Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!

Looking back through my notes, I first started applying it on 6-6-21. The last application was on 7-16-21 on the yellow QSA fuse.

You should be able to detect improvement in a couple of days, but for whatever the reason it seems to improve with time.

Okay @ozzy we will see.

I am driving up to pick some up on Tuesday and will report back on Friday here in this Forum with a review.
If it is not as you claim my man you will have lost all cred with me!
No just kidding Ozzy I will give it a shot with an open mind.

All I can add is that this product is the real deal. I have treated all my fuses, and cables.
The first day after application the sound was better, but days, weeks later it is fantastic! Way better than any other tweak I have ever tried. It probably shouldn’t be called a tweak.
When I think of a tweak I think of the HF MC-.05s. Heck this substance is better than any HF cable, fuse, etc. I have owned.

The gains in sonic quality are well worth its cost. The blackness that is created allow for a very deep sound staging and dynamics. All the qualities that a audio enthusiast’s seek.

I’m not sure exactly what it consists of. My guess it is blocking RF/EMI etc. But I really don’t know.

It is too bad that one cannot buy a smaller "sampler" size for the "testers" and skeptics.

Highly recommended YMW-not V.

It is offensive to see products that have a very low cost to create (bet this one does!), and that make grandiose claims that lack any objective testing or evidence whatsoever, and that charge stupid-money prices for it. I'm not saying you should not by it. I am saying that unless the connections on your system cabling are extremely oxidized, dirty, or loose what you will hear will be far more placebo effect than miracle audio tweak IMO.

That said, MillerCarbon has been using many different kinds of tweaks for ages and swears by many of them. Maybe it does somehow all add up?

I have tried other cable connection enhancer products over the years with little to no impact on the sound-- but I'm already using good cabling, have clean connections, and very high resolution components in my system that should be revealing-- yet I just don't hear it.

What I do hear are the tweaks I've applied to reduce vibrations, and sound absorption panels that reduce reflections in the room. Basic stuff. 

Does this product come with a full money-back guarantee? It darn-well should!
Just completed treating as many internal connections on my mono bloc amps as I could safely reach. Mostly main power caps and their bypasses and the 4 large Clarity poly caps as large as most mains caps. The Clarity TC caps feed the main board power supply. Was able to treat the speaker connections to the outputs custom 8gauge inductor and Mills resistor installed in a brass tube and back filled with Cascade Audio hard compound with a chassis ground lead attached.

Custom circuit by Steve Keiser.

RIP Steve...

You would probably be better off bypassing this product.

@ozzy LOL you must have sold timeshares at one time.We will see. Tell you what send me your goop and I will try it. LOL!

You seem to be highly skeptical and not willing to take a risk. You would probably be better off bypassing this product.

And you completely miss the point.

My point was that it would be a waste of time.
 And I am done wasting it here on this.

understand why you think it is important to do a a/b test. But to perform an a/b listening test to another person system that you are not familiar with, may or may not give you the conclusion you are

To add, I know there has been tweaks that are hard to tell the effect. Many a time I have gone back and forth, is this better, or is that better? etc...

But, the 1260 is not one of those tweaks. You system will sound a lot better, you will know it, if you know your system. However it did take a few days to reach full effect. I will say this product is better than the yellow QSA fuses that are raved about.

I understand why you think it is important to do a a/b test. But to perform an a/b listening test to another person system that you are not familiar with, may or may not give you the conclusion you are expecting.
You need to try it in your own system. Don’t be so cheap! Sheesh!

The cost for the product is small compared to other things we invest in this hobby.

Believe me, I have never been shy about stating my opinion on audio products performance. That is; good, bad, waste of money etc. I have tried liquid graphene, Furutech nano liquid, liquid gold, pro gold, PPT paste etc. etc. This product is very good.


Sure @ozzy you can on your system.But not having a baseline to compare someone coming to your house for demo is not the same. That is the context here as a member was kind enough to offer coming over to hear his gear. Needs to be an A/B test to be valid. 
Come on people, I can certainly tell when my system sound has improved.

Or if you have the same untreated audio cables as I do..both AC and single ended..I wont be doing that swap because I know my system well enough that I won't waste my time on what I already know.
Will instead apply to the internal connections of my amp next week. 
The only practical way to do this if you have a system driven by 2 mono block amps. Treat the left channel with NPS 1260 and the right with another product. You will be able to compare two mono audio signals with one another by switching off one power Amp at a time. Maybe not a perfect scenario but definitely the easiest and most accurate way to actually ab the product. Both my systems have been treated and there is no way I am going to wipe that magic stuff off but I am willing to visit someone on the area to do or demo or maybe a/b the product. I am not affiliated with the company so this offer is purely to help some of you in the decision process.

I've used this product for a lot of years making cables. We use to buy it by the 1 gallon pale. You dip the stripped cable end in the dust insert it into the lead or (?) terminal end and hammer weld it. Never turns green!

I've also seen people mix this and a few other things for "Earth Boxes"

If you mix this with distilled water it is VERY thin when it dries in about 10 minutes. It sticks well if you clean the surfaces with isopropyl.

Make a lot of STUFF for 30.00
I would invite anyone in the DFW area to come over for a listen
And you have ability to do and A/B test?
Otherwise we are just listening to your system.
Just saying.
@johanvz I was trying to be funny.
The company that makes this stuff is in McKinney.

Company Information
High Fidelity Cables
901 N. McDonald Street, Suite 502
McKinney, Texas 75069

I have used this product on both my systems. It is absolutely fantastic. I have been an audiophile since 1982 so I have been around this industry for a long time and I have seen  a lot of products promising the earth and delivering tiny improvements. NPS 1260 is not that kind of product at all.  It is a miracle if you ask me. I suggest that you seriously look at the product if you love music. I would say that it would most certainly be the best investment that you can make in your system. I would invite anyone in the DFW area to come over for a listen.  This might sound like a strange comment but I strongly believe that NPS 1260 is the thing that we have all been looking for. The thing missing in our systems that caused $k to be spent on upgrades that usually disappoint in the end. 
If you have ever tried it. Its not actually goop. It goes on smoothly and thinly.

My Asian brethren always referred to it as smoking opium.
Chasing the dragon usually doesn't kill you from an overdose of smoking. Smoking Heroin can..

Smoking opium got to be pretty popular south of the border still is from what I hear..

My grandmother was 99 when she passed she use laudanum in her morning tea once a day for the last 25 years of her life. The 2 bottles we threw away were from the 50s. Her doctor gave the proper size dipper I remember.. Had his office info on the little dipper.. 
Have been using it and it works great. well worth the price-component up grade that good.
@kudelka8 The silver will turn to gold. Yes you are right and the song is a reference to smoking heroine as the story goes.
I have raw graphene powder it doesn't mix well with most fluids or other super fine particles it always floats and then sinks to the bottom
because the particle itself is so small. Mix mix mix...The carrier material for all the elements I listed is key but I have know idea what it is. I do know its different from what Tim Mrock used. Tom

The formula was posted on the website..5% of all the following.  A couple I can't remember.
Gold silver platinum palladium
Rhodium iridium and graphene and the forgotten elements mixed in a conductive polymer..
Formula and all the safety pages were up for a few months .
Down now.. Tom

According to Wikipedia, chasing the dragon refers to the elusive pursuit of the ultimate high
I don’t understand why there isn’t a stronger following of the Mad Scientist graphene enhancer.
$50 buys a .5ml bottle with a 30 day money back guarantee.
It is in my system for a while now and offers a very nice improvement along the lines being described by the much more expensive spread users.
Is it as good as the 1260 or better? Completely unsure but it does a great job for a fraction of the cost.
@kuelka8 time to stop chasing the dragon.

you know what that is a reference to?
I’ve known plenty of tweaks that made a small and positive difference, but none that brought forth the usual cliches that stereo reviews are prone to (“veils were lifted …”, etc)and the the posted review skated so close to. Sounds like Perfect Path all over again to me to me. Their contact enhancer was definitely useful,so, enough. … I won’t be trying this product. I’m happy with my system, have been for a year or two, time to stop chasing the dragon. 
"Just mix a little distilled water with the graphene dust."

That won't work, but you can mix a lot of graphene powder in some glycerin and that does work*. And it won't kill your toddler or your cat.


As I said it works just fine, I've used it for a long long time. I also mix Rislone or 3 in one IF I want it to stay pliable until it settles. That type of joining usually outlast the equipment and stops GREEN crap from growing between the two different pieces.

Sometimes I just dip the raw cable end in the dry dust, insert it  into the terminal and hammer weld it with a dye.

As for toddlers and cats, I'll work on that one.. BUT I can honestly say I haven't lost one yet.. The cat was 21 when she moved on to kitty heaven..
“ That sounds pretty shady @tsushima1 . People who knowingly go to other people’s houses while they aren’t there are usually up to no good. A Freudian slip perhaps? would you care to expand on that statement? (-:“

Drat...A cunning plan to entrap me worthy of Baldrick himself.....
Everyone should. They keep your cables from getting dust bunnies.
@roxy54 +1

artemus5, when someone is clearly MDS please never ask them to expand on anything. Simply report the post. Select "Other" and explain off topic and/or abusive of another member.

Other than that, ignore them. Appreciate it. Thanks.

I tried cable lifters and still use them even though I can not hear a difference at all.

Okay, you got me. Why do you still use them?
@pauly cause I paid $10.00 for them. 

I tried cable lifters and still use them even though I can not hear a difference at all.

Okay, you got me. Why do you still use them?

"Just mix a little distilled water with the graphene dust."

That won't work, but you can mix a lot of graphene powder in some glycerin and that does work*. And it won't kill your toddler or your cat.

* I don't know if it works as well as 1260, but it does make an audible improvement. 
While it does appear to be overpriced, this is the pattern for new items which are a hit to the customers. The graphene enhanced stuff is relatively new and its price will go down after a while IMO. 
The question is this. Is it worth the asking price IF it actually works? 
Millercarbon said
”People who think this kind of crazy impossible to understand stuff cannot possibly work should come hear my system. They would totally freak.”
Only if you were not there !

That sounds pretty shady @tsushima1 . People who knowingly go to other people’s houses while they aren’t there are usually up to no good. A Freudian slip perhaps? would you care to expand on that statement? (-:
Man, this is a tough crowd!
I, being the ultimate tweaker, and now retired with extra time available have tried this product. It really is a winner and I agree with the review. It is now on all my cable connections etc. Really enhances the sound stage, imaging, etc. Everything positive. Even more so than the yellow QSA fuse!
I should note that I did at one time try the PPT paste, but I thought it diminished the highs. This product does not.
And, I do use Stabilant 22 but it is now used primarily on lawn / car batteries.

Got to try it to believe it.

I wonder if its just graphene in a nonoxidizing oil like squalene

If it was < $100 Im sure a lot more audiophiles would take the plunge
@three_easy_payments +1 agree 100%.  I tried cable lifters and still use them even though I can not hear a difference at all.