Anyone (everyone) care to throw a dart?

I understand my hearing at 69 isn't even close to what it was at 19. I'm sure your results may vary. However, anyone care to throw a dart at the price point where diminishing return kicks in? There must be one out there. Regards, AB

Showing 4 responses by arizonabob

OK, there's the sarcasm (what a surprise it's your MC) now c'mon how about some righteous indignation...
Dear Doctors in the house, my hearing is quite good actually. Was once asked during a hearing test if I could hear dog whistles. The gist of the question was does a $4K HDMI cable for example justify an improvement in sound over a $1K cable to the tune (get it?) of $3000?
Thank you @kingbr, I was trying to inject a bit of levity into a discussion here, that's the reason I didn't specify an amp or speakers or cable. Thought maybe somebody would share an experience they themselves had or thoughts along the same line as @kingbr did.  Sarcasm and indignation however reigned. Lighten up, have fun and don't be so thin skinned.  Out