So we're all tired of hearing about nothing but Covid-19 (or, as I term it, the C-Plague). What can we do, as audiophiles, to help with all this.
I was amazed, and delighted, when I went to the Cardas website to see that they are doing their part. Go to their website and you'll see their director, Angela Cardas, wearing a mask. If you click on the Cardas Nautilus logo in the upper left corner, you'll see pictures of people there in the factory making masks with sewing machines. I called the company to congratulate them, and spoke with a woman named Darla, who said it was their way, during this economic slump, to keep their employees working and also their way of trying to "do our part."
I'm not writing all this to advertise Cardas products. They are a very good company, but trust your ears, not anything I write, when it comes to buying their products. They do get credit, however, for helping me come to a realization that pushed me in the right direction. I called a woman I am friends with, who is 85 years old and is a good seamstress, to suggest she start making masks. She already was--and is. By phone she has organized several other women to do the same, and right now they are needing more material and elastic. I managed to gather about 50 pounds of material and am starting to gather elastic while also getting more material. But I don't sew. I can't help out with that. Any ideas as to what we--all of us who are good with our ears and focused with our budgets--can do to help out in other ways?

I realize this is an odd topic to bring to an audio forum, but it was a very socially responsible audio company that got me to thinking about it, and frankly I believe I should be socially responsible enough to do what I can to get other people to thinking about it. While also being open to other people's ideas about ways someone like me who is "just an audiophile" can help.

Thank you, in advance, for any and all ideas on this.


Showing 49 responses by mahgister

People dont have education nor the freedom to choose the best for themselves...

The education is most of the time annihilated by technology and easy playings games....Even "news" are bits for small brain gamers...

The more easy road is believing what most around you of the same age believes in any society....

There is no easy road and free travel to knowledge....Even for a pharaoh....Painful dedication and search for truth are not replaceable by pills or chips in the brain except for the deluded....

Books cannot be replaced by computers....

Living trees and books are more precious than money.....We can recreate civilization with trees and books not with money only....Money buy nothing except perhaps the daily bread if there is some to buy, nothing more ,except deceptions and illusions....

« Ptolemy I, king of Egypt, asked Euclid "if there was in geometry any shorter way than that of the Elements, and he answered that there was no royal road to geometry.» -from the net....
Love everyone but dont agree with any crowds....


Dont trust prophets especially the religious one....

God dont have a beard and dont spoke, especially about politics....

If inner voices speaks about politics it is not God nor your inner voice, it is hallucinations....

When Ramanujan listened to his goddess she speaks about prime numbers, it is a bit more serious for a god or a goddess...

i just drink my last drop of cold mate....


i dont have any knowledge, i only express my feeling in words...

My best regards to your heart brain and soul my friend....
Truth cannot be observed from a privileged personal point of view...

There is no ladder which go to paradise....

Forget politics the way it is think of now.... Think by yourself....Read true hard books....This was my way when i was young....
I think that many people could think about why the social fabric of a society desintegrate? 

The reason why is not in the political mainstream medias of all kind in Tv or youtube.... A book or 2 will be a good idea....  :)

It is silly to makes rhetorical  wars one against  the other....
We can reduce Bach music to melodic Vivaldi+dance music , he copy it with much admiration and devotion....Then it is pure snobbery to dislike Vivaldi...
Go streaming Vivaldi.... :)

He uplift the spirit even of Bach that copy him and integrate his melodic brain in his own music.....

I think that Vivaldi was so much talented that he never worked, his music sound like a spontaneous improvisation except few works.......Bach worked hard.... :)
Compassion drive even the animal evolution through man toward the cosmos, why compassion could not drive politic?
«When someone dont look for truth with all his heart, his brain dissolve in rhetorics»- Anonymus
Thanks for your generous appreciation.... English is not my first language, i apologize then for my lack of written ability, and i dont have any understanding of music theory.... I only listen to music, and images, colors, forms, and souls express themselves in me....

Music is the way worlds become souls, and soul become new world.... Music is truest to the truth than reality can ever will be without it....Music is in some way an image of the way reality transform itself.... Even numbers are music....Their sensible singing made visible is geometry....Colors are also the singing of a fundamental polarities between light and night and Goethe first was listening to this miraculous phenomenon between the eyes and the world.... 
Charlie Parker the discoverer of Chet Baker and Bach the discoverer of many great geniuses, beginning with his owns sons, are like stars that will shine after our death over the sorrows and joy of our childrens...
Heifetz is superhuman violonist if there is one...One God in his own planetary system....

Oistrakh is so great that he seems the better there is most of the times... Pure russian heart in all his rendition....

But Grumiaux colors are rainbow sun and it is not about lyricism (Oistrakh) nor superhuman virtuosity and artistry (Heifetz) but in the Bach and Mozart quartets his"lumen" is incarnated sun on earth....This is why for me it is my best in these works....

The best Menuhin i listen to was in his younger years.... His Bach violin sonatas are marvellous....
An example of that obsessive listening of mine is Arthur Grumiaux rendition of Bach violin concertos....This violin tone so luminous like the mediterranean sea sunset or sunrise, makes for me impossible to listen too often to any other versions even those i like very much.... The Grumiaux one i listened to it for 50 years without being able to discard it....I listen to it easily a thousand times probably more....

Much is the fault of Grumiaux violin pure luminous genious.... It is the same in the Mozart quartets version by him.... Pure sunny sound....Any virtuosity apart.... There are many great virtuosos on violin indeed.... Only one sound like a sun in these 2 works...
Andras Schiff Bach Well tempered Klavier is stupendous.... :)

My version of choice for thousand listenings sessions....

If we listen a work a few times only, our preferences are not the same at all than for thousand listenings sessions instead....

My preference are then based on possible many, many, listening sessions... I can appreciate all great artists, but some are able to create miracles.... I look for those first, because when i love some piece i want to listen to it without end, then the artist must be a miracles creator....Luckily after 55 years of music listening i can change one work for others i love on the same level and not be stalled with only 2 for example....

« Passion create obsession, or is it the reverse?»- Groucho Marx
Sorry for my late response glupson.... I prefer Nyiregyházi first Arrau second, and Perahia third between these three....It is personal for sure....Perahia play well (but check his Mozart instead) for sure but lack the heartfelt rythm there is in Arrau....

N. is out of any league or over comparison for me but he plays Chopin like Liszt and all afficionados will not be pleased by him tough..... :)


After reading this thread last night, I picked what Chopin I have for today’s commute. It is Murray Perahia (link below) playing sonatas and some more. What do you think of his interpretations, if you have heard them? I must admit that, unlike Arrau and Nyiregyházi from youtube, I did not find it engaging at all. What is your take on it? I am a total ignorant when it comes to this.

And what is your opinion of Algerich? I have several of her recordings which I much enjoy
Indeed Argerich and Horowitz are great pianists.... No negative criticism will make sense because at WORST, they play anything good...

I am not a specialist at all nor a musician by the way.... I am so passionnate,  way too much to be objective in fact....

I already named my favorite Chopin interpreters.... Barbosa And Moravec... I will love any pianist that play them well, then, half at least of very well known pianists will please me...

But Barbosa and Moravec touch me in way that the others cannot especially in the nocturnes for Moravec and the mazurkas for Barbosa....I already described my reasons....

My best....
Alas! almost all is dirty recordings, sorry glupson....But close the light and try that...forget the sound....This is pure miraculous probing of the soul....I never even listen anybody touching that playing... Try another one after that, anybody and compare.. You will see...

He never owned a piano most of his life, dont give a damn for money, and was married 10 times... When his last wife was in bad health, he decide to record past 74 years old i think, to gain money for his health, without any piano for practice most of his life :)  He was very poor....He hates his mother who keep him like a circus ape on the stage from his birth to his 16 birthday...After that he hated concert very much...He even play one time under a hood, to no avail, because his playing is impossible to forget then easy to recognize...

Schoenberg who was not fond of simple musicians, they are slaves for his own composer creations only, wrote to the young Klemperer that he must come immediately to New-York swiftly crossing the Atlantic to listen to the Hungarian god at the piano... The letter is easy to spot on the internet.... :)

When he was 13 years old a book on musical genius was written by a Dutch psychologist and was entirely about him... He was Liszt reincarnated for Hungarian people and for the world scene....

The rest is legendary.....
Arrau is one of the Best in Chopin....Perhaps the best i know.... Except Moravec is over all others even over Arrau, Arrau plays romantically, Moravec is more a master of the rainbow of colors and his playing is more classical if Bach was playing Chopin he will play like Moravec...

But if Moravec was not, i will listen Arrau all the times... Why not? He is truly great....
Earl Wild is a truly great pianist till his deathbed...

He can play anything....

The only moment in his life when he was envious of someone with rage, was when he listen to  Ervin Nyiregyházi....He call his playing"baloney"....:)

Imagine a man who was truly a great artist encountering a god that reduce him to almost nothing.... Like Salieri in the Amadeus film, envious of Mozert ....

I think Earl Wild is one of the great world pianist, all his cd are refined pure artistry...

It is just that the Hungarian reincarnation of Liszt dont play the notes, he does not even play well at times, he play his demonic soul only....He is out of comparison with others simply....
Bach is the ancester of them all....

After Scriabin because it was impossible to surpass his genius of the abyss between each chord,(Scriabin create and use atonality without a vulgar formula like Schoenberg) we need a new road.... Sorabji create it....

And Sorabji is the disciple also of Bach like Chopin, and unlike Liszt and Scriabin who never were....Sorabji has so much genius that his works are the mix of a madman and of an angel in equal quantity....His Transcendental Studies for example, numbering 100 opus on 6 cd, are sheer marvels....His other works are so enormous that all others composers look like pygmys...Except Scriabin and Bach for the sheer perfection of their creations that cannot and will never be diminished... Even by Sorabji...

In one word his works is a jungle of notes, perfectly harmonized, a chaos mimicking a crystal and a crystal mimicking chaos....

His angelic genius is clearly evident in his Trancendental Studies (6 cd) with Michael Habermann... His madman like genius is for all of us to see in the Opus clavicembalisticum with John Ogdon, a madman and an angel himself, the best version there is (4 hours and 30 minutes )....

If you are a beginner try the cd "le jardin parfumé ", a more "normal" work and a short one, truly beautiful and obsessively contemplative...A marvel....

Dont try any other works first, otherwise you can die... When someone go fishing for the first time he dont try to catch a whale first :)
Chopin is my favorite composer
The most important works of piano for Chopin are the Mazurkas....Very difficult to play rythmically....He wrote them all his life...He wrote 59 for 24 years till his deathbed... The mazurkas were the heart of chopin

My best player is Antonio Guedes Barbosa, one of the greatest unknown pianist in Occident.... His sense of rythm and humble simplicity makes miracles here...He play them effortlessly without never breaking the rythmical comlexity contrary to most other interpreters.....

This is the best kept secret of the discography says one time an English critic.... I approve him....Like Moravec he play Chopin with Bach in the back of the head, not romantically, but this times more with his sense of the rythmical unity, he does not break the rythm or accentuate it in a romantic manner.. Each mazurkas being a Polish dance with a duality of rythms in each one is very difficult to play, we must feel it in our body...He also has a great color sense, a bit less than Moravec tough, but his rythmical sense is unsurpassed....

Chopin is a poet....Liszt is a romantic magician.... Scriabin is godlike .... For Liszt the ONLY divine interpreter is Ervin Nyiregyházi, for me the greatest pianist i ever listen to....For Scriabin the greatest is the russian giant, Vladimir Sofronitsky.... He plays like a volcano erupting under a rain of orchids...His playings in Scriabin touch the divine and is akin to Nyiregyhazi...That speak volumes....

After all those years Gould manage to be one of the very interesting rendition indeed... His obsessive playings is fascinating and never boring... I will lie saying that i dont like it... :)

But my favorite one is after the destruction of the Berlin Wall the russian defector Vladimir Feltsman playing it live for the first time in his free Russia... It is full with irrepressible energy like Gould but more inventive if it is possible, and more dreamlike and poetic at times.... The 2 are very good....They are others i like also.... With Bach the greater number of version of an opus there is the better it is....

Even God and the devil like Bach with the same love....But the 2 hate Scriabin ....For God Scriabin mimic too much Satan, and for Satan Scriabin mimic too much God.... You rightly guess that Scriabin is my favorite piano composer....
I have been obsessed with Chopin
Chopin was amazed by Bach.... The best way to play it for me is in this light....Moravec is so good with Chopin because he plays it like some kind of Bach, he plays less the melody than the harmony between chord...His color shades sense makes that possible... Others even the best plays romantically the melody only....I begins to understand Chopin with Moravec....

Think about Scriabin that no one can ever whistle.... Why? because the harmony, the colors between chords replace the melody with an abyss.....Chopin is the ancester of Scriabin with Liszt.... Who can play Listz? Almost no one can play Scriabin also.... Music is where an abyss walk.....

For any melody an harpsichord will do all right....For the abyss between chords , and each abyss has his own colors, we need to invent the piano with his pastel shades....
For those who like Jazz...

i recommend "lets gets lost" a documentary biography of Chet Baker that seize upon his soul.... The best jazz documentary ever.....
Chet Baker play his soul and forget trumpet....I like him much....

You are right about"chet", it is one of his many best....

I like Bill Evans because he play also his soul first, and forget piano...Two brothers i think they own the same playing....Because of that they are in a class of their own, without rivals....

They always sing and never only play....Most other plays very well and sometimes magically, but singing is very difficult, you need your soul, and the best hands and fingers there is will never be able to sing.... Only the soul sing....

I am a bit partial, i like some artists so much, that they erase all the rest....Happily i know more than a few...

When i was young, someone ask to me if i liked music? I answered no...I love only Bach and it is music no more.... :)
If you like him, and i have no doubts about that because his playing is natural and effortless like Rubinstein, but his sense of color shades is almost unsurpassed, buy his Nocturnes version... Very good sound recording and for me the best version there is, especially after the first one hundred listenings, you know why?

Because when someone listen the same melody forever, there is some weariness that will point his nose at some times....But with Moravec pianism, playing each note like if it was the only one note, like a star in the sky, you will never be tired... You will not hear the melody first, like you hear with all other pianists but you will be entranced and hypnotized by each chord, like if 2 or 3 meteors fell from the sky.... And who can be weary and tired by meteors showing? Or blinking stars? The melody will be there tough like the sky is there for each star....
Chopin’s Preludes. I have Rubinstein, Algerich, and Ashkenazy. Anybody have a suggestion?
Ivan Moravec....Preludes and Nocturnes and frankly anything by him.....It is one of my few transcendant pianists....A master of nuances and pastel colors....All his cd are top of the interpretation....He is more known by envious pianists or admiring one than by the crowds, i dont know how we can veil such a master  and let him behind the scene?
«All is already manifest for the attentive one....» - Buddha

I tease you....But i really like Luke verses....Buddha also....
« Apes becoming men with great difficulties run the world, who else?»- Groucho Marx

« Give me money or bananas, keep the books»  -Groucho Marx
Today its masks. Tomorrow, mandatory vaccines,
Assimilating the 2 is bordering propaganda sorry....

Mask are useful and necessary for the safety of all... Vaccines, mandatory or not, are  another completely separated different matters...
No one is winning.... You are free to create your own reality.... I dont have faith in idols.... And a punishing god is ridiculous idea, a primitive one indeed...My God is the absolute love....

Consciousness only exist.... Matter is a 19 century scientist superstition.... Modern science is no more there....

My only "religious" experience is the infinity of an all encompassing consciousness.... I trust mathematics not the priests of any religion.... And i trust my own consciousness....And i trust the all encompassing consciousness that is yours also...

Mathematics is only a fixed photograph of the universal cellulars living infinite memory.... This is the true divine for me....God is Absolute.... Not a thing....God is pure love not a limited individuality....Only God exist then you exist through "him" and with "him"....You are free then you create hell for yourself with hate and dissipate it with love.... Simple....Awake yourself and decide which way you will create with whom you will side, Truth or idols....

Freedom is too heavy load for most.... They want chains or scapegoats....The truth is we are all responsible for all there is ....

Death dont exist but freedom exist.....Most think in reverse of the Truth....They think that freedom dont exist and that death is real....They dont have faith in themselves at all....Loving ourself and our neighbor in the same manner is the only absolute law....

We are lucky we live the times that are changi’in before our eyes like in Bob Dylan song....

Ok i calm down.... :)

Mahgistor just because you don’t believe in hell doesn’t mean its going to cease to exist for your convenience.
You dont read me in the right way.... i believe hell exist but is a creation of consciousness not of God.....My God dont wrote books and dont have beard....My faith is the faith of an old man without church, and not the faith of a children anymore....I trust God not religions...

You can write mahgister :)

By the way the economy was already destroyed before the covid crisis.....Dont read the dow Jones like Trump read it.... Read a little bit more than news or ideology....
Then i hope you will teach me..... I will go with you for a mate on pure argentinian soil.... :)
For the Russian hell pit it is a myth...

Hell tough is an objective creation of the mind.... Like heaven.... :)

 I thought you were sleeping thecarpathian? Perhaps i speak to your astral body?

Flying saucers are not flying saucers anymore.... if someone dare to read a little bit.... :)

The universe is not think by clever men now like inhabited by  any other consciousness...

Our civilization is very primitive.... We dont even recognize other intelligence on our earth....
Maghister the secret sauce is logic + facts. Either alone does not work.
logic + facts are not enough.... What is a fact?

The heart + brain is more of a beginning....Because fact are always at the end of some perspective view.... The heart  will help with what is not yet a "fact"....Faith is from the heart....
A brain without heart is only sand...

A heart without brain is only water...

Add the 2 and flower will flourish.....
A group of Russian scientists went to Siberia
I know this story....

I dont want to disturb your faith, but only to put it on a higher level than actual political lies from all parties...

Read the" Heaven and Hell" by Swedenborg....It will give you a better first idea about that....

Swedenborg was one of the greatest scientist of his times....And a Mystic who speak with angels...

Read it... The book cost peanuts.....

All european geniuses read it even Kant who dislike him for sure....
«Truth dont need prophets, only your  brain with your  heart my dear» -Groucho Marx

I was a great admirer of Spock, before i  could understand that logic only  make you insane....


Johnny Cash try to give something to the world at least.... A great artist and a man....
When i was young i was looking for someone i could and would admire and that would guide me....

Pick the right one, not a celebrity for sure, they are almost all idiotic....Pick a true great man in any field except politic....

If someone cannot process the world situation it is like he dont live really this time and moment in history.... Most live like animals without knowing who they are and why....

They react to order, stimulus, conditioning, and slogans.....Like dogs or rats in a laboratory....

Awake yourself and listen to no one....
They are young and dont read books only news....News are made for slow crowd brain and dont speak about anything serious.....They dont even speak about the US, because they dont speak about the world situation then how can they speak about the US?

At best people replace fake news with their faked brain.... The words come from the head....This is pitiful....

Why not trying a real hard book?

« Only reading can free ourself, no gun can make that »- Anonymus

« Reading is like making love, it is hard the first time»-Anonymus