mahgister, is your favorite film "Blade Runner"?
my favorite film is the :
The Saragossa Manuscript of Wojciech Has..

but i admire Welles, Herzog, and Kubrick...

The book writer who inspired the film was a polish scientist in the 18Th century , Jan Potocki, was a genius....

Like all people  i like "Blade Runner" and the writer also is a almost  genius...
The level of narcissism
I accept the criticism of narcissism... Fine... Like the accusation of pontification...

I am lucid about myself....

But wait, you are here right next to me attacking my character, but where are your arguments against my main point?

The fact of being a "narcissist pontificator" has nothing to do with the value of my arguments?

Save for an idiot...

then answer to my arguments...

@fenmoore12 apologies for not responding I am in fact a bot, a glambot obviously for my very fine style. ;)
@millercarbon it’s a real issue... These people think changing your mind about things is a weakness... like you are somehow lesser if you let new information change your worldview or your way of thinking. Admitting that you didn’t have the correct ideas means failure.

I had a Gender Studies professor in college, after she gave her lecture she opened up the class to questions. So...I asked her a question, and she went on for another ten minutes, giving an explanation. Then I asked her another, just a very simple question... she started answering, and in the middle of it, the whole class started laughing.
It took the professor 30 seconds to realize that she had completely contradicted herself, contradicted the last 10 minutes, her entire lecture, and the worst thing she was the last person in the room to have realized this.
She started screaming..... I mean screaming at the top of her lungs, hysterically, and kicked me out of class. Instead of investigating her own ideas, trying to get to the root of the contradiction, she lashed out and protected them like they were sacrosanct.
Above reproach
To me, and people like us, that is an opportunity we get out of bed for, I want to be proven wrong, and if I am wrong I will very gladly scrap my worldview.
I don’t want to win for the sake of winning, I want the Truth.

But as they say... In war, the first casualty is the Truth.

And they are at war.... and absolutely no quarters are to be given.

Post removed 
When I searched complotist, a new word for me this is what I found:
very comical...

How easy is it to think  nowadays...

 In my time it was necessary to read to have an idea... 

The list of censored books is already here...

I see the Bots are still posting nonsense. Has the topic shifted to “quantum” vaccines yet?

Your post is not a model to go on with ...

If you insult someone with  the epiteth "bot" try to give arguments...

 Otherwise  any neutral reader will qualify you with the epiteth "idiot"

 I prefer to be a bot...

@jond  having a conversation with you is extremely hard, because you jump from one thing to another, to not get to the truth of the situation, but to change the subject and win an argument.
You are not a good faith actor.
You are debating, trying to win, not trying to find out what's true.

An astute observation. He is not the only one. It ALWAYS goes this way with people in the grips of this particular ideology.

I do not say that they know this is the case. The vast majority of them have no clue. I mean that not as an insult but literally, they have no clue. Yet once you learn the ideology it is easy to see they are in its grip.  

The ideology is Marxism. It takes as axiomatic that there is no such thing as Truth, reason, rational thought or discourse. Everything in their world view is power and oppression.

Original Marxism taught that the oppression was rich capitalists over the poor proletariat. When after WWII and the USSR The Gulag Archipelago was published and the world forced to acknowledge Marxism as not only evil but a total failure. Individualism, the sanctity of the individual, individual rights to life and liberty and all the rest that leads to free commerce and higher standards of living for all, these ideas creamed Marxism, relegating it to the dustbin of history.

But now it is back, same evil they never learn any new tricks except now instead of rich vs poor it is racist white guys vs everyone else. All the oppression now is by race, gender, sexual orientation, on and on. The workers actually made out great under capitalism so they got a whole new list of em this time. Instead of capitalist the new slur is racist.

But really the key to understanding the whole thing is to understand they really do not believe in Truth. They only believe in power. People like us, we believe in Truth. We want to understand what is really going on. So we follow proven modes of conversation- rational argumentation, acknowledging valid points regardless of who makes them.

They don't care for any of this. They live in a world of nihilistic relativity, so however they win, they win. If they have to change the subject every time you bring up some incontestable point, no problem. If they run out of lies and resort to name-calling, well to them it isn't even a last resort it is actually the core of their creed.

It would be nice if they would at least try and understand this is what motivates them. But that is pretty hard to do once you buy into understanding being worthless and power being everything. Which, just look at them. They have. 

Therefore, anyone acts this way my approach is disengage. Don't waste your time. There are some people yet who are still within reach. Not this one. Not any of them who act this way. By their acts judge them, or something like that. Good advice.
@femoore12    whaaat? bots? Lmao
talk about conspiracy theories. Yeah, stick those fingers in your ears...LALALALALA!
Because anyone that disagrees  with you is a Russian Bot, because those Russian's don't have anything better to do than post on an audio forum to change your mind about a vaccine you have already taken. 
Post removed 
I really do like the Uncle Donald pic. But .. if it quack’s like a quack, it’s a quack. Been on eternal ignore since a few pages back.
I think people who repeat "complotist theory" accusation without reading any books and articles of science UNPAID by corporation or repeat TV and GOOGLE warnings are idiots sorry....

I prefer the risk of being deluded if i am wrong...

She is a senior researcher at MIT for near 40 years and is UNPAID by Any corporation to do his analysis work... Bill hate her....Because he invest in "round up" the infamous chemical agricultiral poison ....

 Stephanie Seneff is qualified to be a complotist and is called this by corporations for sure...Trust Fauci if you want i prefer this woman....
@jond I don’t see them as theories. I have evidence to back up everything I have said so far....
And if you think i am unable to tell the difference between Flat Earth and Big Pharma propaganda, you are by definition calling me unintelligent.
And also making it clear, that I must be protected from myself, for my own good.... like you would do for a child.
You are obviously intelligent but you’re so far down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories your intelligence is being applied to useless and potentially harmful endeavors.

I am very tired of the use "conspiracy theorist" to qualify Malone ,Montagnier, Mccullough, Geert Vanden Bossche, Vandana Shiva, and the list go on...

Are you a parrot of google and Bill And Tony?

And here again the accusation of killing people with erroneous complotist facts...

Same thing i live through here with Raoult and HQC in the early crisis...

Who was killing people for 18 months with erroneous intubation procedure and remdesivir  waiting for the new "vaxx" and censorship of HQC and proven false study in the LAncet about HQC ? Who are the killers?

Lets back up here a second I think you are a sadly deluded individual but I think no person is sub-human. You are obviously intelligent but you're so far down a rabbit hole of conspiracy theories your intelligence is being applied to useless and potentially harmful endeavors.
@jond you are right, I am trying to have a conversation, trying to explain my point of view...
All the while, you think I am a sub-human piece of crap, delusional, unintelligent, and someone who should be forced to do the correct thing, all his human rights be damned.

we have established this very well at this point, I think.
Well said yuviarora ....

No one here answer on any facts or arguments  save to destroy the messenger like in the McCullough case or the Malone case or replace a question with a dogma from Fauci...

They dont read books...

I will suggest a short one but we need a working brain:

And dont consult wikipedia or Quack  Bill Gates about this book , He does not like her at all...... Consult Luc Montagnier a Nobel virologist to know if this woman  is a true scientist....he preface one of his book...

or try Vandana Shiva a physicist who work all his life in the fields...It is more easy to read....For beginners... 😁😊