Anyone (everyone) care to throw a dart?

I understand my hearing at 69 isn't even close to what it was at 19. I'm sure your results may vary. However, anyone care to throw a dart at the price point where diminishing return kicks in? There must be one out there. Regards, AB
i still have absolutely no idea what this thread is about... anyhow, you all enjoy... 
"...justify an improvement in sound over a $1K cable..."

At that point, diminishing returns have been in action for more hundreds of dollars than you could count on one hand.
I remember back in the 90's the Wall St Journal had a column Experts vs Darts where fund managers competed against stocks picked literally by throwing darts at the newspaper. If Arizonabob were to plaster his walls with Stereophile and start throwing darts he may well find his diminishing returns after all.
For a novice, I was fairly good at the game of darts. I was asked to join a league once. 

Your target is undefined; no point in throwing the dart.  :(

How dare you impugn my mockery and castigate by innuendo my biting commentary? Have you no sense of literature? Or television, even?!

Returning to sarcasm: no sense of humor, obviously.  
OK, there's the sarcasm (what a surprise it's your MC) now c'mon how about some righteous indignation...
What a coincidence, I was trying to inject a little levity and that is why I didn't specify an amp or speakers or cable. The secret of comedy is out. Seinfeld ran decades and did you notice? Never once did Jerry specify an amp or speakers or cable. Not once! Have not seen comic genius like that until now. arizonabob you got me in stitches.
Thank you @kingbr, I was trying to inject a bit of levity into a discussion here, that's the reason I didn't specify an amp or speakers or cable. Thought maybe somebody would share an experience they themselves had or thoughts along the same line as @kingbr did.  Sarcasm and indignation however reigned. Lighten up, have fun and don't be so thin skinned.  Out
If pragmatism is your main concern and you can afford the expense, I think your concern is irrelevant and, ultimately, non sensical. It seems to me that as we age and our hearing gets worse, that this is precisely the time to compensate for our hearing’s diminished resolving ability by investing in equipment that is capable of MORE resolution and refinement. 50% of 100 is more than 50% of 80. No?
@arizonabob I too have pondered this very thing from time to time. I feel like you get to a certain price point (not entirely sure what the number is though I guess it's different for everyone depending on what you can afford) where to get the slightest bit more detail (for lack of a better word) from your system, you literally have to pay double what you have already spent. The question then becomes are you willing to go there. Using speakers for example, I currently have Dynaudio Evoke 50's. To get to the next level I'd have to move up to Contour 60i which are literally double the price of Evoke 50's. How much better can it get, double thereby equaling the cost? For me no way. Not possible. Are the 60's better, have more detail, soundstage, etc? I am quite sure even though I have never heard them, but I can't afford them so I don't even think about going there. Regardless I'm happy as a clam with my Evoke 50's. But I totally get your post as I too have had that same thoughts...
$100...for my wife. 
I way way past diminished, and not quite the OP's age... 
Whatever is fun!
Price is not the arbiter of good sound. Smart buys and common sense help. Listening to and tuning your rig are critical factors in getting the best from your source. The most important thing is a great recording. I guarantee you a 1967 Audiophile Records Doc Evans record on my system will out-perform an average  digital track on a million dollar setup all day every day. 
...anyone care to throw a dart at the price point where diminishing return kicks in?

for what?
I only use my hearing aids at social gatherings/dinner in a good restaurant/etc.   I don't listen to music with them..they close in the sound, and much too digital sounding.
For a simple one source system, either analog or digital, speaking new equipment and average medium size US room, I would say $100k is enough to get a great sound. Spending more may not be worth it.
"...The gist of the question was does a $4K HDMI cable for example justify an improvement in sound over a $1K cable to the tune (get it?) of $3000?.."

The real answer is: Depends on the cable more than what it costs. 
What does your hearing have to do with anything? You're a human being not a tape recorder. If you enjoy music, if something will bring you even more enjoyment, do it. If you came looking for validation, sorry, not my department.
Dear Doctors in the house, my hearing is quite good actually. Was once asked during a hearing test if I could hear dog whistles. The gist of the question was does a $4K HDMI cable for example justify an improvement in sound over a $1K cable to the tune (get it?) of $3000?
The existence of diminishing returns and diminished hearing are not in any way, matter, or scope related, correlated or relevant to each other in any meaningful, significant, or substantial way.


OK is that a yes, a no, a maybe or you on the fence.. What did you say?
Must be the Mayor of something with an answer like that.. ;-)

I’m confused.. You got my vote.. It worked.. LOL

My MIL paid 5K, I almost passed out.. I had quite the talk to the guy that sold them to her at 96 years old..
They became 2K hearing aids with one talk..
I had a personal friend that did nothing but Hearing aids his whole life.. He was smart..
Sure helped my with inserts for years..

The existence of diminishing returns and diminished hearing are not in any way, matter, or scope related, correlated or relevant to each other in any meaningful, significant, or substantial way.  
I'd advise for you to visit an audiologist. They can determine if you've lost any hearing. My grandpa is 92 and can hear as well as I can.

Were you exposed to sounds that were too loud when you were younger - for extended periods of time? Can you hear someone calling out to you a few feet away?

As humans, we hear midrange frequencies with better accuracy than treble or bass. I would also's not about how much you spend - but what you buy. There are plenty of great deals out there...