i'ld like to know your experience: please indicate two CDT: your prefer and wich one you have comparated with (also integrated cd player but only use as transport)

let's go:


The Audiolab 9000CDT is a very surprising transport with an amazing ability to seperate instruments providing a great soundstage. 

I sell CEC transports because it is the only transport I ever heard that does not "guess" at what the music is supposed to be. There is no jitter in a CEC transport. The noise level in the signal sets the standard all others try to match. Many of the transports you can buy are actually made by CEC, if it comes out of Japan. CEC products are just the house brand.

The CEC products mentioned here are previous models and not current production. I have customers who will not give up their 20 year old transport and just  want to get it fixed when it has an issue. 

Best hands down Pro-Ject Audio

Then Audiomeca Mephisto II

Next Metronome T1A & AL2 CD Transport & Power Supply

Then CEC TL-2

Then Nano

Then Rega Saturn modified

Then the rest go down from there




Cyrus CDT-XR is the best in my system.


Cyrus CDT

Jay's Audio CDT Mk.II

Linn Ikemi


Linn Karik

There's a number of CD transport threads already, you might want to take a look at them.