Why are we trying to stick a $300 streamer on a $1500 DAC?
stay in the same ballpark for optimum results.
Bluesound Node versions SQ
For those of you with both the 130 and the 132 versions, have you tested the sound quality of just the streamer/transport section and how they sound compared to each other? I'm still streamer researching and wondering if there is a difference when these two units are connected to an outboard DAC. I was thinking if not, then I might consider the older 130 version as it's discounted and then the savings could be applied to an LPS upgrade kit.
I've also been reading that some owners have had issues using the Node's USB output with the Qutest..Thoughts on either subject is appreciated.
I would put my money into a Node + LPS combo, no question. This is one of the best bangs for the buck across all audio. Adding the LPS will reveal much more and at the same time tighter bass. It will take the SQ of the streamer up to that of the multi thousand dollar streamers.
I can't speak to the stability of the USB output, I'm running coax to my DAC. The Node+LPS combo is not below the level of your DAC. I'm running a much more expensive DAC and it sounds very, very good. I would take a look at the Teddy Pardo LPS, I've had zero issues after the conversion. Good luck and cheers. |
Good day to you, I really can understand your situation and being on a fixed income. I too am on a fixed income, damn life can be hard sometimes. I just take a different approach about settling. If I was in your shoes, I know we’re not, but we get our sandals from the same manufacturer. I would get a WIIM mini on Amazon. Then I would take the next 8 to 10 to 12 months save like it was going out of style. At this point take your blue sound money and the money saved and look at a INNUOS or Aurender product. Taking this path allows you to immediately enjoy listening to music. Then afterwards you get to have a crazy good experience that will be well worth the effort compared to just grabbing a blue sound and living. |
@ironrick6 , I started with the Node 2 (not the i version) then moved to a Node 2 (N130) with a linear power supply. The improvement is noticeable and I would encourage you to make this move as others have. It is entirely possible that you'll be happy with this combination for a long time. However, just this week I added a Chord Qutest to the same Node 2 (N130) with the linear power supply. I'm still evaluating the addition of the Qutest and not quite ready to share my thoughts on it. |
If I was on a tight budget I’d get a used Node (N130 or later to get the functional USB output) and an LPS from Teddy Pardo, SBooster, or LHY. By all accounts this setup punches well above its weight/price, and you get the Bluesound app that is better than most especially among budget streamers. Best of luck. |
Hey guys, yes, the reason I'm on the BS/LPS idea is because there are many out there that agree that it really does take it to the next level. The Node 132 is catching my eye simply for the Dirac license, which is now available. The reason I thought about going with the 130 instead was just because I have not found out if the actual streaming engine is better in the newer 132. No actual streamer only comparisons. I suppose I could do the Amazon thing then return one. I have a horrible guilty conscience lol.So many variables to consider. I've been scouring the net (Canada) for months and I'm just not seeing any of big players coming up in the 1-1.2k price range. There has been the odd one but then something like the UI/app does not appeal to me or no USB to add an external SSD drive etc. The same reason anything that runs exclusively on Volumio is out. It's moody. I already one of those, ;) . A pre-owned Eversolo DMP-A6 was a consideration but I'm coming across owners that now have bricks or are on a six month repair turnaround. I'm also not convinced it would be a good match for the Qutest (closing in on fatigue- age thing again!) but I might be able to get around that with tube rolling the pre-amp. (power amp is Bryston) The Mercury V3 is still on the short list. Not sure I want to tinker much anymore though. Life is short and I have other things that demand tinkering. Not much owner info on this one. Springing for the new Node 132 and then upgrading to LPS is a very do-able. gKelly, I'm an impatient ol' bugger and getting worse, but I really do agree with where you are coming from on this. Good input gents, thanks. It helps more than you might think. |
@plain_fan you never got the red light of death on your node 2? I’ll never buy another bluesound product after the way they tried to play off a bad design that causes too much heat on the electrolytic capacitors in the bluesound node2, they try to play it off as a firmware update, but I tried everything they Recommended and I ended up finding a forum that said to change two capacitors in the power supply and it worked. |
I would look seriously at the Wiim Ultra. Favorably reviewed by Darco/ Huff ... it sounds great, easy to set up and has a great app!!
https://www.stevehuffphoto.com/2024/07/19/the-wiim-ultra-review-unreal-hifi-value-for-real/ |
I’d price out buying a used Node and a LPS, but compare that (and risks involved in tearing into it unless you have a little electronics experience) with just buying the Node 132 for $549 and being done with it. It has a better power supply per Bluesound to the point that you don’t need to futz about trying to add a LPS. |
@moonwatcher They might not show data, but they use their ears as have so many others here have done and have found very significant improvements with more expensive streamers. Of course not all expensive streamers may sound better as with everything in audio, but those who have stepped up to pricier models from Aurender, Innuos, Grimm, etc. have experienced significant improvements over Nodes and other budget streamers or even when moving up the line within those brands. What streamer are you using and what more expensive streamers have you compared it to? If you haven’t heard any of the pricier streamers then you are speaking out of ignorance in assuming that more expensive streamers aren’t better or worth paying more for. |
@soix I’m an engineer. Show me the money (measurements). If I send a data stream of 01001101 and another streamer does the same to the exact same external DAC, and that external DAC is doing buffering and reclocking of the data stream such that jitter is not an issue, there should be no difference whatsoever. If someone says it sounds better, can they pass a double-blind test where all factors are controlled to within 0.001dB? I never see them do this or attempt it. Might make a great reality game show don’t you think? |
Just my opinion but I think that when you consider purchasing expensive streamers you reach the point of diminishing returns quickly nowadays when compared to budget streamers. Without a doubt a more expensive streamer is going to sound excellent and better than a budget streamer such as a Bluesound. But unlike a lot of other audio gear where budget gear is just ok compared to its high price alternative, here you are talking the difference between great sound (Bluesound for instance) and excellent sound (high priced streamers). I am definitely in the camp that the DAC is the most important part of a streaming set up. |
@moonwatcher There’s more to it than that when it comes to audio that has been discussed ad nauseam here so I’m not gonna rehash it here. If you wanna keep believing better streamers don’t sound better that’s your prerogative, but it flies in the face of 95% of people’s experience here so just maybe there’s something to it — or they’re all just wrong and fooling themselves and you’re right. Whatever you do, don’t even try a better streamer or heaven forbid use your ears. 🙄 |
An older Node with a LPS combined with the Qutest is an excellent way to get quality sound on a budget imo. That is of course assuming you like the sound of a Qutest. It was one combo of many that I have tried. I also tried both the LHY and Pardo upgrade kits (not much difference between the two as I recall) as well as using a Schiit Gumby and Denafrips Ares and Pontus with the upgraded Node. Not until I got an Aurender N150 and combined it with the Pontus did I notice and really appreciate the additional investment made. I have since moved up the food chain of DAC’s and streamers several notches. Neither I nor members of my audio club have ever needed blind tests to hear differences in streamers or DAC’s. Further, I don’t necessarily think that DAC’s are the most important part of streaming. Sure it’s easier to hear differences in DAC’s sometimes, but those differences (nuances) many times cannot really be appreciated to their fullest without quality streaming components, which btw also include quality cables and other ancillary components. |
@soix don't shoot the messenger. I'm merely asking a technical "why?". I also believe the old axiom that a fool and his money are soon parted if they aren't at least a bit skeptical. I'm not arguing with you or anyone else on DACs. They obviously have sonic characteristics because at the end of the chain, they are analog devices, with design choices made to give the best sound at any price point. |
I whole heartedly agree with your premise but most of the folks on this site believe that they can hear an audible difference if three stones are placed on top of their amplifier instead of two. Measurements do not mean anything--0011100 are not the same if rendered by different components. Just soak it all in and enjoy the music.
@grunge1000 we all bemoan the lack of very many younger people getting into this hobby beyond their cellphones and earbuds or maybe Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones, so when a young 20-something coworker, who has backed into this hobby via home theater asks me questions contemplating a purchase, if I can't give him a valid "why" something should sound better, they might just decide to stick with Bluetooth, and that is rather sad. We need to grow this hobby, or we are going to end up with no middle ground choices. It will all be cheap Chi-Fi or $$$ boutique devices. Pity. But yes, "just enjoy the music". |
@moonwatcher The best advice is to have him/her demo something in their system — that’d be more effective/impactful than any words or logic, and it’s easy to try things like DACs and streamers risk free these days so why not? Words only go so far, and listening is the final arbiter anyway. They’ll either hear the improvements or they won’t, and that’ll override any words/logic you can provide. |
I’m sure you’ve heard the (TRUE) story of Bill Johnson, the founder of Audio Research, being accosted by an engineer back in 1972 for introducing tubes back into audio when transistors had just shown - by Golly! - that tubes were antiquated and hopeless and didn’t produce good sound. And engineers insisted that transistors were "perfect-sound-forever" gifts from God. (This was 1966, by the way.) However, music sounded bad played thru transistors. REALLY bad. I wonder why the measurements didn’t help them. Could it be that they had completely untrained ears? Anyway, that was then. And the engineers were wrong then, too. While measurements can do some things, they can’t do everything. They can’t discern the difference between a Yamaha flute and say, a Selmer. The measurements will be identical, nonetheless. I find it fascinating that, in a field called AUDIO, people insist on trusting measurements instead of using their ears. I do realize they don’t trust their ears, of course. And maybe they shouldn’t! We’ve all heard that ears can be fooled, and I’m sure they can be. That said, I would STILL never mistake a Yamaha piano for a Steinway, so I guess my old, old, OLD (and) fallible ears are still good for something! People like measurements because they don’t know how to listen using their ears. I don’t blame them. With the lack of music classes or band courses in high school, many people get through 30 years of their life without ever having heard a flute, or a trumpet. Or even live drum sets. They can’t identify acoustic instruments, so measurements make them feel better. That, and it gives them license to sneer at others. |
@invalid , I have never had a red light of death on any of my Bluesound products. I have always kept my units on the top shelf with plenty of space around them so heat soak could be a problem with the design but my setup doesn't create that opportunity. @ironrick6 , after getting the Chord Qutest into my system, I immediately started some traveling so my listening was a bit delayed. Now, almost a month into ownership I'm getting closer to sharing my thoughts. Not sure if adding to this thread would be the best place or if starting a new thread would be better. I'd like to document my system and experience so that people could understand where my thoughts are coming from. |
@ironrick6 , I'm replying to your message here since Audiogon wants me to verify my phone number (ok...) and a payment method (why?) to respond to your message. To answer your question, I'm currently using an old 75 ohm Audioquest video cable with an RCA->BNC plug going into the Qutest. I'm looking for a used Audioquest digital cable to see if that makes a difference. I would like to try the USB cable; however, I use an SSD plugged into the N130 USB port so I'll need to do something different to test that option out. |
@plain_fan my bluesound node 2 was on a shelf with plenty of ventilation, there was a design flaw in the power supply, that causes the two capacitors to get too hot. All you have to do is look at at the design and you can see it isn't very good. There are two power supply capacitors next to a voltage regulator heat sink, a board in front of them and a transformer directly behind them. |
I had 2 Nodes that got hung up and died on updates, both past the warranty period. Dirac is nice but you might investigate shm. They are Hong Kong based and make streamers coupled with Dirac. Or if you have DAC, I really recommend the Wiim Pro, and then add a separate Dirac Unit from shm . That will keep costs low. The Wiim is a great piece of budget kit with a fun app. |
@invalid , I’m sorry to hear about your issues with your bluesound node 2, I’ve not had any issues. I took a look at the stock power board that came out of my N132 for the LPS upgrade and see exactly what you mentioned. |