Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I assure you it isnt the Bilderbergers or George Soros or the woes of the supply chain.

Random, but also relieving to have some clarity, thanks.

Once upon a time, there was a pretty cool audio site. A virus or a bacterial infection, no one really knew for sure, swept through the land. The illness resulted in zealots of every flavor, blindly and repeatedly regurgitating the same drivel. Such a shame.
This pandemic will be over when the Pfizer administration is arrested for reckless endangerment and fraud.  They are the only ones who will profit from an extended pandemic.

"Vaccine injuries from Covid-19 shots Fill Hospitals as U.S. Government Lies and Claims a "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated". These numbers are documented.
Isochronism-Btw MC, I always appreciate your incitful posts, audio and otherwise.

Gosh now I have to wonder did you mean insightful or inciteful? ;)   

Either way I got a kick out of it. Thanks!

People are quitting the medical field for two reasons. they are burnt out from the nightmare that is Covid, or they are an anti-vaxxer. I deeply sympathize with those bearing the daily horror in hospitals around the country and world.

Anti-vaxxers have no business being in the medical profession in the first place and good riddance.
Almost time to ponder these things over a hot mate`, mon Ami!
I apologize to you for drinking to much mate already without you....😊

My deepest respect....
Il est presque temps de reflechir a ces choses autour d'un chaud mate`, mon Ami!
God created me free, not almost free....If i am not free it is because by fear i dont want to be free....
We may enter this life as almost a blank slate, but often enough, or most often, our beliefs are the results of our own meaning making machine.

It may not be by fear we are not free though, it may be the ignorance of not knowing what we don’t know?
Great reply rix.... thanks...

But ignorance about anything never impede a free creative gesture ( a tasting gesture for 2 half baked chunk of ham)....Fear do...

Ignorance about the real reason behind the ham half-cut, can allow for a creative compensation : the taste seems and perhaps is different.... It is very different to roast a big chunk of pork or two smaller one...

Ignorance is not only an anvil it may be also a springboard...The choice is sometimes ours....

And yes we do not entered life like an absolute blank slate, like you justly said with the cautionary word " almost"....

We come from an another world which memory is imprinted in us...And in this world ignorance and knowledge are wedding mates and there is no fear.... 

«Ignorance create sometimes fear, but fear always create a darker ignorance»-Anonymus Smith

«Ignorance like knowledge come with the same hues scale»-Anonymus smith

«Ignorance and knowledge converge and meet in the absolute, they diverge in this world of illusion»-Anonymus Smith

«Fear separate ignorance from knowledge, free love reunite them»-Anonymus Smith

«Do you past retirement time talking gibberish?»-Groucho Marx 🤓

Why are many health care workers quitting their positions?

Ive heard its because they’ve grown weary of the wait for their Moabs to ship?

Others believe those leaving the profession are tired of the overcrowding of the system caused by the unvaccinated OR they are leaving the profession because of the vaccine mandate many health care employers have implemented OR they are sick of their professions being politicized. Like everything else in the universe, its likely a combination of these. I assure you it isnt the Bilderbergers or George Soros or the woes of the supply chain.

Why are many health care workers quitting their positions?

Maybe those people who are in the actual business of healthcare actually know some things first hand that people who read and watch mainstream media don’t?? Just a thought.
God created me free, not almost free....If i am not free it is because by fear i dont want to be free....
We may enter this life as almost a blank slate, but often enough, or most often, our beliefs are the results of our own meaning making machine.

It may not be by fear we are not free though, it may be the ignorance of not knowing what we don't know?

I heard this story which serves as a great example of this phenomenon.
A young married couple are in the kitchen and the wife has just cut the leg of ham into two large pieces, cutting through the bone. The husband asks the wife, why do you cut the ham in half? The wife says that her mother did it, and it tastes better that way. The husband makes no sense of this reply and some years later while his mother in law was there and his wife was baking ham, asks the mother, why does the ham taste better cut in half?
Her reply was that the oven she had back then was too small, and to fit in the whole leg, she'd cut it in half, and it wasn't for taste at all. The grown wife had presumed in her childhood the reason, the meaning of the ham cut in half, and her mother wasn't even aware she had created a superstition about it.

People don't like uncertainty, and so we give meanings to events in our lives, to explain why things have happened. Most often the meanings we have created are based upon a total lack of knowledge of all the facts, and much of these foundations of our beliefs are developed in our childhood. With little to draw upon as children, people make assumptions on the meanings, and often twist how events occurred to conform to these meanings, and then they affirm the meanings, incorrect meaning are the personal superstitions.

Each of us carries our own personal superstitions, fears, limiting thoughts, beliefs for example that we are better or lesser than others. We shouldn't compare our weaknesses against another's strengths or vice a versa. 

Special we are not…
We are all special, every single one of us, and because we are all special, we are also not special. Continue to be special, and allow others to be special as well, this will build up self esteem, not condescending others.

Seeing our superstitions for what they are, the creation of our own making (delusions), and breaking free of them takes honesty and courage. It's by the letting go of Ego and embracing truth that we move past our fears, our superstitions.

As for the Bible, what an enlightened contrast can be seen from the old to new teachings. And it would be interesting to discover the original unaltered texts, however as distinct sources have been found, for example texts found at the Qumran Caves, at least these copies show a great deal of the original scripts was most probably kept reasonably intact. I went to the exhibit in Melbourne Museum when they toured the world with some scrolls. I still have the book I bought from the Museum.

The roar of Moses' Triumph was heard throughout the hills.
Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout the land.
Old Testament bikers?

I am no virologist by any means. Although I DO fully understand the scenario behind our current situation ’Many are being DUPED!’
It would appear from your previous statements that you are among them.

Sorry, ghasley. Felt it necessary to make that one point. Not very Zen, but I’m two Shirley Temples and a bubble tea over my limit...

Stick a sock in it @isochronism , the wacko conspiracy BS is getting old. Either you are correct and we are all whistling happily along until the end of times none the wiser OR you are wrong and we are still whistling happily along. In either case, the sad news is you awake each day hoping for the worst so that you can be right. What a miserable effing existence.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled programming of a Zen-like appreciation for each day and for those with whom I had the opportunity to imteract.
That was going to be my second point.
Whatever he read twisted the fact that influenza often leads to bacterial pneumonia. There are even suggestions (by legitimate sources) that bacterial pneumonia may have been responsible for more deaths in the 1918 outbreak than the flu itself.
And miller, thank you for that. Sincerely.
carp, I do appreciate your response. I am no virologist by any means. Although I DO fully understand the scenario behind our current situation. Many are being DUPED!  The true information is literally in everyone's pocket. It is not found on the couch watching TV. Love you all!
Influenza is a virus. It is always a virus. A virus is known as an ’infective agent’. It is known as that because is not a living organism as it requires a host cell to reproduce.
A bacterium is a prokaryote, a single celled living organism, of which some cause disease.
They are two completely, irrevocably different things.

Give the man credit, this is spot on.

The only thing it leaves out, pneumonia is an infection in which the lungs become inflamed and filled with fluid that interferes with oxygenation. Pneumonia can be viral or bacterial. Bacterial infections are opportunistic. That is to say, bacteria are always present, awaiting only the opportunity to infect. Viral infections can weaken a person to where they become susceptible to bacterial infections such as pneumonia.

So someone with Spanish Flu could indeed contract and even die of bacterial pneumonia. But that is not even remotely the same as saying Spanish Flu was a bacterial pneumonia. This is categorically false.

Score one, thecarpathian.

There is no hell ….. but if there is Im sure it would be an endless circlejerk conversation about vaccines, politics, religion, fuses, exceptionalism and nationalism.

The only conversions possible among the members of this forum might be to get a solid state person to consider tubes or vice versa. If there is a g*d, I hope she has a sense of humor and resembles Nelson Pass.
I shall tell you exactly why, sir.
Influenza is a virus. It is always a virus. A virus is known as an ’infective agent’. It is known as that because it is not a living organism as it requires a host cell to reproduce.
A bacterium is a prokaryote, a single celled living organism, of which some cause disease.
They are two completely, irrevocably different things.
So, now that we know that, the rest of your claim is also of course, utter nonsense.
But I do understand the twisting of facts behind your statement that I assume was first published by some conspiracy theory site.
Would you like me to ’prey tell’ that, also?

thecarpathian's "wrong" seem's with experienced authorial absoluteness (!) in which no more explaination is required. Please, prey tell ...
@mahgister, I’m wrong for asking such…

My deepest apologies! 

One could cut the air with a knife
There is much evidence the Spanish Flu, which was a bacterial pneumonia...
There is much evidence the Spanish Flu, which was a bacterial pneumonia was caused by Rockefeller Institute vaccine trials by way of their new anti meningitis vaccine.
The walls do speak, says the fly on the wall…

What do you really believe in mahgister, and what laws govern you. 

Those of men before us, or our own. 
I'm sure when they had the Spanish flu they thought nothing would be the same again.But it did.When all is said and done ,what will will see are more people with face masks .Like we used to only see in China and Japan...Perhaps.
mahgister, the playground is the infinite

But you already knew this…
The most complex object of the universe is not a concrete one but a symbolic one...

Take the Mendelbrot set or if you prefer the cumulative pattern behind the prime numbers distribution...

My brain, or all the visible universe is nothing at all compared to these 2 geometrical and musical mathematical symbolic objects...

Then what is infinity?

Not a concrete "thing" like all the galaxies or the set of all tables....

Infinity is a spiritual manifestation of the ONE consciousness...What i like to call the cosmic universal memory....This active memory is also a " free creative imagination" ....

I then read number theory books or projective geometry books like the new testament or some mystical poems or some musical scores...

Reciprocally spiritual insight is always the reflection of an unseen geometry....

The great spritual and genius geometer Blaise Pascal never said nothing else....After all, after the antykythera archimedean computer, he created in modern time the first mechanical computer....Perhaps reading him is a thing to do....

«Are you saying that acoustic laws must be "seen" and numbers must be listen to? Are you nut?»-Groucho Marx 🤓
«Your Scriabin was nut anyway »-Harpo Marx

«The visible cosmos is only a wall between us and the infinite, this part of ourself we dont know yet»- Anonymus Smith

«Acoustic is a speaking geometry»-Myself

«Are you saying that the walls speak here?»- Groucho Marx 🤓
Where other composers in the history of music choose to use the tone colors to reflect the cosmos or the inside of man, Scriabin created an " almost atonal" tempest to reveal that the cosmos and our own soul life is the result of our own creative freedom...He created colors which has never been seen before him on the piano....

Schonberg create a recipe, not the new savorous dishes like Scriabin really did...

Schonberg has the brain power without the creative faith....

I love Scriabin music....

Victoria is a genius because of his mystical perception in a way a Gibbons or a Schonberg could not....
Special we are not…

The cosmos is infinite

But whom are we without FAITH!

One needs to read both black and blue, and you most definitely are on top of your game…

This life is only thee beginning. Lets just play the game for what’s it worth.

Right now I'm listening to Tomas Luis de Victoria's Requiem sung by the Tallis Scholars.  Wonderful *music*.  Almost as good as Allegri's Miserere.
One thing is sure i never interpreted the new testament like a bad hollywood movie with hell at my left and paradise at my right....

We are prisoner of our own fears nothing else....

Consciousness dont die, that explain why blindness may persist after death in a great waiting room called hell....

In the great Swedenborg visionary books, the damned are very happy in their hell and dont want to go to paradise....

I think that there is many level of Hells and certainly there is a happy level where the damned pray to stay....😊

Like there is many levels of paradise...

And all levels of paradise or hell are inside our spirit, where else?

Dont fear and choose the creative freedom of love....
Religious fanatics even christian one are like atheists, moved by fear...

Unrecognized fears....

Freedom cannot be faith without brain power, nor brain power without faith....

God created me free, not almost free....If i am not free it is because by fear i dont want to be free....

"The Vision of Christ that thou dost see
Is my vision's greatest enemy.
Thine has a great hook nose like thine,
Mine has a snub nose like to mine.
Thine is the Friend of all Mankind;
Mine speaks in parables to the blind.
Thine loves the same world that mine hates;
Thy heaven doors are my hell gates.
Socrates taught what Meletus
Loath'd as a nation's bitterest curse,
And Caiaphas was in his own mind
A benefactor to mankind.
Both read the Bible day and night,
But thou read'st black where I read white. "
By William Blake

The textual and editorial history of the "bible" is fascinating and I encourage everyone to delve into it, at least a little.

Here are some, err, facts.

No one knows who wrote the book of Daniel.
It is impossible to determine the degree of historical accuracy of that text.
We do not have the "original" manuscript (as is the case with all the books).  What we have in this case is cobbled together from later copies/translations written in Hebrew and Aramaic.
Translations into English and other languages of those later texts are very unreliable and often extremely misleading.

And don't get me started on the question of the apocrypha.

There is a Highway to Hell and a Stairway to Heaven. You are in the driver's seat.
Personally i read the new testament like an acoustic book, instead of acoustic laws these are spritual laws...No need to have faith at all....Or call it a faith with brain power....

By the way what is lacking in mathematical description of acoustic is the perceptive feeling of our own room....We must use these 2 : mathematical equation and perceptive feeling.... Call it a sensation with brain power...

«Faith is also a sensation»-Anonymus Smith

«We can walk on water with faith or brain power»- Groucho Marx 🤓

I will give an exemple from the book:

«Give back to God what is To God and to Cesar what is to Cesar»

These words are litterally the reason and motivation behind the secularization of the political power and the separation of the church and the state in occidental world and finally the motivation of the free citizenship concept after the demise of the Roman sacred concept of the citizenship...
I then interpret the basic rule behind the social organization with these words....The spiritual, the political and the economic must be clearly distinguished and separated if we want to stay free citizen....It is the free citizen who work the distinction and nothing is imposed on his freddom to create, speak and interpret....

My apologies if my post was taken in any way, shape or form as a solicitation to discuss theology on an audio site. It was actually to the contrary.

Though that’s common knowledge to most, never underestimate the youth…

I’m surprised MYSELF when I get down and dirty with the questioning, the answers that lie. 

@oldhvymec, perfectly put 

«Words are like facts they only have meaning if they are related to others words and facts....It is the freedom of interpretation...Then being nut or wise, stay free, but let a place in your world view for others’s perspective....»- Anonymus Smith

«Only the wisest could go freely  by himself in an fool’s asylum»-Groucho Marx 🤓
twoleftears, obviously you have the right to post your opinion, as you exercised it here, yet have a problem with me having mine???
ghasley, now that you know they/you/me can't abide by the old testament laws, 10 commandments or even ONE simple rule. ("Don't eat the fruit from ONE TREE."), maybe read the Good news in the new testament and quote it instead. 

Knowing the truth and KNOWING the truth will set you free (Faith), is the choice of everyone on this earth.

There has been physical bondage sense the beginning of time and one's position in time and space reveals who is a slave and what they are a slave too. 

I live FREE and bound only by faith, nothing more nothing less.

Grace, unmerited favor, you can't buy it, it's not for sale, and you CAN'T earn it.. You just have to accept it. It's a FREE gift...

10 generations ago my forefather came here as Welch/Baptist in the 1700s and Irish/Roman Catholic in the 1800s as missionaries to US/Canada. They were ABROAD and still are 300 years later. For the most part still doing the same thing..

Lot of people don't know that Saint Patrick was actually Roman from Whales. Both his parents were Roman citizens and Governors or some such thing..


Well said.

We can individually and collectively determine how we choose to feel and believe about a variety of subjects.  Humanity has been (and will continue to be) faced with vexxing questions on these topics.

If you believe my post above to be a bit "sophmoric", it was intended to be. It was actually intended to provoke the possibility that taking one's self too seriously is kindof silly itself. It was intended to demonstrate that dropping a bible verse to another in an audio forum to serve as some sort of "mic drop" moment is sortof silly as well. That's all.

For instance, we are each highly proficient at that with which we are highly proficient. I would never debate with you about XRAY technology or the trouble in the retail health care system. I additionally would never dispute your automotive driving skillset. On the rare occasion that someone believes their singular proficiency is universal, you and I recognize there will always be another who will remind us, in the immortal words of the Gershwin's, "It ain't necessarily so".
This is the way half clever teenagers tend to see it. Or it could be the combined wisdom of a species trying to understand the meaning of existence, a subject so deep we do not even now really get it. Forced to choose I will go with the accumulated wisdom of the species over the smarty pants adolescent, every time.
@isochronism   Don't understand how a historical fiction poorly translated from the original mixture of Hebrew and Aramaic can be cited as in any sense an authority on any subject.

You posted:
jond, Daniel 2;43 KJV Bible. Try that for starters. Good Luck

Just curious what a passage from a book of collected works has to do with audio? What you refer to above was from an apocalyptic vision recorded some 2,200 years ago, which is included in something commonly referred to as “The Old Testament”. Its is certainly personal choice what any person takes literally. The credibility of that person is open for interpretation by others. No offense is intended whatsoever, only hoping to inject a little levity.

For those who take those collected works literally, I pose a few questions below which were originally posed to Dr. Laura Schlesinger by a UVA professor when she took an inflexible stand on “the written word”.

1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighbouring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians?

2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of Menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offence.

4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odour for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbours. They claim the odour is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

5. I have a neighbour who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?

6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination, Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don’t agree. Can you settle this? Are there ’degrees’ of abomination?

7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle-room here?

8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

Not trying to shake anyone’s sincere faith as it is a gift to be shared rather than to be used as a weapon. At least that’s what I learned from a minister grandfather and an aunt/uncle who spent the better part of five decades as missionaries abroad. Peace.