Budget Hunter: Spendor S8e vs Totem Hawk

I'm replacing a pair of B&W Matrix 804s with something less fatiguing and (hopefully) more musically involving.

A pair of Spendor S8e ($1200) and a pair of Totem Hawks ($1800) are for sale locally. I like what I've read about both. Before I drive an hour and a half in opposite directions to audition, I hoped I might get some insights from this group about any personal experiences you may have had. Likes and dislikes. My tastes in music runs the gamut but the human voice is the common thread through all of it.

The rest of my system is capable but modest. A Musical Fidelity A300 dual mono Integrated (150/250), MF A3 CD transport, Denafrips Aries II, Rega P2 and a Bluesound Node2i.

Thanks in advance!
Totem if you like a more dynamic speaker. Totems are not edgy or bright sounding. I have owned and listened to British speakers and all are too dark for me except B&W, they are way to bright for me.


just noticed these... a little more $ than s8e but they are mighty fine and in your backyard!


would be an interesting alternative to a harbeth c7 or super 5, less $ than those, better bass response

good luck, happy hunting :)
@jjss49 thanks, tempting! I’m in the DC area. I need to do something. Listening to Neil Young right now and those guitar solos are just ear shredders on these B&Ws. I might just have to send my son to community college and buy the Harbeths.
I have a pair of totem hawks i can sell.  Built in december 2012, with claws, but no boxes so I cannot ship.  I am in the charlotte nc area.
Totems are well made speakers, have a good following. The metal tweeter does have a propensity for brightness/harshness, esp. with solid state gear. One can use tube gear to take the edge off some, but one needs to be careful with matching tube amps as Totems are typically lower impedance and lower efficiency, so tube amps may smooth out the treble but in the process, also lose a good bit of the good bass response (given their size) which is one of Totem’s typical strengths.
Go with the Hawks.

They are built to last a long time and are exceptionally musical without being colored.

If you ever upgrade any of your Electronics, you will genuinely hear any of the sonic improvements that come with the upgrade.  In other words, the Totems won't let you down in the long term.

Good luck!
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I had a used pair of Hawks. I got them for $1100. They were pretty awesome at that price. Deep bass for such a small speaker. Great imaging. Good detail but the tweeter was a bit edgy sounding to me. They like power but I also got good results with a Primaluna Dialogue integrated. For around $1500 or less they would be hard to beat and especially if you’re looking for a small footprint floorstander. 
Those Spendors have "issues". Avoid/detour/forget/erase.

If you had vision issues and the price was $600/pr
then I might green light it. But you aren't and he won't
so move on!!!!

If you plan to double the budget you'll have others to consider.

Go listen to the Totems. 

I would keep shopping. 

Love the Walnut Spendor finish. 

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A couple things I learned buying used speakers: If foam doesn't look original, make sure surround is perfectly centered, ask if crossover has been messed with at all, have they ever been opened and I bought a pair and noticed a small perforation to one of the cones after I got them home. It could be repaired, but was not disclosed at time of purchase. 
Totem over spendor any day. Totem is anything but  bright sounding. All totems need a good quality amp with good power to sound their best. Spendor is too laid back. Totem Forest are also nice sounding. 
I would go with the spendor because if you like human voice it will be the best for that way better than totem or b&w.
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perhaps ask the seller of the s8e set if he has photos of the damaged speakers before he sent them to the refinisher...
The damage may simply have been cosmetic scratches or from something much more serious as attested to by the missing plinths. Why even take the chance as this deal isn't all that great and re-sale could be problematic. Take your time, choose wisely and good luck!
Those Harbeths are no bargain. They came out in 2002 and they listed for $3200.00. Last year I bought a used pair of the 30.1 in Rosewood finish and paid 3 grand!
@dekay thanks for that. I didn't realize all of that history was there. What a shame. These things were pristine last August.

Unfortunately, I'm probably going to have to pass on these. Who knows what happened.
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Thanks for following the ongoing saga. I've been in contact with the Spendor owner. He seems like a genuinely honest broker. Here's his response:

"The speakers have new cabinet laminate because they were damaged. I took them to cabinet maker, and they repaired them beautifully. The rectangular bottom, and speaker covers were damaged as well. I didn't replace them. They are very unique looking and sweet sounding. They have screw in flat feet that can be raised and lowered."

I'm now concerned about what kind of damage and if it compromised the cabinet integrity.
The A-Mart seller purchased a pair of S8e's 6-7 months ago on the same site (check his feedback for details/links).

The purchased pair showed grills and no modifications.

Nice choices.  The Harbeth's are priced high for that generation, but ike contemporary Spendors, might be exceptional conveyors of the classic BBC / British sounds even more than the 30.1 and 30.2 sets. If intrested, condiser offering something considerably lower than the asking price?  As for the Spendors, I have not looked at the plinths and so forth, but they generally are very highly regarded, and the logo presumably was relocated as a consequence of the re-lamination.  Worth an ask.  


FWIW, from my admittedly limited experience, the Harbeth M30.1 (and 30.2) are a clear step forward from the M30.
I would ask the seller all these questions before I would commit to them. 
@jetter yes, the seller actually states in the audio mart post above that "Spendor S8e speakers in beautiful condition . they have new laminate on the cabinets ,and look as nice as they sound ."
Take a look at the speakers in the review. The plinths are attached to the bottom and the badge is at the bottom and not where they are located on the ones that you are looking to buy. Take my advice and pass on those!
Those speakers should have the inserts to attach the grills. I owned those speakers about ten years ago!
@craig_co and yogiboy. Are you are saying that there is not only no speaker grills, there are also no holes on the speaker to insert the speaker grills, leading to the conclusion that the speaker has been re re-veneered?

This besides the missing base.
Thanks for your responses. Greatly appreciated.

I have a few questions about the appearance. Where are the plinths and, curiously, where is the 'ledge/lip' on the bottom of the front baffle that the logo/badge typically sits? Very odd.
Good catch. Those should have bottom plinths with spikes! No photos of the rear?
i am not a wood worker and have no knowledge of what it takes to relaminate or re-veneer the cabinets... good you are seeing them in person; the photos look good but one must check in person to be sure

i am also curious about the bottoms, don’t these speakers have bottom plinths? are there threads for spikes? speakers like that need to be grounded with spikes to sound their best

also, i agree about the grilles... as mentioned above by yogi

not many sets of these around, so shouldn’t dismiss, but needs a good check out and maybe some negotiation on a fair price

good luck
Those speakers should have grills. I think you should pass on them. Take a look at the sold listings on HiFi Shark. Those speakers are not worth $1200.
Thanks for the link. High praise for sure.

Here's a link to the pair. Interesting, it looks like they've been re-veneered. I've never seen that. Don't know if that should give me pause.

Thanks again.
I have owned those Spendors. They are an excellent speaker. I doubt that you would go wrong with them. If they are in good condition $1200 is a great price. Here is a review!
i would go for the spendors... unless you like a bright treble presentation... which the totems will provide

musical fidelity amps are not super smooth, the sound is more or less neutral solid state (so i would choose speakers with a dose of warmth)