Best Home HIFi you’ve listened to


A general question on a “Total System” that YOU have heard at a buddies or acquaintance home. ( not a one night stand at audio show or retailer)

Is there a best system you have heard, that you consider darn near the best you can achieve ?  Or just the best sounding home system that a friend has, and you have spent some wonderful time with ?

or Maybe yours ? 

What kind of system was it ?  Components, etc 

Is there truly nirvana at a home 





I quite agree on all your AR reference amps, although I only have Ref 6 right now.  I can't use Ref 3 because for some unknown reason it can't be run balanced in and out (earlier AR Ref phonos could be).  So I bought a van den Hul Grail SE and couldn't be happier - hugely underrated unit largely missing from these pages.


But you really need to upgrade that Linn.  Not by spannering in 50 years of Linn upgraded parts built on the same 50 year old design.  I had a Linn in the early 80s when they were £250.  Today the Klimax at £23,000 is the most over-priced turntable you can buy.  That money will buy any number of far better units.  Linn are taking the *iss.

50 years ago the Linn was a very good turntable, even if difficult to keep in tune.  But that was 50 years ago.  Time moves on apace.  I have upgraded three times since then and left Linn far behind on the first move.

Bin the Linn and get way better SQ.


@oddiofyl - Thank you for your kind words. I am very much enjoying the Whammerdyne. It sounds pure, immediate, and spacious. Paired with willing speakers (mine are rated 96dB and friendly impedance), I get plenty of volume, along with very good bass response. I can confidently say the Whammerdyne is my end goal for an amplifier. For the first time ever I’ve stopped pursuing other gear. Purely enjoyment from here on out for me.

I honestly don't have anyone in my circle that is really into hifi.... so I really haven't heard anything in someone's home that blew me away.    Lot's of them have Bose table radios and Blutooth speakers..... I've heard some nice $100k +  systems though over the years .....  

Rockadanny,  nice set up.   How do you like the Whammerdyne?   I almost bought one but I didn't think it was quite enough power .   I have heard that you can not "unhear" one, they are that good

It is good to hear some folks think their system the best they have heard. It takes a lifelong commitment to do this. While, you could do it with infinite funds… but without going through the process (one which alters your perception of what a great system sounds like) it is unlikely to be that meaningful. I think this is something akin to the greatest rewards are those that are hardest to achieve / requiring the most effort.

Personally I am finding my system in retirement one of the most rewarding lifetime pursuits I have since I now have time to really enjoy and appreciate it. It’s value is many times the couple hundred grand I could have in the bank. I could not just go out and buy my system… without the thousands of hours of effort it took me to learn and invest… I would not be this satisfied.

I remember my first 115 mile bike ride to Oregon Pipe Cactus Monument for an overnight trip with the local Tucson bike club. That night, I looked around at all the other camp sites and felt so sorry for them… they drove there… but I sweated, and rode, and rode… and rode… and did it with my own two legs. I was high as a kite. Next morning… we got back on our bikes and headed back…. I held back riding really fast. I was worried about burning out. But at 35 miles from home, I said, “screw it,” and let loose… pedaling back home at a really fast pace… passing many more seasoned riders. This was my first ride with the club… before many more challenging rides… including with the founder of the Race Across American… and riding across America. Stuff you really work at is the most rewarding.

Mine. Although I have never heard anyone else’s system. Sure would like to tho. 

I am pretty humble, but I do think my system sounds pretty good.   Best I've ever heard?  No , but in my space it sounds great.   My brother and his brother in law were over and my brother said, "show Will your system"    I had him sit down and played a few tracks that he liked and a few that are great demos and he was blown away....he said it was the best he has heard in anyone's home.    I'll take that compliment any day thank you

I do not currently have audiophile friends. Albert Porter was nice enough to have me at his home while I was still in college. He had Soundlabs at the time, but I was most struck by the sound of his Walker turntable over SACD, which was the thing then. The sound was enormous, extending beyond the walls one some recordings, and crystal clear with a touch of body and warmth. Very well balanced. 

I have heard Soundlabs since. While they are amongst the best, they have obvious limitations. All systems do. To that end I think nirvana can be obtained by most who put in the effort as beauty is in the eye of the beholder type thing. 



good to see you back in the forums. Yes, there is Audio Nirvana at home.

Your system looks great!


Happy Listening!

My current system:

Opera Audio Consonance Ref 2.2 CDP (upgraded)

Mapletree Audio 2A/SE preamp (NOS 6SN7 tubes)

Whammerdyne DGA-1 stereo amp (NOS 2A3 tubes)

Pure Audio Project Trio15 Horn-1 speakers

@islandmandan - I loved hearing your amazing system (and hope to come to the island and see you again this summer), but I think the best I've ever heard was in the little shop at the home of Stuart Jones of Chapman Audio. It was his prototype/experimental speakers powered and controlled by highly modded Cary equipment. The sound was mind-blowing.


oh, sorry to hear. Can't imagine how, but of course the World is changing fast, we just have to try to keep making it better. One thing no one can take away from the Pacific North is geography, it's beautiful


Used to be my favorite city as well… it has changed in the last four or five years… in a huge way… in the wrong direction. ☹️ I can’t tell you how disappointing it has been since for 15 years it was such a delight.

Fortunately the symphony is still outstanding and in a relatively safe area.

+1 on the HH Scott Jeff... love mine, I have it paired with a Rek O Kut N33H and my hand built speakers 40 years ago... one day I will upgrade the speakers, have tried a  bunch, however for my vinyl room the sound is beautiful 


I am currently restoring paris of OTL amps for a customer who has the QUAD 57 speakers.  Counterpoint SA-4s and Fortier (spelling?).  I hope to get to hear them on the QUADs when finished.


Happy Listening.


At this time, I'd have to say my own system is the best I've ever heard. Only due to some recent upgrades in amplifier, preamp, and Townshend Isolation Pods under my speakers. I've never enjoyed music listening more at any time than I am right now at home.

Another point is though, I don't get out much at my age.



I love my system in my space, and prefer it to my friends systems,

however, I have heard several better LISTENING SPACES than mine.

Not crappy hotel rooms with sky high priced equipment, but one setup in a church converted into a home; one huge Victorian home with a large room, tall ceilings, combined with an alcove behind the speakers. A few dealer demos in special spaces, not typical showrooms.


About 2 years ago I got to hear Magico M5 speakers with Convergent JL-5 amps and SL-1 preamp at Ken Stevens' place.... spectacular comes to mind.




I lived in Tucson for 25 years… did a lot of my early audiophile stuff there. But I now live in the Pacific Northwest… near Portland. You get up here give me a holler.

I’ve purchased call used Macintosh from this website. Not only did I pay around 60% of retail many of the things have gone up in value. It’s awesome music and money in the bank that you get a listen to. I know there are more eclectic brands out there but they scare me because I have no idea how to get them fixed or if they will hold their value. May as well put your money in a safe place and have it sing to you

@mikelavigne has an amazing system. He's a member and has all his gear listed. He's very passionate about the hobby and what he has accomplished with his room and system is mind-blowing.

1978 at Doug Cassara’s house in Harrison, NY. His system: Quad 57’s driven by a pair of Futterman H3aa OTL amps. Signal source was a Marantz Seven tube preamp, Thorens 125 TT/Rabco SL7 arm/Panasonic Strain Gauge cartridge. We listened to Brand X’s Moroccan Roll LP. Amazing SQ! I had to go searching for Quad’s and Futterman’s! Now, decades later I have two pairs of 57’s and a pair of H3aa’s plus a rare Harvard Music H3 stereo version - plus a Thorens 125/Rabco arm.

Ghd, Love to hear your system. In southern AZ?


Back to topic. Best home system.

The one I could follow hands playing across a keyboard in the soundstage.

Nope not it.

The Wilson Whams,Thor, Spectral home theatre room


The custom speakers owned by audiophile's retailer with

the 12 foot soundstage


The HH Scott INT 299, Garrard 301, Wilson Benesch Curves.

After an hour's listening session I caught few seconds of 

sound which was clearer and more present than anything I

have ever heard. 







I like to be modest, but after 50 years of working at it, mine. I have all Audio Research Reference components: Phonostage, DAC, Preamp, and amp (see my user ID). My streamer is Aurender W20SE and Turntable is a Linn LP12 (almost Klimax) with Sonus Faber Amati Traditional speakers in an insanely good audio space (by accident).


What is amazing is that it is incredibly musical and involving… it has the details of an ear bleed system… but the details are not forced on you… it is emotionally involving.


I have heard million dollar systems that are holographic and mesmerizing, but not nearly as musical and involving like mine. Over the last fifty years my understanding of what a great system sounded like has changed substantially. It began with loud, with heavy bass… and landed me here with incredibly involving, articulate, emotional, with great detail. It has been a great journey, and I love where I have landed… retired with the be st system I have heard.