Best Bang for the Buck Upgrade

So I have an unexpected bonus coming my way and may want to dedicate a portion of it to a system upgrade. Let's say 5-7k. Current system is Pioneer S-1ex speakers, Cambridge CXC transport, Musical Fidelity A1008 integrated, Burson Composer 3xp dac. Cables are mid grade nothing fancy but better than stock. Not really interested in streaming at the moment.

So for a descent chunk of change what should I be looking at? If I sold the speakers I could probably go up to 10k for another pair (used always) but I really don't think I have come close yet to maxing out the potential of these Pioneers (tad). 


OP here. 

@soix ,

improvements sought are I guess more articulation of mid bass although I think a lot of that is my room. Cymbals sounding “better” although I think a lot of that is the recordings.

@sgordon1 ,

yeah that looks like a cool little device. Would definitely consider something like that. I have always liked Jolida products especially for the money. They just don’t put out bad sounding products IME. 

I have a JL F113 that I have been procrastinating to send in to get fixed. Will do that soon. So will eventually have the bass taken care of although a 2nd 3rd sub would be fun but this is in the main living room now and I don’t think I could get away with that. 

Yeah just brainstorming really. Not unhappy with what I have , I just think like a lot of you looking for better. 

Used pair of Focal Sopra 2s sound pretty nice but sometimes you just don’t know what you got and are disappointed. 

new dac? Yeah the Denefrips are interesting. I have not heard a ladder dac yet but am really keen to. 

as far streaming right now I am happy with cd as I probably listen to 50 cds most of the time. To get streaming right and the internet right I’m convinced it takes a lot of cash for a small improvement. My Cambridge transport brought a descent noticeable improvement over my Bluesound to the same Dac. 

as usual i support the wisdom of @soix asking the key question... what are the specific improvements sought?

hard to travel with purpose without specifying the destination...

Really nice speakers and amp. Maybe invest in a Umik 1 and download REW, do some measurements and see if you could improve your room with treatments or  DSP. If you want to try streaming a network player.

Nice system!  Assuming your room is not an acoustic disaster in need of major treatments, I would look at replacing your transport/DAC with something like the Luxman D-03x CD player.  You also might consider a power conditioner.

Would you consider spending $500 on a Black Ice Audio

Foz SS-X Sound Stage Expander?


@hilde45 beat me to it. It really depends on what sonic improvements you’re looking for. I think you’ve got some really good speakers, and the fact that you seem to connect well with them, well, that speaks volumes to me because that ain’t always the case. Not familiar with your amp, but if I’m you and with your budget, I’d get a Denafrips Pontus ll DAC and and Innuos Zen Mk3 streamer/server and a Qobuz subscription. Load all your CDs into the Zen and enjoy not only all your music from your chair but get exposure to worlds of music you’d never have otherwise heard. Seriously, being able to access an unlimited library of music, much of it in hi res, has brought me more enjoyment than any equipment upgrade I’ve ever made. My math says doing this will still leave you with around $5k left over, and with that I’d add a couple good subs, which will take you to a MUCH higher level not only in bass but in imaging and significant expansion of soundstage.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.

Is is a tough one. You have a very nice system already. I hate to say it but since everything is well sorted you have no choice but to change loudspeakers to get to the next level. It's going to stretch your budget to get to the next step.

Given the speaker quality and you like them. Probably the DAC… it will improve the transport sound quality and set you up when you do go to streaming… today streaming can equal or exceed the SQ of a transport.

Long term improving systems are typically done by choosing the first component that will give you a big boost… and upgrade it to the next level… then bring up the other components. So first DAC, then integrated amp ~$10K new… Streamer ~$5K… then your system would be at a whole new level, taking advantage of your speakers.  Assuming each choice carefully made.

I'd look at a pair of nice subwoofers and some basic room treatments, if you don't have any, yet.


As our member soix would ask at this point, What sort of sonic signature is pleasing to you? What are you looking to hear that you’re not yet hearing?

If you can answer that question, and if the inference about you liking the speakers is correct, then some other amplification might be the path for upgrade.


I've seen comments on the forum asserting that upgrading amplification is not a way to gain major improvements but having just experienced the biggest improvement ever in my system after upgrading my integrated, I can't agree. It's become clear that my speakers are much better than I ever realized. If you like your speakers, I'd also suggest you seriously consider upgrading your amp as one possible path forward. 


I was going to say speakers, but your last sentence tells me that you have a nice connection with them. The comment that you don’t think you’ve maxed out their potential indicates to me that you suspect that better amplification might be the ticket.

As our member soix would ask at this point, What sort of sonic signature is pleasing to you? What are you looking to hear that you’re not yet hearing?

If you can answer that question, and if the inference about you liking the speakers is correct, then some other amplification might be the path for upgrade.

That said, the DAC might be bettered, too. Again, it would depend on what you seek to hear.