Just purchased one of these beasts from Israel of Coincident (quite the gentleman).

I already have a few SET amps that buck the trend of little bass and dynamics that often get associated with S.E.T. amps.

The Frankie is a top notch power amplifier.  Not a good value.  Not a giant killer.  A true, top quality power amplifier period.

I swapped out the stock tubes and what happened next shocked me.  Of course the midrange is gorgeous,  But I did not expect the highs to sparkle and the bass to have definition, texture, and punch.  Sorry,  I intended to say PUNCH.

As always, speaker matching is a key and a stable 6 Ohm speaker will sound best - but these babies are the real deal.

BTW, they retail at around $2,500.

Disclaimer - I am not a Coincident dealer and have no affiliation with Coincident.  I am a NOS tube dealer.







It took about 9 days for the power amp to get to me.

Always hoping for  some WE 300B tubes - but man are they being forged.




Good move and congratulations!!

I have been singing the praises of the Frankensteins mono blocks (And its sibling the Statement Line stage) since I purchased them new from Israel Blume 13 years ago. Both are superb and I understand your joy and admiration. What 300b tubes are you using? I have the EML XLS in mine. Apparently you have the new stereo single chassis version.



Hey Charles.


Your previous posts pushed me to get the amp!

I am using the TJ Full music from 2003 (NOS) - but the real sonic changes came from substituting the stock driver tubes for Tung Sol NOS 6SU7GTYs and a Mullard rectifier.

Likely, I will purchase the Frankie monos next month and compare them to Gordon's Wavelength Tritons.



Likely, I will purchase the Frankie monos next month and compare them to Gordon's Wavelength Tritons

I look forward to your listening impressions. Two excellent 300b amplifiers, could not choose wrong with either one in my opinion.


WTF with $2500 retail price?


Don't doubt they are top notch, I have Statement MKII pre, I'd have the Frankensteins if not for rather serendipitous find of very special bespoke 300B monoblocks, once in a lifetime find.


And I mentioned this in previous threads, one is not hearing any DHT based component at nearly their potential without top notch tubes. These circuits relatively elemental, the tube provides for large measure of their sound.

WTF with $2500 retail price?

Yes, this is a new amplifier in the Coincident line. Stereo rather than mono block Frankensteins. The stereo version is using the 6SL7 as driver tubes, 6EM 7 is used as driver in the mono blocks. Not sure how long the 2500.00 introductory price will remain. A surprisingly low cost to get a single chassis Frankenstein 300b SET.


Shazam! Wow, Israel changing the lineup yet again, just learned about the MkIII vesion of Statement pre. Thanks for the update Charles.



Frankenstein 300B Stereo Amplifier

Frankenstein 300B Stereo Amplifier Frankenstein 300B Stereo Amplifier

Coincident is excited to introduce the newest addition to our series of power amplifiers - the Frankenstein 300B Stereo Amplifier. The Frankenstein 300B Stereo amplifier is the stereo version of the highly acclaimed Frankenstein M300B Mono Amps. The two Frankenstein amps share the exact same mirror finish stainless steel chassis, virtually the same design and circuitry and industry breakthrough performance. The differences are the Stereo amp uses the 6SL7 input tube instead of the 6EM7 and utilizes the 5AR4 rectifier instead of the 5U4GB. Both are all hardwired share the vast majority of components. The Frankenstein Stereo 300B will be the best constructed, finest performance and best value of any single ended 300B available. It represents a breakthrough at its reasonable price point.


Output Power - 8 watts RMS SE class A
Output Impedance - 8 ohms
Frequency Response- 10hz- 20khz- +/- 1db
THD- less than 1% 20 hz - 20 kHz
Input Sensitivity - 800 MV full output
Input Impedance - 47K ohms
Power Requirements- AC 115V or 230V 50,60hz ( user selectable on the rear panel)
Dimensioin - 15” W x 12” D x 8.5” H
Net Weight - 17 kgs- 38 lbs.
Tube Compliment - 6SL7 x2, 300B x 2, 5AR4 x 1.

Price - $2499 US, All tubes included


I know what you mean. Coincident does not do model changes or update models often. It was roughly 10 years between my original MK II Frankensteins and MK I Statement Line stage received updates. 13 years later and my early models are sounding fabulous! 😊 If the stereo amplifier is “close” to the sound quality of the mono blocks, this will be an exceptionally good deal.



Woah when I read this I though the $2500 price was the price of the 300B tubes Paul rolled in not the amp lol. That looks like some screaming bargain and also goes to show you just how much chassis/metalwork adds to the cost of equipment. Well done Mr Blume and thanks for the heads up Paul!

I have the 300B Elekit TU 8600S integrated amp paired with the GR Research NX-Oticas.  Best sound and soundstage I have ever had.  Previously had a $100k + Gryphon system.  Still use the silver Gryphon cables which are incredible.

Using the new Western Electric 300B’s.

Listen to the GR Research!

Just to be correct, I think these should be called the "Monster" amps?  Afterall, Frankenstein was the Doctor, not the creation.  🤣

I was looking hard at this amp about a year ago. I ended up going with the Tektron. Between 300B’s, 2A3’s, and 45’s, I prefer the 45’s. Looks like a great deal - enjoy. 


I was looking hard at this amp about a year ago. I ended up going with the Tektron. Between 300B’s, 2A3’s, and 45’s, I prefer the 45’s. Looks like a great deal - enjoy

Any one of those 3 tubes is excellent with good amplifier implementation. You obviously have very efficient speakers if you are able to use the 45 tubes.


I'm curious about this amp and if it would be suitable for my 4-ohm Tektons. I will give Israel a call to find out some specifics, but any experience or thoughts here would be appreciated as well.

In looking at the website now the price is excluding the 300B's. Were some 300B's actually included a couple of months ago?  





A few years ago a friend had the Tekton Double Impacts and asked if I could bring my Frankenstein mono blocks over. I was happy to do so. The 8 watt SET drove his Double Impacts exceptionally well. No issues or strain/stress at all. His listening space is roughly 15x18 feet with 8 ft ceiling.

My Frankensteins lack a 4 ohm speaker tap. I have the early edition of this MK II (2009) amplifier which has 8 and 16 ohm taps. Newer models have 4 and 8 ohm taps. We used my 8 ohm tabs. So could potentially be even better matching with a 4 ohm tap.


These speakers are an easy load.
They are 4 ohm nominal but probably a very flat impedance curve and no steep phase angles to deal with. I don’t know how close the stereo version is to the mono block version however. If pretty close, then no problem.


I think you can’t compare stereo and mono Frankensteins. The maximal power is not the only important thing. Is even much more important that stereo and mono have different driver tubes and power supplies.

I don’t have Frankenstein amplifier but I have my DIY 300B amplifier that I did dozens changes and tweaks. I can say, for example, changing powers supply capacitors value, type or model can make more impact on sound than changing of output transformers. Or increasing current of driver tube can change sound dramatically. The amplifier with weaker driver, smaller and sheared between two channels power supply can’t sound similar to monoblocs.

That’s why I acknowledged that I don’t know how close the two Frankenstein models are. I do know that Israel Blume won’t present a new product to market if he does not think it is worthy. My suspicion is that it may not equal the mono block s exactly 100% (As is often the case between stereo and mono blocks) but knowing him , it will be very good. @paul_lindemann is very pleased with his stereo Frankenstein.


I also would prefer mono block in the right situation; however, my existing set up makes that conversion possibly more challenging than I feel like undertaking. 

With three new pieces recently added that stepped in the right direction, I feel I'm pretty close to having music reproduction I'm content with. So, with that in mind a very good properly matched stereo amp I'm hoping will fit the bill.  




paul_lindemann Are you familiar with the Willsenton R300? If so, how would you compare the sound between the two amps"

I can’t compare the stereo to the Willsenton but I can with the monoblocks. First, you’re comparing power amp to an integrated so not exactly apples to apples…


The Willsenton is nice, but it’s not on the level with the Franks… the Coincident’s are just more organic and natural. Significantly better low end and depth of soundstage. I would think the stereo amp is very similar 


the Coincident’s are just more organic and natural. Significantly better low end and depth of soundstage. I would think the stereo amp is very similar 

I have not heard the Willsenton 300b SET amplifier. I do agree with the above description of the Frankenstein 300b mono block SET. I’ve owned the MK II model since 2009. In my opinion they are very authentic and natural in their presentation of recorded music. The antithesis of “electronic “ , contrived and canned sound. After 14 years of ownership I appreciate them more than ever.


This is a very interesting thread that got my attention a while ago. I'm curious as to what preamp or type of volume control people are using? 

Coincident Statement line stage (101D DHT tubes and transformer volume control).


I received my Frankenstein 300B stereo several days ago and I totally agree with the above praise. The Frankenstein 300B Stereo is very well built and sounds very good. I'm very pleased with my purchase from Israel of Coincident Speakers.



👍 Congratulations!!!

With appropriately matched speakers you’ll have many years of superb music listening experiences to look forward to.


Post removed 


I have been considering whether to get the new Coincident Frankenstein 300B stereo amp or a  used pair of older Coincident Frankenstein 300B  monoblocks.  Does anyone have an opinion on which ones would pair better with my vintage Altec Flamencos?  Also, would this be a significant upgrade over my current Bob Latino ST 120 amp powering the Flamencos?


I have no experience with new Coincident Frankenstein stereo chassis amplifier. Word of mouth feedback says it’s very,very good. I’m an extremely happy owner of the Frankenstein MK II mono blocks bought new in 2009. My amplifiers use the 6EM7 (Driver tube) and the 5U4G as the rectifier tube.

The stereo version uses the6LS7 as a driver and the 5AR4 as rectifier. I don’t know what accounts for the different tube selection. I know that the late Art Dudley simply loved his Altecs paired with Shindo and other good quality SET amplifiers. They will be a different sound compared with your 6550 tubed push -pull class A/B Bob Latino 60 watt amplifier.

I believe that the Frankenstein will provide you with excellent transparency, inner detail, tactile presence and superb tonality. 8 watts of pure class A single ended topology. Your speakers are 16 ohm load which is terrific! My speakers are 14 ohm. I went from 100 watt KT 88/6550 mono blocks to the Frankensteins and have not looked back (14 years). It just depends on what sonic characteristics are most valued by you.


Newest owner of a Frankenstein stereo 300B.

Ordered in November, Israel was waiting on a shipment of output transformers from Japan; no, I tried but he wouldn’t tell me which company they were sourced from.

What an emotional ride over the past 2 weeks- 1 week ago I thought I was going to sell it for a quick loss, as it was not sounding very good; sounded fine, but not good. Feeling like all these things I read about Coincident, and this thread, was incorrect. Reality: It is just a $2500 amp, right? All the opinions have exaggerated it’s actual performance. After 10 days of playing I took it out of the system for the weekend and put in the Yamamoto just to hear some quality music. Happy to report after putting it back in for a few more days, and putting in some higher quality tubes: A Mullard over the sovtek GZ34 and Tung Sol VT 229 over the Shuguang 6n9p’s, perhaps the combination of the two, and it is now sounding fantastic! And the tubes have only been in for 1 day.

Yes I know all about burn in, and the Gold Lion 300’s are new too, but I read 20-30 hours for the tubes from most reports, and Israel’s owner’s manual states the amp will sound fantastic from new, but even better after 100 hours- which for me was 1 week. Even still, I was doubting the sound and questioning my purchase as things were still not good enough nearing 2 weeks of play- But all good now!

And some people still argue burn in is not real? Crazy. This has gone from a $1000 amp to a $5000-$7000 amp in sound quality in 2 weeks.


Not sure how long the 2500.00 introductory price will remain.

And the price has gone up quite a bit, it is now $2500 US wink (I pay in CDN)

Question: I never had a 300B before, I chose Gold Lion’s as my first pair as I read they are great, especially for the price, and didn’t want to spend the price for WE’s or Takatsuki’s (yet) which are reported to be the best. For those who have the experience with this particular amp are they worth the money?

@mclinnguy Burn in is very real as you've discovered  I run Coincident Statement pre with custom build 300B monoblocks. I'd expect you'd hear extras boutique 300B tubes bring to the table. I have Psvane Acme and WE's, both far superior to Shuguang Black Treasures.

@alexberger The Horning Eufrodites which are 98db.@1m. Tommy Horning designed and voiced these speakers with his own 300B amp, so one would expect they should excel with this amp, but of course not all 300B's are designed the same- Israel confirmed this amp with its suggested 8 ohm tap works just fine with a 4 ohm speaker. 


Those Black Treasures were the other tube I was considering. I flipped a coin and picked the Gold Lions. 

 I have Psvane Acme and WE's, both far superior to Shuguang Black Treasures.

 Thanks- I assumed I would hear this response- darn. laugh At this point I think I would choose WE over Takatsuki's just because after spending that kind of coin on tubes that 5 year warranty is a huge factor. 

From what I see the WE's are $1500 and the PS Vanes are just under $1000, (Lunar New Year!) do you think the WE are worth the extra $500? 


@mclinnguy Not just break-in but as you discovered tube rolling is crucial especially in an SET amp with a very simple circuit tubes make a huge difference.


Yeah. What is interesting is an amp like the Yamamoto comes with excellent NOS tubes already installed, so when an owner receives it they appreciate it immediately, whereas the Frankenstein stereo comes with a $40 rectifier and $20 driver tubes and that first impression is not as compelling. I wonder how many people live with this amp as it is as far as the oem supplied tubes, and never consider changing them out? It’s like buying a Porsche and never revving it past 3000 rpm.

A power cord is not even supplied as he assumes people will just upgrade it anyway, so why even bother supplying throwaway tubes? Just thinking out loud. smiley

I don't have experience with that amp. But do have experience with Takayuki 300Bs vs a couple other brands and the Takayuki are amazing... definitely worth it in my Woo WA5.

@ghdprentice Thanks. I found the same comment from you in this thread which started 6 years ago. Found posts from @sns and @alexberger as well.

Adding EML to my list.

@mclinnguy Generally you're going to only see positive reviews of all the boutique 300B tubes, and this over many reviews and many years. I'm still in process of evaluating WE's, to be completely transparent recently experienced failure of one of my new WE's, have replacement in hand, we'll see. As for sound quality vs Acme too early to say, WE warmer in mids, slightly less extended and open on top. Completely satisfied with Acme's over a couple years, aprox. 700 hours, simple curiosity and great sale price at Upscale ($1100) over holidays led to WE purchase.

@sns Thanks. Interesting, I see you just posted in this recent thread yet, but that yields some evidence that there are (possibly) just as many WE failures as Takatsuki’s. May be an amp issue- we'll see.

Emission Labs along with WE also have a 5 year warranty.

I own the COINCIDENT FRANKENSTEIN 300B STEREO as well as the Coincident Frankenstein 300B Mk IV, Monoblocks, they both sound excellent providing you choose the tubes wisely. Also I believe your preamp could have quite a bit of effect on what you hear. I use a tube preamp and once again the tube select will be important.

My opinion of Takayuki is reinforced daily. As I find them impossible no to marvel at each time I hear them.

@lak Oh wow, you are one of Israel’s good customers. I noticed your post earlier in this thread but checked your systems and didn’t see the Frankenstein there so maybe thought you had moved on from it.

I am new to tubes, the Primaluna EVO400 pre last year was the first item I bought with tubes to satisfy a curiousity, and now I have 3 components with tubes.

It’s hard to believe one can get this quality of sound from a $2500 US (plus output tubes) amplifier, mostly because of the direct sales approach. He could charge much more for it! But he's a small margin, pass along the savings to the customer type of guy. 

regarding tubes, in both the amp and the pre, I am learning fast!


I stated above the Emissions Labs warranty was 5 years, hearing that one would assume if it fails in the first 5 years one would receive a replacement tube free? and I hate to pass along incorrect information.

Well here is some of the fine print:

  • We replace at no charges, for a period of 12 months. This period is extended to 18 months if the sale was registered by the first owner, within 4 weeks after receival.
  • When we have to replace tubes after the above period, we are replacing significantly used tubes by factory new tubes. This is an advantage for the user for which we allow the seller to charge something. We recommend for this 40% of the actual list price, until the end of the 5th year, and buyer and seller charge each other no shipment cost.
  • A loose tube base is repaired free of charge during the entire guarantee period.

In my mind this "5 year guarantee" is no longer is a factor. I understand they are well made and unless one is unlucky and bought the last one made on Friday evening they should not need it?

* Just went through Western Electric's 5 year warranty and it is as one would expect- no extra charges-