So we're all tired of hearing about nothing but Covid-19 (or, as I term it, the C-Plague). What can we do, as audiophiles, to help with all this.
I was amazed, and delighted, when I went to the Cardas website to see that they are doing their part. Go to their website and you'll see their director, Angela Cardas, wearing a mask. If you click on the Cardas Nautilus logo in the upper left corner, you'll see pictures of people there in the factory making masks with sewing machines. I called the company to congratulate them, and spoke with a woman named Darla, who said it was their way, during this economic slump, to keep their employees working and also their way of trying to "do our part."
I'm not writing all this to advertise Cardas products. They are a very good company, but trust your ears, not anything I write, when it comes to buying their products. They do get credit, however, for helping me come to a realization that pushed me in the right direction. I called a woman I am friends with, who is 85 years old and is a good seamstress, to suggest she start making masks. She already was--and is. By phone she has organized several other women to do the same, and right now they are needing more material and elastic. I managed to gather about 50 pounds of material and am starting to gather elastic while also getting more material. But I don't sew. I can't help out with that. Any ideas as to what we--all of us who are good with our ears and focused with our budgets--can do to help out in other ways?

I realize this is an odd topic to bring to an audio forum, but it was a very socially responsible audio company that got me to thinking about it, and frankly I believe I should be socially responsible enough to do what I can to get other people to thinking about it. While also being open to other people's ideas about ways someone like me who is "just an audiophile" can help.

Thank you, in advance, for any and all ideas on this.


Showing 38 responses by cal91

@glupson & @geoffkait 

Take it outside PLEASE! It was cute for a while (a very short while) now it's just juvenile and silly. I know this makes me a new target, so go ahead, get it out of your system.

Someone mentioned listening to Chopin ( a big thumbs up) and Schubert (a thumbs up) and who the hell is Chet Baker? I am looking for the absolute best recording of Chopin's Preludes. I have Rubinstein, Algerich, and Ashkenazy. Anybody have a suggestion? Yes, I am trying to change the subject. From a sincere and humane request for ideas about how we can help people, this thread has devolved into insults, conspiracy theories and downright nastiness. Can't we all just get along?
That was an incredible post and I would like to thank you for risking your own life to help others afflicted with Covid-19. Thank you for explaining to those in denial, or blinded by political allegiance, why we ALL must take this seriously and do our part, which includes sacrifice, to bring this virus under control.

I apologize for jumping on you. After reading all the posts I see that geoffkait started it. ("Are you out of mind? And try to write in complete sentences, glubby. Even better, don’t write at all.")

@millercarbon  The original post was not political. 
In the immortal words of Ronald Reagan "There you go again." You couldn't resist bringing your politics into what was started as a person's sincere attempt to find ways to help others. I applaud the OP and others who have shown they have a heart and care about all people. I have a question for you millercarbon. What if you're wrong? If I'm wrong by taking this pandemic seriously and doing everything I can to not just keep myself safe, but also to show respect and responsibility in trying to keep others safe, I was simply inconvenienced. No big deal. If you're wrong and are determined to show that you're not falling for this "hoax" and are not going to take precautions to protect yourself and others, people can die. I'm not willing to take that chance with other people's lives. Here's one for you millercarbon: BLACK LIVES MATTER! I'm hoping that I am wrong about how you will react to that, and I will apologize if I'm wrong, But from opinions you have expressed it sounds like you drank the kool-aid (or as another member corrected me, the Clorox). Tell me I'm wrong about you millercarbon. I want to be wrong. I told you that I will keep my politics off the forums if you will do the same. I kept my word until you posted on this thread. And nobody is bullying you as you whined previously.
It is generally accepted that it is OK to start a sentence with "and." People who think it's not proper are probably the same ones who feel it is not good grammar to end a sentence with a preposition. It is. Winston Churchill, an exceptional writer, had a very clever retort to a newspaper that criticized him for ending a sentence with a preposition.

Kudos to all of the posters who are expressing reasonable, intelligent, free-thinking, compassionate, empathetic and responsible sentiments towards how we should be looking out for each other during this very real pandemic. I'm not sure how someone can call something a hoax that has killed 130,000 Americans.

Is that it? Thank you. I feel like I got off easy. I will take your advice about the conniption. I would meditate but tinnitus screws that up.

Thank you. I have heard of Moravec but never had the chance to listen to him play. I just purchased his 24 Preludes and Ballade in F Minor on eBay. Can't wait to hear his version of Prelude #15, my all time favorite.
I will check out Cherry Baker. I have developed a taste for jazz, particularly Davis and Coltrane and Ellington. If Baker can keep up with those guys he's definitely worth adding to my listening list.

Sharing our love for music.This is so much better than the negativity we sometimes fall into on these forums.
@ mahgister

It took me a while to be able to access some of Bach's works. They can be incredibly complex and dense. But when you begin to understand that complexity you are left in awe of such enormous genius. The Brandenburg Concertos and Concerto for Two Violins are some of my favorite works. For the past several months I have been obsessed with Chopin. I recently purchased a 20 CD set of Rubinstein plays Chopin and found a recording of Rachmaninoff plays Chopin. They are amazing renditions only diminished by the sound quality. I am so focused on the piano that when I listened to some Chopin concertos I found the accompanying instruments to be an unpleasant distraction. I will take your advice and get the Nocturnes. I look forward to hearing him.

I just saw devilboy's post. He said it nicely. The way you write about music is very poetic.
 You must be using dictation. I searched for Cherry Baker and couldn't find a trumpet player. I tried Chet and found him. I'm going to look for the CD on eBay. Thanks
@ mahgister & devilboy

I just read about Chet Baker. What a tragic figure with the drugs, troubles with the law, and the loss of his teeth which affected his playing. I then listened to a YouTube recording of "Chet". That's the kind of jazz I like. I then watched his last interview before his death. Very sad.

That a creative genius like Chopin would hold Bach is such high regard is a testament to the otherwordly talent Bach possessed. mahgister: what is your opinion of Gould's interpretation of the Goldberg Variations?

@mahgister & @devilboy 

I was going to ask you about Liszt. I have a recording of Earl Wilde called "The Demonic Liszt". Liszt definitely had a dark side. I also have Scriabin's "Prometheus". I listen to music in total darkness. When I first heard Prometheus I couldn't help but imagine the forming of Earth, with fires everywhere and volcanic explosions. It's very dark. Since you are both Chopin fans, I have a very good book for you. It's appropriately titled: Chopin's Piano. I can't think of the author's name but it's about the search for the piano Chopin wrote the Preludes on, and his relationship with George Sand. Interesting story to "Raindrops"; when Sand heard Prelude #15 she said it sounded like the rain they often heard outside their cottage. Chopin took offense at Sand thinking he could be influenced by something as mundane as raindrops. Good book and exhaustively researched.
@mahgister, glupson, and devilboy

I was going through my collection of Chopin and chose Horowitz's "The Last Recording" It contains the works of Chopin, Haydn, Liszt, and Wagner. For someone of his age at the time he hadn't lost much. I then listened to one of his earlier recordings "Favorite Chopin" which is a collection of Polanaises, Mazurkas, Waltzes, Etudes, Ballades, and Scherzos. Absolutely spectacular. Of course, we need to hear from the expert. You there mahgister? And what is your opinion of Algerich? I have several of her recordings which I much enjoy. I do have an issue with something she does in Prelude #15. She emphasizes a particular note that is a little jarring. I haven't heard it from any other artist. It's similar to what Beethoven did in "Moonlight Sonata".

I understand what you are saying, but in this political climate of extreme divisiveness, "truth", for many people, is determined by where they get their information. Then you have to factor in their preconceived notions, and whether those notions lead them to seek confirmation in what they choose to watch or who they choose to listen to. Truth should be an absolute, not a matter of opinion. I am currently living in Northeastern NC. That will change as soon as possible. If I listened to most of the people around here I would be flying a confederate flag and wearing a certain red cap. I have one filter when it comes to discerning what my truth is: does it put (all) people first. You did a good job of not making your politics obvious. I should learn to do the same.

I watched the Nyiregyhazi video. Beautiful. Is the sound quality of the CDs good? I'll check out Trifonov next. 
I have always found silver components sound best. But only, of course, if you're carpet is blue. Nothing red can be in the listening room PERIOD. That is an absolute no no. And what's wrong with drinking Clorox? I'm still working on finding a UV light I can swallow. Just saw isochronism is drinking Drano. Now that's CRAZY!
@clearthinker...Edmund Burke once said; "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." We have to make our voices heard. We get that opportunity in a few months. I was a skeptic at first, but there have been important and significant changes in attitudes in the country. I am becoming less pessimistic. Now, so we don't get kicked off the forums - let's talk audio. I still don't see how streaming is more convenient than CDs.
@mahgister...Glad to hear you have an appreciation for the violin as well as the piano. Before I became obsessed with Chopin, most of my listening was devoted to great violinists. As I read your post about Grumiaux's Bach concertos I had Heifetz's rendition of the Double Concertos on my desk beside me. I've never heard someone play so naturally and effortlessly. I think I've mentioned before that there is a Youtube video of Menuhin and David Oistrakh playing the Double Violin Concertos. I can't find the CD anywhere. I'll see if I can find something on Grumiaux.

Disclaimer: There are no names in this post (political) and no mention of any particular political parties. If you recognize yourself in what follows, well, if the shoe fits....

au-lait... I am sorry to hear of your own difficulties from Covid-19 and your personal losses. It's truly a tragedy that the pandemic that has already killed more than 130,000 Americans has become such a political issue. The two simple things that virtually all EXPERTS (not somebody's gut) agree will slow down the spread of the virus - social distancing and wearing a damn mask) have become symbols for some of their political allegiances. Certain people are calling for all businesses to open even though health experts are warning against it unless your area meets certain criteria. You're right - we are seeing the consequences of those ill-advised actions. What kind of jazz do you listen to? I watched a Youtube video about the similarities between Charlie Parker and Bach and their use of octave displacement. It was very interesting.
You have the soul of a poet. Have you ever pursued that talent you possess? The guy who does the Youtube videos is named Rick Beato. He plays multiple instruments and seems very knowledgeable about music of all genres and music theory. 
devilboy...Blacks make up about 13.4% of the population. Whites make up about 60.4% of the population. According to your statistics about twice as many unarmed Whites were killed by police as were Blacks. If it was proportional then more than 4 times more Whites w ould have been killed by police. Where's the logic and common sense?
I've got one more thing to say to devilboy. You questioned au_lait when he/she said (they) lost 12 acquaintances to Covid. If you don't know au_lait, you have no reason to doubt that claim. In LA, depending upon what you do and your lifestyle, it is very possible that au_lait was acquainted with 12 people who lost their lives.

Sorry mapman. I have too much energy to let some of this stuff go unanswered.
I hope that it will not take a personal tragedy to get those of you in denial to start taking this situation seriously. If you don't want to hear a rather long and sad story move on now. I tried for years to get my father to stop smoking. He was a very stubborn man and was determined he was not going to listen to others. He had terrible emphysema and suffered a massive heart attack. They were going to put a pacemaker in his chest but found that only 10% of his heart was functioning. It was just a matter of time. I was by his bedside the night before he died and he said to me: When everything is going OK, you don't hear those voices, now it's all I can hear. Remember Brady when Reagan got shot? He was a staunch conservative, strong supporter of the Second Amendment. When he got shot he had a conversion. He started working for sensible gun control.

I just retired from teaching. I used to tell my kids; some of you are standing on a railroad track and there's a train coming. People are screaming at you that there's a train coming - get off the track. But you're not listening. They can see what's coming, but you don't want to hear it. There's a train coming and you need to take it seriously. But you won't, and that makes me sad.
mapman...OK, the cell phone would connect to the streaming service but what about the streamer that would hook up to your amp? Thanks
Some of you are restoring my faith in human beings. I am discovering that there are people out there with compassion and empathy.

Some of you.
OK devilboy, I'm not sure how you can make the claim of using logic and common sense. The pandemic has not been apocalyptic because of steps that were taken by many governors and mayors. Now we are seeing a surge because some governors are afraid of offending a certain person and reopened too soon against the advice of science. Even the Texas governor has admitted he made a mistake and has mandated or is considering mandating the wearing of masks. The Florida governor took a victory lap because there was no surge for two weeks after he opened. Have you looked at Florida's numbers lately? Apocalyptic implies to me some sort of existential event. I never heard anyone say the pandemic would lead to total disaster. More than 130,000 Americans have died so far and that's with the actions that many people took seriously at the beginning. Now the American frontier, individualistic attitude that nobody can tell us we have to wear masks is creating huge problems in the surge we are seeing. It seems people were willing to make sacrifices to a point and now they're tired of not being able to go to bars, restaurants, and the beach, so they're acting like the virus doesn't exist. Or they're young and have heard that they won't be affected like older people. That is an incredibly selfish attitude but if you don't see the immediate results of your actions, it's easy to pretend you didn't cause them. I'm not sure what you mean by making the virus disappear by moving the election to next year. Is that similar to the way the dreaded caravan that was bringing Leprosy and rapists and murderers across the border, suddenly became a non-issue after the elections? Explain please. I might have misunderstood you on that one. By the way, I don't hate you.
I think I am going to try streaming. Anybody have suggestions for a quality streamer that won't break the bank? I don't think I need a DAC since my Lyngdorf TDAI2200 is all digital that should be all the DAC I need right? Yeah, trying to re- hijack this thread.
mapman you're's useless. I'm going to go listen to Mozart's 40th.
My hero was (he died last year) one of my History professors at Cal who became my best friend. He was the most intelligent, kindest, generous, empathetic person I have ever known. He was, before he became a professor, a speech writer for Hubert Humphrey, the great liberal. As for living heroes, I would have to say Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a great humanitarian.
phd...I think I'll pass on that, but I am going to be respectful and acknowledge that you have a right to your beliefs. We have taken this discussion into a new territory and one in which I am completely unqualified to bring any light to the subject. I am agnostic and can't for the life of me see how anyone could consider themselves anything else. I don't know the truth about religion and the existence of God and no one else knows it either. It's all based on faith, not measurable science. I will never tell someone who believes that they are wrong because I have no way of knowing. Pasqual's Wager was based on his belief that you should try to believe and live your life as if you did. If you're wrong you didn't lose anything and led a good life. If you're right you are rewarded with everlasting life in Heaven. Remember the poster in Fox Maulder's room on The X Files? It said I want to believe. I want to believe, I just can't get past that evidence problem. More power to you.
We're being trolled. Are you having fun phd? I was right from the beginning about you. I am no longer reading any of your posts. While some of the things being said on this thread are pretty outrageous, for the most part the people seem sincere in their beliefs. I have no problem with that. But you, phd, are just jerking us around for fun. Nobody can honestly believe some of the nonsense you are writing. I know I said I was not going to be insulting, but I don't like it when people mislead others for their own amusement. Anybody agree? A guy named mahlman did the same on a thread about who should be called an audiophile. Got a lot of people believing he was serious. Millercarbon even came to his defense. He was just jerking people around for his own perverse pleasure. Is that you mahlman?
Our personal world views are laid bare in these posts. On one side there are people who are driven by emotion, mostly negative, and their deeply imbedded prejudices. Many white males in this country are angry because they believe their country is being taken away from them by the changing demographics. But I have yet to hear one of these angry white men explain in a non-emotional, fact-based, prejudice-free way what exactly they are angry about. As a white American male I am well aware that I have enjoyed white privilege my entire life. These angry white men either; are in denial of the advantages they have had, or believe that that is the way it should be.  On the other side we have posters who share the view that all people are human beings deserving of respect and dignity. We believe that to live up to the ideals put forth by the founding fathers in the creation of this great experiment called the United States, there should be a level playing field for everyone residing in the country. That has historically not been the case. Treat ALL people with the respect they deserve as members of the human race and give everyone equal opportunity. That's all I'm saying. It seems pretty simple to me when you take it logically. A little Paul Simon influence there.
In a way I have enjoyed this thread, but it is time for me to leave. I do want to say before parting that much has been said about who we are as a people in this country. What do we really stand for? The upcoming election will tell us. If the majority of the country re-elects the current occupant of the White House then we are apparently a country that believes immigrants are disease carrying, drug smuggling murderers and rapists, people of color come from s...hole countries, and confederate flags and monuments are symbols of honor and heritage not hatred. I am hoping we will show ourselves to be better than that. Let's not forget that a plurality of the country actually voted for the Democratic nominee. Since then the Republican party has steadily shrunk as people have grown tired of the divisiveness, nepotism, cronyism, disregard for law,  and the incompetence currently on display. That doesn't bode well for his re-election chances. But then, there's Russia, so who knows.

I'm going to check out the jazz thread and also see if I can find some devoted to classical music. Those of you who care about facts and science and form your opinions from them, and aren't ruled by emotions and prejudices keep up the good fight. Millercarbon; BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!!